Discuss how your involvement on the dance team has helped you in your education and life. Outline the influences that competition and teamwork have had and will continue to have in your life.


Essay outlining your plans for further education. Discuss how your involvement on the dance team has helped you in your education and life. Outline the influences that competition and teamwork have had and will continue to have in your life.

Do you think music videos are influential in addressing contemporary issues? How do contemporary music videos use music and dance to address a problem?

Musical Paper

Question 1: Do you think music videos are influential in addressing contemporary issues?

Question 2: How do contemporary music videos use music and dance to address a problem (social, economic, political, or even interpersonal)?


Research the choreographer for the musical and give us a little background about them. Research what year/time period the musical was made and what was going on historically in the world that might influence how the musical was seen.

Musical to watch

Pick a full length musical to watch via video from Netflix, youtube, GMU library, etc. Then answer the following questions in your course blog post.

  • Tell us the title
  • Summarize the musical ; beginning, middle and end
  • Research the choreographer for the musical and give us a little background about them.
  • Research what year/time period the musical was made and what was going on historically in the world that might influence how the musical was seen.
  • What are you overall impressions about the musical, dance, scenery, choreography, storyline, music, etc.


Write a formal essay that reacts to the above statement by drawing on the history, trajectory, practices and legacies of prominent contributors and artists of Jazz or Tap dance in America.

Is Jazz an American Dance Form?

Discuss Jazz or Tap Dance as an “American” Art form.


Write a formal essay that reacts to the above statement by drawing on the history, trajectory, practices and legacies of prominent contributors and artists of Jazz or Tap dance in America.

*Choose either Jazz or Tap to focus your essay on – NOT BOTH.



To research and understand the historical origins and trajectory of Jazz or Tap dance in America.

To discuss how Jazz or Tap dance is descendant from African dance traditions.

To illustrate and support your findings you may want to consider:

Discussing the historical roots of specific stylistic characteristics of Jazz or Tap dance that we know today.

Identifying influential artists in the field and discuss how their contributions or careers shaped the development of Jazz or Tap dance in America.



Essays should be approx. 1250 words or 4-5 pages.

12-point font, 1 inch margins, and double-spaced paragraphs.

Your essay must have a title, formal heading with name and date, and separate bibliography attached at the end.



To support your statements and arguments you will need to make use of and refer to existing literature and research material on your subjects. In-text referencing using APA or MLA 8 style for citations and a separate bibliography attached at the end of your essay are required elements of this assignment.

Please refer to the Additional Resources for each lecture posted to canvas for sources available through ECU library. Feel free to locate and reference sources I have not provided. If you have any doubts about your resources please email me.


What is culturally Relevant Teaching and how does it relate to critical dance pedagogy and critical race theory? What are some of the pitfalls explained in the reading? What is the role of the dominate culture in education?

Culturally Responsive Dance Education- This is required.

Read Chapter 1, What is Culturally Relevant Teaching?
Review Critical Race Theory and The Arts Link:

From BOTH readings, answer the following questions:
~What is culturally Relevant Teaching and how does it relate to critical dance pedagogy and critical race theory?
~What are some of the pitfalls explained in the reading?
~What is the role of the dominate culture in education?
~What is critical race theory and how does it impact learning in the classroom?
~Explain how feelings of marginalization, exclusion and isolation exist in public education and why?

Submission Instructions:
Complete a full 2-page paper responding to questions.
Submit your completed assignment to Blackboard Weekly Assignment by the due date.


Research Gloria Ladson-Billings, and her ground-breaking theoretical teaching pedagogy. Describe her contributions of related to culturally relevant teaching methodology.

Culturally Relevant Teaching (CRT) Power Point

Research Gloria Ladson-Billings, and her ground-breaking theoretical teaching pedagogy.
Describe her contributions of related to culturally relevant teaching methodology.
Highlight the contributions of two additional arts educators’ whose work has also advocated for the infusion of student’s culture into their teaching and learning process.
Create a power point with each slide containing at least 75% visuals.

Provide the title of the chosen dance work, the name of the choreographer, and the names of the dancers/dance company performing the work in the captured performance. Identify and describe how Space, Time, and Energy was used in this work. Thoroughly describe how the elements were used in the dance and how they created meaning for the viewer. Identify how the production elements Costuming, Lighting, and Setting were used in this work. Thoroughly describe how the elements were used in the dance and how they created meaning for the viewer.

Dance Chosen: Revelations – Alvin Ailey

1) Provide the title of the chosen dance work, the name of the choreographer, and the names of the dancers/dance company performing the work in the captured performance.

2) Identify and describe how Space, Time, and Energy was used in this work. Thoroughly describe how the elements were used in the dance and how they created meaning for the viewer.

3) Identify how the production elements Costuming, Lighting, and Setting were used in this work. Thoroughly describe how the elements were used in the dance and how they created meaning for the viewer.

4) How do you think the cultural and historical background of the choreographer might have influenced how this work is presented?

5) By viewing this work, what conclusions can you reach about the choreographer’s views of the world? Consider spirituality, politics, economics, race or ethnicity, gender identity, etc.

6) Does this work remind you of any other dance or art work you have viewed either inside or outside of this class? How is it similar or different?

7) What do you think the choreographer meant to communicate with this work? If you could ask the choreographer anything, what would it be

How could you potentially set up an angel investor plan for your proposed business idea? What are the pros and cons of first starting in “your own back yard” as the HerbFarm case exemplifies?

Paper detalis: my proposed business is a warehouse/garage gym

Discussion Question – Week 4:

How could you potentially set up an angel investor plan for your proposed business idea? What are the pros and cons of first starting in “your own back yard” as the HerbFarm case exemplifies?

How does this dance connect to other dance performances that you have experienced or learned? How does it connect to dance history and current trends of dance making? Would you recommend this performance to others? Would you attend more performances by this company or by other dance companies in the future? How did this experience affect your ideas about dance as an art form?

Concert Critique about a dance performance

Concert Critique Guidelines
A critique is a statement of your point of view. You should develop your ideas so that the reader can visualize and understand the dance as you observed the performance.

In the upper left hand corner of your paper put your name, professor’s name, title of course, and the due date. The title of your paper should be centered. NO COVER SHEET.

Your paper should be a five paragraph essay, typed in MLA format, size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Make sure to proofread and make necessary revisions. You will be graded on format, spelling, and grammar. Remember that there are resources available to you on campus to assist in writing.

Paragraph One: Introduction
State the “who, what, where, when” of the performance. Briefly describe the company and the choreographer.

Paragraph Two: Description
Describe one dance in detail. This paragraph should communicate how the dance looked and sounded. Be aware of space, levels, shapes, rhythm, time and dynamics. Look for
interrelationships among the movement, such as: repetition and variation of the movement theme, organization into clear sections, and the relationships of the dancers. How does the dance relate to the audience? Is the energy projected out or does it draw the spectator in? What are the costumes, lighting, accompaniment, and stage atmosphere?
Refer to your “Performance Checklist.”

Paragraph Three: Analysis
This is your interpretation of the dance. State the dance genre and style (remember
that many contemporary choreographers combine different styles). Determine the choreographer’s intent. Is the dance narrative, non-narrative, improvisation, or abstract? Do you believe that the choreographer chose to allow the medium of movement to be the message or does the movement tell a story or convey a specific message or statement?

Paragraph Four: Evaluation
This paragraph conveys how well the choreographer fulfilled his/her intent. Your
personal opinion and judgment is the basis for this paragraph. Was the dance successful? Why or why not? Was the choreographer successful in communicating an overall idea? Were the dancers technically proficient at performing the work? How did the lighting, set design, costumes, and music enhance or diminish the dance? Although your opinions are important here, be aware of your own biases. Be specific in supporting your likes and dislikes.

Paragraph Five: Context/ Conclusion
How does this dance connect to other dance performances that you have experienced or learned? How does it connect to dance history and current trends of dance making? Would you recommend this performance to others? Would you attend more performances by this company or by other dance companies in the future? How did this experience affect your ideas about dance as an art form?

How do different parts of the dance mean different things? What emotions are portrayed and how are they portrayed by the dancers faces, bodies and interactions? Can you formulate a storyline or the essence of one? Does the dance bring concrete images to mind? How do you relate to this dance in relation to your life experiences and beliefs?

Dance Performance Reflection


The bulk of your paper should focus on describing, analyzing, and evaluating TWO specific pieces you select from all of the concert’s pieces. Here are some things to take note of and questions to ask yourself as you watch the two specific dances:

Description = WHAT DO YOU SEE?
General information about the dance: What is the title? Who are the performers (dancers, choreographer, etc.) What is the music? (If you do not know the exact selections, describe the quality.) How many dancers are performing? Are all the dancers on stage at all times? Does the dance have different sections? Does the dancing tell a story or is it abstract?

Choreographic Elements:
How is space used? (floor patterns, levels, focus, directions, shape, points in space, etc.)
How is time used? (do the dancers follow the music, go against it, pause, use breath phrasing, move quickly or slowly, etc.)
How is energy used? (dynamics like sharp, sustained, percussive, etc and qualities like flowing, jagged, shaking, seamless, etc).
Production Elements: How is lighting used to enhance the piece or direct the audiences’ focus? What do the costumes look like? How do the costumes “fit” the dance?

How do different parts of the dance mean different things?
What emotions are portrayed and how are they portrayed by the dancers faces, bodies and interactions?
Can you formulate a storyline or the essence of one? Does the dance bring concrete images to mind?
How do you relate to this dance in relation to your life experiences and beliefs? (personal aesthetic)

What is the quality of this dance? Does it meet your expectations in terms of what you have learn about dance?
Would you watch this again? Are you interested in seeing more of this choreographer’s dances?
Put an emphasis on describing movements that you best remember. Use movement action words such as: swinging, walking, running, leaping, turning, falling, twisting, bending, shaking, balancing, etc. Reference the “descriptive words” list that is provided for you in each module in relation to the discussion assignments.