Why makes this play a tragedy? How would you describe Hamlet’s central conflict in this play? Do you think Hamlet is relevant today? If yes, how so? If no, please explain.

A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen.


For your Hamlet response paper, here are the prompts:

1. Why makes this play a tragedy?

2. How would you describe Hamlet’s central conflict in this play?

3. Do you think Hamlet is relevant today? If yes, how so? If no, please explain.

What do you think is the main conflict in Lysistrata? Why is this play considered a ‘comedy’? 3. Although this play was first performed in 411 B.C., why do you think it is still relevant?

Here is the pdf for Hamlet.


Guiding questions for “Lysistrata” response paper:

1. What do you think is the main conflict in Lysistrata?

2. Why is this play considered a ‘comedy’?

3. Although this play was first performed in 411 B.C., why do you think it is still relevant?

Analyze the growing weariness of and resistance to story that various characters express in this novel.

At the outset of the novel, Richard, who is suicidal, has “had it with story” (11). Analyze the growing weariness of and resistance to story that various characters express in this novel. What is Smith showing about the power, effect, or consequence of story on people’s lives, and how does this reflect the concerns of “plague writing” (Ali Smith- Spring a novel) is what this essay is about. It relates it to the plague by albert camus and station eleven by emily st john mandel. he said sources should only be from the book

What does John Dryden, the satirist, define as “a high standard of honor and reasonable behavior?”

John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel

Prompt 1: Satire in the Restoration Period is instructive of the nature of moral philosophy argument argument, ideal for criticism and for the double role of pleasure and instruction, concerned to hold men responsible to a high standard of honor and reasonable behavior, supporting the need for law and order: What does John Dryden, the satirist, define as “a high standard of honor and reasonable behavior?” What does he speak out against? How does he use satire to justify his purpose?

Prompt 2: The world of Dryden is divided into fools and knaves, easy prey to the designs of selfish ambition. So where do you suppose Absalom falls within this division? Is he easy prey? In your response, identify both Absalom’s weaknesses and strengths to support your argument.