Discuss the pros and cons of the technology.

The course paper may be on any topic covered in the course. The paper must:
1. Show how the topic affects business.
2. Fully discuss the current state-of-the-art functionality of the technology.
3. Discuss how the topic is currently used in business.
4. Discuss the pros and cons of the technology.
5. Discuss any other areas of significance related to the technology.
6. Minimum of 15 pages.
7. Must be written in either MLA or APA style with a complete bibliography.
8. Due to the last day of exams, April 28.

Write three hypotheses about the relationship you think exists between or among the variables.

Choose a topic covered within communication studies that you might be interested in using for your capstone project.

Read the abstracts of each article. Choose three of your favorites and complete reference worksheets for them. Remember that the purpose of a reference worksheet is to summarize the article content in your own words rather than copying and pasting the information from the article. The only information that may be copied and pasted is the hypotheses.
Make a list of all of the variables that have been included in the hypotheses for your articles. Remember that variables can be independent/grouping variables or dependent/outcome variables. All variables are included in the hypotheses and discussed in the methods section where it lists how they are measured.
Choose five of the variables you identified. Write three hypotheses about the relationship you think exists between or among the variables. You may not use any of the hypotheses included in your published articles so create different combinations of variables. Remember to use the principles we talked about for developing strong hypotheses.
For three of the variables, you identified in your articles and used in your hypotheses, find the original scales that were used to measure those variables (the article from which the scale was taken will be listed in the Methods section under a heading typically called scales, instrument, or measures). This may require you to use the methods section to find the reference and then trace it back to where the original scale came from.
Once you have completed these tasks, you are going to turn in the following as a single Word document (.doc or .docx):

Discuss how “relational maintenance” between parents and kids affect the relationship while using the “social exchange theory”

Discuss how “relational maintenance” between parents and kids affect the relationship while using the “social exchange theory”

Identify and analyze each of the major forms of mass media from an historical perspective beginning with books.

1. Identify and analyze each of the major forms of mass media from an historical perspective beginning with books. How have each of these mediums affected society? Consider the media ecological affect during the period when each medium was considered the “predominant medium.” In what ways was society or culture changed?

2. Aside from the effects of the mediums themselves, how did the content of media–especially advertising supported media– affect society?

3. How have each of these mediums affected you? Identify the predominant mediums you use and describe how each effects your sense of self and your perspective of the world around you. consider the effects of the medium and the content separately.

Does the writer develop a definite line of reasoning, explaining well how he or she is arriving at his or her conclusions?


1.Is the question at issue well stated? Is it clear and unbiased? Does the expression of the question do justice to the complexity of the matter at issue?

2.Does the writer cite relevant evidence, experiences, and/or information essential to the issue?

3.Does the writer clarify key concepts when necessary?

4.Does the writer show a sensitivity to what he or she is assuming or taking for granted? (Insofar as those assumptions might reasonably questioned)?

5.Does the writer develop a definite line of reasoning, explaining well how he or she is arriving at his or her conclusions?

6.Is the writer’s reasoning well-supported?

7.Does the writer show sensitivity to alternative points of view or lines of reasoning? Does he or she consider and respond to objections framed from other points of view?

8.Does the writer show sensitivity to the implications and consequences of the position he or she has take

In what ways do you form online connections? Or do you avoid them altogether, or something in between?

-In what ways do you form online connections? Or do you avoid them altogether, or something in between? Use the definition of social capital to explain these choices. (You may of course also refer to other ideas or examples from this week’s materials, but social capital must be used correctly in your post to receive credit.) Note that there are several definitions of social capital, all similar but distinct.

What is the role of homophily in the movements she describes? Make sure to define the term, then explain how it does or does not apply to the events recounted in the book;

Read below book and write a two-page (single-spaced) synopsis and analysis.

BOOK  Twitter and Teargas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest

Make sure to include at least all of the following:

  • A brief (one- or two-paragraph) summary of the book;
  • What is the role of homophily in the movements she describes? Make sure to define the term, then explain how it does or does not apply to the events recounted in the book;
  • Based on this book and your work in this course, do you think social media are or are not a powerful enabler of social change? Why or why not? Explain in detail, using concepts from the course wherever applicable.