Organizational Behavior:What are the different tools available to provide Company analysis?

For this Interim Assessment, you will be required to do research and find the assessment tools that are available to provide an analysis of the Company.

What are the different tools available to provide Company analysis?

Your research should identify the tools and how they are used.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of these tools?

What combination of tools would be best for your business & industry? Why?

Bernie Madoff :How could business and regulatory practices be modified to prevent another tragic Ponzi scheme similar to the Madoff affair?

Watch the attached video. Post your answers to the discussion board. Explain how the unethical behavior and actions of Bernie Madoff and his associates lead to the bilking investors out of billions of dollars. Who do you hold accountable for the Bernie Madoff affair?

Explain your answer. How could business and regulatory practices be modified to prevent another tragic Ponzi scheme similar to the Madoff affair?

Explain your viewpoints on how the Security Exchange Commission managed the investigations in Bernie Madoff’s investment company. Provide your thoughts and opinions on Bernie Madoff’s jail sentence of 150 years.

How does knowing the BATNA and doing the situation assessment ground the negotiator in deliberate and rational thought?

Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page). Use this APA Sample provided in the student resources inside this course to complete your assignment. Read the two articles below from the LIRN. After reading each article, and after reading the chapters this week, write your paper responding to these prompts:

1. How does knowing the BATNA and doing the situation assessment ground the negotiator in deliberate and rational thought?

2. When considering gender, how can one avoid argument how can one party determine alternative methods to reach agreement? Why is this important in the business world?

3. Describe some of the risks and constraints that you have faced in previous negotiation situations. (You may use a business or personal situation).

*Articles that you need to read BELOW* Wyatt, D. (1999). Negotiation strategies for men and women. Nursing Management, 30(1), 22-5; quiz 25-6. Provis, C. (2004). Negotiation, persuasion and argument. Argumentation, 18(1), 95-112.