How is discounting used? How would changes in the discount rate impact results if there is no sensitivity analysis around discount rates?

Critically analyse a published economic evaluation
by Williams et al (VALUE IN HEALTH. 2020; 23(8):1003–1011) on the cost-effectiveness of opt-out
emergency department-based Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) testing and linkage to care,
compared to no emergency department testing in the UK.

What are the key data sources used and are they appropriate? [5 marks]
2. Where is the quality of life data elicited from? Patients, experts or the general public and from
what setting. Does the source or type of quality of life data impact the strength of findings or
introduce a bias? [10 marks]
3. Are comparators and outcomes well described? Do the authors explain their modelling
choices, and could a different/ more complex model or type of modelling have been used?
[15 marks]
4. Around which variables is there most uncertainty and what does the probabilistic sensitivity
analysis say about the overall uncertainty surrounding the results? What are the implications
of this uncertainty for study findings? [15 marks]
5. How is discounting used? How would changes in the discount rate impact results if there is no sensitivity analysis around discount rates? [5 marks]
6. Based on this study would you recommend that emergency department testing and linkage
to care for HCV and HBV be introduced in the management HBV and HCV in the UK? [10marks]
7. What additional information would you want to have apart from this study to make arecommendation? [5 marks]
8. What are the directions for future research coming out of this study? (any mentioned by the
authors, but also gaps you see) [5 marks]
9. What is the external validity of this study and what factors might be considered by other countries looking to interpret and use these results [10 marks]

Is it appropriate to judge teacher effectiveness by examining pupil value added (achievement gain) score.

Is it appropriate to judge teacher effectiveness by examining pupil value added (achievement gain) score. Illustrate your arguments by referring to at least one article you have studied.

(Article you need to reference is Chetty et al paper. Do not need to read it all just intro, some of the body regarding bias and conc.

Refer to the Economics of education L5 and CEE approach on how to answer.

Must state pros of measure, cons of measure, mention validity, stability and precision throughout. Para about biasedness of VA (value added). Para about other technique you can use such as class observations.


Explain the effects of fiscal policy on growth.

Explain the effects of fiscal policy on growth.

Examine the major contributors to GDP and their significance in any group of countries.

The aim of this study is to examine the major contributors to GDP and their significance in any group of countries. The countries must be related in some form e.g. top EU economies. You can determine the most significant factors that contribute to growth. It is preferred if you can use Eviews to collect and analyse the data. Incorporate as much analysis to achieve a first class grade.

 Identify significant trends and relationships to facilitate demand forecasting and potential impacts on profits.

Identify significant trends and relationships to facilitate demand forecasting and potential impacts on profits.


Discuss UK’s export and import of tourism services

– Discussion of UK’s BoP current account – main trade partners, main exports and imports, balance of trade etc.
– Discuss UK’s export and import of tourism services

Critically evaluate the above editorial comment.

“Bitcoin promises to be digital gold: safe, valuable, and rare. That could explain much of
the cryptocurrency’s rally over the past year.
Unfortunately, like gold, bitcoin’s status as a safe haven is more theoretical than anything
else. Rather than stability it offers investors volatility and a chance to speculate on the
market’s sentiment towards the currency. The recent rise in the cryptocurrency’s
valuation is no different. Investors looking for a safe place to keep their wealth should
look elsewhere”, Financial Times editorial, “The elusive promise of Bitcoin”, November
14, 2020.

Required: Critically evaluate the above editorial comment. Use tables, charts, and any
relevant online resources to support your arguments.

Analyse the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic crisis on the UK tourism sector

Analyse the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic crisis on the UK tourism sector

Compare and contrast the economic performance of your chosen country to another euro area Member State.

Compare and contrast the economic performance of your chosen country to another euro area Member State. Include charts and tables as appropriate.