In order to better understand this, choose a piece of open source software (either linux or something mentioned in the chapters, or a favorite of yours) and find a little bit out about the evolution of the project.

Cyber Forensics

Mozilla Firefox is a great example of a piece of open source software. Of course, a lot of these recent chapters discuss how open source software is used in Cyber Forensics. In order to better understand this, choose a piece of open source software (either linux or something mentioned in the chapters, or a favorite of yours) and find a little bit out about the evolution of the project. Try to relate that back to the discussion of cyber forensics, what are the benefits of open source software (obviously cost, but what else) and what are the drawbacks (potentially the scope of features/ support).

In what ways does the development of artificially intelligent systems impact our society in terms of health care?

Artificially intelligent systems

In what ways does the development of artificially intelligent systems impact our society in terms of health care?

Provide brief detail on why and how and what makes it the revenue model of Sephora. What make Sephora’s company has a revenue maximization? For the revenue maximization, provide recent financial information . What are some ways that Sephora are doing that are increasing their revenue?


Explain the revenue model ( if is it advertising revenue model, subscription based revue model, or affiliate revenue model) of Sephora with illustrations and examples. Provide brief detail on why and how and what makes it the revenue model of Sephora. What make Sephora’s company has a revenue maximization? For the revenue maximization, provide recent financial information . What are some ways that Sephora are doing that are increasing their revenue?

What aspects of the Business Model should be considered / are noteworthy? What financials of the company and/or other competitors / complimentary industry were considered towards making your decision?

Shopee’s European Exansion

illISIIIEA group would like to do a Market Launch Analysis and recommendation for expansion of Shopee in 2 European countries. Your team of Analysts ha been hired for this Project. Your team’s task is to give a “Go” or No-Go” decision to your Client’s Management for expansion in Europe. We expect the team to use data to make their specific decision. You have been invited for an analysis of: 114 Shopee Some guidelines:

– What is your Hypothesis?

• Analyze the industry in Europe through the lens of the company.

• What factors in the Europe economy were considered towards making your “Go” or “No-Go” decision?

• Are there specific correlations in data points that need to be observed / shared?

• What aspects of the Business Model should be considered / are noteworthy?

• What financials of the company and/or other competitors / complimentary industry were considered towards making your decision?

• What could be the Type I and Type II errors in the decision? What would be the implications of either of these errors?

• If you recommend a “Go”, what elements in the ERRC / Value Innovation would you recommend your client to do?

• If you recommend “No-Go”, what would you highlight/specify in terms of ERRC?

• Your arguments should be supported by data, correlations, projections (regression).

• You need to prepare a maximum 8 min.

Pitch to state your decision and present your analysis to support your decision. Your pitch will be followed by 5-7 mins. of q&A from the Executive management of the Client. Your classmates will “role play” your Client’s Executive management. Your team will need to research publicly available information to get insights such as company/competitor financials, IBISWorld, PitchBook, WSJ and such trusted sources only.

Your Assignment submission on MyCourses will have 1 file submissions in Microsoft Excel forma only.

What are some potential drivers of the decreased customer satisfaction and increased call volume? What data supports these findings and how did you come to these conclusions? What are some potential recommendations to improve these issues? What are the benefits of implementing your recommendations?

Data Analysis Case study

The Chief Operating Officer of a wireless phone company, TelCo Inc., has noticed that the company’s customer satisfaction scores have been dropping. Additionally, the call volume in their customer service center has been increasing, which is driving increased operating costs.

They have asked you to analyze their current operations to see if there is anything driving these issues. The following sections contain the information you will need to complete their request.

Attached is a workbook with four pieces of data:
Customer Satisfaction Results: After each contact with TelCo, customers are asked to take a customer satisfaction survey. The information on this tab corresponds to the survey questions below:
Considering everything from the time you placed your call until this call was completed, how would you rate your overall contact experience? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor, and you may use any number between 1 and 5.
Now that we’ve gotten your feedback about your overall experience, we’d like you to think now JUST about the service provided by the person who assisted you. Thinking about the LAST person who handled your call, how would you rate that service professional on the following aspects, using the same scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor.
The overall quality of the service provided by that particular service professional
Ability to resolve your issue
Being courteous
Being knowledgeable about products and services
NPS question scale 0-10 How likely are you to recommend Telco inc to a friend ?
0-6 detractors
7&8 Passives
9&10 Promoters
Verbatim Comments – Customers opinion of the service they received
Account Interactions: Provides information on the interactions that take place in the customer service centers.
Agent Information: Provides information on the customer service agents who handled the account interactions.
Definitions: Defines the terms used in the above data sheets

Use this data to analyze the situation and answer the questions in the results section below.

After conducting your analysis, please complete a presentation to cover at least the following:
What are some potential drivers of the decreased customer satisfaction and increased call volume?
What data supports these findings and how did you come to these conclusions?
What are some potential recommendations to improve these issues?
What are the benefits of implementing your recommendations?
are there any potential service level impacts?
What is the overall NPS score ?
How could the overall TCO be reduced?
Build a Hypothetical Action Plan to improve Performance
Also include a slide on what you think the challenges the Telco industry are facing and how these could impact the overall CX

If you were the CEO, what would you change and why?

Provide a complete assessment of a company using these 4 assessment tools: McKinsey 7-S framework, Balanced Scorecard, SWOT Analysis, and PESTLE. If you were the CEO, what would you change and why? Provide your recommendations for change, and “Before” and “After” Organizational charts showing the current management structure and how you propose to change it and why.

This should be written as an essay and be 4500 words (+ or – 10%), and should demonstrate skills of critical reflection, effective communication, and balanced judgement.

Does the present strategy fit with market forces? What supporting strategies do the firm use to compete?

Case Analysis Questions:

Executive Summary

Name and describe the organization’s industry.

Describe the relevant Macro Environmental forces of the Industry.

Describe the major Driving Forces of the Industry.

Conduct a Porter’s Five Forces industry analysis. Summarize the industry impacts.

Identify and describe the Key Success Factors for the Industry.

Using a Strategic Group Map identify & discuss the major “players”, their strategies, and how the strategies differ.

Is the Industry attractive? Why and/or why not?

Conduct an in-depth financial analysis with regards to profitability, liquidity, and growth, and then provide an assessment of the overall health of the firm’s finances.

Using tools such as value chain and/or resource based view identify the competencies and skills the firm has that provide the organization with a competitive advantage and summarize their impacts (Be Specific).

Conduct a SWOT analysis on the company and describe its strategic relevance and summarize their impact.

Assess the strength of the company relative to the other Industry participants using a Competitive Strength Assessment (CSA) matrix. What conclusions can be made concerning the ability of the company to compete based upon your CSA matrix?

Identify the firm’s present mission. Does the existing mission fit with the market forces? What changes to the mission should be made?

Identify the firm’s present generic strategy. Does the present strategy fit with market forces? What supporting strategies do the firm use to compete? Has it been effective in establishing a sustainable advantage?

Based on the case study, what are the strategic issues the firm must address to be competitive?

What additional opportunities or threats have emerged for this company during the past year?

What strategic changes would you recommend to address the firm’s strategic issues?
Use the ten part implementation model to briefly describe the actions necessary to implement the recommended strategy or strategies?

Determine the average growth rates for each crime category and compare them across cities.

Use the tables “Crime rates in … by Year” from the websites and create a table with five columns. The first column should display the years, the other four columns should show the “assault” and “theft” data for both cities and each year. Make sure you use the “Per 100,000 Pop” data (the numbers in parentheses), which standardize the crime data and, therefore, make them comparable.

Determine the average growth rates for each crime category and compare them across cities.

Determine whether the crime rate differences between cities are statistically significant. Run two t-tests to compare the average crime rates for assaults and thefts across cities.

Explain why the implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) program could improve operational efficiency at Lacks Tracks.

The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main points covered in the paper.

This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper. The introduction is often written after the paper is completed. (Use as needed appropriate in-text citation and include the references in the Reference section)
The body of the paper will cover the following:

Explain what control means in a business setting. (Use heading below and in-text citation as required)
Explain why Lacks Tracks must be concerned with the actual production metrics at its plants.

Compare the metrics table standards to the actual performance outcomes at each of the five (5) plants and explain your findings for each plant.

Identify the four (4) most important and common deviations from the standards among the plants and explain why this data is important to Lacks Tracks management.

Using course materials identify and explain two (2) types of controls that could be used by Lacks Tracks management to attempt to correct the deviations from standards at its plants. (Use the headings below and citations and references as appropriate.)

Explain why the implementation of a Total Quality Management (TQM) program could improve operational efficiency at Lacks Tracks. (Use as needed appropriate in-text citation)