Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to take better advantage of technological advances to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system.

This week’s readings introduce several issues related to the increased use of information technology in the criminal justice system, and the many challenges that criminal justice agencies face in implementing them and adapting to the rapidly advancing world of information technology. Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to take better advantage of technological advances to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Then, describe one strategy we might follow to overcome this challenge. Finally, discuss whether you believe this will be successful. Why or why not?
To receive full credit, you must be specific and thorough in your answer. Indicate which area(s) of the criminal justice system you are thinking of, and give supporting information from the readings.

Would it make a difference if the items were televisions and other electronics items instead of clothing?

You are a police officer in New Orleans. During the flooding following Hurricane Katrina, you are ordered to patrol la section of the downtown area to prevent looting. The water is waist high in some places. and sections of some blocks are inundated with floodwater. You come upon one shop and see the plate glass windows are broken. You see approximately a dozen people coming out of the shop with clothing in the arms. What do you do? The store’s goods (clothing, etc.) will be covered by the store owner’s insurance policy. Should that make a difference in your decision? What if the store was not in an area that was flooded? Would it matter if the stolen clothes were damaged by flood water? What if the thieves told you they were desperate and that they stole the clothes because their homes were underwater. Would it make a difference if the items were televisions and other electronics items instead of clothing?

Do you think that the mentally ill should be incarcerated with the general population in jails? If not, what should be done with them?

Do you think that the mentally ill should be incarcerated with the general population in jails? If not, what should be done with them?

Please read the discussion topic above and write a minimum 250-word initial discussion thread, at least (1) SCHOLARY source in APA Style Formatting is required. Please also put page numbers of refence, citation.

Required textbook:
Alarid, L. F., & Reichel, P. L. (2018), Corrections—The Justice Series (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.
To access the textbook (Corrections), please see below:

Please, please try to use very simple wording that are understandable and clear.
Please, please, please try to use ONLY the textbook above as reference and citation with page numbers.

Would you pardon Nathaniel now that he has served more than seven years in prison?


As the governor of a large southern state, you have been asked by a young man’s family and friends to grant him a pardon. Nathaniel B. was convicted of second-degree murder and received a sentence of 28 years in the state penal system. Tried as an adult, he was found guilty of murder for intentionally killing Mr. Barry G., his English teacher, because he was angry over receiving a failing grade and being suspended for throwing water balloons. During trial, Nathaniel’s attorney claimed that the gun Nathaniel brought to school had gone off accidentally after he pointed it at Mr. G. in an attempt to force him to let Nathaniel talk to two girls in the classroom.

“As he’s holding the gun up, he’s overwhelmed with tears,” Nathaniel’s lawyer told the jury. “His hand begins to shake, and the gun discharges. The gun discharged in the hands of an inexperienced 14-year-old with a junk gun.” The prosecutor countered that Nathaniel’s act was premeditated. He was frustrated because he was receiving an F in the class, and he was angry because he was being barred from talking to the girls. His victim “had no idea of the rage, hate, the anger, the frustration” filling the young man. There was also damaging information from police, who reported that Nathaniel told a classmate he was going to return to school and shoot the teacher; he said he’d be “all over the news.”

At his sentencing hearing, Nathaniel read a statement: “Words cannot really explain how sorry I am, but they’re all I have.” His mother, Polly, blamed herself for her son’s actions, claiming that he was surrounded by domestic abuse and alcoholism at home.

Now that he has served seven years in prison, Nathaniel’s case has come to your attention. As governor, you recognize that his conviction and punishment raise a number of important issues. His mother claims that his actions were a product of abuse and violence in the home. You have read research showing that many habitually aggressive children have been raised in homes in which they were physically brutalized by their parents; this violence then persists into adulthood.

  • Should troubled children, such as Nathaniel, be punished again by the justice system?
  • Should Nathaniel be held personally responsible for actions that may in fact have been caused by a home life beyond his control?
  • Even though he was only 14 years old when he committed his crime, Nathaniel’s case was heard in an adult court, and he received a long sentence to an adult prison. Should minor children who commit serious crimes, as Nathaniel did, be treated as adults, or should they be tried within an independent juvenile justice system oriented to treatment and rehabilitation?
  • Would you pardon Nathaniel now that he has served more than seven years in prison?


List examples of supermax prisons, and identify some constitutional issues that arise with supermax custody.

  1. dentify the different types of prison facility designs.
  2. List examples of supermax prisons, and identify some constitutional issues that arise with supermax custody.
  3. Describe the impact of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act on prisons.
  4. Identify and discuss the importance of auxiliary programs inside the prison and their relationship to physical security.

Discuss the methods you might use to differentiate between a possible child abuse or molestation case and a child neglect case.

In at least 3 paragraphs, answer the following questions:

  1. Discuss the methods you might use to differentiate between a possible child abuse or molestation case and a child neglect case.
  2. Present ideas on ways to address and prevent sexual assault against children.
  3. Discuss the different issues that may arise in cases involving:
  •   A male victim of sexual assault
  •   Juvenile victims of sexual assault
  •   Older victims of sexual assault (65 and over)

Describe a better method for measuring crime occurring in individual communities.

Return to the 2017 Crime in Pennsylvania Annual Crime Report (see link below). After having read the material from this lesson, describe a better method for measuring crime occurring in individual communities.

If you were judging the FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., case, how would you decide?

If you were judging the FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., case, how would you decide?


Do you believe that it was a legitimate case with a deserving plaintiff and a negligent corporation?

After watching the video about the McDonald’s coffee burn case, do you believe that it was a frivolous lawsuit that should have been dismissed immediately, or do you believe that it was a legitimate case with a deserving plaintiff and a negligent corporation? Please explain your answer. Link-

What could be done to better serve and protect the various populations that are targets of hate crimes?

While the Uniform Crime Report and the National Crime Victimization Survey data both include information about sexual-orientation-based victimization, additional efforts have been made to identify the extent to which persons are victimized due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as the effects this specific type of hate crime has on victims. One of the major sources of information on this type of hate crime victimization is the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP). The NCAVP collects data from a network of some 38 anti-violence organizations that “monitor, respond to, and work to end hate and domestic violence, HIV-related violence, pick-up crimes, rape, sexual assault, and other forms of violence that affect LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer) communities” (as cited by Daigle, 2017). From the data collected, NCAVP found that estimates of anti-LGBTQ hate violence victimization, including homicide, were higher than the UCR hate crime statistics.

Please read more about the National Coalition or Anti-Violence Programs, Link:

Pertaining to reporting hate crimes, why do you think the estimates from the UCR are so different from those of the NCAVP?
States already had laws on the books covering the types of criminal activities covered by new hate crime statutes: murder, assault, intimidation, and destruction of property. Why did we need to pass new federal and state statutes criminalizing these acts? Why were existing laws inadequate?
Are our existing efforts enough? What could be done to better serve and protect the various populations that are targets of hate crimes? (300 words minimum)