Discuss how the theory is still applicable to motivational situations in the workforce of healthcare.

There are many theories in relation to motivation – Taylor’s scientific management, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s two factor motivation, McGregor’s Theory X and Y, Ouchi’s Theory Z, etc.
Discuss how the theory is still applicable to motivational situations in the workforce of healthcare.

Critically evaluate, contemporary research (e.g. Balogun and Hope-Haley research, which you referenced) which identifies the benefits (and limitations) of more collaborative models / approaches that involve the workforce in change processes.


Far more critically analytical and evaluative sourced research needs to be used to help you provide informed analysis / evaluation as to how the factors impact on organisational strategy / drivers and the organisational development and design (ODD) strategy and solutions. Level 7 requires less description and more critical analysis and evaluation supported through academic research (i.e. academic journals, textbooks). You have used a lot of your word count on trying to analyse the external factors. As advised, consider providing an analysis of the key issues within the main body of the report and then refer to a fuller PESTLE and / or SWOT analysis within the appendix. This will enable you to then provide further analysis on the actual learning outcomes, in terms of the theories, models and approaches, which are vital to fulfilling the requirements of the assessment. You now need to work on the resubmission by covering the following points: (1) read over the action points for learning outcome 3, 5 and 6 and make sure you make the necessary amendments and actions on all of these points; and (2) read over the comments within the implementation plan and rectify these; (3) use the links provided within the Q&A sheet on Havard referencing and use Harvard referencing for your resubmission; (4) provide a more concise analysis of the key external factors (a full PESTLE is not required within the main body of the report), relate these to ODD practice within the case study organisation and provide a fuller PESTLE analysis within the appendix.


Your responses do not seem to provide an analysis and critical evaluation of the processes & systems that need to be in place to maintain structures & relationships. Action: refer to the session slides for learning outcome 3 to help determine the content areas that can be considered (the organisational design models discussed (e.g. McKinsey 7s, Galbraith’s Star, Burke-Litwin models also provide initial insights). You need to identify key processes and systems and then analyse and critically evaluate how they can help maintain structures & relationships that you covered within learning outcome 2.


In places there you provided some ideas in terms of culture and how this may be related to change management. However, there seemed to be little in the way of academic references along with further analysis and critical evaluation of theory and models in relation to change management. In terms of contemporary research the CIPD, for example, have commissioned research by Balogun and Hope-Haley (2014/2015) which provides insights into the benefits of employee involvement using research and case examples. There was also no mention of theories and models referred to within the session (see slides e.g. Kotter, Lewin, Kubler-Ross), which meant your responses were missing the critically evaluative written and research skills needed for a level 7 (masters level) qualification. Critical evaluative insights, particularly in terms of concerns of the overly linear, top down and episodic approaches of the models / theories to change management, would have provided the necessary insights to meet the learning outcome criteria. Action: (1) provide an analysis and critical evaluation, with reference to academic sources, on the benefits and limitations of the theory / models of change management discussed within the sessions (e.g. Kotter, Lewin, Kubler-Ross); and (2) analyse and critically evaluate, contemporary research (e.g. Balogun and Hope-Haley research, which you referenced) which identifies the benefits (and limitations) of more collaborative models / approaches that involve the workforce in change processes.


You have shown some demonstration of your understanding of culture. However, your responses tend to just provide broad statements, without further analysis or critical evaluation of the significance of the issues for the case study organisation. Far more wider reading and reference to research theory is needed in order for you to demonstrate your understanding of the complexities involved in managing culture. Action points: (1) provide an analysis and critical evaluation, with reference to academic sources, of the concept of culture, and its components, and the extent to which it can be ‘managed’ in reality. The core text and other key sources within the text and provided within the sessions, provide a critical evaluation on ‘managing culture’; (2) analyse and critically evaluate the research in terms of examining the ‘democratisation’ of workplaces, particularly in terms of enabling and empowering workers to be actively involved in the design of systems and processes such as defining organisational values. In particular. consider the chapter within the core text which referred to Martin’s (2005) classifications of culture. More references to contemporary research will provide critical evaluative insights, particularly in terms of the limitations of ‘managerialist’, ‘rationalistic’ and ‘unitaristic’ approaches to organisational culture.


How much training in personality assessment do those framing presentations with personality profiles need to leverage the concept effectively?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete Level 2 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course, and watch the following videos Reliability and Validity of Measurement (Links to an external site.), How to Lead Better Meetings (Using Personality Types) (Links to an external site.) and Understanding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Links to an external site.).
Level 2 presents personality profiles as a frame for presentations. As suggested in Level 2, framing presentations with personality profiles
• fosters communication on a deeper level,
• establishes a connection with audience members’ dominant personality trait, and
• helps understand how audience members make decisions.
While reflecting on the material offered in the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course and developing your paper, consider prior learning and prior work experience, in addition to the material presented. Disagreeing with the principles presented in Level 2 is appropriate. However, do not reject the offered principles out of hand. Support acceptance or rejection of the offered principles with critical thinking and sound reasoning. To complete this assignment, you will need to select one of the approaches offered in one of the above videos to refer to in the below bullet points.
In your paper,
• Compare and contrast the personality profiles offered in the EI Games Level 2 with the profiles developed for the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI).
• Identify three significant differences.
• Discuss which approach you are most comfortable with and what gives you confidence in the approach you prefer.
• Appraise the value or lack of value associated with using personality types to frame a presentation prepared for those in your work environment.
o How will you measure the effectiveness of personality profiles in obtaining the following desirable benefits: (a) fostering communication on a deeper level, (b) establishing a connection with audience members’ dominant personality trait, and (c) understanding how audience members make decisions?
o How will you address the common use of so-called canned presentations? Is it possible to frame canned presentations with a general personality profile, or must all presentations be tailored to a specific audience?
o How much training in personality assessment do those framing presentations with personality profiles need to leverage the concept effectively?
o How important is it to use documented valid and reliable measures to develop personality profiles?

Compare and contrast the selected approach with the approach selected in Level 1 of the EI Games

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, complete Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course and watch the following videos How To Connect With Your Audience At A Core Level (Links to an external site.) and What Makes a TED Talk Great? Essential Element #7: Emotional Connection (Links to an external site.).

Level 1 establishes the foundation for effective business presentations based on emotional intelligence principles aiding the effort to connect with an audience. As suggested in the Level 1 material, emotions influence decision making. As such, a strong connection with the target audience is imperative. Level 1 activities introduce the following concepts:

The emotional motivation
Building your team
Choosing the emotional motivator
Relationship building
Reading the room
Emotive interviewing
Clues in surroundings
While reflecting on the material offered in the Presentation Skills Course and developing your paper, consider prior learning and prior work experience, in addition to the material presented. Disagreeing with the principles presented in Level 1 is appropriate. However, do not reject the offered principles out of hand. Support acceptance or rejection of the offered principles with critical thinking and sound reasoning. To complete this assignment, you will need to select one of the approaches offered in one of the above videos to refer to in the below bullet points.

In your paper,

Compare and contrast the selected approach with the approach selected in Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course.
Summarize a minimum of four significant differences between the selected approach and the approach selected in Level 1 of the EI Games: Presentation Skills Course.
Explain which of the approaches would work best in your workplace environment, based upon the results of your comparison exercise and your knowledge of your operating environment.

Why are people the most important aspect in an analytics driven culture?

Leadership Integration Essay 1: Why are people the most important aspect in an analytics driven culture?

Essay will be a minimum of 2,500 words. You may extend to 3,000 words (approx. 10–12 pages).

There must be at least 6 high quality peer-reviewed sources plus the course textbooks. The sources must include Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2013), and Merida (2015) course textbooks.

This projects require substantial pre-work to research the topics, locating high quality sources and formatting each essay to strict APA requirements.

Authors should read the assigned chapters in Ahmed (2019), Bartlett (2103), and section topics in Merida (2015).

Then, answer the question being posed as a Christian leader with critical reflection of the topic, supported by in-text citations and examples. Each of these essays is focused on the development of students as Christian leaders in organizations. Demonstrate what you have conceptualized on each of the topics.

Reading & Study
Textbook Readings

Ahmed (2019): Sections 9.1-9.8

Bartlett (2013): Chapter 5: Organization: The People Side of the Equation.

Merida (2015): Elijah-“A Man Like Us”

Presentation: The People Part of the Equation.

Describe how the operations function supports business performance and explain how it supports performance of your organisation.

The aim of this unit is to give learners knowledge and understanding of theprinciples of operational planning, including the activities that make up operations management, the relationship between operations and businessperformance and the importance of administration in operations management.GeneralGuidelinesTheworkyousubmitmustbeinyourownwords.Ifyouuseaquoteoranillustrationfromsomewhereyoumustgivethesource.Includealistofreferencesattheendofyourdocument.Youmustgiveallyoursourcesofinformation.Makesureyourworkisclearlypresentedandthatyouusecorrectgrammar.Whereverpossibleuseawordprocessorandits“spell-checker”.Format:WrittenReportNotes:Tobepresentedandreferencedinawrittenreportof2,500wordsinlength(excludingappendices).

ScenarioTo be able to write this assignment and meet all the assessment criteria, you will be required to select DHL.DHL Expressis adivisionof the GermanlogisticcompanyDeutsche Post DHLproviding international courier, parcel andexpress mailservices. Deutsche Post DHL is the world’s largest logistics company operating around the world,particularly in sea and air mail.It is important that you should have a detailed knowledge of this organisation because you will be required to answer a number of questions on the basis of your knowledge of this organisation. The knowledge that you must have about the organisationshould include the following key learning outcomes. Your answersin this reportshould reflectabout your selected organisation. 1.Understand the activities that make up operations management.2.Understand the relationship between operations and business performance.3.Understand how to plan development.In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.Your submission should be in a report format. 2,500(+/-) 10% words.I.Understand the activities that make up operations management.1.1 Outlinethe main types of operations found within business and explain what type of operations found DHL. 1.2 Explainhow all operational activities can be represented as systems. 1.3 Analysethe characteristics which differentiate operational systems.II.Understand the relationship between operations and business performance.2

1 Describe how the operations function supports business performance and explain how it supports performance of your organisation.

2.2 Identifythe main internal measures of success used by businesses.2.

3 Evaluatehow internal measures of success link to business objectives.III.Understand how to plan development.3.1 Analysethe relationship between operationsand administrative management and explain what type of operations found in your organisation.3.2 Criticallycompare the process and functional approaches to operations management. 3.3 Analysethe relationship between operations and the supply chain. 3.4 Explainthe link between operations and quality management.

Learning Outcomes:Understand the activities that make up operations management.Understand the relationship between operations and businessperformance.Understand how to plan development.Guidetostudent1.PreparationguidelinesoftheCourseworkDocumenta.Allcourseworkmustbewordprocessed.b.Documentmarginsmustnotbemorethan2.54cm(1inch)orlessthan1.9cm(3/4inch).c.Theassignmentshouldbeinabusinessstyleusingsinglespacingandfontsize12d.StandardandcommonlyusedtypefacesuchasArialshouldbeused.e.Allfigures,graphsandtablesmustbenumbered.f.MaterialtakenfromexternalsourcesmustbeproperlyreferencedusingtheHarvardreferencingsystem.g.YoushouldprovidereferencesusingtheHarvardreferencingsystem.h.DonotuseWikipediaasareference.i.Yoursubmissionshouldbeinareportformat.2,500(+/-)10%words.2.PlagiarismandCollusionAnyactofplagiarismorcollusionwillbeseriouslydealtwithaccordingtotheCollegeregulations.Inthiscontext,thedefinitionandscopeofplagiarismandcollusionarepresentedbelow:Plagiarismispresentingsomebodyelse’sworkasyourown.ItincludescopyinginformationdirectlyfromtheWeborbookswithoutreferencingthematerial;submittingjointcourseworkasanindividualeffort.Collusioniscopyinganotherstudent’scoursework;stealingcourseworkfromanotherstudentandsubmittingitasyourownwork.SuspectedplagiarismorcollusionwillbeinvestigatedandiffoundtohaveoccurredwillbedealtwithaccordingtotheCollegeprocedure.(FordetailsonPlagiarism&CollusionpleaseseetheStudentHandbook).3.Submissiona.Initialsubmissionofcourseworktothetutorsiscompulsoryineachunitofthecourse.b.StudentmustchecktheirassignmentswithplagiarismsoftwareTurnitintomakesurethesimilarityindexfortheirassignmentstayswithintheCollegeapprovedlevel.c.AllFinalcourseworkmustbesubmittedtotheFinalsubmissionpointintotheunit(nottotheTutor).Astudentwouldbeallowedtosubmitonlyonceandthatisthefinalsubmission.d.Anycomputerfilesgeneratedsuchasprogramcode(software),graphicfilesthatformpartofthecourseworkmustbesubmittedasanattachmenttotheassignmentwithalldocumentation.e.AnyportfolioforaunitmustbesubmittedasahardcopytotheExaminationOffice.f.Thestudentmustattachatutor’scommentinbetweenthecoverpageandtheanswerinthecaseofResubmission.

4.Goodpracticea.Makebackupofyourworkindifferentmedia(harddisk,memorystick,etc.)toavoiddistressduetolossordamageofyouroriginalcopy.5.ExtensionandLateSubmission*andResubmissiona.Ifyouneedanextensionforavalidreason,youmustrequestoneusinganExceptionalExtenuatingCircumstances(EEC)formavailablefromtheExaminationOfficeandVLE.Pleasenotethatthetutorsdonothavetheauthoritytoextendthecourseworkdeadlinesandthereforedonotaskthemtoawardacourseworkextension.Thecompletedformmustbeaccompaniedbyevidencesuchasamedicalcertificateintheeventofyoubeingsick.b.Latesubmissionwillbeacceptedandmarkedaccordingtotheinstitutionsprocedure.c.AllLatecourseworkmustbesubmittedtothelatesubmissionpointintotheunit(nottotheTutor).Astudentwillbeallowedtosubmitonlyonceandthatisthefinalsubmission.d.Onlyoneopportunitywillbegivenforreassessment(resubmission)willbepermittedandtheassessmentwillbecappedatPassfortheunit.Inaddition,noresubmissionwillbeallowedinanycomponentoftheassessmentforwhichaPassgradeorhigherhasbeenachieved.e.RepeatUnits–AstudentwhohasfailedtoachieveaPassinbothFinal/LatesubmissionandintheResubmission,mustretaketheunitthefullattendanceandpaymentoftheunitfee.6. Report StructureCoverTitle PageContents page.Acknowledgement (optional)Abstract/Executive SummaryMain Body (Tasks)Conclusion.References (including weblioreferencing)Bibliography (including webliography)AppendicesIndicative resource materialsWebsiteswww.leoisacc.com/operations/index.htm -Online resources for Sports Management: section of the website dedicated to operational planning*For Late Submission policy, please refer to your student course handbook available onGlobal Edulink’s Online Portal

Prepare a presentation that describes the main features of the system and how that enterprise will benefit from it. Your presentation should:

A small enterprise has decided to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Your task is to introduce a system to the enterprise. Research and prepare a presentation that describes the main features of the system and how that enterprise will benefit from it.

Your presentation should:

Be 7-10 slides in length (not including title and reference slides); each slide should have four to six bullet points.
Include presenter’s notes for each slide to further detail the key text that is included on each slide.

In the context of construction and/or property disputes, critically evaluate and compare the characteristics (both advantages and disadvantages) of TWO of the following alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods:

In the context of construction and/or property disputes, critically evaluate and compare the characteristics (both advantages and disadvantages) of TWO of the following alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods:
1. Arbitration
2. Construction Adjudication
3. Independent Expert Determination
4. Mediation
The discussion should have consideration for:
• The types (examples) of construction and/or property disputes of that the methods may be appropriate (and possibly inappropriate) for;
• Any statute, regulations or professional guidance that are relevant to the chosen methods;
• The discussion should concentrate on critical aspects rather than mere description. It should be fully substantiated by professional and academic sources and case law.
(As many references as needed)

What role does information technology play in each of these businesses? How is it helping them refine their business strategies?

Text number: ISBN.13: 978-0-134-80275-6

Before you begin, please make sure to review the Unit Examination Instructions pages in the Study Guide.

Please choose a question below and type your answer in the built-in text editor. You only need to select one question from the list below:

Please read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Did Information Systems Cause Deutsche Bank to Stumble?” on pages 35-36 of your text and answer the following: What was the role of information technology at Deutsche Bank? How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency, decision-making capability, and business strategy? Was Deutsche Bank using technology effectively to pursue its business strategy? Explain your answer.
Please read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Social Business: Full Speed Ahead or Proceed with Caution?” on pages 74-76 of your text and answer the following: Identify the people, organization, and technology factors responsible for impeding adoption of internal corporate social networks. Next, compare the experiences implementing internal social networks of the organizations described in this case. Why were some successful? What role did management play in this process? Should all companies implement internal enterprise social networks? Why or why not?
Please read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Walmart Versus Amazon and the Future of Retail” on pages 110-112 of your text and answer the following: Analyze Walmart and using the competitive forces and value chain models. Then, compare Walmart and Amazon’s business models and business strategies. What role does information technology play in each of these businesses? How is it helping them refine their business strategies?

Develop a legal business structure matrix that describes the differences between each business structure.

Develop a legal business structure matrix that describes the differences between each business structure.

Use the provided matrix template.

Write your explanations in each section; each section should contain no more than 350 words.

Cite a minimum of three sources.

Format your matrix consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.