Evaluate why the management processes utilized by Sony were insufficient to ensure good cybersecurity governance;

2.1. Question 1 (from unit1 video transcripts and Sony case study)

Unit 1 focused on various leadership roles and their respective responsibilities in implementing an effective cybersecurity governance plan. Consider the leadership roles in Sony and their responsibilities in implementing the organization’s cybersecurity strategy:

  • Drawing on your learnings from this module, explain the organization’s governing structure, and its approach to cybersecurity (as detailed in its policies and, where possible, observed in practice). If you are focusing on Sony, you may extrapolate the formal roles from the data available (in the case study and from your own research) and contrast this with what was observed.
  • Based on your substantiation above, recommend changes that should be implemented and, if applicable, propose a new cybersecurity leadership plan that addresses its shortcomings.

(Approx. 300 words)

Start writing here:

2.2. Question 2 (from unit 2 notes and Sony case study)

Unit 2 of this module described the management processes organizations should consider when developing a cybersecurity governance plan. Identify the steps Sony is taking to implement the management processes discussed in the Unit 2 notes, and address the following:

  • Evaluate why the management processes utilized by Sony were insufficient to ensure good cybersecurity governance; and
  • Based on your substantiation above, recommend management processes that would have addressed Sony’s shortcomings in implementing a cybersecurity governance plan and should be adhered to going forward.

(Approx. 250 words)

Start writing here:

 2.3. Question 3 (from unit 3 notes and Sony case study)

Unit 3 focuses on the importance of keeping an organization’s cybersecurity awareness updated. To do so, the notes described the types of security awareness training that are available and the topics that should ideally be included in training programs. In your answer, address the following:

  • If relevant, identify any cybersecurity awareness programs or practices utilized by Sony, and evaluate whether they sufficiently cover the recommended topics mentioned in the Unit 3 notes.
  • Based on your substantiation above, provide an outline of a cybersecurity awareness program you would suggest for Sony.

Your outline of the training program should cover the following four aspects:

  1. The type of security awareness training (classroom or online);
  2. The topics included in the training program;
  3. The target audience; and
  4. The roles and responsibilities of those responsible for executing the training program.

Each aspect should be accompanied by reasons for your choices based on the organization’s context and needs.

Summarize the article’s main finding and highlight the contribution you deem most impor-tant and most surprising

2020 | Home assignment | retake examBA-BPOLO2010U: Quantitative Methods for Business and Social ScienceGeneral instructionsContent and format:•The assignment is individual and should be maximum 10 CBS standard pages. Please follow CBSguidelines regarding all content.–This is an upper limit, fewer pages are fine.–The R-code that you provide in the Appendix does not counttowards your page limit.•Please do not include the text of the questions in your answer submission, but do include the exact question number. Submit the final document with the subquestions following the order from the exam sheet.•Please respond to all questions to the best of your knowledge and do it in your own words.•Do not plagiarize and keep in mind that this is an individual assignment!•In case you are using a particular idea/comment from somewhere, please add a reference. Use anystyle, but be consistent (Chicago, APA, etc.). You do not need to cite calculation methods from thebook or lecture slides, such as the standard error calculation, or the formula for the mean.•Ifyouareaskedtocalculatesomething, describehowyoucalculateditandputtheresultsincontext.Elaborate on your answers in order to show that you are able to explain statistical results and ableto make substantive interpretations.•Remember to report relevant output in the exam document. You can just copy-paste it directly fromRor add the figures, you do not need to spend much time on formatting tables for this exam as longas the results you present are readable and understandable.•Everything must be handed in as one.pdffile (including appendix of R code appendix).Notes on data and R code as appendix:•All data needed is available on the courseCanvaspage.•For answers that involve data analysis, you need to supply working R code that produces the results.•You should copy-paste the R script (in the “source pane”) as text in the Appendix. For the R codeplease avoid screenshots.•Do not include substantive interpretation as comment in the script/appendix.•You can briefly annotate your script (i.e., ## recoded variable to range from x to x, or ## producingfigure 2) and/or mark to which subquestion the code refers, although it is not mandatory.Final remarks:•While this is a take-home assignment and exam, hopefully you will find the topics engaging. Examscan be overwhelming,but results emerge eventually.

1Question 1: Sustainable food choicesYou will be discussing the analysis and results presented inHansen, P. G., Schilling, M., & Malthesen, M.S. (2019). Nudging healthy and sustainable food choices: three randomized controlled field experimentsusing a vegetarian lunch-default as a normative signal. Journal of Public Health.1The first step will be tocarefully read the paper. All main analysis in this paper uses methodology that has been covered in yourcoursework.Question 1.1:Summarize the article’s main finding and highlight the contribution you deem most impor-tant and most surprising.Question 1.2:Compare any two experiments of the paper in your own words: who are the treated units,what is the response variable and what is the treatment? Discuss the role of randomization and thedifferences in the treatment choices. Why did the authors rely on multiple experiments?Question 1.3:Discussconsiderationsofinternalandexternalvaliditythroughoutthewholestudy(allthreeexperiments), highlighting potential trade-offs in general and how they relate to the studies carried out.Question 1.4:The paper presents group differences in a plot and discusses these in text. Pick one compar-ison and carry out step-by-step the hypothesis testing (with the𝛼value of your choice) for a differencein proportion.Question 1.5:The paper discusses some differences between men and women. Present a brief outline ofa study that you would design to get a more detailed view of these differences and the potential reasonsbehind them.Question 2: Personality traits and political attitudesYouwillbeworkingwithpartsofthedatafromVitriol, J.A., E.G.Larsen&S.G.Ludeke. 2020. JustasWEIRD?Personality Traits and Political Attitudes Among Immigrant Minorities. Journal of Research in Personality85:2Reading the paper can help you with giving better answers, however, the questions and tasks can becarried out without that.You will have at your disposal a subset of some questions used in the paper (Immigrant panel (LISS-Ipanel) in the Netherlands) in thetraits.Rdatafile (ortraits.csvfile). Not all respondents or itemsare included in the data, thus your results will not be comparable to the ones in the paper. This is not areproduction exercise. The dataset is described below (see next page).Before starting your work, you will have to take two decisions:1.from the five Personality Trait variables (see table and/or paper), select one as your trait of coreinterest. We will refer to this as “main predictor” in the tasks.2.fromIdeology,PoliticalTrust,andSatisfactionwithDemocracyselectoneasyourresponse/dependentvariable for the regression tasks. We will refer to this as “response/dependent” variable in thetasks.You do not have to give a reason why you chose what you chose, simply state your choice. You shouldanswer the following data analysis and interpretation related questions/tasks below. Please rememberthe coding of the response/dependent variables.1The article is also made available on Canvas.2The article is also made available on Canvas. When you load the data, you should have 815 rows and 12 columns.2

Variable nameDescriptiondutchDutch (1) or other (0)fgFirst generation immigrant (1), (0) for other,can be Dutch or multiple generationsnwNon-Western immigrant background (1), (0) for other,can be Dutch or Western backgroundopennessPersonality trait: Openness to Experience, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highconscientiousnessPersonality trait: Conscientiousness, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highextraversionPersonality trait: Extraversion, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highagreeablenessPersonality trait: Agreeableness, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highneuroticismPersonality trait: Neuroticism, [0, 1] continuous, from low to highideologyRespondent’s ideology, [0-10] continuous, from left to rightpolparVoted in elections (1), (0) otherwisepoltrPolitical trust, [0-10] continuous, from low to highstfdemSatisfaction with democracy, [0-10] continuous, from low to highQuestion 2.1:Is the proportion of non-voters among first generation immigrants statistically significantlydifferent from 0.25? Carry out a hypothesis test step-by-step with your own calculations (you can use R forthese) and also present the formulas you used. Use an𝛼level of 0.05. Do your conclusions change if youuse an𝛼level of 0.1? Compare your results with the output from anRfunction that you find appropriateto answer this question. Please use two-tailed tests.Question 2.2:Is the average level of agreeableness statistically significantly different between Dutch andnon-Dutch respondents? Present the hypothesis test either by carrying it out step-by-step or by relyingon a built in function for mean differences. Use an𝛼level of 0.05. Do your conclusions change if you usean𝛼level of 0.1? Please use two-tailed tests.Question 2.3:Summarize your main predictor (chosen above) variable using the appropriate measuresof central tendency and spread. Create a univariate summary plot and interpret what it displays. Cre-ate a plot that summarizes the bivariate relationship between the response/dependent variable and thechosen main predictor. Summarize the relationship through a correlation coefficient.Question 2.4:For your response/dependent variable, calculate the standard error of the mean, constructa 95% confidence interval for the mean and interpret these two uncertainty measures (standard error andconfidence interval). Do this relying on your own calculations (you can use R for these) and also presentthe formulas you used.Question 2.5:Run a linear regression where your chosen response/dependent variable is a function ofall five personality traits and the dutch, fg, and nw variables. Interpret the model results in substantiveterms and discuss measures of uncertainty and hypothesis test for the coefficients of interest.Question 2.6:Extend the previous model in a way that can answer if there are heterogeneous effects onyour response/dependent variable regarding your chosen main predictor and non-Western background.Report the model results in a table format and interpret the terms of interest and what this means foryour substantive conclusions. It is recommended, but not mandatory to offer a visual display of therelationship.For most of this question you have to carry out the analysis inR. This code has to be included as Ap-pendix and should produce the results featuring in your report. If something is reported in the text (alsofigures/tables used), it has to be included in the code.3

Question 3: Polls and election results in 2015 and 2019We have looked at how well polls or betting markets predict electoral outcomes in the US. In thepoll-dk-comp.Rdata(orpoll-dk-comp.csv) file you have Danish political party support polling numbers.This dataset covers two parties, three polling companies, and two pre-election periods (2015 and 2019).The dataset is described below.3Variable name DescriptionidID for each pollpollingfirmPolling firm conducting the pollpoll_dateDate of data collection (character)nSample sizeparty_oSupport forDansk Folkeparti(in %)party_vSupport forVenstre(in %)party_o_res_15Election result forDansk Folkeparti(in %), 2015party_v_res_15Election result forVenstre(in %), 2015party_o_res_19Election result forDansk Folkeparti(in %), 2019party_v_res_19Election result forVenstre(in %), 2019Using the concepts and metrics discussed in the course, analyzing solely the data at hand and relyingon your own analysis, answer the following questions. Please always describe how did you reach yourconclusion and what data/metric supports the conclusion. Depending on the measures you consider orangle you take in your analysis, there might be different answers to these questions. This is normal, butthis is also why it is essential to describe why you chose those measures, how you made the comparisonsand how they substantiate your conclusion.Question 3.1:In which pre-election did YouGov perform better, 2015 or 2019? How about Voxmeter?Question 3.2:Relying on polls from both companies carried out in the last week before the elections (both2015 and 2019), which party’s electoral result was better predicted?Question 3.3:Relying on all polls, how did the quality of prediction change as we got closer to the 2015election date? Please use at least one visualization to substantiate your conclusions. How was this dif-ferent in 2019? Discuss the potential differences or similarities.Question 3.4Does the poll’s sample size matter for the quality of predictions, and if so, are there between-party differences in how important these are? Discuss the potential role of the timing of polls as well,relating your answer to point 3.3.For most of this question you have to carry out the analysis inR. This code has to be included as Ap-pendix and should produce the results featuring in your report. If something is reported in the text (alsofigures/tables used), it has to be included in the code.3When you load the data, you should have 56 rows and 10 columns.4

Describe steps that will be taken to ensure the security of the operating systems and network files.

Network Security Plan
Complete the practice labs provided in the Hands-On Lab activities for this unit, if you have not already done so. You will apply the activities to your assignment.

For the Health Systems, Inc. hospital you also are responsible for creating a security and privacy plan. The purpose of your plan is to describe standards that help ensure the privacy and integrity of the many different facets of a network.

Include the following in your 5–6-page security and privacy plan:

Create an enterprise-wide network security plan for the above mentioned organization.
Describe the most common vulnerabilities, risks, and issues that your plan will address.
Include policies that protect theprivacy plan hardware and physical aspects of the network.
Identify hardware areas that need to be secured.
Describe steps that will be taken to ensure the security of the operating systems and network files.
Discuss measures that are necessary to protect the transfer of data for the remote employees.
Apply the concepts from the unit’s assigned hands-on virtual labs.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources: Include as many resources as needed to provide support for key points, opinions, or recommendations. Your paper must cite all sources. APA formatting is recommended.
Suggested length: 5–6 pages, typed and double-spaced, not including the title page and reference list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Refer to the Network Security Plan/Network Design and Implementation Proposal Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

Submit your paper and include the final screenshot(s) from the lab(s) in this unit.

Use ADFA-LD and ADFA-WD dataset to evalute the model

Paper details:

1,deep learning intrusion detection model using RNN with LSTM in python programming language
2,use ADFA-LD and ADFA-WD dataset to evalute
the model
3,to test the model with fog nodes,that means show how the fog node detect the threats using any simulation tool

Create your own Shoe class that holds data on: product ID, brand, name, model (Men, Women, Unisex or Children), shoetype (running, walking, everyday, etc.), shoe size, price and quantity in stock

This task should render in an executable program in Java. In two java files. For grade G: Make an executable program according to the specification below where a business can manage a stock of shoes. Create your own Shoe class that holds data on: product ID, brand, name, model (Men, Women, Unisex or Children), shoetype (running, walking, everyday, etc.), shoe size, price and quantity in stock. Make a class using the main method where objects are created by the Shoe class. (NOTE: Do not use ArrayList). When the program is executed, a list of the choices a user can make is displayed in the Eclipse console and the user should be able to choose what the program should perform (see a-j below) and the program should not be shut down until the user chooses to quit. The array of shoes should have room for 20 shoes. When the program is started, the 3 shoes shown below should be automatically added to the array (eg retrieved from a text file). First: Product ID: H037 Brand: Nike Name: Lunarglide 8 Model: Mr. Shotype: Running Shoe size: 42 Price: 1100 Quantity in stock: 5 Second: Product ID: D001 Brand: Ecco Name: Light IV Model: Dam Shoetype: Walking Shoe size: 36 Price: 690 Quantity in stock: 12 Third: Product ID: U020 Brand: Meindl Name: X-SO Model: Unisex Shoetype: Walking Shoe size: 39 Price: 1499 Quantity in stock: 3

The user should be able to choose to do the following:
a). Adding shoes to an array of shoe items, you should also check to make sure it doesn’t already exist a shoe entered with the same product ID. If there is already a shoe with the product ID, it should do not add it to your collection and a message will be displayed to users. For example: ”A shoe with product ID H037 is already in your collection”

b)Change / update price and quantity in stock of a shoe based on product_id c) Remove shoe based on product_id.

d) View all shoes in the array and all data about each shoe.

e) Calculate the value of a searched type in the warehouse (the calculation should be done based on price and number, how many you have in stock of that particular type of eg. running, walking, winter etc.)

f) Search and view all the data for the shoes that are in the array of the searched shoe brand.

g) Show which shoe brands are available from a searched shoe model (women, men, unisex or children).

h) Search for a shoe type and show how many copies you have in the stock of the searched shoe type.

i) Show which shoes are in stock based on product_id and which shoes are finished (ie whose number is = 0)

Define the information system network layout Does the company require any examination of the wireless network? Does the company have a security-linked guideline? If the answer is yes, should they be reviewed and improved?

“Haverbrook investment limited, L.L.L.p. (HIG)” is an organization that mainly majors in the provision of financial services, and it possesses a total of 9.7 million dollars in revenue. The organization whose roots can be traced to Largo, Maryland, presently has approximately 350 subsidiaries all over the united states and provides jobs to over 8,738 and offers its services to nearly 8.5 million clients. To ensure that the company resources and the client’s information is secure the organization, senior manager Beth Haverbrook, employed “Centralia Security Lab (CSL)” to complete a penetration assessment into the company IT systems and determine the level of the company effectiveness in protecting the company information and client’s data.

The objective of the rule of assignation is to set the procedures or the principles for both the company as well as those of the CSL penetration personnel, understand the needs of the clients, layout the project prospects and arrive at a conscious through an obligatory contract. Interviews were held by both the CSL and HIG to gather the client data and further consultations to create the “ROE for the penetration testing process.” Consequently, they came up with the scope, the handling of data as well as the requirement for the project

  • Define the information system network layout
  • Does the company require any examination of the wireless network?
  • Does the company have a security-linked guideline? If the answer is yes, should they be reviewed and improved?
  • Do the customer organization need any examination of its network occurrence?
  • Define the web services and applications that are offered to the customers?

Do you want visits to other websites to perform an examination on the network?

Traditionally the significant concepts of object orientated programming have included abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. You are to research and write a report that explains these four concepts and demonstrate how two of these can be used in the implementation of a custom dialog box in C# used to enter customer details

Under Work-related Module –
How do people view how augmented reality could affect daily life?

Under IT Service Management (ITSM) Module.

Under Software Development ( required a computer science writer)
Traditionally the significant concepts of object orientated programming have included abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. You are to research and write a report that explains these four concepts and demonstrate how two of these can be used in the implementation of a custom dialog box in C# used to enter customer details. You should develop exemplar C# code to demonstrate the advantages of these concepts when used in the coding of a custom dialog box and clearly explain these advantages in your report.

Select a NOSQL database (MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, BigTable, etc…) and write a paper describing its security features. In particular, you should discuss: access control, encryption, user authentication, protection against injections, support for auditing and testing

Select a NOSQL database (MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, BigTable, etc…) and write a paper describing its security features. In particular, you should discuss:

  • access control (which model is implemented, granularity of the access control…)
  • encryption (What is encrypted (data-at-rest, in memory, in transit), key management, …)
  • user authentication
  • protection against injections
  • support for auditing and testing

Some NoSQL research papers are provided in NoSQL Research Papers section in Canvas which you can refer for the content and how to write a research paper.

Make sure that the work is original and not copy and paste from any source (I will use Turnitin to check for plagiarism). Wherever you are using a reference put the reference number or author right in the parenthesis after the prose and add the reference to the reference section. Look for research papers for reference.

Identify the suitable Information Systems (IS) to facilitate all the activities in the value chain for the industry that you have chosen. Discuss in what ways that Information Systems can improve the productivity of the firm in a particular industry.

The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability in understanding the key functions in an organisation and how Information Systems (IS) and the Information and Communications technology (ICT) infrastructure could help to improve the organisation’s excellence.

Figure 1 shows a sample of a firm’s value chain. A value chain consists of a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry to deliver a valuable product such as goods or services for the market. Choose ONE (1) of the following industries:
i. Electrical and Electronics
ii. Automotive
iii. Construction
iv. Finance

• Identify the suitable Information Systems (IS) to facilitate all the activities in the value chain for the industry that you have chosen.
• Discuss in what ways that Information Systems can improve the productivity of the firm in a particular industry.

The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?

Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior management team has responded to the presentation with the following questions and concerns:

(12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.)
• How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers?
(10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)
• End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files?
(12.4.1: Document how IT controls are monitored.)
• The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?
(2.3.2: Incorporate relevant evidence to support the position.)
• Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option?
(10.1.3: Define the specifications of the required technologies.)
• How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?
• How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How will we share files between the different system types?
The deliverable for this phase of the project is a memo, but all of the questions must be fully answered with sufficient detail. The recommended format is to respond to the questions in a bulleted format. Provide sufficient detail to fully address the questions. You must cite at least two quality sources.
(1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.)
Create a memorandum template with a header of your own design or choosing, brief introduction, addresses Faster Computing, Inc’s questions, and summarizes your position on adopting the specific version of Linux.
(1.4.3: Write concise and logical sentences in standard academic English that clarify relationships among concepts and ideas.)
Your memorandum should not include spelling or grammatical errors. Any Linux commands must be displayed in lower case. Information technology acronyms (e.g., SSH or FTP) should be explained for the reader.