Develop an argument about how the use of technology, the architectural program, formal decisions, and social and cultural needs plausibly relates your building to the tradition of modern architecture.


Essay on Sainte Genevieve library. Develop an argument about how the use of technology, the architectural program (the purpose or function of the building), formal decisions (such as the design of space, the use of materials, and the choice of site), and social and cultural needs plausibly relates your building to the tradition of modern architecture. You are encouraged to view the PowerPoint images in the Canvas course files, browse the readings in these files, and to obtain images and articles from online resources such as JSTOR, SAHARA, and the Avery Index of Architectural Periodicals. Make certain you engage at least few of the course readings or other sources in developing your argument.

The Reading you could choose from:

1. Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, 164- 290.
2. Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture, 1-19.
3. Barry Bergdoll, European Architecture 1750-1890, 19-32, 86-102.
4. Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture, 707-776.
5. Frampton, Modern Architecture, 42-50.
6.Alan Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 35-56. Frampton, Modern Architecture, 51-63.

Make a recording of a 9-11 minute-PowerPoint presentation pertaining to a housing theme which has not been addressed in the abecedarium of this course. Aside from the presentation you have to submit a written version of the script, with footnotes and a bibliography.

A2: A/Z PowerPoint 30%

Make a recording of a 9-11 minute-PowerPoint presentation pertaining to a housing theme which has not been addressed in the abecedarium of this course. Aside from the presentation you have to submit a written version of the script, with footnotes and a bibliography.
Length of the text 1000-1500 words (average is 100-130 spoken words per minute)

Make a recording of a 9-11 minute-PowerPoint presentation pertaining to a housing theme which has not been addressed in the abecedarium of this course. Aside from the presentation you have to submit a written version of the script, with footnotes and a bibliography.

A2: A/Z PowerPoint 30%

Make a recording of a 9-11 minute-PowerPoint presentation pertaining to a housing theme which has not been addressed in the abecedarium of this course. Aside from the presentation you have to submit a written version of the script, with footnotes and a bibliography.
Length of the text 1000-1500 words (average is 100-130 spoken words per minute)

What is the definition of resilience? What are the different dimensions of resilience? What definition is the most appropriate when we look at the context of urban destinations? How does this fit into the sustainability debate?

The FEW-Nexus city index – Measuring urban resilience

During this synchronous distance learning session we are going to be covering the following:

Introduction to the module, its organisation and content.
Overview of expectations and outcomes
Clarification of concepts:
What is the definition of resilience?
What are the different dimensions of resilience?
What definition is the most appropriate when we look at the context of urban destinations?
How does this fit into the sustainability debate?
Attendance phase structure, expectations and preparation.

Discuss the justification for the proposed development at the current site location, with possible options for an alternative site location and any consequential impact in changing the location of the project.

Introduction to Regulatory Frameworks

Task 1 – Town and Country Planning
Provide a short, structured report, that addresses how approval for the proposed design could be achieved in the currently proposed location, and how it addresses sustainable development. The report commentary shall; relate to key elements from the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and associated legislation along with the NPPF.

The report shall include the following:

a. Discuss how the proposed development of a new village hall/community centre may impact the boundary of the adjacent greenbelt land (in relation to Chapter 13 of the NPPF).

b. Discuss the justification for the proposed development at the current site location, with possible options for an alternative site location and any consequential impact in changing the location of the project (in relation to Chapter 13 of the NPPF).

c. With the project at pre-planning stage explain how sustainability could be incorporated into the final detail plan/design to meeting the requirements of the Mid-Sussex District (Local) Plan, District Policy 39 (DP39).

Task 2 – Building Regulations
In advance of the Planning Application being granted, the Parish Council has requested that you provide an additional short, structured report, that addresses their concerns related to the ‘Full Plans’ Building Control Application and the Building Control inspection process during construction.

The report shall include the following:
a. A detailed review of the Village Hall proposal in regards to ‘Means of Escape’ and exiting requirements related to fire safety. This is to ease the client’s concerns over Building Regulation compliance with fire safety measures and should clarify if an appropriate ‘means of escape’ is provided or if adjustments are needed. This review should include discussion of these items from Approved Document B, Volume 2:

i. the number of ‘exits’ likely required and the number of appropriate ‘exits’ provided.
ii. the required maximum distance to those exits in comparison to the actual exiting distance provided for each.

iii. identification of any potential ‘Dead-End Corridors’ that may require modification in design.

iv. a basic plan drawing of the ground floor of the building with escape paths / distances shown from key occupied spaces.

b. A section devoted to Building Control inspections during construction that includes:

i. an explanation of the difference between Local Authority Building Control and an Approved Inspector and identify any key items to be aware of depending on the type of inspector assigned to the work.

c. Give an explanation of what a building control officer will be looking for at one of the following construction stages: –
i. Excavation of a strip foundation prior to the pouring of the concrete, or

ii. Ground floor, Finished Floor Level (FFL) prior to the installation of the floor screed for a beam and block floor system, or

iii. Pre-plaster, board fixing (tacking).

Task 3 – Health and Safety

Once contracts for the construction of the community centre have been awarded, and the principal contractor is on site, the client wants to ensure that the various potential site hazards and risks to any visitors to the site are clearly and visibly communicated.

For the client, design a poster reflecting the various hazards and risks for the Village Hall project during the construction phase. Base your poster’s content on your understanding of the site layout and proposed building construction, and your knowledge of the related Health and Safety Regulations.

The poster shall include a combination of images and text. Images that are not your own will need to be referenced and all text needs to be input directly into the PowerPoint (or equivalent) file. Avoid using images or scans that include embedded text, as this may compromise how Turnitin reads your file

How do you imagine this text as a physical object? What type of writing is the text? Who is the intended audience? Who can/can’t access it? How is language used in this writing? Is it effective to its purpose?

Reading Response 5

  • Write a response for each reading on the syllabus. If there are two or three readings in a week, you may read them both and comment on them using the guidelines below. Or you can just focus more on one, if you prefer. Your choice.
  • Each week should be about 200-250 words.
  • Note that you may focus your analysis more on one reading each week but try to think of how the readings fit together thematically.
  • Hand in to your Tutorial Quercus Page in the dropbox corresponding to the week.

 Part I: Meta or paratext (the “frame” around the work)

How do you imagine this text as a physical object?

What type of writing is the text? Who is the intended audience? Who can/can’t access it?

How is language used in this writing? Is it effective to its purpose?

Comment on the historical nature of the language. Does it make it difficult to read or understand?

Part 2: The “content” of the writing

 What is the writing about? What is/are he/she/they concerned with?

What is the aim of this writing? Or the purpose?

What assumptions does the author hold?

What quotes can you pull from the writing that exemplify the author’s argument?

Why do you agree with? What do you want to argue with?

Has it changed your views in any way?

Prepare a word report advising on what a value driven construction procurement process will look like, why they should consider adopting this approach, and any associated benefits and drawbacks they may experience.

Procurement and Administration

Assessment Information/Brief
You work for a Management Consultancy advising clients on the suitability of design, procurement, and project management solutions. You have been approached by a Local Authority (LA) who are considering purchasing a former bank in the centre of Salford. Their plan is to renovate it into a community centre to help rejuvenate the local area. They don’t want to be accused of over gentrification and need to ensure as much local benefit as possible – during the procurement, from the construction process, and from the finished building. The LA is aware of recent legislation and moves within the construction industry to have a more values driven procurement agenda. However, they have no in-house expertise and so are seeking advice and guidance on how to proceed. As they will be using public funds the LA will need to ensure that any spend is justifiable and value for money can be evidenced. They are also conscious of lengthy construction timescales attracting public criticism and so would like a short construction duration and as well as an
attractive completed building that is sustainable with green credentials. The LA has asked you to prepare a 1,500 word report advising on the following:

a) What a value driven construction procurement process will look like, why they should consider adopting this approach, and any associated benefits and drawbacks they may experience (30 marks)

b) A suitable procurement route for the project, with a clear rationale for its selection and suitability for their needs, including how it will work with the value driven approach outlined in question part a) (30 Marks)

Note – the total words for Task 1 (for both question a) and b) combined is to be 1,500 words) Your report should include a minimum of 5 citations. These references should be recorded using the Harvard APA 7th style

How do you imagine this text as a physical object? What type of writing is the text? Who is the intended audience? Who can/can’t access it? How is language used in this writing? Is it effective to its purpose? Comment on the historical nature of the language. Does it make it difficult to read or understand?

Weekly Caption


You are asked to write reading responses for ten weeks. Instructions below. You have two weeks where you do not have to write reading responses.


  • Write a response for each reading on the syllabus. If there are two or three readings in a week, you may read them both and comment on them using the guidelines below. Or you can just focus more on one, if you prefer. Your choice.
  • Each week should be about 200-250 words.
  • Note that you may focus your analysis more on one reading each week but try to think of how the readings fit together thematically.
  • Hand in to your Tutorial Quercus Page in the dropbox corresponding to the week.


Part I: Meta or paratext (the “frame” around the work)

How do you imagine this text as a physical object?

What type of writing is the text? Who is the intended audience? Who can/can’t access it?

How is language used in this writing? Is it effective to its purpose?

Comment on the historical nature of the language. Does it make it difficult to read or understand?


Part 2: The “content” of the writing

 What is the writing about? What is/are he/she/they concerned with?

What is the aim of this writing? Or the purpose?

What assumptions does the author hold?

What quotes can you pull from the writing that exemplify the author’s argument?

Why do you agree with? What do you want to argue with?

Has it changed your views in any way?

Why can’t we have both? Advancing the development of the British Architectural Profession by exploring the inclusion of arboricultural knowledge within the creative design process.

Tree or Building

Why can’t we have both? Advancing the development of the British Architectural Profession by exploring the inclusion of arboricultural knowledge within the creative design process.