Demonstrate simple budget calculations in preparing a basic budget request and to advocate for that request in a professional manner.

Prepare and defend a supplemental budget for an assigned (mostly local) government department.
Purpose: To demonstrate simple budget calculations in preparing a basic budget request and to advocate for that request in a professional manner.
Receive your individual departmental assignment (such as for fire, police, recreation, etc.) from me at the appropriate time.
Take on the role as the budget analyst for the assigned departmental service.

Conduct original research on the assigned service topic by reviewing actual budget documents (found via Internet searches) and subject-matter materials from the GSU (online) library through articles and books to demonstrate you have tried to learn about the service you are budgeting. For example, if you are assigned the Building Inspection department, you should conduct research on what those types of departments perform and what might be some of the budget items that would fit the needs of such an office.
Although you are to frame the proposal for a city in your assigned state, (NORTH DAKOTA) the specifics of the proposal does not have to based on what that city has done in the past.

Consider talking to someone doing a similar service, perhaps in a local government around here. You could call a similar department in a local government (search the web for contact information) and see if a senior person in that department would talk to you about the work activities in such a department.
Prepare a budget proposal requesting at least $75,000 but no more than $200,000 for a program or activity to be performed by that department.
You are not to budget for the entire department, but rather a new or supplemental program or activity.
Your proposal must include funding for at least one full-time employee (salary and benefits).
Justify your recommendation through a direct budget narrative that will advance your goal of funding for your entire proposal without any cuts.
Follow the Preparation of Work Products guidelines found in the Course Policies section.
This assignment requires that you prepare a written budget proposal using the required 2-page budget form found (ATTACHED)
The calculations have to be correct and appropriate for the desired result. (Please show work)

You are to make a video of no more than 3 minutes where you make the case for funding your proposal. It is due at the same time as your Budget Request Form and the video is to be posted HERE.
Your goal for the oral presentation should be to convince the class that your recommendation should be funded in full. Your grade for this assignment will depend upon my assessment of the seriousness with which you completed the project, the quality, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of your work products to fulfill this assignment, the budget allocation decisions of your classmates, and your active and serious participation in the complete project that includes making allocation decisions on all the other budget proposals.

How does the bank robber attempt to increase the benefits and reduce the costs?

The papers will be judged based upon the quality of the author’s economic analysis and presentation of that analysis. Apply economic concepts to some issue involving crime. Such topics often involve some type of debate in which the student should acknowledge arguments on both sides of an issue while reaching a clear conclusion about where he or she stands and why.
The use of economic analysis in presenting the argument on both sides of the issue, as well as in reaching a conclusion, is essential to writing a successful paper.
Put it into the context of the Economic Model of Criminal Behavior. What are the benefits? What are the costs? How does the bank robber attempt to increase the benefits and reduce the costs? How do banks try to reduce benefits and raise costs for bank robbers? With regard to account holders, is there a cost? Are their deposits insured? Don’t confuse costs with transfers.

If gasoline was going to be $7 a gallon within the next few years, would you support a price ceiling on gasoline? Why or why not?

Price Ceiling on Gasoline


If gasoline was going to be $7 a gallon within the next few years, would you support a price ceiling on gasoline? Why or why not?

If so, what do you think the maximum price of a gallon of gas should be?

What did Malthus and later Ricardo both find inherently wrong with Say’s Model:

Paper details:

4a: Explain “Say’s Law of Markets” in terms of the classical approach to economics
4b: What did Malthus and later Ricardo both find inherently wrong with Say’s Model:

All questions require time and thoughtful analysis to answer each sufficiently. ach question is based on concepts & terminology

List the four types of unemployment. Under each one give a brief example, from your work-life, or the work life of someone you know

List the four types of unemployment. Under each one give a brief example, from your work-life, or the work life of someone you know, of experiencing that particular type of unemployment. Make sure that your explanation is detailed enough so it is clear to the reader which type of unemployment you were experiencing.

Research and analyze Health Care Reforms

using economic and health economic theories and models to research and analyze Health Care Reforms

Discuss all listed questions in the country of Iraq:

The paper needs to discuss all listed questions in the country of Iraq:
• Major demographics in Iraq.
• Factors that may impact the health of the country’s’ people (environmental, political, economic, chronic illness and contributing factors, etc.).
• Health care system (include factors such as funding, structure, accessibility to the people, etc.

• Common cultural values, beliefs, and practices of the dominant culture within the country.
• How the healthcare administrator might facilitate the provision of a culturally competent environment of care if a patient of the selected country’s dominant culture (Iraq) needed to receive care in a U.S. healthcare facility.The research paper is to be submitted in APA writing style. Using 12 Times Roman Font. Sites that generally have credible information with Internet address endings such as .org, .edu, or .gov. Reference sources without a publication date or author should not be used. Please select references published within the past five (5) years preferably

Should we be democratizing finance through crowdfunding for social enterprises?

Based on your reading and further research, argue for ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question: Should we be democratizing finance through crowdfunding for social enterprises?

Describe what criteria you used to make your decisions.

1. Play a simulation from Financial Times called “Purpose-Profit Trade-off”. Click Purpose-Profit Game to access the simulation. You can play as many times as you like. Your discussion post needs to take into consideration all your tries and answer the following questions. Refer to the Discussion Rubric to formulate your response.

2. Describe your final results. Take a screenshot and paste an image of your final results.

3. Describe what criteria you used to make your decisions. For example, you chose to adopt long-term thinking even if it meant making expensive choices in the short-term; or that you decided to follow a balanced strategy where each choice you made balanced outcomes in the near term with that in the future. Provide examples of how the criteria you adopted influenced your decisions.

4. Did you change these criteria from one play of the simulation to anther? Why or why not?

5. Based on the final results, what would you do differently if you were to play the simulation again? What would you keep the same?

6. List two takeaways that you can apply to the social enterprise you are building in this class.

Write at least one paragraph assessing the size and/or growth rate of the industry relative to the national economy.

  1. Introduction

(In this section, provide a one-paragraph brief introduction about your selected industry. Please delete all instructions and use double-spacing before submitting your paper.)

  1. Size and/or Growth of Industry

Write at least one paragraph assessing the size and/or growth rate of the industry relative to the national economy.

If you click on the GDP by industry, you should be able to assess the numbers related to the size and/or growth rate of the industry relative

You may also click on the percentage change in GDP by industry (especially the value added by industry) for additional inputs to this question.

  • You should use the statistics to determine the weight of the industry relative to the GDP.
  • You may also use the revenues, number of employees, and/or number of customers to substantiate your idea.
  • Do not use bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Write clearly and professionally; follow the Strayer Writing Standards.
  1. Macroeconomic Indicator or Policy and Its Importance and Impact

Write at least one paragraph identifying the macroeconomic indicator or policy that the industry should monitor (inflation, unemployment, imports and exports, government expenditure, taxes, and/or interest rates). Explain why the macroeconomic indicator or policy is important and how it may impact the industry

  • Consider its importance and impact by looking at one or more of the indicators below:
  1. The operational costs supported by the industry as compared to the revenues.
  2. The trends observed in terms of profits and/or number of employees to substantiate your idea.
  • Do not use bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Write clearly and professionally; follow the Strayer Writing Standards.
  1. Recent Trend

Write one paragraph describing a recent trend in the macroeconomic indicator or policy in part 3. Include a graph, table, or chart that illustrates the observed trend.

  • Focus on the stability or increase/decrease of the chosen indicator when commenting on the graph, be certain to follow your graph or table with substantiated comments, explaining any major discrepancy in the data or the change in the shape of the curve.
  • Do not use bulleted or numbered lists.
  • Write clearly and professionally; follow the Strayer Writing Standards.
  1. 5. Conclusion

Write a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes how you think the industry will perform in the future. Attention should be paid to whether the observed trend is expected to continue.

  • This should be your (own) opinion.
  • Explain what you learned about the topic. Attention should be paid to whether the observed trend is expected to continue.
  • You may also expand upon this point by explaining what conclusion you draw from your research on the topic.
  • Do not use bulleted or numbered lists.

Write clearly and professionally; follow the Strayer Writing Standards.