Identify at least three business process that new century performs and explain who is responsible for the specific tasks.

New Century Health Clinic, Case Study

Identify at least three business process that new century performs and explain who is responsible for the specific tasks.

Use headings to help Chris navigate your document. Provide a table of contents to help Chris see the different sections of your report and help him to find them easily.

How the Report Should Be Organized

Your report will
be 12001500 words in length.

incorporate at least three references.

o Integrate more than three references if you would like.

o Cite and list them in APA 7th edition style.

include at least one graphic. The graphic should demonstrate either the current personnel arrangement (and the problems it poses) or your proposed personnel arrangement (and how it addresses the current problems) or both. Of course, if you would like to include more than one graphic, you may do so.

You will need to apply the following Golden Rules of Technical Communication:

Rule #1: Paper is Permanent. Make sure your word forms are accurate and your grammar and mechanics are correct. Others in the company in addition to Chris might see your memo. It is not only Chris who might be judging your message based on the quality of your writing.

Rule #2: Know your Audience.
o Keep in mind that you are writing to Chris Taylor. He is your primary audience. He is not an IT expert, nor is he a human resources professional. In addition, consider his education level and his lack of acumen for ITrelated matters.

o Note that Chris is your boss. You are writing to a superior about a problem that he does not realize is a problem.

o Understand that, while Chris is your primary audience, other members of the IT team are secondary audiences. They might see your memo eventually.

Consider their level of education. Some of them have bachelor’s or master’s degrees.

Don’t offend them. You don’t want to write anything that would cause a problem between you and members of the IT Department if they see your memo.

Rule #4: Break It Out. Instead of writing long, thick, dense paragraphs, you want to write readable text.
o Bullet information in places if necessary

o Write short, crisp sentences that are readable.

o Write short paragraphs rather than long ones, as you deem necessary.

Use your judgment about how to break out your text as you consider the rhetorical situation.

Rule #7: Signpost. Use headings to help Chris navigate your document. Provide a table of contents to help Chris see the different sections of your report and help him to find them easily.

Rule #9: Contemplate Before You Illustrate. As you construct your graphic, make sure it adds to your document and does not simply dress up the document. Consider how best to illustrate the current problem or the possible solution with your graphic(s).

Rule #10. Cut the Fluff. Chris is a busy business owner. He is not expecting your report. He has not budgeted time in his schedule to read it. You will need to communicate the current problem and suggest an alternative to it without getting wordy or including information that is not helpful to your purpose.

Effectively and efficiently develop sustainable leadership initiatives to improve the resource management, enhance productivity and performance with a focus on finance performance and people.

Case Study for Business Report WeWork

Effectively and efficiently develop sustainable leadership initiatives to improve the resource management, enhance productivity and performance with a focus on finance performance and people.

Create a scatter plot of the highest stock price against time. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.

 Company’s stock history

Select a publicly traded business or stock that plays in only one industry in which you have interest. Download the raw data on the company’s stock history.

Follow these steps to locate and download stock history from Yahoo! Finance:

Go to Yahoo Finance.
Search for and find the stock information of your chosen company. Remember do not use a company that plays in multiple industries.
Once you pull up the general data on the company, review the screen links throughout until you find the link for Historical Data. Click on the Historical Data link. Then select the following settings above the table:
Select Time Period of one year.
Select “Historical Prices.”
Select Frequency as “Daily.”
Click Apply.
Click Download Data. Go to the bottom of your screen or your Downloads folder to open the Excel file you just downloaded. Open the Excel file. Check to be sure that you have enough lines to show the whole year. If not, reset the settings at the top of the Historical Data chart and try again.
Once you are sure that you have a year’s worth of data, save the Excel file.
Using the Excel file with the year’s stock data, conduct descriptive analysis as follows:

Create a scatter plot of the highest stock price (in the column labeled “High”) against time. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
Create a scatter plot of the lowest stock price (in the column labeled “Low”) against time. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
Create a histogram of the adjusted daily closing stock price (in the column labeled “Adj Close”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created this graph.
Create a histogram of the stock trading volume (in the column labeled “Volume”). Make sure the histogram is meaningful by adjusting the bin size so you can see the shape of the histogram. Write several sentences explaining the process/steps by which you created each graph.

Complete the following for each of the four graphs:
Make sure the x and y axis have appropriate labels—“Stock Price in USD” or “Date D/M/Y” for example.
Change the title of the graph to communicated what the graph is communicating.
Add options—color, trendlines, legend, other?
Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the adjusted daily closing stock price.
Put answers of calculations in table format for easy review.
Write several sentences explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.
Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of the stock volume. Put in table format for easy review. Write a sentence explaining the process by which you calculated these statistics.

Are they doing great? Any room for improvement to support their strategy? Does the company need changes in company-level strategy? If so propose a brief description of new HR practices. etc.

Analysis of TWO HR practices/topics of ONE company

You will conduct an analysis of TWO HR practices/topics of ONE company, using knowledge in the textbook, from your experiences, and that are discussed during class. The project will be evaluated based on a 5-7 page long research paper. The 5-7 pages should exclude a title page, executive summary, tables and reference. The research paper should be typed in 12 font Times New Roman with one-inch margin. Referencing should be in the style of the American Psychological Association. More specific instructions for each case will be provided in class.

Generally, the organization of the presentation and paper would be following:

Introduction of the company: SWOT analysis, their direction of strategy, product, industry characteristics etc.

Description of two HR practices that are important for the company strategy: selection? recruitment? Diversity management? performance management? Employee relations? etc.

Evaluation, and recommendations: Are they doing great? Any room for improvement to support their strategy? Does the company need changes in company-level strategy? If so propose a brief description of new HR practices. etc.

Write an analysis about what the job entails, highlighting the job description and job specifications data.

Job Analysis and Discovery

The directions say:
Write an analysis about what the job entails, highlighting the job description and job specifications data.

Review three other critiques/articles that currently appear in the literature, using such search terms as “criticisms of performance management.” Extract the key ideas and recommendations from the four critiques/articles you read. Compare and contrast the critiques in terms of the nature of the criticism, the evidence presented in support of the criticism, and recommendations for change.

Compare, Contrast and Critique

Why Most Performance Evaluations are Biased, and How to Fix Them, then,

1) Review three other critiques/articles that currently appear in the literature, using such search terms as “criticisms of performance management.”

2) Extract the key ideas and recommendations from the four critiques/articles you read.

3) Compare and contrast the critiques in terms of the nature of the criticism, the evidence presented in support of the criticism, and recommendations for change.

4) Take a stance on whether or not the criticism of performance management is warranted. Make sure to defend your stance.

Highlight main financial barometers: sales, net income, net income as a percentage of sales, cash balance, cash flows, capital investments and the amount of the initial investment needed to start your business. Explain variances from year to year and any anomalies.

Lashes on the Go

Highlight main financial barometers: sales, net income, net income as a percentage of sales, cash balance, cash flows, capital investments and the amount of the initial investment needed to start your business. Explain variances from year to year and any anomalies.

In order to better understand this, choose a piece of open source software (either linux or something mentioned in the chapters, or a favorite of yours) and find a little bit out about the evolution of the project.

Cyber Forensics

Mozilla Firefox is a great example of a piece of open source software. Of course, a lot of these recent chapters discuss how open source software is used in Cyber Forensics. In order to better understand this, choose a piece of open source software (either linux or something mentioned in the chapters, or a favorite of yours) and find a little bit out about the evolution of the project. Try to relate that back to the discussion of cyber forensics, what are the benefits of open source software (obviously cost, but what else) and what are the drawbacks (potentially the scope of features/ support).

In what ways does the development of artificially intelligent systems impact our society in terms of health care?

Artificially intelligent systems

In what ways does the development of artificially intelligent systems impact our society in terms of health care?