Briefly discuss why it is important to study epidemiology methods.

  1. Briefly discuss why it is important to study epidemiology methods. (3 points)
  2. For each of the following examples identify which of Hill’s criteria for the determination of causality each example illustrates. (consistency, experiment, strength, biological gradient, specificity, coherence, analogy, temporality, plausibility) and state your reasoning for that selection. (9 points)

How does social media technology effect workplace diversity?

1. For readings… “If You’re Not Sure What Workplace Microaggressions Look Like, Here Are 7 Examples” as well as “5 Examples of Microaggressions in the Workplace” (make sure to include mentioned article . For each one, explain why this material/content is effective in elevating your perceptions about workplace diversity.

2. Social media and technology are rapidly changing our world. How does social media technology effect workplace diversity? Does it help or hinder those who are less privileged? Why? Give at least (3) specific examples and include strategies for change if necessary.

3. How does achieving an improved level of understanding about differences [in peoples backgrounds, intersectionality] benefit both individuals and organizations in the workplace? How can achieving an improved level of understanding about differences benefit individuals in terms of their personal lives? Give a least (3) examples for each.

Explain how the courts determine whether such claims for negligent misstatement are valid, and where they have dismissed such claims.

In Barclays Trust & others v Ernst & Young LLP (2016) the court dismissed what it described as an opportunistic claim for negligent misstatement against professionals based on an immaterial breach of duty and framed with the benefit of hindsight. With reference to case law, explain how the courts determine whether such claims for negligent misstatement are valid, and where they have dismissed such claims.

Refer to Barclays Trust & others v Ernst & Young LLP (2016) case when possible.

Discuss leadership styles and their impact on employees’ performace.

Discuss leadership styles and their impact on employees’ performace.

What does it mean for job planning.

HR environment changes to keep up with the business changes. What does it mean for job planning.

With the right training any individual can be an effective leader. Critically discuss this statement.

With the right training any individual can be an effective leader. Critically discuss this statement.

Evaluate logistics as a supply chain component, including how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Define sourcing as a supply chain component, how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Evaluate logistics as a supply chain component, including how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Explain how market imperfections and market failure affect entrepreneurial activity.

In line with the OFSMOKE: how tobacco price regulation is needed to promote the health of markets, government revenue and the public in the above case study, explain how market imperfections and market failure affect entrepreneurial activity. It is also essential to interpret how government economic policies can shape business strategy and decisions made by management.