Explore the website for the https://www.ncpanow.org Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

Explore the website for the https://www.ncpanow.org Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

1. Locate a web site for an association of retirees. Research their goals, strategies, and campaigns.

Note: Some of these associations can be found on the web site of the https://www.nrln.org

Write a 2-page business brief to your professor that addresses the following questions. Include a rationale for your answers based on labor relations principles.

1(a) How is the National College Players Association like a labor union? 1(b) How is it different from a union?
1(c) What advantages does it have over a union? 1(d) What are the disadvantages?

2(a) How is the association for retirees that you explored like a labor union? 2(b) How is it different from a union?
2(c) What advantages does it have over a union? 2(d) What are the disadvantages?

Briefly describe the main features of the EU’s trade policy and industrial policy.

Briefly describe the main features of the EU’s trade policy and industrial policy. Which of these have a greater effect on the competitiveness of European SMEs? (This is the question chosen)
Have trade policy and industry policies separate.
Look at criteria attached need to be aiming for 70%+

Write an essay the characteristics of an australian sports business.

Write an essay the characteristics of an australian sports business.

Discuss Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organization.

Discuss Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organization.

Create a business plan, financial forecasts, financial statements, SWOT, Market analysis, Unique Selling Points.

Create a business plan, financial forecasts, financial statements, SWOT, Market analysis, Unique Selling Points.

What are multinational enterprises? Outline their characteristics using the integration – responsiveness framework and with carefully selected examples to discuss their global competition patterns.

Thomas Friedman argues that globalisation has made the world “flat” for business. Use the CAGE analytical framework and globalisation driver’s framework to critically analyse his argument with selected examples to illustrate your answer.

Globalisation drivers framework can be found in the slides and is part of the YIP reading.

Question 2: (1000 words)
What are multinational enterprises? Outline their characteristics using the integration – responsiveness framework and with carefully selected examples to discuss their global competition patterns.

Integration – responsiveness framework can be find in the slides and is part of the Global, Local, or Regional reading.

Write an entertainment speech.

Write an entertainment speech.

Write a Research paper on leadership.

Write a Research paper on leadership.