What is unique about the deep structure institutions of family, state, and religion that makes them endure? Why is it difficult to develop a single definition of the word “family”?

Deep structure institutions

What is unique about the deep structure institutions of family, state, and religion that makes them endure?

Why is it difficult to develop a single definition of the word “family”?

How do extended families differ from nuclear families?

In what ways have gender roles changed in the United States?


Explain what is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual.” Can you think of examples of how context has influenced your behavior? How does intercultural communication differ from everyday forms of communication?

Communication and culture

  1. Explain what is meant by the statement “In studying other cultures, we do so very often from the perspective of our own culture.”
  2. Explain how and why communication and culture are linked.
  3. Why is it said that much of culture is invisible?
  4. Explain what is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual.” Can you think of examples of how context has influenced your behavior?
  5. How does intercultural communication differ from everyday forms of communication?
  6. Making inferences about a culture different from your own can often be problematic. Can you think of examples when a lack of information forced you to make the wrong inference?
  7. What are some common misconceptions regarding human communication?
  8. What are some ways cultures differ in the way they listen?

When Islam spread from the Arabian Peninsula to the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Iberian Peninsula from 632-750 CE, Muslim caliphs and their regional governors controlled new lands and peoples who had varying languages, cultures, and religious beliefs. Explain how these people were impacted by the spread of Islam into their lands. Did it affect their language? Culture? Religion? If so, how?

Cultural and Social

When Islam spread from the Arabian Peninsula to the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and the Iberian Peninsula from 632-750 CE, Muslim caliphs and their regional governors controlled new lands and peoples who had varying languages, cultures, and religious beliefs. Explain how these people were impacted by the spread of Islam into their lands. Did it affect their language? Culture? Religion? If so, how?


How has your definition of technology’s role in society changed? How do the four lenses approach the study of technology with respect to the individual and society? How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing technology?

Technology and society

In this final discussion, look back on your experiences in the course and provide an overview of what you have learned from the course about technology and society. Start by reviewing M1 & FP Draft

address the following:

  • How has your definition of technology’s role in society changed?
  • How do the four lenses approach the study of technology with respect to the individual and society?
  • How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing technology?
  • What are the implications of technology on the future?
  • How are you going to implement what you have learned in this course in your own life?


Discuss a comparative study on incentive mechanisms of online user-generated content between Japan and China

Discuss a comparative study on incentive mechanisms of online user-generated content between Japan and China