Critically evaluate anthropological perspectives of community leadership, altruism, and community action. Reflect on and discuss best practice in community leadership within an international context. Apply social capital theory and practice in an international context. Apply and critically evaluate the concepts of citizenship in an international context.

International impact through practice

Critically evaluate anthropological perspectives of community leadership, altruism, and community action.
Reflect on and discuss best practice in community leadership within an international context.
Apply social capital theory and practice in an international context.
Apply and critically evaluate the concepts of citizenship in an international context.

Explain the four-step problem solving system commonly referred to as SARA.

Explain the four-step problem solving system commonly referred to as SARA. Make sure you describe each step. Describe how the implementation of the broken windows phenomenon and SARA benefits community policing. You may Use examples to explain your answ

Identify a macro-level need in your community or organization. How does the Reisch article resonate with what is occurring in your community or organization? How could macro practice meet needs in your community or organization?

In your textbook, Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities, read Chapter
3. Review the article, “Why Macro Practice Matters.”
If you are not logged into the IWU OCLS, you will be prompted to enter your login and password to access the article.
Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts in 200 to 300 words:

1.) Identify a macro-level need in your community or organization.

2.) How does the Reisch article resonate with what is occurring in your community or organization?
3.) How could macro practice meet needs in your community or organization?

Describe and apply the various details of Community Perspectives. Describe and apply the various aspects of what is entailed in Community-Based Participatory Research.

The next assignment should focus upon 2 foundational and pivotal sections of the chapter, that is, Perspectives (pages 132-144) and Community-Based Participatory Research (Pages 144-158). This assignment should be submitted as a Moodle Post with a minimum the equivalent of 2 Word doc. pages (but it is not a Word doc., it is a Moodle post).

1. describe and apply the various details of Community Perspectives, 2. Describe and apply the various aspects of what is entailed in Community-Based Participatory Research. 3. Indicate how the material set forth in these sections is essential for the effective implementation of Community Planning and Change.

Describe the pros and cons of its impact on human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice for youth and families.

Contact a local children’s services agency and see if you can talk with a social worker or supervisor about their approach to coordination and collaboration with other organizations. What is their approach? What strengths and weakness do they see? What barriers do they frequently encounter in their work to provide help or resources to clients? If they could change something about the community’s approach what do they think would improve outcomes for their clients? Document your interview, the responses and your thoughts in a 2-page journal entry.

In a 2 to 3-page reflection, evaluate the systems of care policy model for its potential to impact the provision and delivery of clinical services in your community. Describe the pros and cons of its impact on human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice for youth and families. How can the model be used to address all of these? Finally, based on the information you gained from your interview identify at least two next steps you could take as a social worker using the systems of care policy approach to improve outcomes for youth or reduce barriers to care. Be specific regarding what you would do, meeting you might have, people to talk to, planning or coloration activities you could lead, etc.