Explain Nucleic Acids and Biological Information Flow

Explain Nucleic Acids and Biological Information Flow (genetic Engineering)

Describe the structures involved in gas exchange.

Describe the structures involved in gas exchange.

Explain how animal cells use nutrients to provide energy for growth, movement and cell division

Write a 4000 word illistrated report on cell biology.


Unit Introduction
1.1: Discuss selected characteristics of living cells
1.2: Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the impact viruses have on them
1.3: Discuss eukaryotic sub-cellular structure and organelles
2.1: Explain the role of the cell membrane in regulating nutrients and waste products
2.2: Explain how animal cells use nutrients to provide energy for growth, movement and cell division
2.3: Discuss the synthesis of proteins
2.4: Explain the role of nucleic acids in the nucleus and cytoplasm
3.1: Explain the generation of specialised tissues from embryonic stem cells
3.2: Explain the importance of interphase and factors that initiate cell division
3.3: Explain how the same genetic information is received by each daughter cell
3.4: Compare and contrast cancer cells with normal cells

Describe dysrhythmia and discuss its significance

Describe dysrhythmia and discuss its significance

Explain the role of endosymbiosis in the development of eukaryotic cells.

Explain the role of endosymbiosis in the development of eukaryotic cells.

Watch the video, then write a 100 word essay summarizing what you think are the important points

Watch the video, then write a 100 word essay summarizing what you think are the important points


Explain Separation Techniques of Lactic acid obtained from sugarcane bagasse.

Explain Separation Techniques of Lactic acid obtained from sugarcane bagasse.

Write what kind of bacteria  Escherichia coli (E. coli) is, is it a gram positive or gram negative, where does is come from and how was it found?

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Write what kind of bacteria  Escherichia coli (E. coli) is, is it a gram positive or gram negative, where does is come from and how was it found?


What is the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19?

a. What is SARS-CoV-2?
1) Describe the virus and its structure.
2) Describe how it infects and replicates in the body (consider ACE and/or how viruses use host machinery to replicate themselves)?
3) What is the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19?
4) Is it the same as the flu? Why or why not?
b. Transmission:
1) What does transmission mean with regard to infectious diseases?
2) What is/are the route(s) of transmission for coronavirus?
3) What does the term transmission rate (R0, pronounced “R naught”) mean in epidemiology?
4) Compare R0 for coronavirus with that of other common illnesses (for example, influenza, measles, polio, Ebola) and explain what this means about how transmissible coronavirus is compared to other diseases.
5) What are the best ways to prevent transmission of coronavirus?
6) Additional resources may be found at https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
c. Where did coronavirus come from?
1) What is meant by host species of a virus?
2) What is a zoonotic disease?
3) How are they spread?
4) What is spillover?
5) Define reservoir, host, and intermediate host in regard to zoonotic diseases.
6) What do scientists think are the most likely reservoirs or intermediate hosts for coronavirus? Do scientists know for sure?
7) How could humans increase the likelihood of zoonotic disease transmission to humans?
d. COVID-19 Treatment
1) Are there any FDA-approved medical treatments for COVID-19 (i.e., ones that are not in the experimental or clinical trials stages but have been “proven” effective)?
2) What are some of the possible medical treatments that are being considered?
e. COVID-19 Vaccines
1) What vaccines have been approved for the prevention of COVID-19? What vaccines are in clinical trials?
2) Describe the technology underlying these vaccines (for example, virus, viral vector, DNA-based, RNA-based, etc.) and how that type of vaccine works.