Discuss the feasibility of meeting the reduction/generation in usage outlined in part.

Technology Management
(10 pts. total) A 6-story (10 feet per story) rectangular commercial building with a footprint of 6000 ft2 is being built by a developer on a previously developed 0.8 acre site on Long Island. The project is slated to cost $15 million. 1) Answer the following about the building with regard to LEED scoring in the Energy and Atmosphere category (base the energy usage on the included CBECS data below):

a. Estimate the following values: (2 pts.)
• Total baseline energy usage
• Reduction/generation in usage to earn 4 points:
o under EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance, Option 1
o using on-site renewable energy generation
o using captured bio-methane from a nearby landfill

b. Based on at least three references (one for each bullet), discuss the feasibility of
meeting the reduction/generation in usage outlined in part.

(a). (2 pts.) c. Determine if a 40-ton HVAC system can earn points under Option 2 of EA Credit:
Enhanced Refrigerant Management if the system uses HFC-410a as a refrigerant.
(Assume 10 years of life, 150 total lb of refrigerant used, and default values for all others.) If not, propose two ways to allow the HVAC system meet the requirement
(may state this last part; no calculations are necessary).

2) Address the ability of the project to earn 3 points under Option 2 of MR Credit: Building Life
Cycle Impact Reduction. Use one reference to address how it can be done for each of the 3 impact areas you select, and what the benefits in terms of the 3 E’s are.

Explain the benefits of VR & AR in the field of Architecture.

Explain the benefits of VR & AR in the field of Architecture.

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region.

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region. The case of the Northwest Region of Bulgaria.

Explain the origin of the architectural forms of Ottoman congregational mosques.

Prompt for the take-home final exam on the development of mosque architecture
get acquainted with the material in the PowerPoint. If you wish, you may bring more material from other sources, but the set of monuments in the PowerPoint is sufficient to trace the general trends in the development of congregational mosque architectures from the 7th to the 16th century. All the monuments in your PowerPoint are discussed in your textbook and you should use it as your principal source of information.
address the following questions:
1. What are the major elements of early mosque buildings (for example Kufa) and where did they come from?

2. In the further discussion pay attention to the function and significance, the appearance and the development of such elements of mosque architecture as qibla wall, mihrab, minaret, minbar (mimbar), maqsura, entrance portal, and internal (courtyard) façade.

3. Finally, explain the origin (sources) of the architectural forms of Ottoman congregational mosques.

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region.

How does demographic decline and economic restructuring, impact planning and conditions for planning in a peripheral European region. The case of the Northwest Region of Bulgaria.

Briefly discuss two different cities that underwent extensive urban redesigns during this period and address both some of the large-scale changes they made or wanted to make

During the mid and end of the 19th-century society witness a surge in population in a number of the cities throughout Europe and the Americas. However, many of these cities possessed their medieval layouts and designs and it became apparent that cities needed to be redesigned to accommodate this increase in population. This included both redesigning the urban layouts as well as rethinking the type of structures that best suited a more diverse and larger population. Briefly discuss two different cities that underwent extensive urban redesigns during this period and address both some of the large-scale changes they made or wanted to make, i.e. new streets and public institutions, as well as some of the new types of structures that were developed during this period. 3-5 paragraphs

What are the structural advantages of this system

Step 1: Research. You should research your structural applications and the construction process used to create your architectural element.

• History of this application/structural system

• How is it made?

• What units and materials is it made of?

• Describe the construction/assembly process.

• What are the structural advantages of this system


Explain and elaborate on what Jane Jacobs was attempting to say in the quote below.

Explain and elaborate on what Jane Jacobs was attempting to say in the quote below. In particular, explain (using examples and images) what she meant by “the best thing that can be said of the conception is that it did afford a chance to experiment with some physical and social planning theories which did not pan out.” Finally, explain whether or not you agree with her, and why.