Identify key quantitative and qualitative data related to the research question and conduct a comprehensive analysis of both as an evidence basis. Demonstrate independent analysis and the ability to synthesise evidence from different perspectives.


The Essay has two parts as follows:

Part 1 (4,000 words including Introduction and Conclusion) is a written essay that requires you to summarise a range of key academic and practitioner information sources, to critically analyse them and to demonstrate how you have synthesised the articles in relation to complex debates within a given essay question.

Part 2 (1,000 words) is a critical reflection of the issues presented in part 1 of the essay in relation to implications for a range of relevant stakeholders within practice, policy and academic research; you may consider additional implications applicable to your context, but in all cases focus on what has been learned from the findings of your research.

The essay should show evidence of application of all the learning that has taken place as a result of participating in the workshops and feedback from the MAR029-3 Preparation for the Specialist Project unit and MAR030-3: Specialist Project sessions. The following points should be observed:

The essay must adhere to the word limit.

The format is an essay, but the style must be formal, serious and ‘academic, therefore we suggest that you avoid writing in the first person (“I”); rather the third person is recommended (e.g. it can therefore be suggested that…).

You may include headings and subtitles and a contents page if you feel this will help you to stay focused and create clearer sign-posting for the reader.
The best essays will demonstrate a deep understanding of the key issues of your debate (derived from your research) and ownership of the essay resulting in a critical conclusion.

The following format/structure should be observed for your essay and the sub-points are indicative of the content to include in each section:

1. Introduction
a. Define the scope of the question (i.e. your interpretation and focus).
b. Give brief contextual or background information
c. What key authors/works/academic frameworks will you be drawing on?
d. Set the direction for your essay

2. Major Themes (Literature Review part 1)
a. Introduce your major themes
b. Explain the connection to your research question and how each theme helps address the task
c. What evidence are you providing to support your arguments?

3. Critical Reflection (Literature Review part 2)
a. Consider the implications of your findings from your major themes in terms of implications for practice, policy, academic research etc.
b. Highlight challenging, but relevant outcomes with flair and imagination
c. Demonstrate learning from the overall task

4. Conclusion
a. Draw the key points together
b. Come back to the overall argument
c. How have you demonstrated your central point?
d. Answer the question!

5. Bibliography – IMPORTANT

a. The bibliography should comprise a variety of sources with a minimum of 12-15 academic journal articles forming the core debate of your essay.
b. ‘Other’ types of references should also be used to make the essay both current and ‘colourful’, so you should aim for about 25-30 in total.
c. Categorise academic journals separately.


• Construct theoretically informed arguments that are supported by a range of evidence from both practitioner and academic sources
• Identify key quantitative and qualitative data related to the research question and conduct a comprehensive analysis of both as an evidence basis.
• Demonstrate independent analysis and the ability to synthesise evidence from different perspectives.
• Produce critical conclusions and recommendations that have validity and follow logically from the arguments.

Create an instructor’s presentation to teach students about qualitative research designs. Determine the value of each of the five designs explored over the last two weeks, and then critique the utility of each one relative to your research problem.

Create an instructor’s presentation to teach students about qualitative research designs.

This week, you were presented with three different qualitative research designs. Determine the value of each of the five designs explored over the last two weeks, and then critique the utility of each one relative to your research problem. Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

-Cover and references slides (these do not contribute to sliding count)
-The problem to be investigated (your problem statement from Week 1)
-A critique of five qualitative research designs
-Comparison and contrast of the value of these designs
-Defense of your selection of one of the designs covered this week for your proposed dissertation research study.

Note: This presentation should be usable in a teaching environment

In discussing the issues above, you must have highlighted certain weaknesses in your character as an individual. Develop a plan and discuss how you will address those weaknesses going forward.

Reflective report

Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment
Purpose of the assignment: The main aim of this assignment is to enable students to critically reflect on their learning journey throughout the module, which triggers their ability to self-assess themselves, and evaluate not only how they can work in teams, but to understand the cultural differences that are inherent in a multi-cultural setting

Description of the assignment:

This is an individual reflective report and requires students to recall or reflect on what happened throughout the learning journey of the module. This reflective report has a word count limit of 800 words. It is vital for students to follow an evaluative approach in writing their reports by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses, and potential areas of improvements. It is also vital for students to use examples to back up their arguments, as that serves as evidence to support their arguments. This report accounts for 30% of the overall grade. It is important to note that, the use of references and citations are not mandatory for this assignment, but useful for either strengthening an argument or supporting a statement made. The use of citations and references are vital as long as they consistently support your argument/statement. A step by step plan of what is expected from students to write in the report is presented below:


(a)    Introduction: students are expected to introduce their report by briefly discussing the expected content of the essay (100 words)

(b)   Self-awareness: this presents students with the opportunity to reflect on how the see themselves as colleagues do and highlight what they have learnt about themselves throughout the module. It is important to emphasise your strengths and weaknesses (150 words)

(c)    Teamwork: teamwork will be a fundamental part of your life as a professional after graduation and reflecting on how you fitted in your team is very important. It is important to highlight the issues you encountered in the team as well as the good things you have learnt about team work (150 words)

(d)   Perspective of culture: this aspect links with your working in a team discussed in section (c) above. It is essential to note that cultural differences and similarities do exist when working together as a team. Highlight the cultural similarities and differences you experienced as a team member and state how it impacted on the group’s progress (150 words)

(e)    Research skills: Researching is a fundamental part of academic life and understanding their daily applications is an important part of your learning journey. Reflect on the research skills you have learnt throughout the module, including referencing, citing and searching literature and discussing how it has influenced your learning. (100 words)

(f)    Personal development plan: In discussing the issues above, you must have highlighted certain weaknesses in your character as an individual. It is important to develop a plan and discuss how you will address those weaknesses going forward. As individuals, we all have weaknesses and learning how to eradicate or curb their impacts on our lives is a fundamental part of our learning curve.  (100 words)

(g)   Conclusion: like all reports, it is important to make a concluding statement on the issues you have discussed. It is important to highlight the key issues that you consider important and justify their usefulness. (50 words)


Any specific instructions:

  • Font colour must be black and written either in Arial or Times new roman
  • Include a title page with your student number, title of your work, word count, module title & code, name of module lecturer or seminar tutor (if relevant)
  • Word-processed work using MINIMUM 1.5-line spacing and Font size 12.
  • Report format: (introduction, conclusion, page numbers)


Critically evaluates the company’s sustainability strategy using the PWC criteria on Strategy, Purpose, Governance, KPIs and Targets. Using ISO14001 and EMAS as benchmarks, provides a comprehensive evaluation of the company’s environmental management systems.

Environmentally Sustainable Business – Adidas


A summary of your understanding of the sustainability strategy of your company. An evaluation of the company’s approach to their sustainability strategy using a variety of theoretical frameworks

(Critically evaluates the company’s sustainability strategy using the PWC criteria on Strategy, Purpose, Governance, KPIs and Targets. Enriches the analysis with insightful application of a wide variety of theoretical frameworks (e.g. Blowfield and Laszlo and Zhexembayeva) covered in class as well as, potentially, those identified in wider reading. Complements the analysis with expert application of competitor or sector information. Successfully maps company strategy against the SDGs).


An explanation of your company’s approach to Environmental Management Systems, and what this says about their commitment to their strategy

(Using ISO14001 and EMAS as benchmarks, provides a comprehensive evaluation of the company’s environmental management systems. Using the PWC criteria for Balanced reporting and External Assurance, evaluates the company’s sustainability reporting level. Enriches the analysis using relevant, credible academic journal articles).


An evaluation of the company’s environmental performance i.e., the implementation of their strategy over the last 3-5 years, in two or more of the following areas: marketing; operations and supply chain management

The incorporation of relevant concepts, frameworks and theories (including but not restricted to the principles of resource savings (the 5Rs) into the performance evaluation.

An explanation and evaluation of how comprehensive and transparent their sustainability reporting is, using relevant frameworks to support this evaluation

(An insightful, balanced evaluation of the company’s environmental performance i.e. the implementation of their strategy and plans over the last 3-5 years. Effectively integrates the 5Rs framework, Life Cycle Assessment, Reverse Logistics and Circular Economy Principles to evaluate at least two of the following: operations, supply chain management, marketing. Complements the evaluation with competitor performance data and industry-wide data)

A conclusions section that sums up your evaluation and makes relevant recommendations for future improvements to their strategy and performance

(Effectively summarises the report and provides specific, actionable and realistic recommendations for improvement, which flow logically from the analysis and show a deep understanding of the company’s current position and capabilities).

Identify a market or sector, and then investigate the impact of the mega trends (and emerging trends) on your chosen market or sector.


The Assessment Task

Identify a market or sector, and then investigate the impact of the mega trends (and emerging trends) on your chosen market or sector. Your task is to identify entrepreneurial business opportunities arising because of the impact of the trends and present your findings in the form of project that has two elements – visual infographic and online research diary/report that address market or sector key trends for the immediate future and long terms, identification of the business opportunity, development of the business or product, justification / feasibility study.

Assessment Breakdown

There are two assessed elements to your task:

Visual Infographic (E-version)

You need to develop a creative proposal for a new product, service or venture activity based on the observation and analysis of megatrends and present it in the form of a visual infographics poster. Your infographics must be designed for the size and scale of the Digital Screens it will be displayed on.


Which of the six leadership traits, if any, described in your textbook do Steve and Michel demonstrate? Do Steve and Michel exhibit positive psychology? Which style(s) of leadership is displayed by Steve and Michel?

Analysis of Gleason

Watch the documentary, Gleason, and write a leadership analysis using the prompting questions below. Your paper should include specific examples from the documentary and citations from your textbook to support your analysis. Use APA guidelines to cite and reference your sources – this includes in-text citations and a reference page (not included in page count). The paper should be approximately 5-7 pages in length double spaced (for reference, 1,500 words is 3 pages single-spaced and 6 pages double-spaced).

Steve Gleason, who was a defensive back for the New Orleans Saints, is best known for his 2006 block of the Atlanta Falcon’s punt during a September 25th Monday Night Football game which, according to Robert Mays, was “…. the play that sparked a magical season, inspired a statue, and revived a franchise.” In 2011, midway through his MBA program, Gleason revealed to his classmates that he had been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. At the time, he was 34 years old. A few weeks later, Steve and his wife, Michel, found out they were expecting their first child.

Include the following questions in your response. It is expected that your analysis paper will be a comprehensive response to the questions below and not simply responses to individual questions.

Which of the six leadership traits, if any, described in your textbook do Steve and Michel demonstrate? Explain your response.

Do Steve and Michel exhibit positive psychology? Yes, no, sometimes? Provide specific examples to support your response.

Which style(s) of leadership is displayed by Steve and Michel? Do either of their styles change over time? Discuss.

Which behavior(s) of leadership, task-orientation or relationship-oriented do Steve and Michel demonstrate? Do they lean towards one more than the other? Do they exhibit the same style? Provide examples.

Which primary leadership skills do Steven and Michel demonstrate? How do you know? Considering the characteristics of a vision and the steps needed to articulate and implement a vision, how well does Steve develop his vision for his Foundation with his team/board?

How would you describe the climate within Steve and Michel’s family? In the Foundation? How do they utilize inclusive practices? With any team, conflicts are bound to arise. Do you believe Michel and Steve are a solid, strong team? Why or why not? What conflicts did they work through (either with each other or as a team addressing outside conflicts) and what strategies did they use to resolve conflicts?

What ethical aspects of leadership are at play in the documentary?

What leadership obstacles do Michel and Steve face and what style of leadership do they use to address the/these obstacles?

Reflecting on everything you’ve learned about leadership in this class, in your readings, in the documentary, how has your perspective on leadership been impacted? Be specific in your response.

What additional differences do you see when you envision the future of HR 10 to 20 years from now? Describe the HR of the future as you envision it. In what ways will HR professionals make a meaningful and positive impact on the organizations they serve?

D8: The Future of HR

Human resources is a much different profession today than it was just 10 or 20 years ago. Back then, it was known simply as “personnel.” Today, HR is a dynamic and forward-thinking profession. With this in mind, consider the future of HR.

What additional differences do you see when you envision the future of HR 10 to 20 years from now?

Describe the HR of the future as you envision it. In what ways will HR professionals make a meaningful and positive impact on the organizations they serve?

Identify the strategies an HR professional can use to acquire the skills, knowledge, abilities, and experience to remain a productive and strategically informed member of the profession.


Propose two strategies an organization should pursue to create and manage a more diverse workforce.

D4: Diversity in Your Workforce

Quite possibly the most critical responsibility of HR in the coming years will be creating a diverse workplace and workforce.

Propose two strategies an organization should pursue to create and manage a more diverse workforce.

Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories covered in the module. Deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories.

Managing Innovation Assessment

The module is assessed (100%) by an individual report (maximum 3,000 words + 10%). The report should be comprised of the following three sections:
1. Theory Explanation. Describe, in detail and in your own words, one or two innovation theories covered in the module. Deep knowledge of one major innovation theory will be enough as a basis for a high mark, and you should not choose more than two innovation theories.

2. Theory Application. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to explain one or more products and/or services for your selected organisation. You may also wish to use your chosen theory to explain how these product/services evolved.

3. Future Development. Apply your chosen theory (or theories) to recommend possible future development pathways of your products or services for your selected organisation.

Instructions for assessment
Choose one from the following list of organisations for your assignment:
A. Netflix
B. Ocado
C. Renoon
D. Revolut
E. Zip Car

Formative work in weekly seminars will guide you through the analytical techniques and processes required to complete the task.

Critically analyze and comment with regards to the typical characteristics of the entrepreneur. Use a wide variety of relevant and current sources to build a case and a balanced argument from new and abstract data

ENT6A3 Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation

A1. Critically analyze and comment with regards to the typical characteristics of the entrepreneur.
B1.Use a wide variety of relevant and current sources to build a case and a balanced argument from new and abstract data

Although there is no one best way to assess information from published papers critically, it is however useful to take a systematic approach and use a framework to base your judgement and evaluations on. Below are four broad headings that you may wish to adopt to conduct your evaluation of a published paper.

Ascetics of the Paper
a. Readability of the paper – jargon of plain English
b. Who’s the audience – practitioners or academics?
c. Who’s the publisher?
d. Flow of arguments, ideas in the paper – are they logical?
e. Use of diagrams, charts and tables – graphically presentations?

Area of investigation of the paper
a. Aims and Objectives of paper – are they reasonable?
b. Theoretical underpinning
c. Depth and breadth of literature review in the paper
d. Citations used – are they from leading authors?
e. Mastery of the subject

Validity of the paper and research
a. Empirical evidence – data collection method
b. Adequacy of the methods used to collect data
c. Adequacy and relevance of data analysis
d. Contribution to knowledge
e. Timeliness of the research

Conclusions and Findings
a. Your personal thoughts on the paper
b. The paper’s ability to meet the journals objectives
c. Does the paper cover important areas of debate and current issues?
d. What could the authors have done better in or how could they have improved the paper?

Hint: there is no reason why the above headings should be responded to in equal length. You may find that the second and third headings have more relevance and importance than the other areas.