Identify and discuss at least eight key success factors. Each industry has different key success factors, so make sure the success factors fit the industry. Review the Competitive Profile Matrix. Develop a Competitor Profile Matrix. Explain how you developed the matrix. Make sure to support your reasoning.

Project 2: Tool Analysis


Step 1 Specific Company for All Four Projects
The company that your Instructor has assigned to you for Project 1 is the company you will use for this project. The assigned company must be used for this project and in subsequent projects in the course. Students must complete the project using the assigned company. Deviating from the assigned company will result in a zero for the project.
After reading the course material, you will complete the steps below.

Step 2 Course Materials and Research
• You must research information about the focal company and the environment for this project. You are accountable for using the course materials to support the ideas, reasoning, and conclusions made. Using course material extends beyond defining terms—the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials and then relying on Internet source material will not earn many points on the assignment. A variety of source material is expected, and what is presented must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally, showing an understanding of the logical connections between the ideas presented from the research, the course material, and the question(s) being asked.

Note: Your report is based on the research results performed and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use of any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites, or any pre-prepared document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.
Success: The analysis is based on research and not opinion. You are not making recommendations, and you will not attempt to position the focal company in a better or worse light than other companies within the industry merely because you are completing an analysis on this particular company. The analysis must be based on factual information. Any conclusions drawn have to be based on factual information rather than leaps of faith. To ensure success, as stated above, you are expected to use the course materials and research on the focal company’s global industry and the focal company. An opinion does not earn credit, nor does the use of external sources when course materials can be used. It is necessary to provide explanations (the why and how) rather than making statements. Avoid stringing one citation after another, as doing so does not show detailed explanations.

Library Resources
• On the main navigation bar in the classroom, select Resources and then select Library. Select Databases by Title (A – Z). Select M from the alphabet list, and then select Mergent Online. Dun and Bradstreet’s Hoovers Database, among others, is another excellent source for competitors and industry information. You are not to depend on one resource to complete the analysis. Moreover, it is impossible to complete Porter’s Five Forces, a competitive analysis, or an OT using only the course material.
• You should not be using obscure articles, GlassDoor, or Chron, or similar types of articles.
• Research for Financial Analysis: Financial Research
• Research for Industry Analysis CSI Market
• UMGC library is available for providing resources and services. Seek library support for excellence in your academic pursuit.

Library Support
• Extensive library resources and services are available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at to support you in your studies. The UMGC Library provides research assistance in creating search strategies, selecting relevant databases, and evaluating and citing resources in various formats via its “Ask a Librarian” service
• Scholarly Research in OneSearch is allowed.
• To search for only scholarly resources, you are expected to place a checkmark in the space for “Scholarly journals only” before clicking search.

Step 3 How to Set Up the Report
The document has to be written in Word or RTF. No other format is acceptable. No pdf files will be graded. Use 12-point font for a double-spaced report. The final product should be 9 – 10 pages. The final project may not exceed 10 pages, including all tables and matrices, but excluding the title and reference pages. Do no use an Appendix.
• Create a title page with the title, your name, date, the course number, the instructor’s name.
• Create Topic Headings that correspond to exact sections of the project requirements.

Step 4 Industry Analysis
• Perform a Porter Five Forces analysis on the organization’s industry and the focal company in particular.
The industry is the global industry. First, use the course materials to identify the five forces and what components make up each force. Then, perform an analysis of each force that clearly discusses the ‘why and how’ and concludes with the effect of the given force on the fortunes of the industry (industry profitability) and/or industry dynamics; that is, whether the effect of the force on the industry is weak/modest/average/moderate or strong/severe and also on the focal company. You may not use a Porter Five Forces analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis results from your research and your own development.

Step 5 Competitive Analysis
• Perform a Competitive Analysis using the focal company’s closest three competitors plus the selected company. Explain why these companies are competitors. Analyze the competition’s products and services, explaining features, value, targets, etc. What are the competition’s strengths and weaknesses, and what is the market outlook for the competition?
• Identify and discuss at least eight (8) key success factors (critical success factors). Each industry has different key success factors, so make sure the success factors fit the industry. Review the Competitive Profile Matrix Example under Week 3 Content for clarification.
• Develop a Competitor Profile Matrix (CPM). Explain how you developed the matrix. Make sure to support your reasoning.

Step 6 Partial SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is a tool used to assess the strengths and weaknesses (internal environment) and the opportunities and threats (external environment) of an organization. You will complete a partial SWOT analysis only completing an analysis on the OT (Opportunities and Threats). The information presented is not based on your beliefs but fact-based, data-driven information. The items used in the OT are factors that are affecting or might affect the focal company or those companies within the identified industry.
You will:
• Develop an OT table using your research to identify at least five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats that influence the industry and the focal company. Make sure to cite the elements within the table.
• Perform an OT analysis (separate from the SWOT table).
• You may not use a SWOT analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. The OT is for the focal company and no other company. A zero will result if used as the analysis results from your research and your own development.

NOTE: A matrix is a table. It is not an analysis.

Step 7 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Analysis
The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix will allow you to use the industry analysis and the competitive analysis to assess whether the focal company can effectively take advantage of existing opportunities while minimizing the identified external threats that will help you formulate new strategies and policies. You will use the opportunities and threats from the OT analysis.
• Using the information gathered for the OT analysis, develop an EFE matrix using five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats. Discuss how you developed the EFE matrix and the outcome. Make sure to support your reasoning.

Step 8 Conclusion
Create a conclusion. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. You will conclude with the findings of the external environment analysis.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Balance ScoreCard

Use the Basic Balanced Scorecard Template to create a balanced scorecard for each company.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Use the data given in Company A Information and Company A Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company A. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Use the data given in Company B Information and Company B Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company B. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Critically discuss how recent developments in digital technologies have impacted your chosen industry?

Managing Digital Technologies

Choose one of the following industries:

Critically discuss how recent developments in digital technologies have impacted your chosen industry?

Using examples from organisations that you have either worked for or researched including the case study define and contrast the nature of the change process that they faced and using relevant models from the course materials and/or your own wider reading, demonstrate the key drivers for change in each case. 

Managing change in organization

Note the following instructions:

You may select any organisation upon which to base your answers including the case study, but you are strongly recommended to select an organisation that you have worked for or one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search engines. The latter approach is acceptable where you do not work for an organisation. It is also acceptable to base your answer on a case study.

Your assignment must be a single document in word or PDF format. Turnitin cannot accept multiple files or linked files). With reference to the information in the case study, Audit Scotland. 2018. Transformational Change Round Table answer the following questions:

Question 1

Using examples from organisations that you have either worked for or researched including the case study define and contrast the nature of the change process that they faced and using relevant models from the course materials and/or your own wider reading, demonstrate the key drivers for change in each case. 
(25 marks)

Question 2
Focusing on one of the examples you described in Question 1 identify the key stakeholders. How might senior management have identified the main areas of support or resistance to any planned change? Discuss how resistance to change should have been ideally managed.  (25 marks)

Question 3
Using an example of change from either your own experience or from your own research, evaluate how effectively you feel the change process was managed in terms of the issues
that surrounded knowledge management, knowledge tracking and knowledge migration. 
(25 marks)

Question 4
Compare and contrast any two models that help senior managers to diagnose and plan change in their organisation. Discuss their role in supporting the success of such processes.


Choose a publicly listed British Company and evaluate its current financial strategy in light of its Corporate Purpose and Sustainability Goals.

You are required to choose a publicly listed British Company (i.e., Headquarters registered in the United Kingdom) and evaluate its current financial strategy in light of its Corporate Purpose and Sustainability Goals. This essay should comprise of critical assessment and limitations of the current and any proposed strategy. Corporate governance should be incorporated to ensure that the proposed strategy complies with the regulatory environment.

Points to note:

  1. Make it as a corporate report. There are plenty of formats available, google it and use a suitable one. Don’t go for something too flashy.
  2. You ma yuse the software Mendeley.
  3. Should be written in English language free of grammar mistakes and sentences making clear sense.
  4. Use high quality resources/references ranging from academic articles, print/electronic media, government reports, business reports etc.
  5. Financial Data – minimum past 5 year. You may use industry data as well.

Demonstrate different methods of techniques that you have decided and applied to prepare your dataset for cleansing. Demonstrate how you identify e.g. duplicate mistakes why you need to remove certain columns. Choose different charts, graphs etc. to visualised your result. demonstrate to us why these things, has been selected e.g. Why you choose a pie chart rather than a bar a bar chart.

Business analytics

This assignment will required you to go through the full data analysis cycle from looking for the data to then validate the quality of the data. you cleanse the data then you transform the data into the format that is easy to work with. then you will analyse the data, visualise the data.

Aside from the STR data, you also required to look for some maybe other qualitative data or other information about the Miami markets. what are the data that can be good to cross analysis with the STR data because STR data typical hotel performance data in terms of their occupancy the ADR and the RevPAR, however this is not enough to tell us exactly what happened in Miami in terms of why people come to Miami, how many arrivals international, domestic. Are there any specific events conventions that has happened in the markets that has high demand to hotel rooms etc.

The portfolio is divided into 5 sections. each sections are 2 pages maximum. if you didn’t use a whole 2 pages some section it can be use for another section. e.g. section 1 you use only 1 page section 2 you might want to write more you can use 3 pages for that section.

section 1– if there are specific thing you want to comment on. you can screenshot of that specific section of that dataset and then do annotate. not the whole dataset just the example.

section 2- cleaning the data. demonstrate different methods of techniques that you have decided and applied to prepare your dataset for cleansing. The data need to demonstrate how you identify e.g. duplicate mistakes why you need to remove certain columns etc.

-Focusing on how the data are cleansed and how the data has been transformed ready to be analysed. do a screenshot of what you did and do annotation to show what other steps has been done.

section 3-it is about analysing the data, so demonstrate how the data analyse are analysed explaining what’s the approaches what’s the techniques and what other models, you have adopted in your analysis. say what you have done and why that has been done.

section 4– choose different charts, graphs etc. to visualised your result. demonstrate to us why these things, has been selected e.g. Why you choose a pie chart rather than a bar a bar chart.

section 5– reporting key finding. don’t need to repeat your visualisation again but can refer back to those charts

Discuss the topic critically, drawing on the sustainability concepts and issues covered in this class. You should base our review, discussion and analysis on tourism literature and case examples.

The cruise industry and tourism sustainability

Discuss the topic critically, drawing on the sustainability concepts and issues covered in this class. You should base our review, discussion and analysis on tourism literature and case examples. You may use one or more case examples (from the literature or websites) in your essay (this is however not a requirement). You can also reflect on a case known to you, a place you have visited or experience you had (this however is not a requirement, but you are encouraged to do so if possible and applicable). In the text of the essay, unpack the nature of the tourism type chosen, consider spatial issues (where does the type of tourism take place; who are the affected communities?), and weigh positive and negative outcomes while reflecting on sustainable/ responsible tourism (economic, social and environmental) considerations. Also include recommendations for improvement and state clearly whether these are for visitors, government (policies for planning/regulation/development), firms (tourism enterprises) or other stakeholders (indicate whom).

1. Make an argument

Essays receiving the highest marks will always have developed a strong argument.

The argument should be logical, meaning the connections between different points should be reasonable and supportable

Your argument should be stated in the introduction and the body of the essay should provide a reasoned series of connected points for why the reader should accept that argument

A strong argument will consider counter-evidence (opposing theories or examples) to all points raised and show why this counter-evidence is not as convincing as the evidence for your argument.

2. Answer the Question

You should provide an answer to the research question asked or problem addressed in your essay

3. Draw on appropriate evidence

What counts as appropriate evidence may vary for different subjects or courses within politics. However, an essay is never just your opinion, all essays require you to support all points of your argument with evidence. Evidence may be drawn from literature, public policies or data, and even news sources where appropriate.

5. Focus on theory (I attached theories as screenshots please use them)

Include key considerations from the theory/literature in your essay and engage with these ideas throughout your essay. You would reflect on the theory in your discussion and conclusion parts of the essay

6. Reference appropriate sources

Identifying, using and referencing reputable sources is critically important both for functional reasons (so the reader can follow up where the information came from) and for ethical reasons (to give credit where it is due and avoid plagiarism). Using poor sources or not referencing sources in text would both significantly negatively impact your grade.

Using academic theories and a case study, evaluate and analyse key traits of a global manager, such as, the appraisal of international culture, ethics and value-based considerations following which you should carry out a self-audit followed by a development plan.

The Global Manager

Using academic theories and a case study, evaluate and analyse key traits of a global manager, such as, the appraisal of international culture, ethics and value-based considerations following which you should carry out a self-audit followed by a development plan.

Why do you want to study for this MA? What are your main areas of research interest and how do they fit with the structure of this course? How will this course help me achieve my career goals?

Personal Statement (MA Application Fashion Business)

Details of the course I am applying for:

“You should communicate your motivation for studying this course in no more than 500 words. You should use the following questions as a guide:

 Why do you want to study for this MA?

 What are your main areas of research interest and how do they fit with the structure of this course? How will this course help me achieve my career goals?

Being engaged in all three dimension of entrepreneurial training through BSM2530-Enterprise Creation, write a reflective essay on the type of entrepreneurial skills you developed throughout the module.

Enterprise Creation

You are required to produce a 2,500-word essay on the following topic:

One of the most popular typologies of entrepreneurship education suggests that the majority of courses train learners about, for and through entrepreneurship (Pittaway and Edwards 2012).

The first two refer to introducing theories of entrepreneurship and new venture creation and the preparation of learners for entrepreneurship by teaching them how to act as an entrepreneur, how to create new business ventures or how to be good managers of entrepreneurial ventures. While the third category refers to practice-led learning where students are immersed in experiential learning while engaging in new venture creation (real or fictional).

Being engaged in all three dimension of entrepreneurial training through BSM2530-Enterprise Creation, write a reflective essay on the type of entrepreneurial skills you developed throughout the module.

As a starting point, read the following material:

Bacigalupo M, Kampylis P, Punie Y and Van Den Brande L. EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. EUR 27939 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2016. JRC101581 – Download from:


A guide on writing reflective essays from study skills: