Evaluate principles and practices guiding the decisions of financial managers

1.Critically assess modern corporate governance and related issues in managing contemporary organisations

2.Evaluate principles and practices guiding the decisions of financial managers

3.Critically evaluate the risks and opportunities facing the corporate sector and designstrategies to enhance and maintain long-term corporate value

4.Effectively apply modern corporate financial strategies to decision-making in a global context and evaluate risks from the perspective of multinationals

5.Gain critical understanding and knowledge of emerging issues and challenges facing financial managers in the swiftly changing financial world

Critically analyse ONE policy (topic) area within your workplace or negotiated ‘live brief’.

A Power-point presentation – 10 slides maximum in total; each slide will be supported by a written commentary in the notes section of the PPT slides, to take the reader through the content and justification of each of the slides. Total word limit of the task notes section is 1000 words.
For your presentation, you will need to choose and critically analyse ONE policy (topic) area within your workplace or negotiated ‘live brief’. You will develop an appreciation of the range of subject areas and potential research areas during the initial Work Based Learning lectures. You will be asked to consider your ideas during this time, and you will have the opportunity to discuss your thoughts with your tutor. Initially, in selecting your policy/topic area consider:
• What management topics interest me?
• What would I like to investigate?
• Is there a problem?
• Is the chosen policy/topic substantial enough for research?
• What am I trying to find out, investigate or prove?
The Presentation
Your presentation should include the following sections:
1. Background/context – a brief introduction of the organisation/sector and local area of study in which your project investigation will take place.
2. Policy Research – an overview of the policy and topic area that you wish to address in your research project and the key relevant theories, models and concepts that underpin your chosen policy/topic. Including the legislative and business rationale underpinning that policy or procedure. To research the policy/topic you choose, think:
• Why and how does it exist – legislative timeline? How did it evolve?
• What are its origins/drivers?
• What key management theories underpin its existence, what is it trying to achieve? Consider the management theories from modules e.g. Understanding & Managing People, Managing Effective Organisations
• Does a professional body have a code of conduct or model that underpins it? What are their views on the policy/topic
3. Objectives – Specific objectives of your project. (Maximum 5), see example provided in lecture
4. Methodology – Outline the research methodology you will use to carry out the project detailing your primary and secondary research.
5. Problem Identification/conclusions – Identification of any gaps, breaches, constraints or areas that you assume require addressing between your chosen policy, procedures and actual work place best practice. These could relate to the policy content or its implementation.
The presentation and research phase of the work related project is fundamental to delivering a successful report (Assignment 2). This assessment task is aimed at ensuring that appropriate initial research has been planned and commenced to sufficiently enable you to prepare a successful project report (Assignment 2). The tutor will provide feedback relating to the relevance and quality of the research undertaken and, if necessary make suggestions for additional work to be undertaken to enhance the overall quality of the project. This will occur in your tutorials.

What alliances/partners are necessary to shape your idea to analyze customers needs?

It needs to be an idea for which there are potential customers. You need to discuss and analyse:

Resources: what resources do you have: Who are you, what you know and who you know? Show a clear link between your resources/means and the idea

Idea: what is the product/service idea that you’ve developed as a team? The idea is one that’s been thought through and selected by the team and you should indicate some potential buyers.

Market: who will be your likely customers? What need/needs your idea address?

Competitors: Do you identify any competitors?

Contingency: if applicable, present how your ideas changed in the course due to unexpected events or interactions, newly available information during the course

Alliances/Partners: What alliances/partners are necessary to shape your idea to analyze customers needs?

Finance: Capital needs, potential sourcesThe presentation will last 15 minutes with around 7/10 minutes for questions by the rest of the class and myself, Your ability to organize the material, articulate your ideas and communicate effectively will be graded too
Regarding STYLE: The presentation should be professional in content and execution. An agenda should be prepared and introduced at the start of the session as your first overhead and team members should be properly introduced. Transitions between class members should be effected as smoothly as possible, with care taken to minimize coverage of the same material.

PP file to support your presentation (max 8/10 slides) to share in class

Report (no more than 1000 words)

What are some possible communication strategies in notifying someone about the problem?

Question 1. First, please access and read through the following articles about communication inhibitors.

Dr. K. Usha Rani, “Communication Barriers” (Attached)
Lumen Learning, “Communication Barriers” (Link below) https://courses.lumenlearning.com/atdcoursereview-speechcomm-1/chapter/reading-communication-barriers/

Then, respond to this discussion topic by completing the following tasks:

Please think of an example of a problem with communication in your workplace or your community. Then answer the following five questions with regard to that problem

-What is the specific problem with communication?
-Does the problem represent an example of one of the barriers that the articles that Dr. Rani and Lumen Learning identify? If so, which one(s)?
-What are some possible communication strategies in notifying someone about the problem?
-What is the best course of action for you to take in solving the problem?
-What is the best way for you to communicate this problem to the relevant individuals?

Question 2 Please use these sample papers to help you answer the following questions:

1. Peruse the sample Synthesis Lit Review (WA#2). This assignment calls for the student writer to use scholarly (academic) and professional (trade) sources. Does the student do this successfully? Name one example of each type of source used in this sample student-written assignment.

2. Examine the sample Research Proposal Memo (WA#3). Has the writer identified a problem and suggested possible solutions? What has the writer asked permission to do? What kind of primary research has the writer proposed to do?

3. Take a look at the sample Research Report (WA#4). Has the writer followed through on conducting and using the primary research proposed in the memo in the report? How has the writer presented the research?4. One final task. Look at the secondary research sources used in the Synthesis Lit Review and the Research Report. Writing on the same topic for WA#2 and WA#4 made the writing of the research report an easier task than it would have been if different topics had been chosen. Comment on how the writing on the same topic for both these assignments helped the writer.

Create the first part of your marketing plan in 8–12 pages:

Write an introduction to your company. Describe your hypothetical company, its location, the product it makes or the service it provides, and introduce the contents of your marketing plan.
Develop your company’s mission statement.
Decide the main goals that you would like to achieve within the next year (short term) and the main goals that you would like to achieve within the next 5 years (long term). Determine the most appropriate ways to measure both short- and long-term goals.
Note: Consider the following metrics: tracking downloads of website content; website visitors; increases in market share; customer value; new product or service adoption rates; retention; rate of growth compared to competition; and the market, margin, and customer engagement.
Develop an environmental analysis that includes competitive, economic, political, legal, technological, and sociocultural forces.
Develop both a SWOT analysis and needs analysis for your product or service. Each analysis should examine three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your company.
Use at least three academic resources as quantitative marketing research to determine the feasibility of your product or service. These resources should be industry specific and relate to your chosen product or service.
Use the Part A Marketing Plan Template [DOCX] to complete the assignment.
The Part A Mission Statement and SWOT Analysis Sample [PDF] containing examples has been provided for your reference.

What are some of the first steps you need to do to tap this vast new, and potentially lucrative, market?

Imagine for a moment that there were fewer rules and regulations as related to federal purchasing. Yes, the issue arises all the time, especially after election years.

So, let’s imagine that Congress decided to get rid of some of these regulations and to “open up” the federal market place to more potential contractors. Based on what you know from your experience, would that be a good idea? Are there too many regulations? Are there any regulations that you have encountered that you would agree should be eliminated? Perhaps you think that there should be more regulations so that “the big guys” can’t dominate?

And if you are new to federal contracting, think about whether it is good idea (or a bad idea) for marketplaces to have rules and regulations. Some people advocate for more rules; others argue for fewer regulations. Can you identify any areas where you could argue one way or another?

Learning Activity #2

You have just discovered that the US Government could be a big buyer of your company’s products. What are some of the first steps you need to do to tap this vast new, and potentially lucrative, market?

Discuss the fact that Lawson argues that the thing currently positioned as money is state backed bank debt.

This essay is part of a module called social science and modern business 2. most/majority of the information should be taken from the additional materials provided however the internet can be used when necessary. the time limit and deadline is crucial please.
the essay can/should include:

– What is money
– Explain the positioning of money
– Explain what is bank debt
– Explain money as bank debt
– Identify the nominal properties of money.
– Discuss the notion of value.
– Explore the nature of money and identify it as positioned bank debt
– Outline the nature of debt
– Explaining the nominal features of money by reference to social positioning theory
– Discuss the manner in which bank debt acquired the required capacities to be positioned as a successful money.
– Note that the positioning perspectives opens up the possibility of making a meaningful distinction between money and cash
– Discuss How bank debt get positioned as money
– Discuss the fact that Lawson argues that the thing currently positioned as money is state backed bank debt.
– Explain how Modern money is such that this debt relationship is sufficiently trusted for it not to require the existence of a redeemable item.
– Explain how This positioned bank debt, as unobservable, requires markers such as cash and electronic representations. But bank debt is money, not the markers.
– Discuss the constitution of the money position

Assess alternatives and recommend a structural solution that the organization might implement that will reduce the conflict from role ambiguity.

Midwestern: Contemporary Art
Read the Midwestern: Contemporary Art case study. Prepare an analysis of the case study that addresses the following objectives:
1. Part A:
a. Evaluate the type of conflict illustrated in this section of the case.
b. Assess alternatives and recommend a structural solution that the organization might implement that will reduce the conflict from role ambiguity.
2. Part B: Assess alternatives and recommend solution(s) that Peggy Fischer might implement or recommend to the board using the case discussion questions as a guide.

Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings. The analysis should be a minimum of 750 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the grading rubric below.
• Prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.
• A minimum of 750 words.
• Use APA format – Refer to APA Style and the Online Writing Center resources in Academic Resources for guidance on paper and citation formatting.
o Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 5 citations from the course readings
o All external cited sources must have been published within the 5 years.

Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps to achieve overall business objectives.

Assignment Format and General Assignment Guidance:
·        Please read the brief and think about what the assignment is asking first.

·        Make sure you understand the assessment criteria and nature of the evidence that must be produced.

·        The submission of Part A is a briefing paper of the situational analysis research to support the marketing plan goals and objectives

·        Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

·        Ensure you thoroughly cover and achieve on all the requirements of the descriptors in your work.

·        The recommended word limit is 1500 – 2,000 words.

·        Part B:  A completed marketing plan.

·        A marketing plan template will be provided, but it is not mandatory to use this plan.

Unit Learning Outcomes (state fully):
Learning outcomes (Awarding body Specification)

LO2. Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps to achieve overall business objectives.

LO3. Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan.

Overall assignment scenario ( link to the learning outcomes)
With reference to assignment one, you have been asked by the senior management team to further research the competition and produce a marketing plan based on your findings to drive forward the marketing objectives for the organisation.
Assignment Brief and Guidance: (link the requirement of the tasks to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria)
 Using an organisation of your choice within the supermarket industry. The first objective you have been set is to research the competition and produce a marketing plan based on your findings.

This assignment has two parts:

Part A: Compare how the chosen organisation uses the various elements of the 7Ps marketing mix with that of a competitor. This will be submitted as a briefing paper for the marketing team.

The briefing paper will explain how the marketing mix and marketing process is used to achieve business objectives, relating to the two chosen organisations.

This research will inform your situational analysis and enable you to formulate marketing goals and objectives for your organisation based on the comparative findings.

Part B: Produce a marketing plan to meet marketing goals and objectives. The marketing plan should include all elements of the 7Ps marketing mix, with an action plan and measures for monitoring and evaluating progress and meeting of goals and objectives.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria


Pass Merit  


LO1 : Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation  


D1 Critically analyse and

evaluate the key elements

of the marketing function

and how they interrelate

with other functional units

of an organisation


P1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function.

P2 Explain how roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider organisational context.

M1 Analyse the roles and responsibilities of marketing in the context of the marketing environment.

M2 Analyse the significance of interrelationships between marketing and other functional units of an organisation.

LO2:  Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives LO2 & 3

D2 Design a strategic marketing plan that tactically applies the use of the 7Ps to achieve overall marketing objectives.

P3 :  Compare the ways in which different organisations apply the marketing mix to the marketing planning process to achieve business objectives. M3 Evaluate different tactics applied by organisations to demonstrate how business objectives can be achieved.
LO3 :  Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan
P4 Produce and evaluate a basic marketing plan for an organisation. M4 Produce a detailed, coherent evidence-based marketing plan for an organisation.



Term Definition
Explain To give an account of the purposes or reasons
Identify Indicate the main features or purpose of something by recognising it and/or being able to discern and understand facts or qualities.
Apply Put into operation or use.

Use relevant skills/knowledge/understanding appropriate to context.

Analyse Present the outcome of methodical and detailed examination either:

● Breaking down a theme, topic or situation in order to interpret and study the interrelationships between the parts and/or

● Of information or data to interpret and study key trends and interrelationships.

Analysis can be through activity, practice, written or verbal presentation

Critically evaluate  



IV Name Beatrice Ntim
Signature (IV of the brief) * Beatrice Ntim Date 28/09/2020

*The brief cannot be given out without this signature.