Consider these real writing samples from preschool/prekindergarten-aged children.Make a clear and specific plan of how to support them, where you see them going next, and how you as their teacher would further their writing development and literacy knowledge.

Paper details:

Consider these real writing samples from preschool/prekindergarten-aged children. Respond to each sample – what does the writing and the context provided tell you about the child’s writing ability, literacy skills, knowledge? Think broadly across a range of writing components and aspects, not just what is obvious. What do you know about the child’s process? What do you know about the child’s interests? Make a clear and specific plan of how to support them, where you see them going next, and how you as their teacher would further their writing development and literacy knowledge. This can take the form of lessons, activities, experiences, environmental supports, connections to other content areas, etc.
This paper should be around 5 pages. Please cite sources (at least 3) to support your thinking.

How does what the author is sharing relate to a relevant perspective in the general school setting? How does what the author is sharing relate to a relevant perspective in your school setting?

Your one- page should be a summary and should be in the form of a bulleted list of points you want to share with your faculty. Think of this one-page summary as talking points for you if you were giving a speech or presentation to your faculty.
The Scenario- Think of the assignment as from the lens of a school leader. You have just read an important peer-reviewed journal artilce on a topic that aligns with your vision of effective instructional practices that you would like to share with your faculty. Looking at research as an instructional leader is important to retain a sense of relevance with educational change. But this can be a challenge too for busy school administrators. For this assignment you are asked to pretend that you are a school leader and that you have found a peer-reviewed journal article that hits exactly on the points you would like to emphasize with your staff. You are also asked to include one or two of the standards as listed below within your work.
Our authors, Gall and Acheson (2011), delineate the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards on page 41 of our text and these include:
Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Teachers think systemically about their practice and learn from experience.
Teachers are members of learning communities.
Think through this process and these questions to guide you as you report on the journal article you have chosen and the standards/propositions our authors note on p. 41. Consider the bolded words the formal part of your paper and the non-bolded parts of the questions below as the more informal sections.
Section One
Why is the topic important in general terms for education?
Why is the work important to you specifically?
Section Two
What are the author’s positions and findings?
Which findings in particular resonate with what you believe is important?
Section Three
How does what the author is sharing relate to a relevant perspective in the general school setting?
How does what the author is sharing relate to a relevant perspective in your school setting?
Section Four
What impact could the findings of the author have in an educational setting?
What impact could the findings of the author have in your setting?
How will you use what the author has shared to change, impact, enhance the evaluation processes at your school?
If you want you may include the questions as listed above and format your paper accordingly under those headings.

Tip#1-Your paper is both formal and informal. The formal aspect is how you present the author’s points and discuss the findings and ideas of the author in general terms. For those areas of your paper be sure to refrain from using “I would,,” etc. The informal would be how you consider the author’s findings and ideas for your own setting. Thus, in the more informal sections of your work you may use pronouns such as “I” in terms of for example: As the Instructional Leader at Sunnybrook Elementary I would suggest that as a faculty team we engage in the process of careful attention to the use of data as mentioned by Smith (2014) when she shared “…the use of data in professional evaluations has increased over time as teachers’ test scores for student groups is analyzed” (p. 255).
Tip#2-When you are writing your paper you should not refer to the article you have chosen as “in the article” or “in the study” but instead share the specific title or author of the article you have chosen. You need to define what article, what study. There is an APA checklist of tips in the first section of our course that can be very helpful. Be sure to take a look at these helpful tips in the first section under Modules of our course.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so.

Essay Prompt 1: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Essay Prompt 2: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you and what did you learn from the experience?

Essay Prompt 3: Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Essay Prompt 4: Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma, or anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

Essay Prompt 5: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Essay Prompt 6: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Essay Prompt 7: Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Were the population, sample, and sampling procedures clearly defined in the protocol form? Were any vulnerable population utilized in this study? If so, was inclusion justified clearly?

IRB Components Assignment

Due: April 6, 2018 at 2:05 AM – submit on Blackboard (IRB Components Assignment Folder)

Instructions: You have been given a mock IRB Human Subjects Review application. Your task is to review the components of the application and determine whether or not there is enough information included within the application to approve it so that the researchers can begin their research study. You should use the CSP IRB website (, resources from class, and your knowledge acquired from your CITI training to review the application.

The IRB components are split into two sections: the protocol form and materials (15 points) and the consent/assent form(s) (15 points). Each section has a set of questions that you must answer and the point values associated with each question are included below. Additionally, you will be required to give a final decision on whether or not you would approve the application. This decision is worth 5 points and must include specific details as to why you made your decision.

You MAY work together with classmates to form your conclusions about the IRB application materials but you are required to write up your own assignment submission. This means that even though your answers may have the same conclusions, you must word them in your own way – I should NOT see two or more submissions with the same word-for-word answers. This is plagiarism and will result in a 0 for the assignment for any involved parties.

Protocol Form and Materials (15 Points)

Review the Human Subjects Review Protocol Form and any attached documents. Based on these documents, answer the following questions:

  1. Subjects (1 points):
    1. Were the population, sample, and sampling procedures clearly defined in the protocol form? Were any vulnerable population utilized in this study? If so, was inclusion justified clearly?
  2. Purpose Statement (1 point):
    1. Was the purpose statement clearly defined (i.e. do you know what the study intended to do)?
  3. Methods, Procedures, and Analysis (4 points):
    1. Were the following sections described in detail and did the application packet contain the appropriate copies of any surveys or tests utilized in the study?
      1. Research methods
      2. Procedures of the study
  • Data analysis
  1. Risks (2 point):
    1. Were any potential risks (physical, psychological, social, or legal) described and the likelihood/seriousness of those risks assessed? Were the methods of minimizing potential risks described? If not, describe one or two potential risks you can identify with the investigation and ways to minimize those risks.
  2. Benefits (2 points):
    1. Is there a clear description of the anticipated benefits to the research subject, the particular group/class from which the subject is drawn, and/or to society in general? Provide detail as to why you do or do not feel this description is adequate.
  3. Costs to the Subject (1 point):
    1. Does the investigation involve the possibility of added expenses to the subject or a third party (i.e. insurer)? Will the subjects be compensated for their participation in the study? Are there clear details about how this compensation will be given?
  4. Informed Consent (1 points):
    1. Were the methods of obtaining informed consent clearly defined (i.e. how consent would be obtained, who would be responsible for obtaining it, where will informed consent forms be stored)? Also, if children are subjects, were the procedures for attaining child assent and parent/guardian consent clearly outlined?
  5. Deception (1 point):
    1. If deception is used in this study design, was it clearly explained why it was necessary and how subjects will be debriefed?
  6. Privacy (1 points):
    1. Were the procedures for protecting subject rights and confidentiality clearly defined?
  7. Additional Materials (1 points):
    1. Were any additional materials included in the application packet (i.e. advertisement materials, surveys, etc.)? If so, were these allowable materials? Why or why not? Also, were there any other aspects of the protocol form that were missing (i.e. look at the fill-in-the-blank sections to make sure it’s all filled out)?

Informed Consent/Assent Form(s) (15 points)

Review the Informed Consent/Assent Form(s) included with the application. Answer the following questions:

  1. Did the informed consent form include a statement identifying the principal investigator and their affiliation? If so, who is the principal investigator and what is their affiliation? (1 point)
  2. Was there an invitation to participate in the study as part of a research project? Either write this invitation here or highlight it in the consent form. (1 point)
  3. Were the following elements of the consent form included and do they agree with the protocol form?:
    1. Explanation of the purpose of the research (1 point)
    2. Expected length of time of the subject’s involvement (1 point)
    3. Description of the procedures to be followed (1 point)
    4. Identification of which activities are experimental in nature (1 point)
  4. Were the risks to the subjects and benefits to the subjects or others clearly described? (2 points)
  5. Was the compensation for participation clearly described? (1 point)
  6. Did the document include a statement describing the subject’s anonymity and the extent to which confidentiality with be maintained? (2 points)
  7. Did the document include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the people to contact for answers about the research and the office to answer questions about the rights of a research subject? (1 point)
  8. Was it clear that participation is voluntary and that the subject may withdraw from the process at any time? (2 points)
  9. If the study included subjects who are not of legal age for consent, was there a child assent form available that was brief and contained language appropriate to age level? (1 point)

IRB Review Decision (5 points)

Based on your answers to the above sections, which of the following decisions would you make about this IRB application and why?

  • Approved – no modifications needed (i.e. you believe that the application contains an ethical research experiment and all human rights are met within the protocol as written)
  • Approved with modifications (i.e. you believe that overall the research design as proposed has merit and with a few adjustments would meet the required ethical standards)
  • Not Approved (i.e. you believe that overall the research design as proposed does not have any merit and will not be able to be adjusted to meet required ethical standards)

Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices. 

  1. You are an intern at the CDC.  You have been asked to conceptualize an independent health services research study focused on HIV/AIDS-Related Illness among Hispanic Women living in California.  Your supervisor has given you free reign to conceptualize the study.
  2. Conduct a literature review.  List five sources in APA style format.
  3. Chose and describe an aim or purpose for your study and the research question/hypothesis.
  4. Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices.

Discuss how the chosen standards and problems build student understanding of plane geometry or measurement of plane figures across the three K–6 grade levels selected in part A1.

A. Study the plane geometry or measurement of plane figures content standards for your state and do the following:

1. List three content standards from your state that apply to plane geometry or measurement of plane figures for grades K–6. The three selected standards must represent three different grade levels.

2. Write a sample problem for each of the three standards to illustrate the evolution of student understanding.

3. Provide a solution for each problem that demonstrates each step or explains the thinking process involved in determining the solution.

4. Discuss how the chosen standards and problems build student understanding of plane geometry or measurement of plane figures across the three K–6 grade levels selected in part A1.

B. Watch the “A Table for 22” video and do the following:

1. Describe one instructional strategy the teacher successfully incorporates in the geometry lesson and explain how it helped students develop a deeper understanding of plane geometry.

2. Explain how you could incorporate one strategy from this lesson into your own instructional practice.

3. Describe how you would modify this lesson for students with special needs.

C. Prepare to create an original lesson plan on plane geometry or measurement of plane figures by doing the following:

1. Describe an evidence-based instructional strategy that will be incorporated into your original lesson plan.

a. Explain why the chosen instructional strategy would be beneficial in a lesson on plane geometry or measurement of plane figures using evidence from a credible source to support your selection.

D. Using the attached “Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template,” design an original lesson plan for elementary (K–6) mathematics that addresses the topic of plane geometry or measurement of plane figures. Submit the lesson plan as a separate document from parts A–C.

Note: The lesson plan should be detailed, complete, descriptive, and reflective. As a general rule, include enough detail so that a non-mathematics substitute teacher could teach the lesson using your plan.

1. In the “Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks” section of the lesson plan template, identify the instructional strategy that was selected in part C1 and explain how it was incorporated into the lesson.

E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

What specific strategies will you use to provide universal access to learning? How will you design your lessons to meet their needs?

Imagine that 15 children are at different stages of literacy development in your primary classroom.

What specific strategies will you use to provide universal access to learning?
How will you design your lessons to meet their needs?

How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?

The anticipatory set is an essential element of lesson planning. What are the benefits of incorporating this element into your lesson?

Professional growth in developing effective lessons and lesson plans comes with practice. This assignment provides the opportunity to connect the multiple elements of lesson planning into a single document.
For this benchmark, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a standards-based lesson plan for a K-8 grade level. Complete all sections of the lesson plan template. You may use previous work from this course as a starting point for this lesson plan, incorporating feedback received from your mentor teacher.
Your lesson plan should include the following:
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Summarize the “Class Profile” and use this information to direct the differentiation throughout the lesson plan.
National/State Learning Standards: May be based on the standard selected for the Topic 2 assignment.
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Objective written in Topic 2 to inform this section may be used.
Academic Language: List any vocabulary students will need to learn for full understanding of the lesson.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Lesson must integrate digital tools and resources into the instruction and assessments.
Anticipatory Set: Include pre-assessment or required knowledge student will need to be prepared to learn.
Multiple Means of Representation: Include at least two of the models or strategies previously discussed, along with a thorough explanation of how the chosen model/strategy would apply to the lesson. The Topic 4 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Multiple Means of Engagement: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section. Specify how instruction would be adapted to diverse students, based on an understanding of how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning.
Multiple Means of Expression: Include formative and summative assessments to plan, evaluate, and strengthen your instruction. Include technology resources in at least one assessment. Label each assessment as formative or summative as indicated in the lesson plan template.
Extension Activity and/or Homework: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Rationale/Reflection: In 250-500 words, answer the following questions:
How do the instructional models you chose for the lesson meet the diverse learning needs of the students on the “Class Profile”?
How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?
How do the technological resources you selected engage students and support your assessment practices?
Support your reflection with 2-3 resources.
Please use the template. Thank you so much.

Design a test using different kinds of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, essay question, short answer question etc.).

Assessment brief

Assessment task: Assessment plan

Weighting: 60%

Word count or equivalent: 2,000 words

You will apply assessment theories and principles to a practical task relevant to your teaching interests. This assessment covers the following learning outcomes:

  1. to critically apply assessment theories and principles to a specific task
  2. to further develop practical assessment skills.

You are asked to create a summative test and provide a research-informed rationale for it.

Task 1: Design a test (about 300-500 words)

Pick your learners (age group)

Pick your subject area (e.g., English, Maths, Biology, etc.)

Design a test using different kinds of questions (e.g., multiple choice, true/false, essay question, short answer question etc.).

Task 2: Provide a rationale for the test you have designed (Why are students doing this assessment?) 1,500 words

Suggested points to consider in the rationale:

Define summative assessment and outline when and why it is used.

What are general principles underpinning summative assessment?

What is the purpose of the test? Summarise the learning outcomes briefly.

Link the learning outcomes & test questions to Bloom’s taxonomy.

What does your test assess and in what way?

Why is your task set up the way it is? Advantages of your task.

Limitations of your task (is it limited in the information it provides?)

References: minimum of 7 references (APA)

How do literature and the arts cultivate a moral imagination according to Nussbaum? Why is the moral imagination so important to democratic flourishing?

After watching the attached video and reading Chapter 6 ( Cultivating Imaginatioin pg.  95-120) of the Not for Profit book. Your response must be approximately 450 words in length. What I really want to see is sincerity and open-mindedness in your personal reflection and clear engagement with the reading. The papers should be double-spaced, maximum 12-point type, maximum one-inch margins on all sides, in a MLA format.

Watch this TED talk on imagination with Charles Faulkner, an independent scholar.

Please watch this TED talk on the value of literature with Dr. Danielle Carlotti-Smith, Adjunct Professor in Comparative Literature at the University of Tulsa.

Answer the question below.

Topic: How do literature and the arts cultivate a moral imagination according to Nussbaum? Why is the moral imagination so important to democratic flourishing?

Remember: Please address both aspects of this question to receive full credit.