From your perspective explain the phenomenon the ‘Cycle of Violence.

Criminologists have begun to analyze crime data in the attempt to find predictable patterns and common threads that bind victims together. Additionally, they have identified theoretical frameworks that help to explain crime, deviance, and victimization.
As such from your perspective explain the phenomenon the ‘Cycle of Violence.’ Your submission should include an example of the causation(s).

How has intelligence gathering changed for the FBI post 9/11?

How has intelligence gathering changed for the FBI post 9/11?

Explain Criminal Justice response to mentally ill individuals.

Explain Criminal Justice response to mentally ill individuals.

What are the issues of federal oversight of state and local police?

A proposal to address the of Police Use of Deadly Force with an Airline Safety Model

In September of 2019, then Presidential candidate Kamala Harris proposed a policy recommendation that would adapt the federal government’s airplane safety model to the problem of police shootings and uses of deadly force.

You are a legislative aid to the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department. After reading the linked article below, research and consider Ms. Harris’s proposal.
Beyond just describing the plan,
analyze its good and bad points talk about this !! the good and bad ! and
describe how such a model might work.
Will it work?
What might its unintended consequences be?
What are the issues of federal oversight of state and local police?
Finally, from your analysis, describe what is likely to be proposed and what you recommend what the Commissioner’s position on such a proposal should be.


What are some of the problems or issues with your measures? Are they valid and reliable?

Clearly state the hypotheses or research questions selected for test.Identify the independent(s) and dependent variables and any control variables. Who or what will you study? Be specific.

-Operationalization and Measurement
How will you define and measure your variables? Do your definitions and indicators duplicate past studies done on your topic? (this is okay) Include a copy of your questions or specific indicators. What are some of the problems or issues with your measures? Are they valid and reliable?-

Data Collection Methods
How will you actually collect your data? (be specific) Will you observe the behavior directly, conduct a survey, look at police records etc.? What method of research will you use and why? How long will it take you to collect the data? Are you collecting data at only one time or more than one? Will you need to select a sample or will you deal with the whole population? If you choose to conduct a sample, how will you do it? How will you deal with the ethical issues during your research?

How does your research add to past studies on the topic and theories? What are the weaknesses or limitations of your study (indicators, methods etc.)? What are some areas for future research? What are the implications of your research for the criminal justice system (procedures or programs)?

Compare the main types of diversion programs and identify their advantages and disadvantages.

Compare the main types of diversion programs and identify their advantages and disadvantages.
Clarify the legal rights of probationers.
Evaluate the effectiveness of probation and identify some of the promising programs in probation services.
Discuss the future trends of the jails and prisons.
Identify the role of treatment and services in prisons today.
Evaluate the quality of prison services for inmates. Explain how treatment in prison can become more effective.
Describe parole practices today and how parole boards function.
You will submit your information on the assigned date. Grading will be on the following:

1. you conduct an informational interview or personal research project

2. your paper &presentation includes general information about your interview: who you interviewed,

when, where.

3. your paper & presentation includes a minimum of 5-7 open, focused interview questions or personal

research paper contains a minimum of 5-7 different topics researched thoroughly and includes topics

from the listed instructions.

4. personal thoughts and opinions are interjected in the paper and presentation, reflections and

conclusions should evaluate the information gained in the interview and/or research.

5. paper includes a introduction/summary/conclusion of what you learned in the interview or your

research and is accurate.

6. summary/conclusion provides relevant details from assignment

7. you include a thank you letter to the person you interviewed (interview only)

8. all work evidences correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. APA format for written work.

9. all work is neat and attractive & presentation was professional and informative.

What are the main components of the criminal justice system? How do they interrelate? How might they conflict?

1. What are the main components of the criminal justice system? How do they interrelate? How might they conflict?

2. What are the differences between the individual-rights perspective and the public-order perspective of the criminal justice system?

3. What are the two methods used to collect crime data identified in Chapter 2? What do data from those two sources tell us about crime in the United States today? How will data reported under the new NIBRS system differ from the crime statistics reported under the traditional UCR Program?

4. What is the rule of law? What is its importance in Western democracies? What does it mean to say that “nobody is above the law”?

5. Identify three of the six types of law discussed in Chapter 3? What purpose does each serve?

6. What are the three major levels of public law enforcement described in Chapter 4? Why do we have so many different types of enforcement agencies in the United States? What problems, if any, do you think are created by such a diversity of agencies?

7. How do the Bill of Rights and democratically inspired legal restraints on the police help ensure personal freedoms in our society? Give specific examples in case law and in the Bill of Rights that ensure due process of law.

8. What are the dangers of police work? What can be done to reduce those dangers?

Which fundamental rule do you believe is the most important and why?

Write a 1-2-page response summarizing the “rules” for crime scene investigators. Ensure the following questions are addressed in the paper:

Which fundamental rule do you believe is the most important and why? How can media releases be of assistance or hindrance to an investigation?

Explain the importance of crime scene coordination. How important is briefing members of the crime scene team from the lead investigator before, during, and after crime scene processing?

Explain the importance of crime scene coordination. How important is briefing members of the crime scene team from the lead investigator before, during, and after crime scene processing?Identify a few key agencies an investigator should have in their professional network and why