Write a reflection on the impacts of shifting cultural, linguistic, demographic and socioeconomic trends based on in-class presentations and discussions, what you have read in and outside of class and your professional experience as an educator.

Cultural Studies Question

Write a reflection on the impacts of shifting cultural, linguistic, demographic and socioeconomic trends based on in-class presentations and discussions, what you have read in and outside of class and your professional experience as an educator. Focus on specific challenges and opportunities for public schools at the local, state and national level. Remember that this is an essay. You need to have an introduction and a conclusion. When needed include references. Your reflective essay should be a mi mun of 5 paragraphs.

Summarize the discovery of the mass graves. How were they discovered? How many have been found? Report on the Canadian government’s response to the discovery. What have they done since to address the tragic events? Have any new policies been put in place?


The discovery of mass unmarked graves at the sites of former residential schools in Canada have brought the world’s renewed attention to a dark and shameful chapter of Canadian history. It is the responsibility of the Canadian government to not only acknowledge these events but also to take action against the systematic discrimination against our Indigenous population. The most important thing any government system can do when facing the consequences of their history is to learn from their mistakes and ensure it will never happen again. Using some of the articles provided in the Module 7 unit content, as well as your own independent research, please write a 3-paragraph report about the Missing Children and Unmarked Burials of Canada’s Residential Schools. Within your report I’d like you to:

  1. Summarize the discovery of the mass graves. How were they discovered? How many have been found?
  2. Report on the Canadian government’s response to the discovery. What have they done since to address the tragic events? Have any new policies been put in place?
  3. Provide your opinion on Canada’s response. Do you feel they’ve done enough? Is there anything else you feel they should do?

What is their healthcare infrastructure like? What does a typical family do if someone falls ill (who stays home with them, what do they do for treatment)? What types of alternative practices to they implement?


<eligunby311@gmail.com>Cultural Nutrition Project Rubric: Final Written Paper</eligunby311@gmail.com>

<eligunby311@gmail.com>FDNT 370

Paper Order (with Headings)










Geography and location

Unique land features that help shape culture.

Language(s) spoken.

What does this area grow, product, farm, and/or catch?

Imports and Exports

Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices


What is their healthcare infrastructure like? What does a typical family do if someone falls ill (who stays home with them, what do they do for treatment)? What types of alternative practices to they implement?

Traditional Foods and Food Habits


Highlight preparation methods, seasonings and spices used, times of day they eat, who they eat with, modern-day cultural food trends, and anything else that you find. What are their staple foods?




















The Family Unit


What should we know about how families live? Who are they composed of? What kind of structure do they live in? Who works in the family? What are common jobs? Are there any practices in the family that are different that what we experience in the United States?

What a Daily Diet is Like


How often do they shop?

Who usually prepares the meals?

How many meals do they eat?

What does breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks typically consist of?

Religion and Traditions


What is/are the common religion(s)? What are some traditional holidays or celebrations? What should we know about these with regard to food?



What is taboo for this culture (topics/acts that should be avoided in discussion or public)?

American’s Influence


What is it like for someone who is from your country that lives in America? What changes for them in food, beliefs, values, traditional practices, medicine, living, etc? How do they strive to stay connected to their culture?






Recommendations for a Nutrition Professional Working with this Culture


With patients and clients from this culture, what should a nutrition professional know to make the greatest impact?



Describe the recipe created, where you got it from, how it might be different if made in its country of origin vs. the U.S., when we might eat it (special occasion, dinner, breakfast, etc.), traditional utensils used, etc. You must include a photo of the ingredients laid out before cooking, one photo during the recipe preparation, and a final product photo.

Paper Mechanics


Give two changes in his intellectual pursuit and explain how each one leads him a step closer to God and conversion.

Intellectual pursuit: a step closer to finding God in Books 6-7.

By the end of Book 7, Augustine has yet to become a Christian. Nonetheless, with a more open mind, he begins to read the Old Testament–“the old writings of the Law and the Prophets” (6.6). This act helped to lead him to be more open to Christianity: “I now gave my preference to the Catholic faith” (6.7). Yet he still wrestles with big issues such as evil (7.7 & 7.11). He seeks answers by reading Neoplatonism (“books of the Platonists”) as described in 7.13-16. Then he reads the New Testament, especially the letters of St. Paul, and sees something new (7.27, last chapter of Book 7). In short, he’s still a way from conversion but also a step closer than he had been before. For this response, give two changes in his intellectual pursuit and explain how each one leads him a step closer to God and conversion.



What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing the text. With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your social circle have in common.

Dimensions of cultural diversity

Apply critical-thinking skills to answer the following questions in a 1,050-word paper, based on this week’s readings.

Links to the readings: http://search.proquest.com.contentproxy.phoenix.ed…, http://search.proquest.com.contentproxy.phoenix.ed…, http://search.proquest.com.contentproxy.phoenix.ed…, http://search.proquest.com.contentproxy.phoenix.ed…

  • What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing the text.
  • With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? Describe what members of your social circle have in common.
  • What is the difference between diversity and inclusion?
  • What is the importance of workplace diversity training?
  • What is your experience with workplace culture? Could there be, or could there have been, more inclusion?
  • Conclusion summarizing your paper.

Include a minimum of two scholarly articles,

Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines


Why do so many immigrants have a difficult time adapting to a new culture? What suggestions do you have for making that process less troublesome? Do you think members of a host culture have any responsibilities to make immigrants feel comfortable in the new cultural environment? Why?

Adapting to a new culture

Why do so many immigrants have a difficult time adapting to a new culture? What suggestions do you have for making that process less troublesome?

Do you think members of a host culture have any responsibilities to make immigrants feel comfortable in the new cultural environment? Why?

Discuss the following statement: “Prejudice can never be eliminated because it is so deeply rooted in human nature.”

What relationship links stereotypes, prejudice, racism, and power?

What are some of the merits of a relativistic approach to developing an intercultural ethic? Of a universalist approach? What are some of the dangers?


How does a study of cultural values help you understand other cultures? What differences in behavior might be exhibited by people of cultures that have different activity orientations?

Cultural values

  1. How does a study of cultural values help you understand other cultures?
  2. What differences in behavior might be exhibited by people of cultures that have different activity orientations?
  3. Examine the concept of high- and low-context cultures. What problems can you anticipate when you are communicating with someone who holds a different context orientation?
  4. How can cultural differences in perception affect the intercultural communication process?
  5. The United States ranked in the upper third as a monumentalism culture. What cultural traits from Khols’ American values list do you think contribute to this ranking?
  6. What cultural values help explain why face is more important in Asian societies than in the United States?

Does law, chance, or “God” rule the world? What is the right way to live? What are the origins of the universe, and how did life begin? What happens when we die?


What is the purpose of life?

  • Does law, chance, or “God” rule the world?
  • What is the right way to live?
  • What are the origins of the universe, and how did life begin?
  • What happens when we die?
  • What are the sources of knowledge?
  • What is good and bad and right and wrong?
  • What is human nature?
  • Why do we exist just to die?
  • How do we determine “truth”?
  • What is our responsibility to other people?


How are the three deep structure elements interrelated? Are those links the same in every culture? During the chapter, we discussed cultural differences in the perception and treatment of the elderly. Why do you think the differences exist?

Cultural differences

How are the three deep structure elements interrelated? Are those links the same in every culture?

During the chapter, we discussed cultural differences in the perception and treatment of the elderly. Why do you think the differences exist?

What are some ways a person’s family influences his or her cultural identity?

What do you see as the major differences between nuclear and extended families? How do these differences influence communication between members of the family?

Why do you believe families in the United States have experienced so many changes in the last two decades? What are these changes? Do you believe the changes are positive or negative?

Was the parenting style in your home more authoritarian or laissez-faire?

Do you believe mass media and social networking will make major alterations to gender roles in the next ten years? Why or why not?

Compare how the following four approaches to child rearing would respond to a child’s aggressive behavior:

  • (1) authoritarian,
  • (2) laissez-faire,
  • (3) collective, and
  • (4) individualistic.

Will globalization eventually make all families alike? If so, is that good or bad?

Is male dominance universal? Is so, why?


What or who were the subjects of jokes? What was the attitude toward the elderly? Was conflict dealt with in a direct or indirect manner?

Personal family history

Recall as much as you can about your personal family history. Record your answers to the following questions as they apply to the conscious and unconscious learning that took place. It might be interesting to compare your answers to those of someone of a different culture.

  1. In general, would your family be classified as formal or informal?
  2. What or who were the subjects of jokes?
  3. What was the attitude toward the elderly?
  4. Was conflict dealt with in a direct or indirect manner?
  5. Who made the major decisions in your family? Mother? Father? Both? Other family members?
  6. If you had siblings of the opposite sex, did you notice different child-rearing practices being followed? What were some of those differences?
  7. Was competition or ?
  8. How did you learn about religious matters?
  9. How were you rewarded?
  10. How were you punished?cooperation stressed