-Describe the political environment of the country, making specific references to the political regime, and discussing whether the political regime is favorable to US investors.

Is the cultural, legal, and political environment of Vietnam favorable to American investments?

3 pages single space. MLA format.

In order to answer this question, you need to address the following:

-Use Hall’s framework to characterize the culture of this country. Would the cultural characteristics you have identified present challenges or opportunities to American investors?

-Describe the legal environment of the country, making specific references to the rule of law (to what extent is the country governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials) and laws that govern foreign direct investment (are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions).

-Describe the political environment of the country, making specific references to the political regime, and discussing whether the political regime is favorable to US investors.


Using the Global Wealth Chain typology of Seabrooke and Wigan (2017) what type of wealth chain is each of these investors likely to employ and why?


Answer 1 out of 2 questions

First, read:

Seabrooke, L. and Wigan, D., 2017. The governance of global wealth chains.

Review of International Political Economy
Hofman, A. and Aalbers, M.B., 2019. A finance-and real estate-driven regime in the United

Geoforum ,100

Mulhearn, C. and Franco, M., 2018. If you build it will they come? The boom in purpose-built student accommodation in central Liverpool: Destudentification, studentification and the future of the city.
Local Economy ,33

Question 1 – 50 marks

1.Figure 1 (below) shows the top 12 offshore property investors whoown multiple properties by volume (on the vertical axis) and levels of deprivation (on the horizontal axis) in the Liverpool and Merseyside Area (LMA). In addition, there are approximately 16% of investors who are single unit purchasers (they own one house). Using the Global Wealth Chain typology of Seabrooke and Wigan (2017) what type of wealth chain is each of these investors likely to employ and why?

Explain two criticisms of GDP as an economic indicator. Other than GNI per capita, what are the components of the Human Development Index?



  1. Give two areas economists focus on when judging ‘economic development’.
  2. Explain two criticisms of GDP as an economic indicator.
  3. Other than GNI per capita, what are the components of the Human Development Index?
  4. What is the difference between absolute and relative poverty?
  5. Give two policies governments use to tackle poverty.
  6. Give two factors that affect population growth.
  7. In general, are rates of population growth higher or lower in a developing country or a developed one. Explain your answer.
  8. Give two factors that bring lower mortality and fertility rates as countries develop.
  9. Give two problems that can occur in developed countries related to population change.
  10. Give two ways that the structure of the population can be divided.
  11. Give two reasons why inequality in income or wealth distribution occurs.
  12. Give two reasons why one country may have higher living standards than another.
  13. Give and explain an example of how it is possible to have a high standard of living, but a relatively lower quality of life.


Why are some climate laws more effective than others? What can you do to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions?


First, read these two papers:
 Eskander ‘ Fankhauser (2020) NCC.pdf
 Eskander-S-51018-VoR.pdf

Then answer the following question:

A) Why are some climate laws more effective than others?  Use specific examples using other references / sources to strengthen your response.
Then, read the textbook and / or slides. Then answer the following question:

B) What can you do to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Once again, try finding some real world examples, either at country or regional or firm level, to make your response better.
Finally, think about an example of recent laws and answer this question:

C) Can you give an example of a law that does not directly target climate change but indirectly has an impact? I recommend you use the case of ”Inflation reduction act 2022” by
the US. A short read is available here: https://climate-laws.org/geographies/united-states-of-america/laws/inflation-reduction-act



How does a price ceiling set below the equilibrium level affect quantity demanded and quantity supplied? What would be the impact of imposing a price floor below the equilibrium price? If a price floor benefits producer, why does a price floor reduce social surplus?

Assignment 1 Questions: Week 2 to Week 3: [15 Marks]

  1. Water is necessary for life. Is the marginal benefit of a glass of water large or small? Give an example of some action from your real life that has both a monetary and non monetary opportunity cost. (3 Mark)
  2. What does the “invisible hand” of the marketplace do? Explain the two main reasons of market failure and give an example of each. (3 Marks)
  3. How does a price ceiling set below the equilibrium level affect quantity demanded and quantity supplied? (3 Marks)
  4. What would be the impact of imposing a price floor below the equilibrium price? If a price floor benefits producer, why does a price floor reduce social surplus? (3 Marks)
  • Illustrates the market for Pizza has the following demand and supply

schedules: (3 Marks)

Price Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied
$3 115 37
$4 95 55
$5 80 80
$6 67 95
$7 50 110
$8 38 122


  1. Graph the demand and supply curves. What is the equilibrium price and quantity in this market?
  2. If the actual price in this market were above the equilibrium price, what would drive the market toward the equilibrium?
  3. If the actual price in this market were below the equilibrium price, what would drive the market toward the equilibrium?

Explain how the indicator or each of the indicators might affect future sales and/or service. Explain which or among these indicators would be most important in formulating your qualitative forecast.

Discussion Essay

Select a company, government agency or any other service outlet and one of its products that interest you to study from an applied economic point of view. You are encouraged to look up articles about your chosen company or agency utilizing such sources as Business Week, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Marketing Communications, Media-Scope, Advertising Age, Law Enforcement Magazines, Health Magazines, and etc. If possible, you should visit or correspond with the company or agency, contact distributors or agents, and discuss the product(s) or service(s) with actual or potential users. Collect economic data in the product(s) or service(s) you have chosen.

A. At the end of this course, you should turn in a term paper that analyzes and estimates the demand of your chosen firm’s product(s) or service(s) USING REGRESSIONAL ANALYSIS.
B. Assume that your company or agency is concerned about near-term economic conditions and wishes to obtain a qualitative forecast of sales or service in the upcoming quarter. Assume also that you are the market analyst for your company or agency planning to use one or more of the leading economic indicators (LEI) published by the US Department of Commerce to formulate your qualitative forecast. You can Google The Leading Economic Indicator (LEI).
C. Explain how the indicator or each of the indicators might affect future sales and/or service. (For example, if the average work week of production workers in manufacturing increased, explain the affect on your company’s sales.) Explain which or among these indicators would be most important in formulating your qualitative forecast.

Your paper will be graded on the following criteria:
1. Use of REGRESSION ANALYSIS to analyze the company or agency and its product(s) or service(s). Explain your REGRESSION ANALYSIS model(s) OUTPUT.
2. Degree to which information was sought and attained.
3. Quality of your analysis of the firm’s pricing.
4. Quality of your recommendations for future new or current product(s)/service(s) pricing.

research the main arguments on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing planning system and the claims made for proposed changes.

Planning system

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC, formerly MHCLG) is the national government department responsible for planning in the UK. Since 2010, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition and subsequent Conservative governments have introduced a series of planning reforms aiming to make the planning system more ‘growth- orientated, sustainable, efficient, accessible and participatory’. The government’s latest thinking on reforms were outlined in the ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper (August 2020) and the ‘Levelling-Up’ White Paper (February 2022). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was also revised (July 2021) and sets out the government’s planning policies for England. After a decade of reforms, the current government is considering how the planning system should operate in the future. The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has decided that an expert report should be commissioned to critically evaluate the contemporary economic, social and environmental debates for and against the existing planning system and latest planning reform proposals to inform any future Bills / Acts. The report will be discussed by senior members of the government in the next cabinet strategy meeting.

You work for the real estate and planning consultancy that has won the tender to produce the government report on the ‘future of the planning system’. To do this you will need to research the main arguments on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing planning system and the claims made for proposed changes.

The report should provide an introduction which clearly outlines its aims and objectives and an overall set of conclusions and recommendations and a 1-page executive summary of findings.

Also include in the file list DLUHC Levelling-Up White Paper (2022), Policy Exchange Rethinking the Planning System (2020).

Describe the events: who, what, where, when, why, how. in chronological & focus on big ideas.

Spanish Succession

Describe the events: who, what, where, when, why, how. in chronological & focus on big ideas.

Cause and Consequence

Indicate whether true or false and provide explanation. An economy subject to large and sustained structural shocks will have a higher structural unemployment rate.

Indicate whether true or false and provide explanation.

An economy subject to large and sustained structural shocks will have a higher structural unemployment rate. It is far easier to generate higher inflation if the central bank maintains a loose monetary policy when this is the case.

Real interest rates have been lower than growth for a number of years. This implies unequivocally indicates that the economy is dynamically inefficient.

Hint: think about dynamic efficiency in terms of the MPK and that this may be different from real interest rates in some cases.

The sacrifice ratio during inflation reduction programs is lower the higher inflation is.

Imperfect competition is an important part of the New Keynesian Economic construct. Under imperfect competition, firms are assumed to charge a fixed markup over marginal cost. A higher markup shifts the Aggregate Supply Curve up. This results in higher inflation and a higher loss of output.


If Tommy puts proportion B into the savings account, what is his expected wealth? If Tommy puts proportion 0 into the savings account, what is his expected utility?


Tommy iv vNM utility over final wealth u(x) = in(x). lie has $100 and is decidutg how much to put into a savings account and how much to use to purchase Domcoln. Each assci has the following c\pcctcd returns:

  • Asset I : 0% return with probability I
  • Asset 2 : -36% return with probability .5 and 72% return with probability .5

a) If Tommy puts proportion B into the savings account, what is his expected wealth?

b) If Tommy puts proportion 0 into the savings account, what is his expected utility?

c) What value of 6 maximizes Tommy’s expected utility?