How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?

The anticipatory set is an essential element of lesson planning. What are the benefits of incorporating this element into your lesson?

Professional growth in developing effective lessons and lesson plans comes with practice. This assignment provides the opportunity to connect the multiple elements of lesson planning into a single document.
For this benchmark, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to create a standards-based lesson plan for a K-8 grade level. Complete all sections of the lesson plan template. You may use previous work from this course as a starting point for this lesson plan, incorporating feedback received from your mentor teacher.
Your lesson plan should include the following:
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Summarize the “Class Profile” and use this information to direct the differentiation throughout the lesson plan.
National/State Learning Standards: May be based on the standard selected for the Topic 2 assignment.
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Objective written in Topic 2 to inform this section may be used.
Academic Language: List any vocabulary students will need to learn for full understanding of the lesson.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Lesson must integrate digital tools and resources into the instruction and assessments.
Anticipatory Set: Include pre-assessment or required knowledge student will need to be prepared to learn.
Multiple Means of Representation: Include at least two of the models or strategies previously discussed, along with a thorough explanation of how the chosen model/strategy would apply to the lesson. The Topic 4 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Multiple Means of Engagement: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section. Specify how instruction would be adapted to diverse students, based on an understanding of how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning.
Multiple Means of Expression: Include formative and summative assessments to plan, evaluate, and strengthen your instruction. Include technology resources in at least one assessment. Label each assessment as formative or summative as indicated in the lesson plan template.
Extension Activity and/or Homework: Topic 5 assignment may be used to inform this section.
Rationale/Reflection: In 250-500 words, answer the following questions:
How do the instructional models you chose for the lesson meet the diverse learning needs of the students on the “Class Profile”?
How does the instruction and assessment meet the developmental needs of students and strengthen future instructional decisions?
How do the technological resources you selected engage students and support your assessment practices?
Support your reflection with 2-3 resources.
Please use the template. Thank you so much.

Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of GC or an independent contractor?  Explain why.

General Instructions for Learning Activities   

  • Read all assigned materials listed at the bottom of instructions
  • Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities
  • Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use the internet unless otherwise instructed
  • Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations
  • Write in correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format unless otherwise instructed

Tips for Formatting and Structuring Analysis:

  • Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.
  • Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.
  • Double space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.
  • Introductory Sentence: Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.
  • Concluding Sentence: End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.
  • Support Arguments and Positions:  Refer to the module in Content, “How to Support Arguments and Positions”.


Background Facts:  You and Winnie and Ralph are discussing GC’s plan to hire George Tacy as an agent for recruitment and hiring computer/IT employees.  You all recognize the importance of having a clearly defined agency agreement, and there are different types of agents.

  1. Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of GC or an independent contractor?  Explain why.

References and in-Text Citation

Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used – an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation.

When doing the in-text citation always include the Chapters, sections and page numbers


Class textbook links. Click on the chapters to open the links. Example of in-text citation of the textbook .

APA General Citation Rule for In-text Citations: When there is no author given for a book, use the title of the book and the publication date.

The title of the book should be in italics; the publisher and publication date are not in italics.

How to cite a Saylor e-textbook or any e-textbook in an intext citation:

(Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business, 2012. Chapter 20. Section, 20.1 Introduction to Agency and the Types of Agents. para. 7).

How to cite an e-textbook in the listing of References:


Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business (2012).  Saylor Academy.

Saylor e-textbook

Online website approved by professor. Include author’s name and publication date, paraphrase numbers and page number (if available) in the intext citation.

Major Concepts:

Major Concepts:

What downsizing targeting methods do you feel are the most effective? Which are the least effective, and why?

Course: Strategic Staffing
Book: Strategic Staffing – Jean Phillips, 4th Edition (I have online access to the book, if needed)
DB should be 300 words (min)
The journal should be 400 words. (min)

DB #1 – Chapter 12
If you had to discharge an employee who you thought had the potential for violence, what would you do?

Journal #1 – Chapter 12
What downsizing targeting methods do you feel are the most effective? Which are the least effective, and why?

DB #2 – Chapter 13
In your opinion, what three metrics might a university use to evaluate the effectiveness of its efforts to fill instructor positions?

Briefly explain the strategy; what are the essential components of the strategy? Provide brief rationale why that strategy and cause/outcome should be or can be addressed first.

Contemporary Nursing Issue Paper Outline

Explanation of the Issue (5 elements)

  1. Identify the specific problem/issue
    • Reveal the issue/problem immediately in the paper
    • Hook the reader to want to read more
  2. Define the issue
    • This must be a literature-based definition
    • You may combine information from more than 1 source to create a definition for your paper
  3. Discuss the prevalence of the issue
    • This must be literature-based information
    • Does not need to be a number or percent; what in the literature speaks to the fact that this problem/issue is happening enough to warrant attention
  4. Describe the top 3 causes/reasons for the issue
    • These must be literature-based too
    • Be sure these directly cause the issue – only one step away from the problem
    • Cite from more than one source to develop significance of these causes
  5. Describe the top 3 negative outcomes of the issue
    • These must be literature-based too
    • Be sure these are a direct result of the issue – only one step away from the problem
    • Cite from more than one source to develop significance of these outcomes.

Proposed Strategy (4 elements)

  1. Propose a specific strategy/intervention from the nursing profession
  2. Tie it to ONE cause or negative outcome presented in the explanation

This sentence will address both 1 and 2:

“The nursing profession recommends/encourages/demands X (strategy) to reduce/eliminate/improve Y (one cause or outcome) associated with Z (issue).”

  1. Briefly explain the strategy; what are the essential components of the strategy?
  2. Provide brief rationale why that strategy and cause/outcome should be or can be addressed first.

Evidence to Support Strategy

  • Provide evidence that the proposed strategy will indeed work to reduce, eliminate, or improve that one cause or outcome of the issue
    • Find strong evidence from at least 3 separate sources
    • Do not present more evidence of the problem/issue. For example, do not argue that without the strategy the problem will continue or worsen. Show that the strategy will reduce, eliminate, or improve that one cause or outcome.
    • Logically build the evidence to convince the reader the strategy is effective.
    • If the strategy has not been implemented yet or the exact cause or outcome was not evaluated with that strategy yet – consider a similar strategy or similar cause or outcome and draw a correlation between the two. For example, if B worked to reduce C then X will work to reduce Y because.

Conclusion (3 elements)

  • Take the reader from the beginning to the end to once more connect the dots to convince the reader.
  1. Restate the issue
  2. Restate the proposed strategy statement
  3. Summarize key points in the evidence that supports the strategy’s effectiveness.

Identify materials needed for the lesson (e.g., manipulatives, tools, reading material, lab equipment, construction paper, scissors, PowerPoint, guided note templates).

Instructional Setting:

Describe the learning context and location (e.g., setting, group size, seating arrangement, displays).




Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):

Identify the state standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Click here to find your state standards, or visit your state office of education website.


Lesson Objective(s):

All learning objectives must include a specific BEHAVIOR (i.e., identifies an action; what the students will do – use a verb when writing the behavior), CONDITION (i.e., identifies the context or environment the students will prove they learned the skill in; e.g., given a list, given a text, given an opportunity to observe or listen) and measurable CRITERION (i.e., a statement explaining to what degree of accuracy or range on a rubric must be achieved in order to demonstrate an acceptable level of performance).


Lesson objectives should also be ATTAINABLE (reasonable, realistic outcome for this individual lesson) and RELEVANT (aligned with the state standard and assessment listed for this lesson).




Instructional Materials:

Identify materials needed for the lesson (e.g., manipulatives, tools, reading material, lab equipment, construction paper, scissors, PowerPoint, guided note templates).



List any sources used during the planning of the lesson using the APA format.




Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each):


  1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning:

Identify pre-requisite skills students need to already know (i.e., possess, control, understand) to be successful in this lesson.


  1. Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Presentation Procedures for New Information:


Explain the purpose of the lesson.

Explain at least one activity which serves as an anticipatory set, schema, or review of definition of terms activity and actively engages students and allows them to do at least one of the following:

  • Make connections to their background knowledge related to the focus skill.
  • Make connections to previous learning related to the focus skill.
  • Ask themselves questions which will serve as a guide throughout the lesson.



Explain the purpose of the lesson (if not done above).


Explain how you will model the skill.  

Modeling is a time when the teacher uses ‘thinking aloud’ to show and explain how to ‘do’ the focus skill. (e.g., if you were going to teach a child how to tie his shoes, you would first demonstrate how you tie your shoes and you would explain the steps as you go).

  1. Guided Practice:

Explain how students will practice the focus skill with teacher guidance. Students and teacher might work together in a large or in small groups. Students might work independently or with peers as the teacher provides support and checks for understanding.

  1. Independent Student Practice:

Explain how students will practice the skill independently. The teacher steps back during this time and allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the focus skill. This can be a pure practice time or a time when the assessment is administered.

  1. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:

Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):

Explain at least one pedagogical strategy used in the lesson. Pedagogy is the way the overall instruction was done; it is the general way we categorize teaching (e.g., direct instruction, interactive instruction).

Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:

Describe how you will differentiate for two or more subgroups. Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, students with learning disabilities, students with hearing or physical disabilities, and/or gifted/accelerated learners.

Use of Technology:

Explain how you will incorporate 21st century technology into the lesson.Student Assessment/Rubrics:

Describe how you will know if students have met the objective(s) for this lesson. Assessment may be formal, informal, formative or summative. All assessments must directly align with the learning objective.

What questions does the article leave unanswered in this area? What would be the next steps to take in this line of research, given the contents of this article?

Level 5, LANG

Assessment in this module consists of:

  1. A Research Portfolio consisting of TWO essays worth (together) 50% of your total mark in the module. You should submit your essays as ONE document via Turnitin (i.e. Week 10).
  2. An (on-line) final written examination worth 50% of the total More on this in due course. An exam briefing will take place in Week 12. The following link will take you to the University’s Past Examination Papers website:

With the marks of the assessments combined (according to their weightings), you must achieve an overall mark of 40% or higher to pass this module.

1. The Research Portfolio (50% of total marks in the module)

A. In approximately 1,500 words (+10%), provide a summary of your allocated research paper’s contents, discussing, as appropriate, the background/wider context and how it relates to aspects and themes touched upon in the lectures/workshops .You should consult (and refer to) other related texts/sources if you find this useful for arriving at a better understanding of the contents and/or context of your article, but always remember to keep your focus on your own article. This essay contributes 50% of your mark in the Research Portfolio.

For the background and the way(s) the article relates to the content of the lectures/workshops and language acquisition research, these are some points you could consider:

  • What is the context of the article? Where is it located in the field of language acquisition? What are the main theories/publications which it interacts with? How does it relate to other studies in this area?
  • What is the purpose of the article?
  • What did the authors intend to achieve by conducting this study or discussing these arguments?
  • What information does the article convey? If it reports the results of a study, what was the research question? The methods? The results? The conclusions?

Features of a good summary:

  • It should offer a balanced coverage of all the main points in the original text • It should make the key points of the original clear.
  • It should be written in your own words as far as possible and not rely on too many phrases lifted from the original. However, you should not choose obscure, uncommon synonyms just to avoid using words or phrases from the original text. You do not need to change technical, specialised, or conventional terminology or phrases, as these can often only be paraphrased by awkward, inaccurate circumlocutions.
  • It should generally avoid using exactly the same sentence structure as the original.
  • It should not overemphasise (or even underemphasise) any of the original points.
  • It should not include details of secondary importance • It should be shorter, not longer, than the original text • It must contain citations (reference).

For more tips and advice please see the “Assessment Titbits” folder in the Assessment area on Blackboard.

In approximately 1,000 words (+10%), critically evaluate the article’s structure, methodology, argument(s), conclusion(s) and contribution(s) in the field of language acquisition. For the methodology, consider our discussions on the ‘Scientific Method’ as well as on data collection and analysis in Language Acquisition, as a guide. This essay contributes 50% of your mark in the Research Portfolio.

Points you could consider in your evaluation:

  • Determine an appropriate illiquidity discount rate, based on the Company’s size, debt/equity ratio, leverage ratio, industry, etc.
  • Are the methods appropriate? Could the authors have done anything differently to obtain clearer results?
  • Are the findings described clearly and fully? How convincing is the authorsʼ interpretation of the data? Could the data be interpreted in any other way? Do the authors account for everything in the data or do they overlook something that may be important?
  • What contribution does this article make to the field of first language acquisition? How do these findings/arguments advance our knowledge of the issue it addresses? How valuable are the new facts/insights/principles which it has uncovered?
  • What implications does the study have for broader theoretical concerns in the field – the nature/nurture debate etc.? What new light does the study shed on any contentious problem in the field of first language acquisition?
  • What questions does the article leave unanswered in this area? What would be the next steps to take in this line of research, given the contents of this article?

Remember to fully cite the texts or any other resources you have used.

You can provide one, combined list of references at the end for both essays, but if you wish,

you can compile your lists separately for each essay; that’s still fine.


Marks and feedback will be released 15 working days after the deadline, that is,


Support arrangements

You can obtain support for this assessment in various ways…


-In discussions in class about the assessments (we will spend dedicated time in class on both the assignment briefs and the assessment criteria, so you understand them fully).

-In tutor office hours (see Blackboard site for these).

-Via email to tutor (emails will be responded to within 3 working days).




The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.

Good Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct

Students are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct (academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencing of source materials. Here is a link to where you can find out more about the skills which students require


Academic Misconduct is an action which may give you an unfair advantage in your academic work. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.  You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here


Assessment Information

If you have any questions about assessment rules, you can find out more here.


Personal Mitigating Circumstances

If personal mitigating circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment, you can find more information about personal mitigating circumstances procedure here.


Personal Tutor/Student Progression Administrator

If you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Personal Tutor or your Student Progression Administrator.


Assessment Criteria

In addition to the task-specific criteria outlined in this guide, marks for your assessment will be allocated based on the English Language mark descriptors on the module’s site on Blackboard.

In Year Retrieval Scheme

Your assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval.


If you fail your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will need to resubmit before. For students with accepted personal mitigating circumstances, this will be your replacement assessment attempt.

Calculate the projected transportation costs for the firm for next year. Assume that the products were shipped in equal amounts to the two distributors.

QSO 322 Acme Bicycle Case Study.

The purpose of this case study is to apply a number of the key concepts covered in the course textbook to a notional business case. Consider yourself the supply chain manager (SCM) for this company. In this position, you work closely with the plant production manager to support the production schedule. The production schedule is updated every quarter based on the latest sales estimates from the marketing department. You also work with the purchasing department regularly for reorder of raw materials from various suppliers. Another one of your key responsibilities is that you manage the warehouse, so you are responsible for the efficient use of the limited warehouse space that you do have. You must maintain sufficient inventory to ensure that there are no work stoppages because of stock outages. As the SCM, you are also responsible for outbound transportation and finding economical means to ship finished goods in a timely manner. In view of your wide range of responsibilities as the SCM, you play a vital role in the profitability of your company.

Company background: Acme Bicycle Company is a medium-size bicycle manufacturer located in Wichita, KS. It specializes in “theme” bicycles for children and teenagers. The themes include princesses from fairytales and animals, which are popular with girls, and aliens, robots, and sports heroes, which are popular with boys. As such, Acme Co. routinely produces its bicycles in small batch sizes to follow the latest popular trends with its children and teenager customer base. This also ensures that the company will not be left with unsold bicycles that are out of style with its customer base. The following is a summary of Acme Co.:

Product lines: At any one time, Acme Co. is likely to be in the process of producing three different types of bicycles based on market demand projections and current finished goods inventory levels. Additionally, the profit levels of each of the bicycles vary, and at times, the production of higher-profit bicycles takes precedence over lower-profit bicycles based on production and material capacities and production constraints of the labor force and production machinery. Specific information on production and transportation costs and the sales price of the bicycle product line are given in the case study data sheet. For purposes of this case, unit profit for each bicycle is calculated by subtracting the production and transportation costs from the sales price.

Production line: To construct a bicycle, the Acme Co. production line has consolidated and streamlined its production process so that bicycle building can be accomplished in three segments on the production line. These segments are the Metal Shop for initial molding and shaping of the metal parts, the Components shop for the building of component sets, which include the seats, tires, and accessories for each unique bicycle, and the Final Assembly shop for the assembly of all the components together, the final inspection, and testing. Due to the nature of the work in the three production segments, each segment has a different capacity level of how many bicycles it can produce in a normal workday. Acme’s normal production is 40 production hours a week to cover production requirements for most of the year. Production occurs Monday through Friday, and the work hours of the production crew are designed such that some workers come in early to start up the assembly line and some workers come in later to close down the assembly line. Lunch breaks are staggered such that some work is being done throughout the entire 8-hour production shift. However, during peak demand periods, such as the Christmas season, Acme Co. can begin overtime production for up to 12 hours per day for limited periods. Naturally, this overtime will result in higher labor costs, which will decrease profit, so overtime is used only sparingly.

Components Workshop: For each bicycle, the Components Workshop must build a components set for each of the different types of bicycles produced in the assembly line. Production must ensure that there are sufficient component sets built to support production, so part of the SCM’s job is to ensure that the Components Workshop production is adequate throughout the production cycle.

Inventory Management: In order to minimize overall cost of inventory, Acme Co. practices just-in-time inventory on the production line to the greatest extent possible. However, there is a requirement for a warehouse at the production location to ensure a continuation of operations in the event of production variation. This warehouse space is limited in capacity in order to minimize the carrying costs of inventory and help prevent the possibility of having obsolete stock. Acme Co. orders its parts using the economic order quantity called for by the purchasing department.

Suppliers: Acme has been in business for over a decade and now has established purchasing relationships with several key suppliers of the raw materials such as metal, rubber, plastics, and so on. Since Acme’s production levels vary greatly throughout the year, its ordering levels vary greatly as well.

Distributors: Acme does not retail its bicycles directly to the public but ships to two different wholesalers that have distribution centers in the geographic region. One is located in Denver, CO, and the other is in Omaha, NE. The shipping costs for each of these wholesalers’ locations differ, and this amount affects the profitability of the final sale. It is important to consider the shipping costs, as this greatly affects profitability, and the plant accountant is concerned about the rising costs of shipping. Data for calculating shipping costs is given in the case study data sheet. The SCM must provide accurate estimates of shipping costs to the plant accountant to ensure sufficient cash flow to cover operating expenses.

Product support: Acme Co. prides itself on having a very durable product, and each bicycle comes with a limited warranty for 1 year from date of purchase. In order to support this warranty policy, Acme Co. maintains a set-aside amount of capital to honor warranty claims by way of a warranty liability account. This set-aside is based on the historical failure rates and the sales within the warranty period. The plant accountant must ensure that the right amount of money is available in the warranty liability account. If the amount is too small, Acme Co. will not be able to honor its warranty commitments to its customers. However, since the warranty liability account must be kept in a very liquid form in order to cover the variances of honoring warranties, this amount accrues very little interest and could make much greater interest for the company if the money were used for other purposes. Data needed for calculating the amount of the warranty liability is given in the case study data sheet. The amount of the liability is based on the production costs for the estimated percentage of warranty claims, for each type of bicycle, plus the average transportation costs of the two distributors, for that same number of bicycles.

Case Analysis Scenario and Questions

You are an SCM for Acme Co., and the plant director wants to ensure that there will be sufficient logistic support for the anticipated production schedule. A key question for the plant director is “Will I be able to meet the production requirement of the anticipated market demand given my capacity?” The plant accountant is also concerned about profit given the rising cost of materials and shipping costs. Some of the key questions on the plant accountant’s mind are “What will this production run cost so that I can ensure that we have adequate cash flows?” and “What will our profit be given our product mix and shipping costs?” Use the accompanying case study data sheet for the underlying data. In order to answer their concerns, answer the following questions:

  1. Senior management feels that the company can expand further in the market but that its sales force needs to focus on more than just taking orders from the customers. The customer service representatives must understand the bigger picture of the service outputs that their firm provides for their customers. Identify the four key service outputs associated with the supply chain, and describe them in relation to this company.
  2. As the supply chain manager, your task is to integrate the many functions within the field of logistics into a cohesive, effective, and efficient operation. However, in order to do this, you must keep in mind the objectives of logistics integration in the first place. Identify and describe the six key objectives of logistics integration.
  3. The accountant was going over last fiscal year’s sales to calculate profit and is interested in December through March. In February and March, backorder spare parts necessitated that the metals were outsourced. What was the pre-shipping profit for those months?
  4. Calculate the projected transportation costs for the firm for next year. Assume that the products were shipped in equal amounts to the two distributors. Assume also that the average sales for the four months given will be the average for the entire year.
  1. All sales that are covered under a warranty require the firm to keep a certain level of cash for warranty liability or reserves. This is based on the sales and percentage of the products estimated to fail. What is the warranty liability for all the bicycles estimated to be sold during next December?
  2. The marketing director stated that the distributor in Colorado got a call for 150 Scorpion bicycles last month. There were 30 Scorpions in transit. They had 110 on the shelf to sell. What was the fill rate for that item at that location?
  3. A logistics manager must consider various factors before deciding on what mode of transportation to use. What are the five factors to consider before making this decision?
  4. Senior management is considering building a new warehouse, but they are not familiar with the various means to design a warehouse for basic handling considerations. Define and describe the four basic designs for package handling for senior management.
  5. You notice that the inventory of metals is being consumed more rapidly than planned. If you run short of the metal stock, you can order your metals from your outsource supplier. For which of the three bicycle types would you outsource the metals as a last resort and why?
  6. Due to a snowstorm in the region, incoming supplies are in danger of exhausting the current inventory. If supplies got low, which product would you first cut production on so as to conserve your inventory? What would be your last product to cut? How would you make that decision?
  7. You just received the production plan for December through March, based on the sales projections. Do you see any problems with this production schedule? Assume that the current inventory will be exhausted by the end of the month.
  8. One of the key indicators of success in inventory management is inventory turn. Calculate the inventory turn for the front safety reflectors (each bike has one). The average annual sales have been 5,500, and the average inventory level for the reflectors has been 500.
  9. Stockouts are a serious concern for all inventory managers. In order to prevent stockouts, each item in the inventory has a reorder point. Calculate the reorder point for the brake pads.
  10. There is a cost to the ordering process, and determining the quantity to order each time requires that several factors are taken into consideration. Determine the EOQ for the brake pads.
  11. Selecting a proper order selection method is an essential first step for a warehouse manager. If Acme Co. wanted to ensure it segregated its finished goods inventory for its specific customers, what order selection technique should it use?
  12. The Components Workshop is reconsidering its batch sizing. It wants to estimate the best lot size for the upcoming production year. The estimate for the annual demand will be based on 9 times the average of the 4 months of the Projected Sales in the Data Sheet, due to the exceptionally high demand in December. What is EPQ for the upcoming year’s production run? (Use the video Production Planning: EPQ Example to assist you with completing this problem).

What is its use in explaining the phenomenon of diffusion before, during and after diffusion?

All references must be from books and journals from 2017 until 2020

Regarding DOI (diffusion of innovation) theory 4 pages example (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019, 2020) journals and book only
– What are the definitions?
– Whether this has been used to explain behavioral intention to use IOMT?
– What are the pros and cons of using DOI in the context of IOMT?
– What is its use in explaining the phenomenon of diffusion before, during and after diffusion?
– Why other theories cannot explain in IOMT usage?
– What is that we do not know regarding applying DOI to explain usage of IOMT and how it can be extended to the concept of IOMT?

Regarding 1.5 pages
– definition of Task-technology fit (TTF) theory in terms of usage
– Advantages and disadvantages ( for each adv, disd needs references for each point you mention.
– Is the model used currently if yes give example ( latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.
– The use of model in healthcare practically about the usage if its useful for IOMT devices give examples ( latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.

Regarding 1.5 pages
– definition of (UTAUT model ) theory in terms of usage.
– Advantages and disadvantages ( for each adv, disd needs references for each point you mention
– Is the model used currently if yes give example (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.
– The use of model in healthcare practically about the usage if its useful for IOMT devices give examples (latest references 2017 ,2018, 2019 , 2020 ) journal and book only.

Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

We’ve become quite interested recently in being able to use our data to make predictions. As a bit of context, the test we administer to potential incoming employees has become increasingly expensive to administer and score (including the cost of the test itself, as well as the rooms required to administer it, the staff we pay to ensure there isn’t any cheating going on, and so on).

Early in our application process, we get a measure of their trait anxiety as part of their application package (it’s administered quickly and inexpensively online). We think this test is likely to be predictive of two things that are costing us money:

  1. The candidate’s test performance itself (our hunch is that the more anxious candidates will not perform as well).
  2. The time each candidate spends revising their test answers (which costs us money in testing staff and room rental fees).

We’d like your help in determining statistically if a candidate’s trait anxiety is predictive of these two outcomes.

More specifically, can you please do the following for us?

  1. Run the statistical analyses that make sense and share whatever the relevant test statistics are that help you evaluate how useful they are (our boss with the I/O background likes to see them).
  2. Graph the data so that we can see how anxiety scores relate to these outcomes.
  3. Provide the actual prediction equations for us with an example or two each to help us comprehend what the model is suggesting. I know this sounds kind of odd, but we’d like to have our HR IT team use any specifically useful prediction equations as part of our plans to revise our candidate testing practices and policies.
  4. Summarize all of this for us in a paragraph or so – what you saw, what you learned, anything you changed, and anything you’d recommend to us for now.

If you can get this back to us in time to review for our standing team meeting next week, that would be awesome.

What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community? 


  1. Discuss 3 Taking Tests success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched this week’s videos.
    How do you plan on implementing this information in school and in life situations?

    2. What are some of the many ways that your values, actions, behaviors, and beliefs have been tested and evaluated in life?

    3. Define what integrity means for you.

    4. What do you see as the reason for the unique role of integrity within the academic community?