formulate your own “so-what factor” of what the proper definition of justice should be, then choose three out of the five sources that you believe gives the most compelling evidence to convince the reader that your analysis is the best one

What Is Justice?

For this, you are going to formulate an argument based on which readings, and in the case of the Greeks, which interlocutors inside the readings, that you believe give the best concept of justice, and link other readings to them. How? In the first half of the course we are studying five thinkers: Thucydides, Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Locke. Each of them explicitly discuss the concept of justice, and its relationship to power. Can you synthesize a concept of justice that you think is the most compelling of them all? And use at least three sources to back it up?

Be careful, this is not a book report. You are to formulate your own “so-what factor” of what the proper definition of justice should be, then choose three out of the five sources that you believe gives the most compelling evidence to convince the reader that your analysis is the best one

Explain the Long-Tail portion of the media distribution curve.

Explain the Long-Tail portion of the media distribution curve.
How do Netflix and Spotify make use of the long-tail and what impact does it have on consumers, artists, and the companies?
List all sources you used to complete this essay.

Write a critical 2000 words essay about global communications in communication studies.

Write a critical 2000 words essay about global communications in communication studies.

Identify misinformation in the media

In the interview, Dr. Roschke discusses some ways to identify misinformation in the media. Put your media literacy skills to the test by playing Factitious, a fake news spotting game. After playing,  share your results and reflect on your experience and any new insights on the influence of fake news.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, all media will be streaming media.” Discuss this assertion in relation to television.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, all media will be streaming media.” Discuss this assertion in relation to television.

Explain your understanding of the term. Define and explain the term, supporting your understanding of it with properly cited sources.

In this paper, you will assert a position about one term associated with the topic of gender identities.

You will select this term from a limited list that appears before the grading rubric. Your clearly stated position will be supported by examples from your personal observations and experiences in addition to material from relevant course lectures, textbook readings, and external scholarly sources.

State your position with respect to the term. Express your thesis clearly in a one concise sentence, and locate your position statement in the introduction of your essay. For example, you might choose “cisgender” as your term and then state the following position: Cisgender identities are privileged in workplace contexts.
Explain your understanding of the term. Define and explain the term, supporting your understanding of it with properly cited sources. This explanation provides the history, background, and use of the term, and it does not need to be connected to the position you are taking. For example, you could explain when and how cisgender became a term used to describe gender identities and how it is linked to the sex-gender binary.
Develop your position. Include three supporting statements for your position and develop these arguments with examples and evidence. For example, your position on cisgender identities could be supported by a statement about leave policies in organizations that are exclusively granted to “mothers and fathers.” You would then provide an explanation of how you connect this policy to cisgender privilege. Again, all sources (course related or otherwise) must be cited properly. Your discussion will be more persuasive if supported by authoritative evidence rather than opinion.
Address any obvious or subtle criticisms of your position. Think about why someone would disagree with your position. Academic publishing thrives on debate and disagreements among scholars on almost any given topic. If you can find research that critiques your position, cite it. Again, this will make your discussion more substantive and persuasive. Present at least two counterarguments, and explain how your position can refute these. For example, someone may argue that laws protect workers who face discrimination based on gender. How can your position on cisgender explain that privilege for this group still exists despite laws and policies regarding gender? You may not write that there are “no criticisms” of your position. This will result in a 0 for this section of the paper.

**You must cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed academic journal articles (not in the textbook) in addition to a minimum of two references to articles in the textbook. These sources offer more in-depth information about your topic and support for your arguments. The ASU library is the best place to begin your research for sources. Although you may also use books, non-academic articles, popular press magazines, websites and blogs, none of these will count toward the above required sources. Watch the short video tutorials on our Canvas site for an overview of how to search for peer-reviewed articles and avoid plagiarism.

Develop your topic in 1500–2000 words.
Give your paper a meaningful title: “Position Paper” is a generic assignment name, not an appropriate title.
Follow the General Paper Guidelines posted on Canvas, including APA citation style and format.
Do not use the same cisgender example provided here as your position.
Think carefully before stating your position. You want to take a position that can be clearly supported by compelling evidence.
Make sure your argument primarily and predominantly asserts your position rather than attacking another’s position.
Choose persuasive and credible academic sources to support your ideas.


Explain how Aisha should address this conflict. How might she explain her choices to her family, her employer, and/or herself.

Scenario 1: Knowledge (Cultural Self-awareness)
As a biomedical student, Aisha has an opportunity for a summer internship that will involve working on drug resistance with other scientists. After accepting the position, she visits the lab and learns that she will have to inject mice with different agents, to keep detailed logs of their behaviors, and to take the subjects’ temperature three times a day. Initially, Aisha was excited about the advantages of this prestigious internship; however, she and her family are animal lovers. They have always fostered rescue animals and taken in strays that needed special care. Her new position feels at odds with her personal values and background.
Response: With examples and details, explain how Aisha should address this conflict. How might she explain her choices to her family, her employer, and/or herself. (Maximum of 250 words)

How has the global pandemic changed public culture?

How has the global pandemic changed public culture? Choose one aspect of public culture and use at least one theoretical concept or empirical research finding that can help us to understand changes we have experienced.

Choose a particular global brand and explain each component of primal branding as it relates to your brand.

Choose a particular global brand and explain each component of primal branding as it relates to your brand.

How might one define the aesthetic qualities of the auteur theory? How does the aesthetic of the French New Wave cinema occupy existential thinking?

Write a 1500 word essay on the following:
How might one define the aesthetic qualities of the auteur theory?
How does the aesthetic of the French New Wave cinema occupy existential thinking? Specifically in Breathless (1960) by Jean-Luc Godard.
How do jump cuts function as an aesthetic quality within the film, Breathless
(1960) by Jean-Luc Godard?