Describe the factors that you think contributed to the success of the merger identified.

In a paper (750-1,000 words), examine the successes and failures of mergers by addressing the following:
Identify two organizations that have successfully merged.
Describe the factors that you think contributed to the success of the merger identified.
Hypothesize about two organizations that you think would create a successful merger based on factors such as culture, finance, locations, etc.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Conduct primary and secondary research to identify business opportunities for a specific business.(P6)

Elizabeth Brentley, a sole trader, started ‘Office Lunches’ in 2015. She noticed a growing trend for office workers having lunch ‘on-the-go’ and therefore decided that to make lunch even quicker, businesses could pre-order food to be made freshly that day and delivered to the offices for employees to enjoy.
When the business first started, sales steadily started to increase, but lately, this has not been the case. Elizabeth wants to ensure that she increases her numbers of loyal customers, with the hope that these customers recommend the business to other offices, thereby resulting in a much larger output of orders on a daily basis in order for the business to succeed.
She currently employs four members of staff who undertake a variety of different roles, which include purchasing the stock, making up the orders and delivering them to offices. Staff are either full-time or part-time employees.
Elizabeth has recognised that it is a very competitive market and would like some direct information, advice and input from you, as she is aware that you have been studying marketing and market research as part of your Cambridge Technical in Business course. Elizabeth has set out three tasks for you to complete.

Task 2: Market Research
(This task should take between 4 and 5 hours.)
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to carry out market research for business opportunities is assessed in this task.
After listening to your presentation, Elizabeth Brentley now understands the importance of successful marketing for a business. She is now keen to improve the marketing for Office Lunches. She has an idea about introducing an ordering service via an app (or something similar) for use via a tablet or smart phone, where customers can order lunches in advance hopefully making this a USP (Unique Selling Point) for the business.
You have been commissioned to complete detailed market research on behalf of Office Lunches in order to improve its profile and sales. Elizabeth wants to ensure that she runs a quality and effective service. Without your help, she is worried that the business will not survive.
You must:
Select the market research method, type and tools that you wish to use and give reasons for your choice.(P5)
Elizabeth approves your proposal and asks you to complete some further tasks. You must:
Conduct primary and secondary research to identify business opportunities for a specific business.(P6)
Once the research has been completed you could:
Assess your choice of research methods and types, explaining how effective they were (M2)
Justify the choice of questions and sequence of questions used in your market research.(D1)

P5: Select market research method, type and tools for a market research proposal and give reasons for the choice.
M2: Based on own research, assess the choice or market research method and type used, explaining their effectiveness
D1: Justify the choice and sequence of questions used in the market research
P6: Conduct primary and secondary research to identify business opportunities for a specific business
Your proposal must be a document which includes the reasons for your choices. All work must be completed on an individual basis, in order to successfully meet the grading criteria.
(2 pages per P or M or D) please

Why the use of technology is good for a supermarket to increase the number of new customer and loyalty of old customer

The essay should be in the form of secondary research where case studies and stats are needed to prove that why the use of technology is good for a supermarket to attract more new customer and increase the loyalty of old customer.
Points I want to talk about:
#1 Establish an estore for the supermarket ( E.g Bring conveniences for the customer…)
#2 Social media accounts (E.gTo post anything related to supermarket, or to contact with the customer…)

Critically reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meetingobjectives of your research project including lessons learnt and alternativemethodologies

ASSIGNMENT BRIEFSQualificationPearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in BusinessUnit (FT/OL)OL U11Year and cohortHNDB19, 2020-2021Assessor nameDr Costas TheodoridisAssignment titleResearch ProjectTheme: Talent ManagementLearning Objectives

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of theresearch process

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projec

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and conceptsPurpose of the assignmentThe purpose of the assignment is to enable you to examine the impact of ​talentmanagement ​on how business is conducted through the context of your own chosenresearch project. This will provide you the opportunity to contextualise the implicationsof​ talent management ​in the workplace and how successful companies have devisedand customised their strategies in order to foster an environment of continuousproductivity, equal opportunity and seamless competitiveness.

Theme: Talent ManagementTalent management (TM) is the process by which businesses and organisationsrecognise and develop talented people who can have a positive impact on theirorganisations and their productivity. It not only has become a key component ofhuman resource management but also the responsibility of leaders and managers atall levels to manage talent within the business, with TM strategies being developed inline with the particular needs and structure of the business and industry.Themes of TM relevant to businesses when considering a strategic approach to talentmanagement include the following:

● The role of line managers and leaders in employee development and well-being;

● Talent management being used as a lever for culture change

● The importance of contextualising approaches to talent management

● The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approachto talent management

● Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressuresStaff retention, training and morale is key in any industry where talented motivatedemployees can help differentiate one organisation from another and influencebusiness success. An increasing number of businesses are rethinking ways to get themost from their staff. Rising costs, recruitment difficulties and changing employeeattitudes mean that, for many employers, the traditional approaches to recruiting,training and retaining staff are being revisited to harness and develop talent andultimately drive competitive advantage.The knowledge you have built during previous Units will become the theoreticalfoundation for the Research Project you will produce for this Unit. You are expected toproduce a piece of work that will provide sufficient evidence that you are able to:

●Consider the development of a methodical and valid research proposal as thefoundation for your project.

●Choose a topic of personal interest in a specialism. The topic chosen should allowa sufficient and suitable degree of research through the existence of adequatebackground materials.

●Produce a project proposal. A good project proposal title should meet thefollowing criteria:○The proposal is one that has an existing body of literature or sourcematerial that can be reviewed.○The proposal extends a current line of learning that will lend itself tofurther rigorous exploration.

●Decide on appropriate research methods and select an appropriate sample.

●Conduct your research as outlined in the proposal agreed with your tutor.

●Carry out your research, analyse your research findings and draw conclusions.Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate datacollected from primary research.

●Communicate your research outcomes in a manner appropriate to your audience.

●Reflect on the success of your research project and evaluate the problems/issues encountered.

It is a requirement for the successful completion of this Unit to ensure that yourproposal is ethical, reliable and valid. ​An ethics form must be submitted and approvedprior to completion of research as part of the research proposal.​ For this purpose anethics form template will be provided to you.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of theresearch processAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Completing and submitting the research proposal andethical approvalSubmission format: ​You are expected to submit ​a research proposal​ and ​an ethical approvalform​ using the designated forms provided by your instructor. ​These should be written in aconcise, formal business style. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system.Scenario and activity:You are asked by your employer to examine the​​impact of ​talent management ​on thebusiness. This will provide you with the opportunity to contextualise the implications oftalent management in the workplace and how successful companies devise andcustomise their strategies in order to foster an environment of continuous productivity,equal opportunity and seamless competitiveness. Please note, the project shall be abouta real company and examine the real issues that the company deals with​.You are expected to submit ​a research proposal​ and ​an ethical approval form​ usingthe designated forms provided by your instructor. In the proposal form, you areexpected to clearly define the research topic that you will pursue, encapsulated inrelevant research aims, objectives, questions or hypotheses (if appropriate). You areexpected to examine and present alternative methods of primary and secondaryresearch with a view to evaluating and critically appraising them in order to select themost appropriate method for your project. You shall1)produce an ​ethical approval form,2)develop a ​research proposal ​that clearly defines a research question orhypothesis supported by a​ literature review​,3)examine 2-4 appropriate research methods and approaches to primary andsecondary research,4)justify your choice of research methodologies and processes for your researchproject through critical evaluation with reference to theoretical frameworks.Draft 1 deadline: Sunday, November 29, 2020 23:59

Unit Learning OutcomesLO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projectLO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholdersAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Designing, collecting and analysing the data, andevaluating the limitations of your research approachSubmission format:Submission is in the form of a report. This should be written in a concise, formal businessstyle. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections asappropriate. You must support the written report with a range of graphical illustrationsand appropriate appendices. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system.Scenario and activity:You are expected to have completed your primary and secondary research and ananalysis of the data you collected using appropriate methods and techniques. You mustnow submit a draft ​business report ​that employs an effective and appropriatecommunication style to present the data you collected and an analysis of the findings.You also need to discuss the implications and limitations of your research. You shall1)conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods thatconsider also the costs, access and ethical issues of conducting the research,2)apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse the data and discuss the merits andlimitations of the processes,3)communicate a critical analysis of your findings in an appropriate manner foryour business client, including justified recommendations that meet the researchobjectives.Draft 2 deadline: Sunday, January 17, 2021 23:59

Unit Learning OutcomesLO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projectLO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholdersLO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and conceptsAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Completing and submitting the final ​business reportSubmission format:Submission is in the form of a report. This should be written in a concise, formal businessstyle. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections asappropriate. You must support the written report with a range of graphical illustrationsand appropriate appendices. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system. The recommended length of the final submissionis 4,500 – 6,000 words, but you will not be penalised for exceeding this.Scenario and activity:You are expected to submit a business report in an appropriate format and style. ​Thesections produced for draft 2 shall be included in the final report.Your report will demonstrate an understanding of the research project and theimplications it may have for your business client. You will achieve this through a rigorousdiscussion of your research questions, amid a strong contextual background that framesthe research problem and a robust literature review that theoretically underpins yourwork.You shall1)develop a report that provides valid and justified recommendations for thebusiness organisation based on the analysis of both the primary and secondaryresearch (i​ntegrate your findings and analysis from task 2 into this document);2)communicate the research outcomes in an appropriate manner for your businessclient including visual illustrations, demonstrating how the outcomes meet theresearch objectives and making justified recommendations supported by criticalanalysis;3)critically reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meetingobjectives of your research project including lessons learnt and alternativemethodologies;4)recommend actions for future improvement and considerations for futureresearch.Draft 3 deadline:​​Sunday, March 7, 2021 23:59

Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.

You will compile a 5,000-word portfolio assignment (=/- 10% – excluding appendices, if used) and arrive at appropriate conclusions through comparing academic theory and known practice in the business world.

Throughout the portfolio you should be applying your ideas to your proposed business idea/structure. Failure to do this could significantly impact on your grade.

The portfolio encourages you to develop greater awareness of five key themes that are considered pillars of organisational success. This assessment builds systematically, section by section from initial design of organisations through to what the ultimate aim of any organisation operating in a modern world should strive to achieve.

The five key pillars are:

  1. Organisational Design/Strategy
  2. Stakeholders
  3. Organisational change and development
  4. Organisational Culture
  5. The Learning Organisation

The portfolio has 7 parts (Introduction, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and final Conclusion) these will be submitted as one document (5000 words)

Introduction:   (Approx. 750 words)

Within this section, identify the business you have chosen. You should provide an outline of the structure that you consider to be the most appropriate for that business, with justification of your ideas.  You should also briefly discuss how you see the business developing into the future in terms of growth.

Portfolio Section 1:   (Approx. 750 words)

Organisational design can have an impact on its ability to operate in a changing world.

Your task is to;

Examine the subject of Organisational Design from an academic and practitioner perspective, paying particular attention to key theories and current practical thinking

Portfolio section 2  (Approx. 750 words)

Stakeholders are seen as key players in an organisations ability to remain competitive.

Your task is to;

Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.

Portfolio section 3  (Approx. 750 words)

Organisational change can be initiated deliberately by managers, it can evolve slowly within a department, it can be imposed by specific changes in policy or procedures, or it can arise through external pressures.

Mullins LJ; Christy G. P 552 Management and Organisaitonal Behaviour. 2016

Your task is to;

Critically review two academic models of planned change and transition in support of organisational success and sustainability.

Portfolio section 4  (Approx. 750 words)

It is often argued that organisational culture can ‘make or break’ an organisation, especially during times of change and transition.

Your task is to;

Examine the subject of organisational culture and its potential impact on planned change and transition.

Portfolio section 5  (Approx. 750 words)

“Whilst we are living in times of unprecedented change, we are also presented with unparalleled opportunities. The evidence is clear; the conditions are now conducive for the emergence of the genuine learning organisation.”

Peter Cheese -CEO CIPD

Your task is to;

Critically evaluate the concept of The Learning Organisation, with regards to designing organisations for the future.

Conclusions and recommendations, as appropriate  (Approx. 500 words)

Within this section you should aim to provide overall conclusions and recommendations to your Portfolio that link to the importance of the 5 Key Pillars in developing a sustainable business for the future.

This section provides some guidance on how to structure your Portfolio:

Your portfolio should be well written from an academic perspective and well presented, take note of your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

You must engage with relevant theories and perspectives explored within formal lectures and guided reading from the recommended literature, fully supporting your portfolio with accurately cited academic references throughout.

A number of key sections need to be considered to develop your Business Writing Skills. The below list is an example of things to consider;

Within word count

  • Introduction to the task and the business you have chosen with an outline of what you consider to be an appropriate structure
  • The portfolio should include 5 sections in which each one includes a literature review of relevant concepts, theories, models and academic underpinning that has informed your response
  • Conclusions and recommendations, as appropriate

Additional to word count

  • Reference list
  • Bibliography
  • If appropriate – A set of appendices

Please note:  It is suggested that you build the portfolio during the module rather than leaving the task until the end of the semester. The taught inputs and tutorial sessions are designed to allow you to chronologically achieve this outcome.

Demonstrate understanding of the different management theories and the basics of Macro and micro-economics, including the decision making process and strategic management approaches that drive organisations’ performance

Unit title & code BBS003-1 Foundations of Business Communication
Assignment number and title Individual Report and Reflection
Assessment type WR-I
Weighting of assessment 60%
Size or length of assessment 3,600 words
Unit learning outcomes  

1.       Demonstrate understanding of the different management theories and the basics of Macro and micro-economics, including the decision making process and strategic management approaches that drive organisations’ performance

2.       Work with others, develop your personal and professional skills and demonstrate your ability of self-management and learning and be able to use these skills for analysing particular environments, and/or unique situations in which businesses are active.




Write a formal report demonstrate your understanding and application of a sustainable approach to Business Management, including strategic planning and CSR challenges. Additionally, write a reflective report with an update on your key skills learning in the Unit – evidenced by entries in your online journal.

Write a formal report, with headings, using your reading, research, learning and journal content as a starting point.

We suggest writing the report in two parts:

Part 1 (approx. 2,400 words)

Part 1 will include:

·         Introduction / summary of the assignment brief and task

·         Explanation of a sustainable approach to business strategy and management – evidence by examples of strategies that businesses use to operate in an ethical and sustainable way

·         To evidence and analyse the different approaches to CSR of Micro, SME and Corporate Business, are their approaches similar? Are there differences and how can you measure success in their CSR strategies?

·         Evidence of research and reading beyond topic areas discussed in class

·         Reference List


Using Business Report Style written based on your research findings in 3rd person


Part 2: Reflective Report on Key Skills Development (approx. 1,200 words)

Your personal reflection is based on your learning experience from Week 6, documented by your journal entries in BREO which will form part of this assessment. Therefore, journal entries added on a regular basis are required to evidence how you have developed and used key skills in the initial learning in the unit and in the analysis of the business case for this assignment. This can be achieved by completing journal entries on your self-assessment analysis, VARK, Belbin and all personal development activities that link to key employability skills.

In the reflective report you may explore key skill development in all or any of the following areas:

·         Communication (both verbal and written – evidenced by classroom discussion, presentations and report writing)

·         Numeracy – (evidenced by examples of use of data and statistics in your seminar activities and this submission)

·         ICT (evidenced using Microsoft Office programs during the unit)

·         Problem Solving (evidenced by examples of analysis and information gathering, during the unit and in the submission of the assignment)

·         Working with Others (evidenced by reflecting on your experience working in teams during the unit)

There is an opportunity to reflect on feedback given in class, on your journals and specifically on your first assignment. Understanding feedback and acting on it is a key element of your learning and development at this early part of your university experience where the expectations of independent learning are probably new to you and very challenging.

Feedback is offered in a variety of ways and not just on assignments – so try and utilise as many opportunities as you can.

Format of the Report:

·         Reflective report should be written about yourself so in 1st person

·         All links to key skills development must be referenced in text to entries in your journal. For Example:

“Since Semester one unit learning I have continued to develop and work on these XXXX academic skills, how to read an article and paraphrase key elements of it, reference it correctly so that it could be included in a formal submission” (JNL Week 4 (date)

·         Your report should be correctly referenced in Harvard style with references in text and in a reference list at the end of your report.

Do not include any elements that have been submitted or marked in previous submissions without correct referencing. To use chunks of work previously submitted is considered to be self-plagiarism.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
Assessment 002

·       Using reading and research on CSR, ethics and sustainability, explore at least one area of sustainability in businesses of different sizes like, micro, SME and corporate

·       Present your work in a formal report with headings using Harvard style referencing

·       Show evidence of self-reflection on the assignment task by making links to your online journal

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?


We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.


How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
Your assignment tests your application of learning in the Unit. In delivering the assessment you will undertake activities which are designed to develop your skills, which will provide relevant evidence for your assignment submission. You apply your knowledge and learning in writing a formal business report. The learning in your lectures and seminar activity all inform your preparation for writing the assignment.





Critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Deliveroo’sapproach to HR, based on application of models/topics•

Coursework Assignment DetailsAnalyse and critique Deliveroo’sapproach to HR using 2of the following HR topics/models/debates;-Universalist versusContingency (p.50-54*)-Business Strategy fit with HR (p.46-49*)-Atkinson’s flexible firm model (p.98-100*)-The psychological contract (p.164-166*)-Reward strategies (p.416-421*)*Page numbers refer to the online version of Torrington, Hall, Taylor and Atkinson’s (2014) textbook (9thed.), which can be accessed through the libraryIn your report, you should refer to Deliveroo’sHR practices and additional contextual factors such as the labour market characteristics facing Deliveroo in Singapore, the regulatory environment, the business strategy and growth profile of Delieroo Singapore, and the HR practices of competitors. We expect you to evidence the following skills in your report:•Application oftheoreticalmodels to understand the reasons behind and potential consequences of HR practices at Deliveroo•Critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Deliveroo’sapproach to HR, based on application of models/topics•Understanding of the inherent tensions in HR (e.g. synchronising with business strategy and promoting good employee relations)Specific Assessment DetailsIn writing your report, you must demonstrate that you haveunderstood the topics you have selected;referred to relevant academic sources and that you are able to apply the theory to the case study.You should use a good level of academic rigour and literature to analyse the different components of Deliveroo Singapore’sHR strategy.Your report should be written from the third person perspective,as this is the correct style for an academic report submission at Edinburgh Napier University. Your opinions should notbe included in the report but rather you should analyse the academic theories and debates in order to provide a critical examination of the theory in relation to practice.Your report word limit is 2000 words(10% below or above the limit is acceptable) and approximate word guides for each section are provided for guidance. When presenting your report please use 1.5 or double line spacing with a size 12 font. You should adhere to the Edinburgh Napier University APA Referencing style throughout your report.You should use

HRM08701 Assessment Case StudyPage | 7the marking criteria to ensure you meet the requirements of this level of study. You should submit the entire assessment to Turnitinas this will be utilised to provide you with feedback. Assessment Writing Guide: The following structure should be applied to your report with the following indicative word limits applied to each section:Table of ContentsYou should include a table of contents that details the contents of your report.1.Introduction (100 words)Clear statement of the purpose of your reportTheoretical context of your report which outlines the topicsyou have chosen to focus uponOrganisational context of your report (Deliveroo Singapore) Clear statement of proceedings (to provide a brief overview of the following sections)2.Topicsto Consider(1800 words)2.1 Topic 1(900 words)Theoreticalanalysisof the topic(drawing on academic references)How it relates to Deliveroo’sHR practices(drawing on academic references and references to case information about Deliveroo)2.2 Topic 2(900 words)Theoretical analysisof the topic (drawing on academic references)How it relates to Deliveroo’sHR practices(drawing on academic references and references to case information about Deliveroo)3.Conclusion (100 words)Summary of key issues raised throughout reportDiscussion of the key strengths and weaknesses of Deliveroo’sHR practices based on your analysisFinal comments reinforcing importance of report and highlighting any recommendations for DeliverooList of References(adhering to the APA Referencing Style)

Analyze strategies for addressing conflict in a virtual team in order to consider the consequences of these strategies on the outcome of the collaboration.

To prepare for this assessment, complete the following:
Research examples of team charters that are used in an organizational setting.
Research the different types of virtual communication technologies currently available in the workplace, including both synchronous and asynchronous options.
Research strategies for handling conflict in virtual teams.
You are a human resource manager for a national organization with offices in all four U.S. time zones. You have been tasked with providing advice and recommendations for the launch of a virtual team that will collaborate on an important and highly confidential project. Team members will come from all major business units of the organization, and will be made up primarily of senior managers and directors. The team is expected to have its orientation meeting in two weeks, and will present the finished project to executive management 90 days after the orientation meeting. Keep in mind that you are not a member of this team; you are consulting and your assignment is complete when you have provided specific, relevant, actionable recommendations for their team charter and their communications strategies.
Your assignment is to write a report that will provide guidance to this team in two critical areas: the development of their team charter and a plan for communications strategies to support the team. Make sure that your advice is relevant, specific, and actionable. Support each of your recommendations with references from your research.
Your assessment should contain two distinct sections: Team Charter Recommendations and Communications and Collaboration Technology Recommendations. Include the following:
Title page.
Introduction (include a brief overview of the scenario).
Team charter recommendations:
Executive summary (1–2 paragraphs).
Communications and collaboration technology recommendations:
Executive summary (1–2 paragraphs).
Conclusion (in 1–2 paragraphs, summarize your recommendations and the results you expect).
1. Recommendations for the team charter:
Offer guidance on the development of this team’s contract—or constitution. What ground rules would you recommend? What counsel do you have to offer in terms of team members setting expectations with and for each other?
Create a menu of options for the team charter for them to consider and offer an analysis of each of the elements you recommend.
A very important part of these recommendations is guidance on how conflicts should be addressed and resolved. Offer an analysis of the predictable types of conflict, and specific processes for resolving the conflicts. Be practical and detailed in your approach, and support your recommendations with scholarly research. Among the questions you will answer are: is all conflict destructive, if conflict can be productive when and how should it be fostered, are there different types of conflict, if so what are different ways to resolve different types of conflict.
2. Recommendations for communications and collaboration technology:
Recommend technology choices that will support this team’s virtual collaboration. Be specific in your recommendations about the use of synchronous and asynchronous technologies.
Highlight the relative advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous technologies, and give examples of when each type of technology is more appropriate. Help this team understand the right type of tool for the various communications challenges that are presented to a virtual team.
Provide specific recommendations for technologies to support brainstorming, problem solving, and conflict resolution, and other predictable applications. Offer advice on shared work platforms that are appropriate to this team.
Formatting Requirements
Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
Your report should be 10–12 content pages, in addition to a title page and references.
Use 12-point, Times New Roman.
Use at least three scholarly resources.
Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions. As a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:
When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a nonoriginal idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.

Write a 10–12 page report that includes recommendations to a hypothetical team about developing a team charter and choosing communications and collaboration technology, based on a provided scenario.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 2: Apply the principles and practices of effective virtual team collaboration.
Analyze strategies for initiating an effective virtual team collaboration in order to consider the consequences of these strategies on the outcome of the collaboration.
Analyze strategies for addressing conflict in a virtual team in order to consider the consequences of these strategies on the outcome of the collaboration.
Competency 3: Assess types of information and communication technologies.
Analyze the use of synchronous technologies in virtual team collaboration in order to consider the consequences of the use of these technologies on the outcome of the collaboration.
Analyze the use of asynchronous technologies in virtual team collaboration in order to consider the consequences of the use of these technologies on the outcome of the collaboration.
Evaluate types of applications of communication technology, specifically in relation to their use in virtual team collaborations in order to consider their consequences on the outcome of the collaboration.

Describe challenges facing businesses in international environments.

Describe challenges facing businesses in international environments.
Explain risks inherent in global business and how those influence global business operations.
Recognize the legal and ethical issues in global sourcing and procurement.
Explain the sustainability-related benefits and risks in global business operations.

The objective of Project Part II is to analyze the benefits and challenges in global business using the selected product in Project Part I. This part will extend the findings, which determined whether or not manufacturing of this product should be brought back to the United States. In this project you will compare two countries, the United States and the current country of manufacture, as you describe the benefits and challenges of outsourcing and re-shoring. You will also discuss the risks in global business and analyze the legal, ethical, and sustainability issues in global sourcing and procurement.


The project consists of a written analysis of at least 10 pages prepared for an executive. The report will include a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign manufacturing options for the product. The analysis will be supported by tables, charts, or graphs generated based on the appropriate data sources.
Steps to Complete Project Part II

Students continue analyzing the case of a product introduced in Project Part I. Please follow the following steps in completing this assignment:

Using the selected product, describe challenges and risks facing business in a foreign environment and explain how they influence global operations. Include the following factors:
Political stability
Economic stability
Cultural differences
Attitude toward international business
Discuss legal and ethical issues in sourcing and procurement in the country where the product is currently manufactured. Include the following factors:
Overall business climate
Transparency ( (Links to an external site.)
Intellectual property protection
Labor and environmental standards
Local government role
Discuss the benefits and risks related to sustainability using the product selected for this project.
Conclude the analysis with a section providing the executive with a succinct summary of key benefits and challenges in global business using the re-shoring framework. This analysis will provide support for the recommendation of whether the product is a good candidate for re-shoring.

10-page, double-spaced
12-point, Times New Roman font
1” margins

Should construction screws be produced overseas?

In this project, you will conduct research on strategic manufacturing of an individually selected product. The product should be 1) simple, to assure project completion within the allotted time, and 2) currently manufactured outside of the United States. The objective of the project is to come up with a recommendation as to whether or not manufacturing of this product should be brought back to the United States.

Analyze the process originally used by the company to outsource the manufacturing task. Explore why and how the company engaged in global business and analyze factors, such as price and quality, leading consumers in the U.S. and in the current country of manufacture to a purchase decision. Common strategic reasons for outsourcing include lower costs of inputs, including the cost of labor, lax regulations regarding sustainability and environmental protection, preferential treatment for tax purposes (tax holidays), and improved access to local markets. In completing the project you will discuss the impact of the decision to go global on an organization’s functions.

Steps to Complete This Project

Select a product that is currently being imported to the United States that could possibly be manufactured here. Visit a local Wal-Mart, Lowes, or Home Depot store to identify a suitable product. Sample products appropriate for this analysis include a dress hanger, a toilet plunger, a hammer, a spade, or any simple tool.
Provide a short background of the company that currently manufactures and distributes this product in the U.S. Summarize the steps used by the organization to develop its global strategy. Identify and analyze strategic reasons for this company to engage in international business (i.e., establish why manufacturing of the selected product has been outsourced). Was the decision to outsource based on complete information, or was it based on a few key factors such as lower labor and energy costs? You might find the learning resources listed on the project page helpful.
Discuss market factors, such as price and quality, leading consumers in the U.S. and in the current country of manufacture to a purchase decision. Include a discussion of demographic, geographic, and socioeconomic factors driving purchase decisions in different countries.
Discuss the impact of the decision to engage in international business on the organization’s functions. Include the following factors:
Organizational structure implications (decision-making decentralization)
Human resource management issues
Financial and tax implications
Transportation and logistic issues
Culture issues
Calculate the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the selected product. Establish an account at (Links to an external site.) .
Conclude the analysis with a recommendation section providing the executive with a clear go or no-go recommendation on re-shoring.

The project consists of a written analysis of at least 10 pages prepared for an executive. The report should include a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign manufacturing options for the product. The analysis should be supported by tables, charts, or graphs generated based on appropriate data sources.