Write a research project paper on IoT AI Face Recognition Bot/Technology that is 3500 to 5000 words in APA format.

Artificial Intelligence Question

Write a research project paper on IoT AI Face Recognition Bot/Technology that is 3500 to 5000 words in APA format. Refer to the PowerPoint attached for a guide, the areas in the research paper should include: –

  • Introduction – What is IoT Face Recognition Bot – Face Recognition throughout the Decades – How it works – Benefits – Why we use it – Faults – Future –
  • Conclusion

How far are you in your project? If you have implemented any parts of your code, include them in the submitted document.

Project Description and Progress 

Submit a report that includes a description of your project, and your current progress.

Project Description

Keep the descriptions short and concise. I do not expect a long report. Utilize your time to work more on the project idea and code. The project description should include

Project Title

Project Description and Scope

What Type of Agent?

Description of the Task Environment

Description of any datasets used in the project.

Current Progress

How far are you in your project? If you have implemented any parts of your code, include them in the submitted document.

If you have not started implementation yet, that is fine, just mention that. By now, you are expected to provide full project description so that you can spend the rest of this week on implementation.

Assignment Submission

Submit a single document that includes the project description and current progress.

Point Distribution

40 Points: Project Title, Description and Scope, Dataset Descriptions (if any)

10 Points: Type of Developed AI Agent

15 Points: Description of the Task Environment

10 Points: Current Progress


Describe and implement state descriptions, move generators, terminal tests, utility functions, and evaluation functions for one of the following stochastic games: Slide and Ladders, Trouble, The Game of Life, or Craps.

Artificial intelligence

Describe and implement state descriptions, move generators, terminal tests, utility functions, and evaluation functions for one of the following stochastic games: Slide and Ladders, Trouble, The Game of Life, or Craps.