Develop a dramatization of the hiring interview of an Operations executive, marketing.

develop a dramatization
4 pages APA with references
will develop a dramatization of the hiring interview of an Operations executive, marketing. You should develop: a guide for executive interviews, an evaluation sheet of at least 5 important aspects for the evaluation of candidates, the description of the position, and the applicant’s curriculum vitae. The role-play of the interview should include at least: the review of the applicant’s curriculum vitae, questions about what he developed in each previous position and challenging questions about how he intends to carry out his activity in the company to contribute to the success of the same and others to test the solidity of the applicant.

What are the relative contributions of transgression severity and forgiveness-seeking communication in accounting for relational outcomes?

RQ2: What are the relative contributions of transgression severity and forgiveness-seeking communication in accounting for relational outcomes?

Using johari’s window write an entry discussing one thing about yourself from each “window”.

Using johari’s window write an entry discussing one thing about yourself from each “window”. ( you’ll have to consult a family member, friend, coworker,… for one of them). Make sure to correctly label. Then reflect on why you think that characteristic is one window over another window.

Explain the impact of muckraking. Include one specific instance where muckraking changed U.S. policy or oversight.

Muckraking journalism, especially in magazines, is widely credited with spurring the Progressive Movement, and shifting how the U.S. government viewed business. Using “The Jungle,” and other examples, explain the impact of muckraking. Include one specific instance where muckraking changed U.S. policy or oversight.

Organization: Writing directly addresses all parts of the question and incorporates and cites specific examples from outside the reading. It shows strong attention to logic and reasoning.
Level of Context: content does an outstanding job of analyzing sources within their historical context and synthesizing ideas and information to reach an understanding of causes and consequences of events and developments.
Development: main points are well developed and supported. The work shows a high degree of critical thinking.
Grammar and Mechanics: The writing is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, fragments, and run-on sentences.

Information for paper; “Upton Sinclair was a muckraking reporter for the Socialist newspaper Photograph of Upton Sinclair”Appeal to Reason.” He went to Chicago during the 1904 meatpackers strike to investigate the union’s claims of poor working conditions in the plants. He worked undercover for seven weeks gathering information. He discovered both sub-standard working conditions and problems with disease and rotten and contaminated meat. He turned the material into a novel called “The Jungle,” and published it in serial form in 1905. A year later, Doubleday published it in book form. Sinclair’s goal had been to focus attention on the poor conditions for the workers, but readers saw food contamination as the most pressing issue. Sinclair was quoted as saying, “I aimed for the public’s heart and, by accident, I hit it in the stomach.” Public outcry pushed President Theodore Roosevelt to launch an investigation, which lead Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act. Read the excerpt from chapter 14 of “The Jungle,” below to get a sense of why the reporting caused such a reaction.”

Compose your own company profile and post it to the discussion board

Compose your own company profile (ConnectiveRx and post it to the discussion board

What’s unique about them?
Their history?
Their mission?
Their work culture?
How do they present their stories?
What is the tone?
Do you like working here? YES, Why
What do you value in an employer?

Punctuation has to be on point and the writing engaging. This is going to be posted in a discussion board, you DON’T need to cite references

What does integrity mean to you? Give examples of at least three instances when you rely on the integrity of others. Give three examples when others rely on your integrity.

Reflect on your decision making process as you were considering whether or not to cheat on your assignment.

What factors contributed to the situation and your ultimate decision to cheat?

Did you consider the consequences you may face when making the decision to cheat? If so, what did you think they would be?

What other options did you consider? What would the consequences had been if you would have selected one of the other options?

What consequences are you facing as a result of your actions and how do the consequences relate to the choice you made?

How have you been impacted by your behavior in this situation? Is there anyone else who was impacted or potentially impacted by your decision to cheat on your assignment?

In what ways?

What have you learned as a result of going through the student conduct process?

If you were faced with the same scenario again, would you make a different choice? If yes, what choice would you make? If no, why not? What will you change in the future if anything in light of this experience? Be specific.

What steps, if any, have you already taken to fix any negative impact of this incident?

What does integrity mean to you?

Give examples of at least three instances when you rely on the integrity of others.

Give three examples when others rely on your integrity.

Create a problem statement.Identify the specific problem you wish to address. The documented problem may be a practical problem or issue in the profession or study context without an acceptable solution. 

Create a problem statement. Your problem must come from a critical issue that must be addressed, otherwise negative consequences will occur or continue.  In most cases, scholarly citations within the past 5 years are required to support the problem you will investigate.

Articulate a concise problem statement. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of doctoral level research.  Follow these steps:

  1. Present the general issue grounded in the research literature that leads to the need for the study.
  2. Identify the specific problem you wish to address. The documented problem may be a practical problem or issue in the profession or study context without an acceptable solution.
  3. In defining the problem, a clear discrepancy must be drawn between what exists currently and what is desired.  Although an applied study design does not necessarily require generalizability beyond the study site, worthy problems must be relevant and documented beyond any particular study site.
  4. To identify and articulate a problem, consider the potential negative consequences to the field or stakeholders if the proposed research is never conducted.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Make an argument about some aspects of the movie as they they relate to intercultural communication -Discuss the cultural aspects you see in the film

Critical Movie Review of The Joy Luck Club
-Write a 3-4 pages
-double-spaced critical review
-Apply understanding of intercultural communication to cultural interactions within movies
-Make an argument about some aspects of the movie as they they relate to intercultural communication
-Discuss the cultural aspects you see in the film
-What are the artifacts of culture that you recognized?
What were the interactional patterns between people?
-What were the underlying values that you saw portrayed?
-How does this movie resonate with you?

An Introduction to Intercultural Communication by Fred Jandt

Describe at least three reasons for conflict within an institution or organization. How might individual differences and perceptions contribute to the conflict?

Suppose you work in an organization that seems to experience a great deal of conflict between individuals and between departments. The director of your department has asked you to draft a report he can use to brief his colleagues in executive leadership on institutional conflict and how it can affect an organization. Part of the report needs to offer recommendations on how to resolve conflict.

  • Describe at least three reasons for conflict within an institution or organization. How might individual differences and perceptions contribute to the conflict?
  • Explain the role of functional conflict in institutional change.
  • Explain the role of dysfunctional conflict in institutional change.
  • Recommend one conflict resolution strategy organizational leadership could use with functional conflict.
  • Recommend one conflict resolution strategy organizational leadership could use with dysfunctional conflict.

Describe the cultural identity of a particular cultural group and how the culture’s identity is represented symbolically in the culture’s communication patterns, values, language, architecture, pastimes, art, relational roles, societal systems, behaviors, etc.

1. Describe the cultural identity of a particular cultural group and how the culture’s identity is represented symbolically in the culture’s communication patterns, values, language, architecture, pastimes, art, relational roles, societal systems, behaviors, etc. (Comp 2.1 Interpret the meaning of symbols across cultures.).

2. Compare and contrast symbolic representations of a particular cultural group via media channels in that culture, in the U.S. media, and academic research findings.

3. Evaluate the role of mass media channels in intercultural communication. What impact do mass media have on intercultural perceptions and interactions?

4. Project must have a minimum of five scholarly sources.