Using the Wall Street Journal menu link, select an article that relates to leadership and persuasion or to achieving results with effective leadership. Briefly explain why you chose the article and how it relates to either leadership and persuasion or achieving results.

Leadership and persuasion

Using the Wall Street Journal menu link, select an article that relates to leadership and persuasion or to achieving results with effective leadership. Briefly explain why you chose the article and how it relates to either leadership and persuasion or achieving results.

Applying leadership concepts that we have covered so far in this course, what is your perspective on how culture drives results at Amazon? What evidence do we have of the impact that this kind of press has had on Amazon?

Leadership concepts

Applying leadership concepts that we have covered so far in this course, what is your perspective on how culture drives results at Amazon?

The article was published in 2015. What evidence do we have of the impact that this kind of press has had on Amazon? Locate and post a more recent news article addressing either:

  • Steps Amazon has taken to make changes, or
  • Whether there were unfair biases in the original reporting

As a marketer, what are the implications to this, and what could be your corresponding strategy as a result? When responding to your classmates, consider how you can enhance the decision-making process with their proposed strategies.


A cognitive purchase decision is the outcome of a series of stages that results in the selection of one product over competing options. Studies have shown that 57% of a complex purchase decision is made before the consumer even speaks to a sales or customer service person. As a marketer, what are the implications to this, and what could be your corresponding strategy as a result? When responding to your classmates, consider how you can enhance the decision-making process with their proposed strategies.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document. Rubrics ffl Discussion Rubric: Graduate Filter by: All Threads v

Merit pay plans appear to be the most common form of compensation in the United States. Based on your knowledge of merit pay systems, identify one job for which merit pay may be appropriate and another for which it may be inappropriate. What is the rationale for your choices?


APA format providing parenthetical citations, and a Reference list at the end of your post

Multiple authoritative resources including the assigned textbook (shows scholarly work)

Be thorough, complete and relatively comprehensive in your commentary.

Answer the following topical discussion question for the week:

3-4. Merit pay plans appear to be the most common form of compensation in the United States. Based on your knowledge of merit pay systems, identify one job for which merit pay may be appropriate and another for which it may be inappropriate. What is the rationale for your choices?


Required Textbook:
Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Approach
10th Edition
Jospeh J Martocchio
Publisher: Pearson
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: Print ISBN: 9780135226131, 0135226139
eText ISBN: 9780135175910, 0135175917

Using your knowledge from this week’s reading and research, develop a well-formatted summary of each author’s work. Develop an annotated bibliography in the correct format adding seven articles. Include the main points of the article and what the author is conveying to the reader. Clearly identify how this article is related to your dissertation research topic.

BUS-7100 Week 4

This week, you will practice summarizing and critiquing articles by developing an annotated bibliography. Select articles that are related to your dissertation research topic from differing points of view.

Using your knowledge from this week’s reading and research, develop a well-formatted summary of each author’s work. Some sources may be longer than others. A paragraph is sufficient as long as you have covered the content. Usually, two or three paragraphs are needed. However, this is a summary that can be quickly scanned to understand the points of the content.

Assignment Instructions:

Develop an annotated bibliography in the correct format adding seven articles.
Include the main points of the article and what the author is conveying to the reader.
Clearly identify how this article is related to your dissertation research topic.
Each article review should be two to three paragraphs plus your conclusion.
Include a title page and reference page.

Analyze contemporary trends and issues in effective supply chain management. Does your assessment help your students demonstrate your stated learning objectives? Can your assessment be completed with what you have taught your MBA students and additional research they can reasonably complete using the university library or credible Internet resources? Can your assessment be accurately measured with the rubric you created?


Part 2 After you have taught your MBA students, you must determine if they have absorbed the material sufficiently to demonstrate your stated learning objectives. Create a written assessment that is not an instrument such as a quiz or test, such as an essay, case-study analysis, small focused research project, or a combination of strategies. The assessment submission should be required to be 3–6 double-spaced content pages in length, plus title and reference pages. You should also set a minimum number of sources for your students to support their work. For a 3–6 page submission, 6–12 is often appropriate, depending on the type of assessment you are designing. You will also need to complete a rubric to measure the extent to which students demonstrated mastery of the material. The department chair has specified that your assessment must evaluate student achievement on at least one of two course learning objectives: Recommend a framework for supply chain management. Analyze contemporary trends and issues in effective supply chain management. Keep these learning objectives in mind as you are creating your assessment.

Additional important considerations are:

  • Does your assessment help your students demonstrate your stated learning objectives?
  • Can your assessment be completed with what you have taught your MBA students and additional research they can reasonably complete using the university library or credible Internet resources?
  • Can your assessment be accurately measured with the rubric you created?
  • Is your rubric constructed in such a way that you can easily provide clear, useful feedback to your students?

For this portion of the assignment, submit: Complete instructions for an assessment for students to prepare, including required content and expectations of formatting and rigor. A completed grading rubric, including three performance levels describing what is considered excellent, proficient, and basic quality work for each criterion. Your assignment will be considered successful to the extent that it: Includes a measurable assessment that aligns with the content, learning objectives, and expectations for adult students in a supply chain management lesson plan. Provides an appropriate and aligned rubric that facilitates the evaluation and communication of achievement of adult learners regarding specific learning objectives related to supply chain management.

Additional Requirements As you complete your assignment, be sure your submission meets the following guidelines: Written communication: Use error-free, doctoral-level writing, with original (non-plagiarized) content, logical phrasing, and accurate word choices. APA formatting: Format all references and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to the Academic Writer as needed. Font and font size: Use appropriate professional typography for Part 1: headings set at 24–36 points and bulleted list items at 16–18 points as a guideline. Use a consistent, APA-compliant font, 12 points for Part 2. Length: Part 1, PowerPoint deck, 10–15 slides with detailed notes sections. Part 2, as needed to accommodate the assessment, roughly 3–6 double-spaced pages. Scholarship: Utilize the five resources you analyzed in your Week 4 assignment plus three scholarly or practitioner sources to support your points.

For the above risks, determine the type of response strategy that you will use for each. Describe your response strategy for each. Describe the specific method of handling each risk. Strategies for positive risks include accept, enhance, exploit, and share. Strategies for negative risks include accept, mitigate, avoid, and transfer.

Unit 3 – Individual Project

This week, you will use the provided template to complete the Project Risk Analyses and Risk Response Strategy sections. You may use those risks that you identified in Unit 2 or come up with new ones based on a different project scenario of your choosing.

Complete the Project Risk Analyses section by doing the following:
For at least 5 risks, perform a qualitative risk analysis, and complete the probability and impact matrix.
For at least 5 risks, perform a quantitative risk analysis, and complete the quantitative risk analysis results matrix.
For each risk, estimate the probability of occurrence and the potential impact level using scales of 1–5, with 1 being the lowest probability and potential impact.
Complete the Project Risk Response and Implementation Strategy section by doing the following:
For the above risks, determine the type of response strategy that you will use for each.
Describe your response strategy for each. Describe the specific method of handling each risk.
Strategies for positive risks include accept, enhance, exploit, and share.
Strategies for negative risks include accept, mitigate, avoid, and transfer.

Is it time to reform the federal civil service so that it resembles the private sector? Can the American public be confident of the fairness and integrity of a civil service that uses human resources practices like those typical of the private sector?

Government reform

It is argued that for the U.S. federal workforce to be more efficient and effective in facing the challenges of the 21st century that significant government reform must occur. Researchers argue that the reform should focus on modernizing a number of governance areas to include the to include the civil service and contract workforce. Is it time to reform the federal civil service so that it resembles the private sector? Can the American public be confident of the fairness and integrity of a civil service that uses human resources practices like those typical of the private sector? Why/why not as it relates to both of the questions in this module

Discuss the evolution and growth of B2B e-commerce, as well as its potential benefits and challenges. Differentiate how procurement and supply chains relate to B2B e-commerce. Identify major trends in supply chain management and collaborative commerce. Describe the different characteristics and types of Net marketplaces. Explain the objectives of private industrial networks, their role in supporting collaborative commerce, and the barriers to their implementation.

Introduction do eBusiness

Module 8: Networks, Portals, Auctions, and B2B

Module Goals

After completing this module, students will be able to do the following:

  • Discuss the evolution and growth of B2B e-commerce, as well as its potential benefits and challenges.
  • Differentiate how procurement and supply chains relate to B2B e-commerce.
  • Identify major trends in supply chain management and collaborative commerce.
  • Describe the different characteristics and types of Net marketplaces.
  • Explain the objectives of private industrial networks, their role in supporting collaborative commerce, and the barriers to their implementation.


Tabulating equipment became an important part of life in the United States with the census in the late 1800s. Punch card equipment and systems evolved from those applications. By the 1950s, computers replaced hand-wired plug-board logic in these systems making them much more flexible and useful.

Business information systems allowed business to keep track of large inventories of numerous items, fueling an explosion in what could be built and provided so many choices to consumers. Collaboration between firms used to be facilitated by physically shipping numerous trays of punched cards, and untold numbers of reels of magnetic tape. The development of digital networking did not take place overnight and even when firms used electronic means to send data via modems and other tools, it was common to send bulk data via tape.

As data rates and reliability of computer network grew, so did business dependency on them. Firms could focus on areas of unique competency and more easily partner with others due to their ability to coordinate and collaborate via data. Business-to-Business (B2B) networking and collaboration started long before Business-to-Consumer (B2C) was possible, primarily because most consumers did not have the equipment or the expertise to use it. As personal computers grew in power and fell in price, methods of selling that had been limited to B2B networking came to consumers. Auctions and portals are becoming more common for consumers and the growing popularity of social networks could very well lead to remarkable transformations in customer relationship management and collaboration. The future for eBusiness is bright and it is clear there is room for innovation to help us move smartly into a better future.

 Goals Alignment

  • University Mission Based Outcomes – 2, 4, 5
  • Program Learning Goals – 1, 2, 3
  • Course Learning Objectives – 1, 2, 3, 7


 Learning Materials

  • Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). E-commerce: Business, technology and society (16th ed.). Pearson. ISBN 9780136931720. Read Chapter 12.


Discussion Question:

Using chapter 12 from the book as a guide, discuss at least five potential benefits of B2B e-commerce.


Write a paragraph describing the similarities and differences in their responses. Do any of their responses reflect diversity myths? Explain.

Thinking through diversity

Ask ten students or coworkers who are not in this class to complete the following sentence: “Diversity is ____________”

Record each of their responses
Write a paragraph describing the similarities and differences in their responses.
Do any of their responses reflect diversity myths? Explain.

1. I feel diversity is the process of incorporating individuals of multifaceted backgrounds to understand their personal views on various subject matters.
2. Diversity is a key ingredient in a melting pot.
3.Diversity is differences. Can be people, animals.
4.Diversity is having many different cultures and opinions that help make new ideas.
5.Diversity is including people from all different backgrounds.
6. Diversity is a wide variety of people or things.
7. Diversity is acknowledgment of different cultures and backgrounds.
8. Diversity is including people from all different backgrounds.
9.People of various backgrounds coming together to achieve a common goal.
10. Diversity is bringing different people together inclusion is using purposeful understanding to create community.