Write an essay on the implementation and applications of dynamic programming algorithms for optimization problems.

Implementation and Applications of Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Optimization Problems

Write an essay on the implementation and applications of dynamic programming algorithms for optimization problems.

Submit a Jupyter notebook that reports on what you have learned about the complexity of different algorithms for finding the similarities of documents using a bag-of-words representation.

 Algorithmic Data Science

For this assessment, you are asked to submit a Jupyter notebook that reports on what you have learned about the complexity of different algorithms for finding the similarities of documents using a bag-of-words representation.

Imagine, you have a collection of d (d > 10) documents each containing at least w (w > 50) English words. For testing purposes, you may wish to construct or collect such a collection. A document can be represented as a bag of words, i.e., as a set of words, it contains together with associated frequencies. This is most naturally stored using a Python dictionary – and this is called a sparse representation of the data. Alternatively, the dictionary can be converted to a vector (e.g., a NumPy array) where there is a dimension for each of the V words in the English vocabulary. This is called a dense representation.

Describe how a brute-force approach algorithm would solve the above problem, and explain its complexity. Design an algorithm to solve the above scenario for N boxes.

Question 1: (30 Marks)

In stores, boxes should be placed in an organized way otherwise it will be messy. Given a collection of boxes, it is requested to place them on top of each other to reach the minimum possible height. There is a condition, where a box cannot be placed on top of another box unless the area of its 2D base is smaller or equal of the 2D base of the lower box. It is allowed to rotate any box to use any two sides as its base. For example, consider below 4 boxes where each box has the following dimensions Input: Box 1: (2,1,3), Box 2:(6,3,8) Box 3: (4,2,5), Box 4:(3,1,6),


From bottom to top as follows:

In the bottom Æ Box 2 on the base (6,8) and height 3,

On top of it Æ Box 3 on the base (4,5) and height 2,

Then Æ Box 4 on the base (6,3) and height 1,

Finally Æ Box 1 on the base (2,3) and height 1.

The total height is 7

[Explanation: as we can see that the first box in the bottom is the box 2 with base 6×8 and height 3, then box3 with base 4×5 and height 2, and so on. This arrangement of boxes fulfils the constraint mentioned above: “the dimensions of the 2D base of the lower box are each strictly larger than those of the 2D base of the higher box”. This solution also satisfies the shortest possible stack]

  1. a) Describe how a brute-force approach algorithm would solve the above problem (4 marks), and explain its complexity (2 marks).
  1. b) Design an algorithm to solve the above scenario for N boxes. (6 marks) [The efficiency of your algorithm is the main driver of the mark], and analyze the complexity of your solution. (2 marks) [full explanation of your answer should be provided]
  1. c) Develop a python code to implement your efficient algorithm. (10 marks) [The marks depend on the correctness of the code, indentation, comments, test-case]
  1. d) Prepare a brief report (250 words) comparing the two algorithms (6 marks)


Question 2: (30 Marks)

There is a group of n children standing in a queue, where their ages are listed in the array A[ ]. The children are standing randomly in the queue. Most probably, their ages in the array A[ ] are randomly listed too. For each child, you are required to search for the next older child in the queue and to print the difference of their ages. Print all the outputs in an array Out[ ].

Note: x The last kid in the queue is then compared with the first kid in the queue as if it is a circular queue. x Print -1 if no one is eldest than the kid under consideration.

Example 1:

A[ ]={11, 10, 7, 13, 14, 12,9,15,8}

Output: Out[ ]= {2, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3, 6, -1, 3}

Example 2:


Output: Out[ ]={1, 4, 1, 6, -1}

Explanation of example 1:

The given array A[] of heights is as follows: A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] A[8] 11 10 7 13 14 12 9 15 8

The kid at the starting point of the queue 11 years old (i.e., A[0]). The next older kid in the queue at A[3] with age 13 years. The difference between their heights is 13 – 11 = 2, therefore 2 is printed. The second kid is 10 years old (i.e.,A[1]) has also the same kid as the next first older kid.

Therefore 3 is printed and so on. Remember that the queue is circular. Therefore, the last kid in the queue with age 8 (i.e., A[8]) is compared with the kid at the starting point of the queue, where the kid with 11 years old (i.e., A[0]) is the next older taller kid, and hence, 3 is printed.

Output: Out[ ]={2, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3, 6, -1, 3}

  1. a) Design an efficient algorithm to solve this problem. (10 marks) [The efficiency of your algorithm is the main driver of the mark], and analyze the complexity of your solution. (4 marks) [full explanation of your answer should be provided]
  1. b) Develop a python code to implement your efficient algorithm. (10 marks) [The marks depend on the correctness of the code, indentation, comments, test-case]
  1. c) Prepare a brief report (250 words) comparing the two algorithms (6 marks)

Question 3: (30 Marks)

Given three groups of boxes A, B, and C of n boxes each, where the shapes of the boxes are different. The capacity of each box is measured in milliliter (ml). The list of boxes’ capacities in Group A is exactly randomly repeated in Group B and C. This means that for each box in Group A there exist a corresponding box in Group B and C that hold the same capacity, but we do not know which box would match with the other in group A, B and C. Your mission is to find a smart way to match these boxes.

For example:

Input: capacity in milliliter

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 140 120 150 100 170 200 90 180

B 170 150 140 90 100 120 180 200

C 120 90 200 150 180 140 100 170


A[1] with B[3] with C[6]

A[2] with B[6] with C[1]

A[3] with B[2] with C[4]

… and so on

  1. a) Using a brute-force approach, design an algorithm to solve this problem, and analyze its complexity (3+2 marks)
  1. b) Design a more efficient algorithm to solve this problem, and analyze its complexity [Hint: you can use any data-structure] (6+4 marks)
  1. c) Implement your efficient algorithm using Python (10 marks)
  2. d) Prepare a brief report (250 words) comparing the two algorithms (5 marks)


Question 4: (30 Marks)

The following algorithm examines all the components in a given array to check for the existence of any two numbers, where one of them is the square of the other, in the given array or not.

For example 1: input: A[9,5,28,25,47, 55] Æ output: true

For example 2: input: A[24,15,18,18,42, 22] Æ output: false

In example 1 the output is True because (5 and 25), where 25 is the square value of 5, while the output of example 2 is False because there is no any pair of numbers that meets this condition.

  • Input: An array A[0…n-1]
  • Output: Return True if there exist any two numbers, where one of them is the square of the other in the array, False otherwise
  1. a) Design a brute force algorithm to solve this problem (5 marks) and analyze its complexity. [explain your answer] (2 marks)
  1. b) Design a more efficient algorithm to do the same job (10 marks) analyze the complexity of your algorithm [explain your answer] (3 marks)
  1. c) Develop a python code to implement your efficient algorithm. (10 marks) [The marks depend on the correctness of the code, indentation, comments, test-case


Create a new database and execute the code below in SQL Server’s query window to create the database tables.

Health Care Options (HCO) Project: Database and Structured Query Language (SQL) Query Assignment Instructions


Step 1:  Table Creation

Create a new database and execute the code below in SQL Server’s query window to create the database tables.

CREATE TABLE PhysicianSpecialties

(SpecialtyID integer,

SpecialtyName varchar(50),

CONSTRAINT PK_PhysicianSpecialties PRIMARY KEY (SpecialtyID))



(ZipCode varchar(10),

City varchar(50),

State varchar(2),



CREATE TABLE PhysicianPractices

(PracticeID integer,

PracticeName varchar(50),

Address_Line1 varchar(50),

Address_Line2 varchar(50),

ZipCode varchar(10),

Phone varchar(14),

Fax varchar(14),

WebsiteURL varchar(50),

CONSTRAINT PK_PhysicianPractices PRIMARY KEY (PracticeID),

CONSTRAINT FK_PhysicianPractices_ZipCodes  FOREIGN KEY (ZipCode) REFERENCES Zipcodes)



(PhysicianID integer,

FirstName varchar(40),

LastName varchar(50),

PracticeID integer,

SpecialtyID integer,

Email varchar(50),


CONSTRAINT FK_Physicians_Practices FOREIGN KEY (PracticeID) REFERENCES  PhysicianPractices,

CONSTRAINT FK_Physicians_PhysicianSpecialities FOREIGN KEY (SpecialtyID) REFERENCES PhysicianSpecialties)



(PatientID integer,

FirstName varchar(50),

MiddleInitial varchar(1),

LastName varchar(50),

Address_Line1 varchar(50),

Address_Line2 varchar(50),

ZipCode varchar(10),

Phone_Home varchar(14),

Phone_Alternate varchar(14),

Email varchar(50),




(ReferralID integer,

StartDate smalldatetime,

EndDate smalldatetime,

PatientID integer,

PhysicianID integer,


CONSTRAINT FK_Referrals_Patients FOREIGN KEY (PatientID) REFERENCES Patients,

CONSTRAINT FK_Referrals_Physicians FOREIGN KEY (PhysicianID) REFERENCES Physicians)



(ServiceID integer,

ServiceName varchar(50),



CREATE TABLE Frequencies

(FrequencyID integer,

Frequency varchar(30),

CONSTRAINT PK_Frequencies PRIMARY KEY (FrequencyID))


CREATE TABLE ReferralServices

(ReferralID integer,

ServiceID integer,

FrequencyID integer,

CONSTRAINT PK_ReferralServices PRIMARY KEY (ReferralID, ServiceID),

CONSTRAINT FK_ReferralServices_Referrals FOREIGN KEY (ReferralID) REFERENCES Referrals,

CONSTRAINT FK_ReferralServices_Services FOREIGN KEY (ServiceID) REFERENCES Services,

CONSTRAINT FK_ReferralServices_Frequencies FOREIGN KEY (FrequencyID) REFERENCES Frequencies)



(PaymentTypeID integer,

PaymentType varchar(25),



CREATE TABLE InsuranceCompanies

(InsuranceID integer,

InsuranceCompany varchar(50),

Address_Line1 varchar(50),

Address_Line2 varchar(50),

ZipCode varchar(10),

Phone varchar(15),

Fax varchar(15),

Email varchar(50),

CONSTRAINT PK_InsuranceCompanies PRIMARY KEY (InsuranceID),

CONSTRAINT FK_InsuranceCompanies_ZipCodes FOREIGN KEY (ZipCode) REFERENCES ZipCodes)



(ContractID integer,

ReferralID integer,

StartDate smalldatetime,

EndDate smalldatetime,

PaymentTypeID integer,

InsuranceID integer,

NegotiatedRate float,


CONSTRAINT PK_Contracts_Referrals FOREIGN KEY (ReferralID) REFERENCES Referrals,

CONSTRAINT FK_Contracts_PaymentTypes FOREIGN KEY (PaymentTypeID) REFERENCES PaymentTypes,

CONSTRAINT FK_Contracts_InsuranceCompanies FOREIGN KEY (InsuranceID) REFERENCES InsuranceCompanies)


CREATE TABLE EmployeeTypes

(EmployeeTypeID integer identity,

EmployeeType varchar(25),

CONSTRAINT PK_EmployeeTypes PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeTypeID))


CREATE TABLE EmployeeTitles

(EmployeeTitleID integer,

EmployeeTitle varchar(30),

CONSTRAINT PK_EmployeeTitles PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeTitleID))


CREATE TABLE EmployeeSkillLevels

(SkillLevelID integer,

SkillLevel varchar(15),

CONSTRAINT PK_EmployeeSkillLevels PRIMARY KEY (SkillLevelID))



(EmployeeTypeID integer,

SkillLevelID integer,

BillingRate float,

CONSTRAINT PK_PrimaryKey PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeTypeID, SkillLevelID),

CONSTRAINT FK_BillingRates_EmployeeTypes FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeTypeID) REFERENCES EmployeeTypes,

CONSTRAINT FK_BillingRates_EmployeeSkillLevels FOREIGN KEY (SkillLevelID) REFERENCES EmployeeSkillLevels)


CREATE TABLE EmployeeRanks

(RankID integer,

EmployeeTypeID integer,

TitleID integer,

SkillLevelID integer,

HourlyRate float,

Salary float,


CONSTRAINT FK_EmployeeRanks_EmployeeTypes FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeTypeID) REFERENCES EmployeeTypes,

CONSTRAINT FK_EmployeeRanks_EmployeeTitles FOREIGN KEY (TitleID) REFERENCES EmployeeTitles,

CONSTRAINT FK_EmployeeRanks_EmployeeSkillLevels FOREIGN KEY (SkillLevelID) REFERENCES EmployeeSkillLevels)



(EmployeeID integer,

FirstName varchar(30),

MiddleInitial varchar(1),

LastName varchar(50),

Address_Line1 varchar(50),

Address_Line2 varchar(50),

ZipCode varchar(10),

Phone varchar(14),

Cell_Phone varchar(14),

Email varchar(50),

RankID integer,

HourlyWage float,

Salary float,


CONSTRAINT FK_Employees_EmployeeRanks FOREIGN KEY (RankID) REFERENCES EmployeeRanks,




(ShiftID integer,

ShiftName varchar(20),

StartTime time,

EndTime time,




(DayOfWeekID integer,

DayOfWeek varchar(15),




CREATE TABLE Availability

(EmployeeID integer,

WeekOf smalldatetime,

DayOfWeekID integer,

ShiftID integer,

CONSTRAINT PK_Availability PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID, WeekOf, DayOfWeekID, ShiftID),

CONSTRAINT FK_Availability_Employees FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employees,






CREATE TABLE MedicalSuppliers

(SupplierID integer,

SupplierName varchar(50),

Address_Line1 varchar(50),

Address_Line2 varchar(50),

ZipCode varchar(10),

Phone varchar(14),

Fax varchar(14),

Email varchar(50),

CONSTRAINT PK_MedicalSuppliers PRIMARY KEY (SupplierID),

CONSTRAINT FK_MedicalSuppliers_ZipCodes FOREIGN KEY (ZipCode) REFERENCES ZipCodes)



(SupplyID integer,

SupplyDescription varchar(40),

ChargePerUnit float,



CREATE TABLE SupplyInventory

(SupplyID integer,

SupplierID integer,

DateReceived smalldatetime,

UnitCost float,

Quantity float,

CONSTRAINT PK_SupplyInventory PRIMARY KEY (SupplyID, SupplierID, DateReceived),

CONSTRAINT FK_SupplyInventory_Supplies FOREIGN KEY (SupplyID) REFERENCES Supplies,

CONSTRAINT FK_SupplyInventory_Suppliers FOREIGN KEY (SupplierID) REFERENCES MedicalSuppliers)



(VisitID integer,

DateRendered smalldatetime,

StartTime time,

EndTime time,

EmployeeID integer,

PatientID integer,


CONSTRAINT FK_Visits_Employees FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employees,




(VisitID integer,

VisitDetailID integer,

SupplyID integer,

SupplyQuantity integer,

ServiceID integer,

Charge float,

CONSTRAINT PK_VisitDetails PRIMARY KEY (VisitID, VisitDetailID),

CONSTRAINT FK_VisitDetaiils_Supplies FOREIGN KEY (SupplyID) REFERENCES Supplies,

CONSTRAINT FK_VisitDetails_Services FOREIGN KEY (ServiceID) REFERENCES Services)


Step 2:  Data Loading

Load the data from the Health Care Options (HCO) Project Data spreadsheet (located in the Health Care Options (HCO) Project: Database and Structured Query Language (SQL) Query Resources) into the tables.  Note that there are 26 worksheets in this workbook that correspond to the 26 tables you created above.

After your data are loaded, execute Select statements for each of the tables to display all of the data in the tables.  Note that you only have to take a screenshot of the first screen that appears in your result window.  However, you must capture the SELECT statement as well as the results window.  Be sure to capture the number of rows returned from the query (shown below in the lower right hand corner of the results window).  Paste a copy of your screenshots at the bottom your document.


Step 3:  Queries

Write and execute the queries found in the Health Care Options (HCO) Project Queries document (found in the Health Care Options (HCO) Project: Database and Structured Query Language (SQL) Query Resources) to answer each question.  As in your labs, be sure to write out your query in Word and then take a screenshot of the results after execution of each query.

Data loaded into tables is worth 30% of your content grade.

Correct construction and execution of your queries is worth 70% of your content grade.

 Example Output for Query 1:

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Design an efficient algorithm to solve this problem and analyze the complexity of your solution. Develop a python code to implement your efficient algorithm. Prepare a brief report comparing the two algorithms.

Efficient algorithm

There is a group of n children standing in  a queue, where their ages are listed in the array A[ ]. The children are standing randomly in the queue. Most probably, their ages in the array A[ ] are randomly listed too. For each child, you are required to search for the next older child in the queue and to print the difference of their ages. Print all the outputs in an array Out[ ].

The given array A[] of heights is as follows:

A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] A[8]

11 10 7 13 14 12 9 15 8

The kid at the starting point of the queue 11 years old (i.e., A[0]). The next older kid in the queue at A[3] with age 13 years. The difference between their heights is 13 – 11 = 2, therefore 2 is printed. The second kid is 10 years old (i.e., A[1]) has also the same kid as the next first older kid.

Therefore 3 is printed and so on.

Remember that the queue is circular. Therefore, the last kid in the queue with age 8  is compared with the kid at the starting point of the queue, where the kid with 11 years old (i.e., A[0]) is the next older taller kid, and hence, 3 is printed.

Output: Out[ ]={2, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3, 6, -1, 3}

  1. a) Design an efficient algorithm to solve this problem  and analyze the complexity of your solution.
  2. b) Develop a python code to implement your efficient algorithm. depend on the correctness of the code, indentation, comments, test-case.
  3. c) Prepare a brief report comparing the two algorithms .


Scan the diagram in a file or build the diagram in word or other text processing program. Create the database model in another file and keep it.

Final Project CS4420 Database

Create the E/R model of the database you are going to build. The more variety the better grade.

  • Scan the diagram in a file or build the diagram in word or other text processing program.
  • Create the database model in another file and keep it.
  • Normalize all the tables to the BoyceCodd Normal form and explain the process .
  • Create a database called Last Name LastName2.
  • Create the tables in the SQL Server program with SQL commands.
  • Create the diagram of the database Model in SQL Server.
  • Insert an average of 10 records per table as long as the model allows it.
  • Try to retrieve data from the database.
  • Include the original info. In other words, how the data would look if no


Create a database and write a report on it – 2 written pages + add tables and graphs from project on top of them. Develop a maintenance and DR Plan for a selected company.

Database Maintenance Specifications

Create a database and write a report on it – 2 written pages + add tables and graphs from project on top of them. Develop a maintenance and DR Plan for a selected company. You are the database administrator so the document should outline all key areas that would provide the company with a detailed outline for ongoing maintenance and in event there is a disaster.

Areas of Focus:

Company Overview – Provide an overview of the company and its operations

Database Maintenance Specifications:

  • Database Environment
  • Users/Permissions
  • Storage Hardware Configuration
  • Governance and Regulatory compliance
  • Backup and Recovery Measures
  • Data Availability Plan:
  • Cluster vs log shipping
  • Database Performance Plan
  • Database Integrity Plan B checking
  • Memory Usage
  • Data monitoring
  • Disaster Recovery Plan

**Search the internet for examples of DR plan templates based on your research, select a DR template to complete to add to your project.


Describe a Turing Machine that accepts if the XOR of the first two binary numbers is equal to the third binary number and rejects otherwise.

Discussion Question

  1. Consider the problem of conputing the XOR of two binary and determining if the result is equal to a third binary number. Suppose the input tape contains three binary numbers, separated by $ symbols. Each binary number consists of one or more bits with one bit per cell. E.g.,

(a) Describe a Turing Machine that accepts if the XOR of the first two binary numbers is equal to the third binary number and rejects otherwise. Note: You just need to describe how the TM would function as we have done in lectures. You do not need to specify the TM in full. Feel free to describe a multi-tape Turing Machine if that is easier.

(b) [5 marks] Describe a Random Access Machine that accepts if the XOR of the first two binary numbers is equal to the third binary number and rejects otherwise. Note: You just need to describe how the RAM would function as we have done in lectures.

  1. Consider the problem of checking if an XOR of n binary numbers is equal to 0. The input tape contains n binary numbers, separated by $ symbols.

(a) Describe a Turing Machine that accepts if the XOR of the binary numbers is 0. Note: You just need to describe how the TM would function as we have done in lectures. You do not need to specify the TM in full. Feel free to describe a multi-tape Turing Machine if that is easier.

(b) Describe a Random Access Machine that accepts if the XOR of the binary numbers is 0 and rejects otherwise. Note: You just need to describe how the RAM would function as we have done in lectures.

Open the MS command prompt on your computer and do ping to your two websites one by one. And, provide the screenshots.

You should have two websites for questions 1,2,3 and 4

Website 1 : Your favorite web site overseas and preferably NOT English Language. And its short description. The URL must have the country extension.

Example of websites with county extension

www.——–.go.kr : Website in South Korea

www.——–.ac.in : Website in India

www.——–.ac.nz : Website in New Zealand

www.——–.gov.za : Website in South Africa

Do your web search and the find the website that you want to use. And provide the screenshot the first page of your website.

Website 2: Your favorite web site in the USA preferably English Language . And provide the screenshot the fist page of your website.

Have these two websites for the following questions.

QUESTION 1: Using Whois domain lookup to see the ownership and tenure of a domain name.


And provide the report of each website by providing for each website.

Registrant Contact Name and City:

Registered On and Expires On:


QUESTION 2: Open the MS command prompt on your computer and do ping to your two websites one by one. And, provide the screenshots. Answer the following questions for each website.

For example C:\Users\my Computer > ping www.Your Favorite Website.com

How many packets were sent?

How many packets were received?

Approximate time of round trip

TTL  for each website


QUESTION 3: Windows-based system, use the command prompt and execute tracert and the URL of the two websites that you have declared. tracert will be displaying the route and measuring transit delays of packets across Internet.


Using Whois domain lookup to see the ownership and tenure of a domain name. Open the MS command prompt on your computer and do ping to your two websites one by one. And, provide the screenshots.

You should have two websites for questions 1,2,3 and 4

Website 1 : Your favorite web site overseas and preferably NOT English Language. And its short description. The URL must have the country extension.

Example of websites with county extension

www.——–.go.kr : Website in South Korea

www.——–.ac.in : Website in India

www.——–.ac.nz : Website in New Zealand

www.——–.gov.za : Website in South Africa

Do your web search and the find the website that you want to use. And provide the screenshot the first page of your website.

Website 2: Your favorite web site in the USA preferably English Language . And provide the screenshot the fist page of your website.

Have these two websites for the following questions.

QUESTION 1: Using Whois domain lookup to see the ownership and tenure of a domain name.


And provide the report of each website by providing for each website.

Registrant Contact Name and City:

Registered On and Expires On:

QUESTION 2: Open the MS command prompt on your computer and do ping to your two websites one by one. And, provide the screenshots. Answer the following questions for each website.

For example C:\Users\my Computer > ping www.Your Favorite Website.com

How many packets were sent?

How many packets were received?

Approximate time of round trip

TTL  for each website

QUESTION 3: Windows-based system, use the command prompt and execute tracert and the URL of the two websites that you have declared. tracert will be displaying the route and measuring transit delays of packets across Internet.