Appraise the key legislative drivers in relation to sustainable building, low carbon design and energy efficiency of buildings. Undertake energy and carbon assessments using standard metrics and software and analyse the results of such assessments.

Environmental Science and Services

This coursework addresses the module learning outcomes. Namely, by the end of the module the successful student will be able to:

1. Appraise the key legislative drivers in relation to sustainable building, low carbon design and energy efficiency of buildings. (KU)

2. Undertake energy and carbon assessments using standard metrics and software and analyse the results of such assessments. (KU)

3. Evaluate the function and design of building services for a simple building, relating to sustainability and human comfort. (KU)

word count of 1000 words max and should include text, drawings and calculations. Note. Drawings, tables and calculations will not count towards your 1000 word count.

coursework requires you to propose 2 enhancements to the house which improve its energy performance characteristics by reducing its operational energy demand.

Your 2 enhancements must be as follows:-

1. To improve the fabric of the building, supported by u-value calculations

2. To improve the heating of the building

You will evidence the improvements to the building through comparing the building performance of the house you are given, with the one which incorporates your enhancements.

Your report is to be presented with the following supporting information (as a minimum):-

1. A title page. – Not included in word count

2. A contents page. – Not included in word count 3.A clear introduction setting out the performance characteristics of the house before your suggested enhancements. This could commentary on information such as:

a. the building’s use

b. it’s existing construction

c. the site and location

4.Proposalsand rationale behind your 2 chosen enhancements including demonstrating how they are compatible with the building’s existing or proposed use, construction and location.

5.Supporting drawings and calculations should be of relevant technical details complete with explanatory notes.

6.The report should be professionally presented, organised in a logical manner. It should be easy to follow and to identify the main points.

7.The graphic material should add value, not confuse or have a neutral effect.

8.A conclusion, providing a clear summary of your proposals.

9.A list of references. Not included in word count.

10.The text is to be written with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.


What are the benefits of implementing lean and agile management methods to CPM? Is there a possibility of applying techniques like scrum, last planner, BIM, etc. to be implemented in CPM in order to save valuable time and costs?

Agile and lean approaches to construction project management

This thesis aims to study and analyze the existing research available on the application of agile techniques in construction project management and explore the possible answers to the questions:
• What are the benefits of implementing lean and agile management methods to CPM?
• Is there a possibility of applying techniques like scrum, last planner, BIM, etc. to be implemented in CPM in order to save valuable time and costs?

Research what types of materials would be good in a post tsunami environment, in Japan, what type of living they require, what their lifestyle is etc.

Japanese Tsunami 2011

Building post disaster housing-  Research what types of materials would be good in a post tsunami environment, in Japan, what type of living they require, what their lifestyle is etc.

Also Sketch something that would be traditional to have in the housing.

Discuss (with clarity and focus) why you want to study urban planning, why you want to study at UC Berkeley, and how our program can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

Statement of Purpose

This paper is a statement of purpose for admissions into the University of California, Berkeley.

This is the prompt I followed:

A. Discuss (with clarity and focus) why you want to study urban planning, why you want to study at UC Berkeley, and how our program can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

B. We encourage you to consider your responses to the questions below.

i.The Present: What brought you to pursue graduate study in planning?

ii.The Past: What academic, employment experiences (professional work experience and/or internships) or activities (research, co-curricular activities, leadership roles, etc.) bear on your qualifications for this planning program? How do these experiences relate to your decision to study planning?

iii.The Future: What are your long-term career goals? In following the completion of your graduate degree in planning, what kinds of work and professional activities would you like to engage?

In the Background Materials, provide a scan or photo of one page respectively from each of your sources. The scans can include further maps or visual sources. Provide enough textual evidence of how you derived your arguments or account.

Addendum: Wulingyuan Scenic and historic interest area

Strictly follow these instructions and the assignment outline. There are examples of the professors addendum and how he wants it. The powerpoint attachment is an example of the composite illustrations.

1. 750 addendum
2. composite illustration
3. background materials

• The written Addendum, which should not exceed 700 words presented single-spaced on one page, provides a supplementary account of the World Heritage Site. It should not include a repetition of the existing criteria by which OUV is established, nor should it attempt to define the site by fitting it into an additional criterion. Instead, the purpose of the account is to determine how the site might be redefined as a ‘dynamic system’, giving weight to missing facets of the site’s history or its present-day challenges. Your word count should be given.

• In this written Addendum, keep in mind the application of HUL as a theoretical framework, whether it is clearly applicable or only remotely so. Should the site be far-removed from urban centers, consider how tourism, trade, and ties might link it to populations in cities worldwide (as Lectures suggest).

• In the Composite Image, which is referenced through in-text figure numbers in the Addendum, include at least one map that places the site in geographical or historical contexts. Provide captions (with sources cited) for the map and for each additional image (up to five images). With the graphic or design skills you have developed in other courses, make this
Composite Image as lively as possible, bringing the key issues to life.

• In the Background Materials, provide a scan or photo of one page respectively from each of your sources (limiting this to no more than three scans/photos). The scans can include further maps or visual sources. Provide enough textual evidence of how you derived your arguments or account.

NOTE: A bibliography — Works Cited — should follow at the end or it may be included as an
additional page directly after the written Addendum.

Write a bout how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method.

LA River Flood and how to control it

Write a bout how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method. What activities could happen on Flood and Dry season.

Describe the Exterior space of Shutter Island through the clip given. Talk about the patients, the garden, the employees, the building, architectural elements and the nurses.

Shutter Island Exterior Space

Describe the Exterior space of Shutter Island through the clip given. Talk about the patients, the garden, the employees, the building, architectural elements and the nurses. Relate the orientation of the shutter island asylum to the Kirkbride Plan. Describe Ward A, B, and C from the movie shutter island.

Examine the process used to obtain planning permission for the construction and alteration of buildings. Discuss the processes and regulations used to control design and to ensure safe buildings.

HNC – Construction & The Built Environment – Unit 5 Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction

Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report, which contains four sections as set out in the Assignment Brief and Guidance below. The recommended word limit is 4000 words. You will not be penalised for exceeding this word-count but should keep in mind the importance of being clear and concise in professional documents.
Your answers should be written in a concise, formal business style. The selection of font face, font size and line- spacing are left to your discretion but you should keep in mind the importance of clarity and readability in professional documents. You are encouraged to use drawings, images, graphics, and charts to support your report and presentation. Any material that is derived from other sources must be suitably referenced using a standard citation format.
Review the Unit Content from the Unit Specification along with the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria shown below thoroughly. This shows the depth of knowledge that you must demonstrate in the submission. It is important that your submission meets ALL of the PASS criteria as a minimum requirement. Remember the tasks set up in this brief provide the opportunity for you to respond appropriately to the assessment criteria.

Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Examine the process used to obtain planning permission for the construction and alteration of buildings.
LO2 Discuss the processes and regulations used to control design and to ensure safe buildings.
LO3 Assess the laws used to ensure that construction sites operate safely and consider adjoining land-users.
LO4 Assess how the law of contract and land law are used to sell and lease land and buildings.

Discuss the role of resource leveling and effec@ve management of the construc@on programme to achieve shorter construc@on @me within the proposed housing development.

Construction process management

Assessment task details and instruc(ons
There are 3 Ques@ons to be answered in this coursework and all details are provided below 1. Shen, et al (2004) and several other researchers in the construction industry examined waste management in construction sites. However, waste management is a broader

Assessment Informa-on/Brief

concept not just limited to site management. A lot of commentators argue that the scope of waste management should be much wider, and that better value can be realised and achieved if waste management is considered very early in the design and construction life cycle. By researching into this area from both a process and waste management perspective (as two different bodies of knowledge) write a critical essay on how the build-up of waste can be minimised and costs can be optimised across the construction process.
[Maximum word count for the critical essay is 2000. This includes cover sheets, any table of contents, any appendices (if any) and the reference list. Ensure that no irrelevant appendices are added as it will unduly increase word count without adding much value to your mark] Note that the referencing style to be used is APA 7th .

2. You are required to construct a risk register for the below type of project based on the following details.
Identify eight possible risk events (from areas such as environmental constraints, planning, procurement of materials, labour supply and plant hire / movement, health and safety and other specific circumstances of project) for a city centre project delivering a high-rise block of apartments and construct an appropriate risk register to
include the chosen risk events. (the risk register should include / demonstrate the risk analysis into components and the overall risks (any associated colour coding), in the case of any interventions into mitigating any of the high risks and the resultant or the residual risks after the mitigation measures, and illustration of ownership of risks). You are also
required to construct a list of assumptions and / or considerations in articulating your risk events.
[The risk register table and the list of assumptions indicative word count = 1000 words]
[No referencing is required for Q2]
(15 Marks)

3. A housing developer has plans to develop a major residen@al estate in the outskirts of Manchester. They have put forward a plan to the local council to construct 100 housing units with other facili@es, infrastructure and a recrea@on area. Their proposal also includes a localised urban drainage system so as not to put pressure on exis@ng
infrastructure facili@es and services. The developer has already suggested a shorter construc@on dura@on so that the commercial advantages can be realised earlier amidst several compe@ng housing developments coming up in the area. Due to the shorter length of construc@on, it is an@cipated that the builders will incorporate an offsite

Assessment Informa-on/Brief

manufacturer within their team to consider using such modern techniques to ensure @mely comple@on.

You are required to answer the following 4 parts based on the above scenario in Q3:

(i) Identify and Discuss the stakeholder engagement plan to op@mise the par@cipa@on of the stakeholders in this proposed housing development. [indicative word count = 750 words]  (20 Marks)

(ii) Discuss the role of resource leveling and effec@ve management of the construc@on programme to achieve shorter construc@on @me within the proposed housing development. [Indica@ve word count = 500 words] (10 Marks)

(iii) The scenario men@ons the incorpora@on of a ‘sustainable urban drainage system’ within the development. Briefly explain 5 possible ways in which such a scheme will posi@vely impact the environment. [Indica@ve word count = 250 words] (5 Marks)

(iv) According to the RICS Guidance note (2017) “if Value Management (VM) is to have a significant impact, then it must be used from a very early stage of the project”. Discuss this ra@onale for the use of VM for the design and construc@on of housing in this development scheme. [Indica@ve word count = 500 words] (10 Marks)

You are welcome to chose another topic, but discuss your ideas with me first for approval. If you chose an alternative topic make sure it falls within the scope of this course—Prehistoric art through Early Judaism and Christianity.

What was the Roman achievement in architecture? Use specific examples that best illustrate Roman innovation.


You are welcome to chose another topic, but discuss your ideas with me first for approval. If you chose an alternative topic make sure it falls within the scope of this course—Prehistoric art through Early Judaism and Christianity.