Explain the implementation monitoring and evaluation processes.

Design, develop and document a risk management plan related to:
the reduction of accidents, illness or incidents relating to worker or general public safety
the prevention of operational discontinuity
the need for new or innovative improvement/ changes in processes or procedures (and the associated risks)
environmental impact issues—including resource use and management
You might choose another risk area relevant to the organisation for which you work. If you do you will need to describe the organisation and the risk being addressed in terms of industry sector requirements. If you are not working the risk management process might apply to a fictional organisation that you describe in detail.

Explain why and how you would initiate and implement the risk management plan and:
Establish the context and scope of the plan.
Identify the risk/s.
Analyse the risks.
Select, plan and document risk management treatments.
Explain the implementation monitoring and evaluation processes.
Format your risk identification, analysis and improvement plan/ proposal (or action plan) in a manner that would be accepted by senior management. Ensure that all risk scenarios are addressed and catered for.

the plan
research results and tools used in the assessment process and in the plan design
any relevant support information, charts, graphs, statistics etc
The plan must clearly describe the risk/s, proposed actions, resource needs, responsible persons, time frames, deadlines, expected outcomes and success metrics.

Write a detailed analysis about RiteAid’s external environment.

Company: RiteAid
Subject: External Environment Analysis

assignment is to write a detailed analysis about RiteAid’s external environment.
this is for a project/final and my portion is external environment analysis reports for my group.

Find a business-related event that occurred within the past 6 months of the due date.

Text book: Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts (12th edition)

Find a business-related event that occurred within the past 6 months of the due date. At least one
concept from the lectures should be identified.
Examples of sources you may find the event: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The
Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, CNN, and etc.
The assignment must include:
(1) Case introduction, (2) how the case is related to a concept from a chapter, and (3) your opinion
It also needs to include the source you find the event and the date of the event.

Discuss motivation(s) of the CEO’s engagement in earnings manipulations based on ‘Agency relationship‘

Please answer the questions below. The maximum page for the assignment is 2 pages (12 point, double-space). To answer the questions, you will need to take lectures for Chapter 10 and watch the full video.

Video: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

1. The CEO of Enron was responsible for the Enron’s scandal. Discuss motivation(s) of the CEO’s engagement in earnings manipulations based on ‘Agency relationship‘

2. To prevent the Enron’s scandal again, firms need to improve their governance mechanism. Discuss two(2) ways to enhance the effectiveness of the governance mechanisms. Your answer should be related to the Enron’s scandal (For example, you need to discuss how your suggested governance mechanism prevents the Enron’s scandal).

Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees:

Staffing an organisation the organisation you are going to write about is Waitrose the supermarket (often referred to as ‘resourcing the organisation’) is a key role of HR practitioners. Workforces often comprise individuals who are employed on different forms of contract, such as:
1. ‘Permanent full-time contracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.79-88)
2. ‘Permanent part-time contracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.89)
3.‘Zero-hours’ casual contracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.96-97)
4.‘Fixed-term’ temporary contracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.96-96)

Write an essay in which you:
Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees:
You should present two clear examples of practice from a range of organisations to demonstrate how organisations use a mix of contractual models to suit their unique organisational needs.
You will be marked as follows:
• Definition, explanation, and analysis of the four types of contractual models listed above, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. (60 Marks)
• Examples of practice from two different organisations showing how and why they use different contractual approaches. (30 Marks)
• Use correct academic writing technique, including effective structure, grammar, spelling, use of in-text citations, and a full reference list, all of which should use the Harvard referencing convention. (10 Marks)

for The Research No content should be older than two years old
• You must use academic text-books
• your Kortext Book Hook and Jenkins, 2019 (if you don’t have access to this text book please let me know as soon as possible on chat and i will help out to get it.)
• other HRM text Books
• Academic Journals
• HRM Journals
• Official Government sources, for example,
• Industry Chartered Institute platforms:
o The Institute of Leadership and Management

also no plagiarism keep the similarity very low and intext citations for each sentence and as i said the references No content should be older than two years old. this is important.Avoid bullet points, Avoid headings and No diagrams/tables. i also sent you power point tutorial a help guide please aim for 3000 words thank you.


we have chosen Qatar Airways as a company to discuss in this assessment. . ( he didn’t create drawings as requested, which the instructor has clearly given templates for.)
Part C. should have 3 diagrams relate to the addressed issue in Qatar airways.
Part D. you need to create a DMAIC ROADMAP.
The previous writer clearly didn’t cover the rubric provided in the other order.
** Be Careful of ** • Plagiarism (the assignment will be submitted through Turn it in, and it is going to be corrected by 3 instructors in total, so you need to be careful of copying and pasting other people’s work, and you should cover all the requirements within the grading rubric. • make sure that you talk about Qatar as it is my country. • please make sure that all the sources have accessible links for validation • you work to be 100% organized professional • this assignment is worth 30% of my total grades in two classes;

Dear Editor,
Please ensure that the writer covers everything in the rubric o get a full grade and A+

What are the employee workplace rights mandated by U.S. Federal law?

Answer the following questions:
What are the employee workplace rights mandated by U.S. Federal law?
Briefly discuss at least two controversial issues concerning workplace rights (other than monitoring e-mail). Provide real-life examples to illustrate your answer.
In addition, discuss the issue of workplace privacy. Specifically, do employees have the right to expect privacy in their e-mail conversations, or do companies have a right and/or responsibility to monitor e-mail?

What potential quality and cost issues might the construction managementteam encounter and how can they mitigate, control or minimise these issues?

Management of ConstructionCON7CMCAutumn 2020Assignment1support documentThe following is to support you in your submission for the above module, it should be used in conjunction with the module learning materials and information/guidancefrom the Module Tutor team. Reflective QuestionsBelow are some questions to help you consider what is required for the assignment. They are intended topromptyour preparation and planning of your assignmentsubmission.Please note, this isnota definitive list; you need to ensure that you are clear on therequirements of the task then apply the relevant aspects of your learning, readingand experience to complete it.The following questions are always worth considering, as they help you understandthe audience for and purpose of the task:

•What is your role in this scenario?•Who are you writing to and why?

•What does the task require you to produce or create?Consider how best to include all the elements required, if you make any assumptions clearly identifythese.

•What factors will the construction team need to consider given the clientneeds and locations for the installation of thepod units?

•What resources will be needed to install the pod units into the accommodationbuildings?

•What methods and measures should be taken to effectivelymanage theseresources? Consider the both positive and negative points of the itemssuggested.

•What is Precedence planningand programming software? How does it compare to other planning andprogramming software methods?Consider theadvantages and disadvantages.

•What potential quality and cost issues might the construction managementteam encounter and how can they mitigate, control or minimise these issues?

Demonstrate your understanding of the four areas of CSR as identified by Archie Carroll.

Business Environment –Final Assignment September 2020AdditionalGuidance.ASSESSMENT TASK ONE

1.Demonstrate an understanding of different types of innovation and technology and how they have impacted the economic progressof the country, with particular emphasis on business organisations. (20 marks) -Define innovation and technology -Give practical examples of how innovation and technology have contributed to the economic growth of the country. -Describe how business organisations use new technologies in their operations

2.Give practical illustrations of how innovation and technology have impacted the operations, sales and the profits of your chosen company. (25 marks) -A brief overview of your chosen company-Describe the new technologies and how they are being used by yourchosen company. -Compare the sales and profits of the company before and, after the new technologies were introduced (Please visit the web site of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information) -Comment on your findings. ASSESSMENT TASK TWO

1.Evaluate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the organisation(20marks) -Define Corporate Governanceand Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) -Brief history of Corporate Governance in the UK with examples -Importance of CSR for organisations with particular emphasis on your chosen company.

2.Explanations of Archie Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR: -Economic responsibilities, legal responsibilities, ethical responsibilities and philanthropic responsibilities. -Demonstrate your understanding of the four areas of CSR as identified by Archie Carroll. Apply these to your chosen company. (25 marks) Presentation and Grammar 10 marks

Evaluate key theories in motivation and communication to managerial functions.

Report format. 1250 words. Need appendices, references harvard, bibliography, diagrams when appropriate. Intro, discussion and evaluation. Outline and explain motivation therories applied to virgin media current schemes. Evaluation on success of virgin media scheme and how these are communicated to employees. Identify Theoretical prospective and analyse how they apply to organisational issues. Evaluate key theories in motivation and communication to managerial functions.