What is “cross-cultural leadership” within the context of your own organization or industry?

What is “cross-cultural leadership” within the context of your own organization or industry? Are there potential disadvantages to adopting a cross-cultural leadership philosophy? Does this particular philosophy provide any potential advantages for your firm?

Create a video presentation of your services as a global event planner.

In this assignment, you will create a video presentation of your services as a global event planner. Here, you get to be creative. In your presentation, you must introduce yourself and provide your client with your credentials as a planner. Share examples of some of your work. Your goal is to convince prospective clients that you are the event planner of choice! Again, be creative. Use your imagination. Think as if you are a credentialed, qualified, experienced event planner who has handled anything from small, intimate, exclusive events for high-profiled clients to large 500+ attendee conventions. At least two (2) of your events must be international. You must have a minimum of eight (8) content slides and no more than twelve (12) content slides. You must also have a title slide as well as a reference slide.

Assume that the audience is your peers, and you are presenting this in a classroom setting. Your presentation should include fully researched and developed information. You will not be presenting “in front” of a group of people, but you will be creating and submitting a recorded presentation. The presentation will be created in PowerPoint, Prezi or a different presentation platform, and you will be narrating and recording the presentation as if you are presenting it to a group of people. This will be done by recording your own voice as you move through the slides; this should not be done by using a text to speech application, in which a computer generated voice reads your words out loud.

You will also submit a written “script” or the narration recorded for the presentation, which does not have to be in APA format, but should follow correct grammar and syntax.

Keep in mind the elements of an effective presentation, which you may research on your own, or view some suggestions here:

This project will assess your ability to research, prepare and communicate an organized presentation. Additionally, it will serve to assess your understanding of a leader in the industry, and your ability to prepare and present a professional presentation. Effective design and use of the technology is also a part of your grade. All of the above are important professional skills in our industry.

A good submission will (1) successfully address the assigned questions, (2) refer to associated textbook content/assigned reading, (3) have well-supported opinions and evidence of critical thought, (4) have proper grammar and spelling, and (5) apply APA citation and referencing. A minimum of three (3) academic references are required.


How do you feel your prior academic achievements will assist you in being successful in this program?

questions that need to be addressed
1. What knowledge do you expect to gain from this program?
2. What personal traits do you possess that you feel will allow you to succeed in this program?
3. How do you feel your prior academic achievements will assist you in being successful in this program?
4. Describe your previous or current extracurricular and professional experience and why you feel it may benefit you in this program?
5. Why do you feel completion of this program will benefit you in the achievement of your professional goals?
6. What are your near term and long term aspirations upon completion of this program?

no word limit

Which department is more important – sales or marketing?

please answer these 3 questions :-
1. Which department is more important – sales or marketing? (Be prepared to defend your answer!)
2. Beyond the content, can you think of any other sales techniques that you have seen or used in your organisation?
3. What are the 5 Cs and 4 Ps in your business environment

Analyse the roles and dynamics of the Apple team and make recommendations for improvements to its cohesiveness

M2: Analyse the roles and dynamics of the Apple team and make recommendations for improvements to its cohesiveness

Key word: Analyse – look at specifics, for example specific roles

Key word: Recommendations – ideas / opinions / examples

Key word: Cohesiveness – To help become better / more productive / more of a team

Make sure that the key words are well-included and spoken about.

Make sure to reference the work too.

What advantage might such a memo have over a PowerPoint presentation?

Please take note of Bailey’s six points of good writing . Then access the following message from Jeff Bezos to shareholders at Amazon.com:

Read: Message from Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders


Please read only the section of this message titled, “Six-Page Narratives.” You don’t have to read the whole message.

Answer the following questions related to this reading. Then post your answers as your response to this discussion topic.

In banning PowerPoint and asking for six-page memos, is Jeff Bezos violating any of Bailey’s six principles? If so, which ones does he seem to violate, and why do you make the case that he violates them? If not, explain why his strategy does not violate any of the six principles.
Why might Bezos prefer a six-page memo read silently for 30 minutes at the beginning of a meeting to a PowerPoint presentation? What advantage might such a memo have over a PowerPoint presentation?

Please feel free to conduct your own searches on this issue. Various articles have been written about Amazon’s ban of PowerPoint in its internal meetings, and these articles have additional quotes from Bezos.

Identify the ownership form for this business, taking into consideration tax implications, liability exposure, managerial ability, and cost of formation.

Week 4 Assignment – Creating an eCommerce Business
Too often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to define a workable strategy that sets them apart from their competition (Scarborough & Cornwall, Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management, p. 106).

With this assignment, you have the opportunity to take your creative ideas to the next step and begin to develop a strategy that will form the foundation for a successful business.

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you:

Develop an idea for a prospective small business and select a name for the company.
Identify its key competitors and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of one of the competitors.
Prepare a mission statement that encompasses the purpose of the business and considers its target market.
Identify the ownership form for this business, taking into consideration tax implications, liability exposure, managerial ability, and cost of formation.
Include at least two references outside the textbook.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Develop a strategic plan to create a new small business.

Analyze the current information system(even if it’s a manual system)

IMPORTANT: Format your typewritten answers in the color, BLUE*** Please exceed requirement in number of words, whenever there is one stated, in answering aquestion.*** Whenever a single question contains two or more parts (for example, a question that ends with:Why or Why Not?), please make sure that you address ALL parts of the question when providing youranswer.Newinformationsystemsarebeingintroducedandexistinginformationsystemsarebeingupdatedbecausemanagers/employeesneedthosesystemstohelpthembetterperformtheirjobs.Forexample,ahumanresourcemanagermightrequesttheacquisitionforaninformationsystemusedtotrackemployeevacationandsickdays.Oftentimes,newsystemintroductionsareresultsofsomeonefromthe top management championing for radical business process restructuring.Almostanypositionyouholdwithinanorganizationwillrequireyou(anend-user)toworkwithsomeformofcomputer-basedinformationsystem.Youasinformationsystemsend-userwillcertainlybeaffectedbyhowthoseinformationsystemsaredesigned.Aprofessionalinformationsystemdevelopmentteamwillalwayswanttoinvolveyou,especiallyifyouarefamiliarwiththebusinessprocesseswithintheorganization,inadevelopmentproject.Yournarrativesofhowinformationsystemsmustfunction(includinghowtheuser-interfaceshouldlook)andunderstandingofyourcompany’sbusinessprocesseswillbecarefullydocumentedbythedevelopmentteaminordertodesignandbuildinformationsystemsthatmeetyourneedsandsupportbusinessprocessesthatarespecifictoyourcompany.Therefore,itiscrucialthatyouhelpyourorganizationdevelopthe“best”systemspossible in an information acquisition or development effort.Question 1:End-usersofinformationsystemsaretoclearlyconveyinformationsystemrequirementstoI.T.professionalsbuildingthesystem.ListanddescribewhataresomeoftheconsequencesofnothavingclearlycommunicatedallsystemrequirementsovertoI.T.professionalswhoarebuildingyoursystems(one example is financial repercussions).(Your response must be more than 50 words in length)[Enter your response here]Aninformationsystemdevelopmentlifecycledescribesastep-by-stepapproachtoinformationsystems development. In general, it consists of four major phases.[1]ThePlanningphasefocusesondeterminingifthereisjustificationtobuildandinformationsystemand developing a plan to accomplish the development project.TheprojectsponsorworkswiththeI.T.departmenttodevelopapreliminaryassessmentoftheproject’seconomic,technicalandorganizationalfeasibilities.Questionsaddressedinclude:isitworthdoing,isittechnically possible for the organization, will it be used?

Uponreviewofthesefeasibilitiesifcommitteeapprovestheproject,aprojectplanwillbedeveloped.Componentsofaprojectplanincludeprojectstaffingrequirements,workscheduleandtimelines,andproject management procedures and policies.[2]TheAnalysisphaseisfocusedonunderstandingtheexistingsituationanddeterminingneedsandrequirements expected from new information system.Analyzethecurrentinformationsystem(evenifit’samanualsystem).Listitsstrengthsandweaknessesandusedtheproblemsidentifiedtoformulateobjectivesforthenewinformationsystembydefiningthe functions and capabilities it should have.Next,expressideasfornewinformationsystem’sprocessinganddatarequirementswithmodelsbusinessprocessmodels(suchasthedataflowdiagramthatdocumentsthebusinessprocessesanddatathatpassesamongthem,inotherwords,thetransformationprocessinconvertinginputsintooutputs) and data models (such as the entity relationship diagram).Then,prepareandpresentaformalinformationsystemproposalbyassemblingtheanalysesresults.Theapprovalcommitteewilldetermineifthenewinformationsystemhasenoughmerittocontinuedevelopment. If there is, move on to the next phase.[3]TheDesignphaserefinestheinformationsystemrequirements(fromAnalysis)anddevelopsspecifications for how the new information system will fulfill those requirements.Inthisphase,theappropriatemeansofdevelopingtheinformationsystem(in-housedevelopment,purchase of pre-written software, or outsourcing development to a third party) will be decided.Next,basichardware,softwareandnetworking(datacommunications)requiredaredetermined.Inaddition,theoveralluserinterfacestructureoftheinformationsystem,includingscreendisplays,inputsand outputs views of the system, and users’ navigation through the information system are designed.Then,designthedatabaseandtables(files)fromwhichdatawillbedrawnfrom,and,developplansandoutlineforeachapplicationprogramthatwillbewrittentoimplementthefunctionsandcapabilitiesofthe new information system.ArisingfromalltheaboveistheInformationSystemSpecificationwhichformstheprimarybasisofconstruction work.[4]TheImplementationphaseinvolvesconstructingorinstallingthenewinformationsystem,testing,converting, training, and providing support for the new information system.Inthisphase,programsaredevelopedandtestedtoverifyperformance,variousdatacommunicationinfrastructure components are installed.Transitiontothenewinformationsystemisaidedbydevelopmentandconductingtrainingprogramsinordertoenableenduserstogetthoroughlyfamiliarizedwiththenewinformationsystem.Usermanuals, procedure manuals, training manuals and materials are developed.

Inthisphase,theprojectteamnotonlyshouldevaluatethedevelopmentprocessforlessonslearnedfromtheproject,butalsoestablishmethodsforidentifyingandimplementingchangetotheinformationsystem as needed and plans for information system support.Question 2:Notallinformationsystemdevelopmenteffortsaresuccessful.Apartfromissuesrelatedtofailureincommunicatingaclearsetofend-usersinformationsystemrequirementstoI.T.professionalsbuildingthesystem,whatotherfactors(provideasmanyasyoucanprovide),inyouropinion,mightcontributeto the failure of an information system development effort?(Your response must be more than 50 words in length)[Enter your response here]“Gradual refinement” in the context of information systems development life cycle?Ingeneral,clarityandunderstandingofproposednewinformationsystemaregraduallyrefinedasprojectteamprogressesfromonephasetoanother.Thedepthofdetailsisincreasedasaresult,incontrasttorequirementsbeingonlyvaguelyunderstoodattheinitialphase.Documentsinpreviousphases are also often examined in the course of developing further details.Brief descriptions of the major roles of a project team:[1] Business Analyst:Addressesbusinessprocessissuesandensuresproposedsystemssupporttheprocess.Evaluatesvalueof the new systemIdentifies problems and opportunitiesRevises business process and policies[2] Systems Analyst:Works with end users and business analyst to obtain a clarified view of user requirementsDetermineshowinformationtechnologyandinformationsystemscanbeusedtosupportbusinessprocessesDesigns information systemsEnforces information systems standardsBusinessanalystrepresentssponsor/userinterests,whilesystemanalystknowshowtoapplyIT/IStosupportbusinessneeds.Theyworktogethertodevelopinformationsystemsthatconformtoappropriate Information Systems standards while adding value to the business.[3] Infrastructure Analyst:Addressestechnicalissues,includinghardware&softwarecomponents,constraintsandrequiredchanges,relatedtointegratingnewinformationsystemstotechnical/datacommunicationsinfrastructures

[4] Change Management Analyst:Identifies and manages organization’s resistance to change and assures adequate trainingFacilitates organization’s adaptation to new information systems in any way appropriate[5] Project Manager:Monitors time and monetary resourcesSupervises project teamManagesexpectationsandrelationshipsamongdifferentgroupsofpeopledirectlyandindirectlyinvolved in the projectDimensions of feasibility, what does each assess?Technicalfeasibilityevaluateswhethertheorganizationpossessorcanobtaintechnicalexpertiserequired to develop the proposed information system.Economicfeasibilityconcernswhetherestimatedbenefits,bothtangibleandintangible,oftheinformation system will outweigh estimated cost of the project (total cost of ownership).Organizationalfeasibilityassesseswhethertheorganizationanditspeoplewillbeabletosuccessfullyadapt to the new information system effectively.Whatismeantby“systemconversion”?Nameandbrieflydescribethreemajorapproachesthatmaybe used during this process.Systemconversionistheprocessofmovingfromtheoldsystemtothenewsystem.Theorganizationstops doing things the old way and start doing things the new way.Approach#1:DirectCutover–useofoldsystemisstoppedandreplacedimmediatelywithuseofnewsystem.Approach#2:ParallelConversion–oldandnewsystemsareusedsimultaneouslyforatimeuntilthenew system’s performance is satisfactory.Approach#3:PhasedConversionApproach–systemisinitiallyinstalledinonepartofthebusiness,usedandrefinedthereuntilbug-free,andthenisgraduallyinstalledinotherorganizationalunitsovertime.Question 3:Toplevelmanagersareoftenalsomanagersofchange.AccordingtopublishedInformationSystemsresearch,oneofthegreatestdifficultiesinintroducingneworvastlyrevisedInformationSystemstoacompanyisinmanagingcompanyemployees’resistancetochange.Inordertohelpreduceemployees’resistancetochangebroughtaboutbyintroducingneworvastlyrevisedinformationsystems,whatcouldyou,asamanagerofchange,proposeordoingeneral,toalleviateemployees’resistance-to-change?Organizeyouranswersaroundthefollowingtwodifferentdegreesofchange(Business Process Reengineering versus Continuous Improvement):

Information systems proposed/acquired/developed for Business Process Reengineering[1]BusinessProcessReengineering:Aradicalredesignofbusinessprocessesthatthecompanyhasbeenusedto.Changeswouldbecuttingacrossallmajordepartmentsandmakingchangesarenecessaryinorganizationstructure,culture,etc.InformationSystemsthataccompanyoraccommodatesuchdegreeofchangeisofteninitiatedorchampionedbytacticalortop-levelmanagement.Top-levelmanagersareinvolvedinmakingdecisionsthathavelong-termimpactsonthecompany.Decisionstheymakehavewide scopes and are not focused only on one or a few minor areas.(Your response must be more than 50 words in length)[Enter your response here]Information systems proposed/acquired/developed for Continuous Improvement[2]ContinuousImprovement:Thisdegreeofchangeisusuallyonlyfocusedonasingleareaordepartmentandthechangeisgradual.Itisofteninitiatedbymiddletolowerlevelmanagersoremployeesworkinginanareaordepartment.Hence,changedoesnotusuallycutintootherareasordepartments.(Your response must be more than 50 words in length)[Enter your response here]*** The End ***

Explain How Employee Investment Improves Retention and Morale

This week, you will prepare a video presentation with a PowerPoint file. You will create your video presentation by using a video capturing tool located in NCUOne. To access the video capturing tool, follow the tutorial found in your Books and Resources for this Week.

You have read about employee development in the organizational setting. As part of your training, you are required to give a PowerPoint presentation to departmental managers throughout the organization, keeping the following thought in mind:

Launch in a separate window

Many companies don’t want to invest money in training because they believe it is lost when those employees leave.

Explore the paradoxes in the above statement. Include in your presentation a brief discussion on how training and development might impact employee motivation or even morale as a whole. Use examples from the readings.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately.

Discuss what collaboration would be required between Landlord and Tenants to ensure implementation of a plan


2020 – 2021
COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Environmental, Social and Governance issues (ESG) in Roal Estato
Your assignment is this coursework is to: 1. Explain the concept of ESG. why it is relevant and its importance in our economy and environment (5% of score) 2. Outline how ESG is currently embedded into the property management, discussing how well or not it is being understood, valued and embraced (10% of score) 3. Select two premises in Scotland which display good ESG credentials. Provide a brief resume of each building, describing: (10% of score) a. Their physical building attributes which support ESG b. Aspects of their operational style which support ESG c. The accreditations each building has been awarded in relation to ESG 4. Select two properties from outside the UK which display good ESG credentials. Provide a brief resume the building, describing: (10% of score)
a. Their physical building attributes which support ESG b. Aspects of their operational style which support ESG c. The accreditations each building has been awarded in relation to ESG
5. Assume your client owns the commercial premises briefly described below. Your client is keen to ensure that the building is being operated as best is can in line with good practice in all matters relating to ESG: Environmental, Sustainability and Governance. The building was originally constructed in 1980: it was fully refurbished in 2005 by the current owner, who is now aware it falls short of current best practice in relation to ESG. The owner is considering further capital investment in the premises to achieve this. (25% of score)

a. What details about the building would you need to obtain to be able to consider your client’s proposals?

b. The capital investment that your client could consider making to improve the ESG credentials of this premises

c. The operational management arrangements that could be put in place to ensure all occupiers are in line with the owner’s ESG credentials

d. Discuss what collaboration would be required between Landlord and Tenants to ensure implementation of a plan

e. What action could the Landlord consider should not all tenants are interested in the amendments the landlord proposes?

f How could success in ESG be assessed and measured?