What is the effect of the soil composition on the filtration rate of water?

Overall Topic- Soil
Specific Research Question- What is the effect of the soil composition on the filtration rate of water?
Proposed Procedure (general)- Get a bucket of water and different types of soil and see how long it takes to filter the water
You have to collect your own data but you can make up some numbers

What environmental regulation will limit the development new tar sands production projects?

Write a minimum 6-8 page essay on the Alberta Tar Sands, properly cited.
Questions to Reflect On
• Discuss some of the financial benefits of Alberta’s tar sands.
• Discuss why the financial benefits of the tar sands are not necessarily good
for long-term sustainability of Alberta’s economy.
• What environmental regulation will limit the development new tar sands
production projects?
• Discuss the damage to the environment caused by these developments. Be
specific where ever possible.
• How have these projects impacted the biodiversity of the region?
• What might be the environmental restoration costs of these projects?
Provide any data you find on this.
• Locate any statistics you can on the health of people who work in the tar
sands and people who live near them, has there been any change?
• What is the impact of the development of the Alberta Tar Sands on
atmospheric CO2? How does that impact climate change?
• How you would analyze the cost-benefits to Canadian of the development of
the Alberta Tar Sands?
You should use at least 6 journal articles and as many other websites and publications you wish.

List 3 anthropogenic alterations and their dates which have profoundly influenced the biology of Lake Washington (between 1900 and 1994), according to W.T. Edmondson.

Lake Washington’s recent history; W.T. Edmondson

The objective of this homework is to get you thinking about the dynamics of eutrophication and Lake Washington by reading the work of W.T. Edmondson. Dr. Edmondson was a professor at the University of Washington, and his science inspired the management of Lake Washington.

Please read the following paper. The PDF is provided, W.T. 1994. Sixty years of Lake Washington: a curriculum vitae. Lake and Reserv. Manage. 10 (2): 75-84. II.

Please answer the following questions:

  1. List 3 anthropogenic alterations and their dates which have profoundly influenced the biology of Lake Washington (between 1900 and 1994), according to W.T. Edmondson.
  2. Daphnia have appeared and disappeared in the last century in Lake Washington. They are a center piece of the lake’s food web.
  3. a) Describe Daphnia’s role in the food chain (i.e. what eats them and what do they eat)?
  4. b) What factors did Edmonson propose that regulate Daphnia in Lake Washington?
  5. c) What data are not shown in figure 2 (Edmondson 1994, p.78) that may help further convince you of Edmondson’s explanation of Daphnia population changes?
  6. What characteristics of Lake Washington may have contributed to its rapid recovery from eutrophication?
  7. Locate 3 journal articles on Lake Washington eutrophication or ecology and summarize each one in a single paragraph – you may paraphrase the abstract – not direct copy (3 paragraphs in total)