Write your own comments about the effectiveness & efficiency of the chosen website.

Pick a museum of art website research looking at its content, design, sitemap, positives and deficiencies. Also write your own comments about the effectiveness & efficiency of the chosen website.

Describe, in specific detail, what makes the work appealing and stimulating.


 As part of the assignments for this course, each student must attend a culture event or a center of their choosing. Cultural event or center refers to a social gathering for festive purposes or center where culture is promoted. Examples include a street festival, certain concerts, museum exhibitions, plays, etc. Approval must be sought from the instructor via the form found in Week 2 content.

Please keep in mind that these should be proper and befitting a college level course. Attendance of a Shakespearean play or other theatrical work from a professional company serves the idea well. Attendance of a k-12 production of any sort does not. Attendance of a sporting event does not count; however, attendance of a sporting museum may count if approached correctly. A Pink Floyd would not count (even though I love them) but attendance of a Pink Floyd enhanced light show backed up by the Atlanta Philharmonic would.  Think and choose wisely. If it seems even the slight bit questionable, choose something else.

General Requirements Checklist


For the Cover Page

Please include the following information on a title page on a COVER PAGE (Note: The cover page does not count as part of the page requirement):

Title (Keep it simple)

Full Name:

Student Id #:

Course Number with CRN:



For the Body of the Paper

  • Typed in English
  • 12 – point font.
  • 1” margins
  • Garamond or Times New Roman.
  • Do not use elaborate fonts or italics (except where appropriate, i.e. book titles).
  • Double spaced.
  • 2 -3 full pages (not including cover page). Please note that a partial page does not count as a full page. Ex. 1.75 pages are NOT acceptable.
  • Indent paragraphs 5 spaces on the first line.
  • Each page should include your last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE NUMBERS ON THE COVER PAGE. If you do not know how to do this, look up a video or search online for help.

Make the paper clear and easy to read. Grammar and spelling will count. Avoid the use of passive voice. You may use the first person (I), so avoid constructions such as “in the museum, I saw that …”

Critique the work or event, avoiding such phrases as “the piece is “pretty” or “interesting”. Describe, in specific detail, what makes the work appealing and stimulating. Use the new terminology learned in the readings.


You must attend the artwork or event in person. You may not write about works or events already viewed, attended, found on the internet or in books. If you use words from another author, you must either put quotes around them or use a paraphrase. In either case, you must cite where the information comes from. For example, do not copy information from a museum catalogue or a placard without noting the source in your paper.




In these papers, you should begin by describing the event you at tended, including its location, and an overall summary. I want your intelligent opinions (critiques) of the art backed up with reasons, illustrations, and examples. In your introduction, you should have a key point that will tie all your specific examples together. For example, if you attend a sculpture exhibit, you could focus your paper around the use of texture in the pieces. Then your body paragraphs would include descriptions of specific examples.


In your body paragraphs you should choose two- or three-piece s that caught your attention and seem to best represent your point. The most important thing to remember here is to tie together the aesthetic elements with your feelings and thoughts about the piece(s). If you are describing the use of color in a painting, describe both what the colors are and how those particular colors contribute to your impression of the artwork. (This is only an example. You don’t have to discuss color usage if you critique a painting.)

Your summary should describe your overall impression of the event. Would you recommend this event to others? Why or why not? What is your evaluation of the event? Is there a way to improve it? Be sure to include analysis in this section.


See COURSE ASSIGNMENATS under PAPERS & GUIDELINES for full information. 


What do you think distinguishes you and/or your outlook?

Manifesto Topic Memo
As you begin to consider your manifesto, think about the various ways you are connected to the arts, intellectually, in practice, and affectively. Spend about 30 minutes playing around with the following questions, taking notes on your answers (writing down your answers is critical, and I recommend doing this first part w/ paper & pen before sitting down to type):
What motivates you?
What do you think distinguishes you and/or your outlook?
What makes your work or your viewpoint unique?
What do you like/love about the work?
Imagine that whatever you answer, the reader responds with, “That’s really interesting. Why do you think that is?” and answer a little more deeply.
Once you’ve explored those questions for a half hour or so, if you’re feeling motivated, type 1-2 pages explaining what you want your manifesto to be about. If you’re not feeling motivated, take a break and return to your notes within the next day to type up the 1-2 page memo.

In Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, how does Thomas use the imagery of light and dark in this poem?

Chapter 4 (Chapter 35), The Quest for Meaning (please answer questions in complete sentences)
1)Regarding Sartre’s “Existentialism”, in your own words, explain “existence precedes essence” and “existential anguish.”
2)In Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, what aspect of “the absurd” are communicated in this reading?
3) In Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, how does Thomas use the imagery of light and dark in this poem?
4)Does religious faith play any part in Thomas’ poem?
5) In Tagore’s The Man Had No Useful Work, what does each figure in Tagore’s allegory represent?
6)In Tagore’s The Man Had No Useful Work, is there a “moral to the story?
7)How did Abstract Expressionism happen, what gave rise to its currency?
8)What is so revolutionary about Alexander Calder’s mobiles?
9)Whose theories were the most outrageous, influential and mind blowing: Mies van der Rohe, R. Buckminster Fuller or John Cage?

How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Lessons: Week 1, 2, 3
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
This week you will use your readings from the past two weeks as a point of departure to create your own artistic production and a reflection paper.

Part 1: Art Creation
Select one of the visual art pieces from Chapters 1-6 or the lessons from Weeks 1-3 to use as a point of inspiration. Create a painting, sculpture, drawing, or work of architecture inspired by your selected art piece.

Part 2: Reflection
Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper:

Inspiration Piece
Include image.
Record the title, artist, year, and place of origin.
Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.
Your Art Piece
Include image.
Provide a title.
Explain the background of your piece.
Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces.
How are they similar and different?
Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?
How do the formal elements of design compare to one another?
Original Artwork Requirements

Methods: paint, watercolor, pencil, crayon, marker, collage, clay, metal, or wood (Check with your instructor about other methods you have in mind.)
No computer-generated pieces
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page, references page, or image of artwork)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source)
This activity will be graded based on the W3 Art Creation & Reflection Grading Rubric.

Compare/contrast these three sculptures – Woman of Willendorf (Paleolithic), Seated Scribe (Egyptian), and Old Woman (Greek)

Compare/contrast these three sculptures – Woman of Willendorf (Paleolithic), Seated Scribe (Egyptian), and Old Woman (Greek)

Explain in detail how performance art challenges the conventions of traditional forms of art such as painting and sculpture.

Assignment Four


Answer the following questions in as much detail as possible. Your answers should be at least two paragraphs in length and needs to follow a logical thought process throughout. Please type your discussion below each question. You should turn in this assignment using the assignment tab in module one on Moodle. Please do not email me this assignment.

1.) Explain what performance art is in your own words. Give a brief history of its origin and why you think it is important today.

Performance art is a type of art that people demonstrate live through actions. These actions could include dance, music, opera, theatre and musical theatre, magic, spoken word, or puppetry. It`s where artists perform in front of an audience and express and show their work by performing. Performance arts became more known and used in the 1970s. The history of this type of art is remembered around the time of futurist productions and dada cabarets of the 1910s.

This type of art was commonly known as a non-traditional way of creating art. Performance art is important today for a few reasons. One reason is that it is a way to express ourselves through different styles within theatre. It uses our ideas on how we view the world of art. Everyone has a different perspective on this type of art. This requires an adequate amount of creative skills, knowledge, and abilities.

2.)  Explain in detail how performance art challenges the conventions of traditional forms of art such as painting and sculpture.

Performance art challenges the conventions of traditional forms of art such as painting and sculpture in a few ways. One way is that it’s a more unique way that one could vividly express one’s ideas by putting on a show. Painting is a more formal way of showing what goes through one`s mind on a canvas. Sculpture is a totally different way of showing how an idea or thought could create a piece of art through the use of three dimensions. These two are a whole different type of art similar to performing arts except the artists use their whole body to show art. While in traditional arts such as painting and sculpture, modern artists have the opportunity to integrate a reimagined possibility.

3.) How does performance art borrow styles and ideas from other forms of art? Does it borrow from other forms of activity not associated with art? Give some examples.

4.) In what ways are the compositional elements of line, form, color, mass, and texture present in performance art? Give some specific example. Color could be the outfits or costumes. Mass could be

5.) Explain the performance piece “Rhythm 0” in your own words. What does this piece try to communicate? Explain it in terms of communication.

6.) Explain the performance piece “A Living Door of the Museum.” What does this piece try to communicate? Explain it in terms of communication.

7.) Explain the relationship between Marina and Ulay. How and why do you think their relationship was important to the world of performance art?

8.) What was the last of Marina and Ulay’s relationship works? Explain the piece in your own words. What was the piece trying to communicate?

9.) Explain the piece “Transfiguration.” Did you like this piece? Explain in detail why you did or did not. Why do you think the piece was called “Transfiguration?”

10.) Why do you think many people have such an issue excepting performance art as “real” art? Give some examples of why you think performance art is or is not “real” art.



According to Tony Movshon, the eye itself is very similar to a camera. In what ways?

  1. At the beginning of the discussion, Eric Kandel says that visual perception does not work as a camera works. This is discussed throughout the talk. What is meant by this? In what ways is vision not like how a camera works?
  2. According to Tony Movshon, the eye itself is very similar to a camera. In what ways?
  3. The seminal work of Hubel and Wiesel is discussed. What did Hubel and Wiesel do? Why did they do this work? What did they discover?
  4. What is a receptive field?
  5. What stimulus do photoreceptors in the retina respond to? What stimulus do cells in the early visual cortex respond to?
  6. What does Eric Kandel mean by hierarchical processing in the visual system? How does the work of Hubel and Wiesel demonstrate this principle?
  7. What do the researchers mean when they talk about localization of function in the visual system? Nancy Kanwisher discusses the evidence for this. What is the evidence that she presents?
  8. Pawan Sinha talks about the work he has done with blind children in India, named Project Prakash. What was the work his team did and why was it important in teaching us about how the visual system works? In other words, what did they discover about how newly sighted children see the world? Do they see the world in the same way as those with normal vision?
  9. Ted Adelson talks about how the brain is doing detective work on the incoming sensory signals and he uses a stimulus (the dalmatian dog) to illustrate this. Explain what he means when he says the brain is doing detective work. Why is the image on the retina ambiguous? What is the brain doing with that incoming ambiguous information?
  10. Pawan Sinha talks about “the programs for learning vision” in the context of his work with Project Prakash. Can these programs be activated later in life after infancy? What is the evidence for this that he presents?
  11. The researchers discuss the problem of creating computers that have vision. What are the problems? How does our visual system compare to the visual system of current computers with recognizing faces?
  12. Towards the end of the discussion, the researchers talk about how much of our visual system is genetically determined. Is everything determined genetically? What evidence is there for neural plasticity, or the brain changing due to experience and not to genetics?


How do the contemporary artists reimagine or transform Arabic calligraphy through their art?

Arabic calligraphy: past and present

Islamic art

Arabic calligraphy continues to be a vibrant tradition up to the present day. In this Assignment, please write a 1 page essay (minimum 600 words) comparing and contrasting the calligraphy of a 10th-century folio from an early Qur’an (shown below) with the calligraphy of at least two of the following three contemporary artists: Soraya Sayed, Osman Waqilla, and Mouneer al-Shaarani (images and videos below). I have provided you with some basic information about the works. Your essay should include an introduction, two body paragraphs (one for each comparison) and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and a conclusion sentence. Your comparisons should be based on formal analysis of the three works.  In your analysis, you might consider some of the following questions:

How do the early Qur’anic calligraphers and the contemporary artists use Arabic text in different ways (consider line, color, text, organization, materials, etc.)?

How do the contemporary artists reimagine or transform Arabic calligraphy through their art? Should these contemporary artists be described as calligraphers? Why or why not?

Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century?

Chapter 3, Total War, Totalitarianism, and the Arts (please answer questions in complete sentences.)
1. Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century?
2. In Owen’s Dulce Et Decorum Est, why does the poet try to reconcile the technology of modern war with traditional ideas of patriotism?
3. It has been said that T.S. Eliot favored “biblical rhythms”. In ‘The Waste Land ‘ what effects do they achieve?
4. Is the Second Coming, what is Yeats describing, deliverance or destruction?
5. What elements in Remarque’s All Quite on the Western Front, contribute to a sense of macabre?
6. How does Remarque achieve cinematic momentum?
7. How are the images of birth and death conflated by Jarrell’s The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner
8. What are haiku’s, and who is Shuson?
9. In Wiesel’s Night, what similarities and differences are there with Remarque?