Critically evaluate and select appropriate research in the area of learning organizations to inform practice.

a) Assessment criteria for each task

Your portfolio will consist of 4 tasks:

Assessment task Learning outcomes covered


Task 1Context (@ 1,000 words) Brief account of the role of mentoring/coaching, your school context and specific problems/issues/challenges in developing leadership in others. Brief account of your role, interests and concerns in relation to this Brief discussion of the problems/issues/challenges to you/your school and their relationship to relevant national and school policy.


2.   Critically reflect on their professional values, concerns, priorities and actions and to understand them in broader social, political and economic contexts.


Task 2 – (2000) Informing your

approach to development

Identify a specific area/aspect of development for your school AND/OR yourself as a mentor/coach, in relation to mentoring/coaching, that you will focus on for the rest of this assignment. Justify your choice of focus with brief reference to the context.

Present a referenced account of the discussions, ideas, and findings from research that relate to your specified

1.   Demonstrate a systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of issues relating to coaching, mentoring and developing others.

3.   Critically evaluate and select appropriate research in the area of learning organizations to inform practice.



development focus and that can help to inform your approach to addressing the issue. Clearly express your argument/rationale for your chosen approach to addressing the issue and how that relates to your reading.  
Task 3 – (2,000 words) Planning a development activity (@1,500 words) and personal evaluation

(@500 words)

Plan how you will carry out / want you would need to be done to carry

out your proposed development

activity in relation to the issue. This might include a pilot of a specific mentoring/coaching strategy that you want to develop yourself and/or with others, and an evaluation of the pilot that informs your longer-term development plan. You will also need to show how you will evaluate your plan.

Task 4 Self-evaluation of learning on the module (@500 words)

A brief statement to summarize key and significant learning from this module and how it will impact of your future practice.

4.   Demonstrate an ability to engage colleagues in professional development. 5.   Demonstrate the development of skills of communication for interpersonal learning and

organizational development



Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.

Research Critique Guidelines – Part II

Quantitative Studies


  1. Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question.

How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?

  1. Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.
  2. Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.

Method of Study:

  1. State the methods of the two articles you are comparing and describe how they are different.
  2. Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method.

Results of Study

  1. Summarize the key findings of each study in one or two comprehensive paragraphs.
  2. What are the implications of the two studies you chose in nursing practice?

Outcomes Comparison

  1. What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question?
  2. How do the outcomes of your chosen articles compare to your anticipated outcomes?



Critically reflect on socio-cultural factors that may impact on the development of children’s language.

Carry out a detailed language observation on a child age 3 preschool engaging with a practitioner. Analyze the developing speech and language recorded, drawing on relevant theory, government initiatives and frameworks to support their work. Reflect on the key issues that affect children’s language and communication.
Give a critical evaluation of the role of an effective practitioner in providing a language rich environment and opportunities for purposeful interactions. An understanding and use of specialist speech and language terminology. The module will examine the use of synthetic systematic phonics in the EY and the knowledge of how rhyme, rhythm, sound and song help to develop children’s speech. Critically analyze and apply the theories of language acquisition and speech development.
Apply appropriate terminology to discuss and identify patterns of children’s linguistic and conceptual development, demonstrating an understanding of individual developmental variations.
Critically reflect on socio-cultural factors that may impact on the development of children’s language.
Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of developing partnerships with parents.
Read module guide and use some of the course reading materials and suggestions.

Locate and critically review relevant literature and/or documentation to identify key themes, issues and arguments to support the development of focused research questions.

Assessment Criteria

  • Identify, define and refine an issue in education suitable for inquiry within a realistic time frame;
  • Locate and critically review relevant literature and/or documentation to identify key themes, issues and arguments to support the development of focused research questions.
  • Write in a clear, logical and rigorous way adhering to conventions, including those for referencing and citation.
  • Work effectively within the word limit for the assessment task.

Literature Searching

The research must contain supporting information from literature. There are a number of different sources you may make use of and there is an expectation that normally studies will demonstrate the use of a balance between sources including books, research journals, government documents, the internet etc,.

Linking chapters and writing for clarity

Try to ensure that you start and end chapters so that they read cohesively and coherently and link effectively. Try to begin each chapter by signposting its contents with a brief chapter introduction. Also, try to provide a summary at the end of each chapter and a sentence which takes you into the next. Do not assume the reader or marker knows about the topic you are investigating. Be clear 14 about the key terms and phrases you are using and explain and define for the reader wherever it is required using appropriate literature.

What are the reasons for and what does research suggest are the factors behind teacher stress? Why do teachers experience stress?

My Dissertation topic is on teacher stress in secondary schools.
My dissertation literature review will need to include the following 3 sections:
1. A broad introductory area which is on the history of interest in teacher stress and the sorts of things/interventions which have been done in the past to help teachers (Keep this brief). Current interest in teacher stress – What is it? How does it show itself? What effect does it have on teachers?
2. What are the reasons for and what does research suggest are the factors behind teacher stress? Why do teachers experience stress?
3. Some of the interventions/coping strategies that have been put in place to help teachers overcome teacher stress (both successful and unsuccessful interventions/strategies).

Include statistics where relevant (UK based).

Total word count for the Literature Review – 1500 words (This can be split into 500 words for each section)
References need to be related to the UK as my dissertation is based on teacher stress in secondary schools in the UK.

What are the challenges that remain and how might they be addressed?

Assignment guidance:

Comparing provision for inclusive education

A PowerPoint presentation (1800 words)

Create a PowerPoint presentation to critically discuss how two different aspects of children’s lives can impact on their experience and learning in primary education in two different countries. One country you should be familiar with (England) and the second country should be either Canada, South Africa, Scotland OR India.


The presentation requires you to critically discuss how two different aspects of children’s lives can impact on their experience and learning in primary education in two different countries. For example, you might discuss:

  • issues related to religious affiliation and genderin Northern Ireland and India, or
  • issues relating to refugee statusand ethnicity, and difficulty accessing formal schooling in England and Canada.

One of these countries should be a country with a school system with which you are very familiar. For example, the country where you are currently resident or a country where you went to school yourself. (I am from England so please can you choose England as the first country) The other country should be chosen from the focus countries we studied which are Canada, South Africa, Scotland and India.

You should include:

  • 12 PowerPoint slides showing key points relating to the content of your discussion
  • a maximum of 3 additional slides for references.

You should also include a commentary to accompany your slides. This will provide you with an opportunity to ‘talk to’ your slides and add context to the key information provided in the slides. The commentary must be included using the notes facility in PowerPoint (under each slide). It should not be submitted as a separate Word document.

Your presentation, including the notes, should be a maximum of 1800 words

Your presentation should draw on the themes we studied. The aspects of children’s lives that were explored in this block include: disabilitylearning difficulty; religious affiliation; refugee status and ethnicity; learning English as an additional language; gender; sexual orientation and difficulty in accessing formal school environments.

Choose two of these aspects of children’s lives to critically discuss how they impact on their experience and learning within primary education in two different countries.

The first country should be one that is already familiar to you. The second should be a module country (Canada, South Africa, Scotland or India). When choosing the second country, we advise you to select one that will allow you to show significant differences from the first. This will enable you to develop a substantial and illuminating comparison.

Your presentation should have 12 slides, with up to three further slides for references. The structure of your presentation should include the following:


Slides Focus Additional information
1 and 2 Inclusion and inclusive education in primary settings (an international perspective) ·         Identify your two chosen aspects

·         Use these slides to set the scene and provide an international perspective on key issues related to your two chosen aspects.

·         Critically evaluate relevant national and international theory, policy and practice relevant to your two aspects.

3 to 8 Comparing issues and approaches in your two chosen countries, focusing on your two aspects ·         Critically discuss how the two aspects may affect children’s learning and their experience of primary education in the two countries. You should consider behaviour, achievement and social interaction.

·         Compare and contrast relevant research to identify similarities and differences between the approaches and issues in the different countries

·         Refer to relevant theories and policies, evaluate tensions between theory, policy and practice, particularly those that are undermining support for children

9 and 10 Implications for achieving inclusion and inclusive education – drawing on wider theory/policy/practice ·         Look outward – consider practices that value and support learning for all children (not limited to your chosen counties)

·         Makes links between these practices and your chosen aspects and countries. Have any of them been implemented in any way? If so, can they be developed further? If not, how might they be implemented? What benefit might they bring?

·         Make reference to the importance of children’s voices and those of the primary education community

11 and 12 Implications for inclusive education – in and beyond school ·         Summing up

·         Reflect on the progress made in the two countries to support inclusive education

·         What are the challenges that remain and how might they be addressed?

13 to 15 Up to three slides for your reference list. The reference list is not included in the word count.

Information on slides should be presented succinctly, and the use of bullet points is encouraged. Images, diagrams, charts and tables are powerful ways of presenting information clearly and these should be used where appropriate. Think about the viewer who will see and read, or listen to, your presentation.

Each of the 12 slides should have a commentary in the notes section. The commentary should expand upon the key points or images in the slides. Commentary should be written in continuous prose, and imagine you are speaking to an audience about each slide.

PowerPoint has an extensive bank of templates available should you wish to use one, but remember not to fall into the trap of ‘style over substance’.

Demonstrate an understanding of the different ethical and transformative leadership discourses.

Transformative and Ethical Leadership in Educational Settings

The unit focuses on developing understandings of transformative and ethical leadership in educational contexts. We will be thinking about the way that leaders and leadership have come to dominate how we think about and practice education and educational change. We will explore the historical processes through which education has been re-cultured and reorganized in line with particular understandings of leadership. We will explore different theories, concepts and explanations that critically engage with these histories and practices, and which provoke us to resist these liberalization trends and work in ways that maintain a more expansive and hopeful orientation of what education could be and is.

We will also explore leadership from more affirmative orientations that provide practical strategies for individuals and groups to come together to achieve positive goals. To do this we will look at forms of democratic and ethical approaches to leadership, and other accounts of what transformation might be.

Students will explore the transformative and ethical implications of leadership and its relationship with social justice through critical analysis of appropriate ethical and transformative leadership literature.  You will be expected to reflect on your own learning and how this has had an impact on your thinking, development, and approaches to leadership practice.

The assignment will offer students the opportunity to present a critical exploration of transformative and ethical leadership in educational settings using appropriate literature.  The precise themes that you choose to focus on, and the way you structure your writing are all your decision, but are likely to reflect your own contexts and interests.   It will also involve being reflective on your own educational leadership values, with a particular focus on transformative and ethical issues. You should describe what your values are, and you should also carefully explore why you hold these values, making appropriate reference to suitable literature from this unit.



  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different ethical and transformative leadership discourses.
  • Critically analyze the concept of transformative and ethical leadership and its contribution to social change and equality.
  • Critically evaluate current research and advanced scholarship in areas relating to transformative and ethical leadership and apply them to their own professional contexts or interests.

Locate themselves, including their own orientation and values, in relation to the debates, and the complex and contested ways these relate to professional practice.

During this course we will be discussing leadership in terms of the various ways it has come to transform education but first we need to know what education has been and could be.


There are 3 core readings:

  1. Gray, P. & Chanoff, D. 1986. Democratic schooling: what happens to young people who have charge of their own education? American Journal of Education 94(2), 182-213 (online
  2. Seldon, A. 2010. 2010. An end to factory schools: an education manifesto 2010–2020. London: Centre for Policy Studies (pp10-35) (online
  3. Biesta, G. 2009. Good education in an age of measurement: on the need to reconnect with the question of purpose in education. Educational, Assessment, Evaluation, Accountability21, 33–46 (online MMU library)
  4. Fielding, M. & Moss, P. (2010) Radical Education and the Common School: A democratic alternative, London: Routledge. Available online through the library: (READ CHAPTER ONE)



International handbook of educational leadership and social (in)justice

  • Book, edited by Ira Bogotch; Carolyn M. Shields ,2014

Feminist theories of social justice and educational leadership: Nancy Fraser and Iris Marion Young

Book, by Jill Blackmore, 2016, Great book if you are interested in exploring gender and educational leadership

Article by by Izhar Oplatka; Khalid Husny Arar 26/05/2016

Leadership for social justice and the characteristics of traditional societies: ponderings on the application of western-grounded models in International Journal of Leadership in Education

Educational leadership: culture and diversity, Book by Dimmock, Clive A. J; 2005

ARTICLE by Mike Bottery, 02/2006 : Educational leaders in a globalising world: a new set of priorities? in School Leadership & Management

An intellectual history of school leadership practice and research, Book by Helen M. Gunter, 2016

Transformative leadership in education: equitable and socially just change in an uncertain and complex world, Book by Carolyn M. Shields, 2018

Educational leadership: theorising professional practice in neoliberal times, Book, edited by Steven J. Courtney; Ruth McGinity; Helen Gunter 2018

  • ARTICLE by Marianne Coleman, 09/2012

Leadership and Diversity in Educational Management Administration & Leadership


Ethical Leadership

To achieve the grade we are looking for, look and follow accurately this step. Before submitting check if all this are in your paper.

Recognition of complexity is to the forefront and criticality is clearly evidenced

The student offers a perceptive and analytical account of their context in ways which select and argue for relevant features. These accounts are clearly seen and represented as data.  Where the work is addressing wider concerns a clear account of the derivation of these concerns is offered. Theoretical perspectives are addressed in ways which evidence clear understanding and enhance the range of practical possibilities. The work is written in such a way that the beneficial professional effect on the student and those they work with is tangible.

The student level of recognition of the key concepts in their accounts of educational experience, practices policies and issues is thoroughly comprehensive. They are able to argue for why a particular concept has greater significance than another.  They connect concepts to educational (and/or appropriate) theory in ways which demonstrate insight and ownership. Their deployment of theory is sophisticated and highly effective. They have some understanding of the provenance of the theories they deploy in ways which clearly relate to their understanding of the practical world.

The piece of work celebrates and relishes a complex theory practice relationship. They are able to reconcile conflicting viewpoints where appropriate while  recognizing and examining  contradictions. The work has clear implications for practice but recognizes that any such implications need to be prioritized  and ordered to be effective

The piece of work portrays research as a deeply contested area.  Notions of ‘truth and findings’  are approached with caution. Justifications and outcomes are themselves presented as complex, to be further debated.  The implications for future professional conduct are set out but seen as contingent and possibly  time-limited. The piece of work, therefore, has potential for further research which  is recognized by the writer.

Describe the economic value of domestic and international tourism.

Assessment Brief

The British economy has been facing challenges, political uncertainty and the increased global competition means that the industry is having to look closely at its product offering. However, ABTA (2019) report that in despite of this the British demand for holidays still remains very strong. This resilience and consumers seeking more authentic experiences and niche trends are becoming more mainstream. This has ultimately led to the emergence of new destinations. This emergence can be a result of the destination becoming more accessible thanks to new flight routes, it could be that it is hosting a major event, or it could simply be that its time has come.

Every year ABTA publishes a list of key trends for the year ahead.

To view this source visit this link:



Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:


2 Define the different types of tourist attractions
(L03) Explain the appeal of specific tourism destinations to a range of different customer types.
(L04) Describe the economic value of domestic and international tourism.
(L05) Summarize the social and cultural features of a destination and or a tourist attraction.


Your task is to research and produce a report on Poland

“Poland has more destinations with direct flights from the UK than mainland Spain, and adventurous holidaymakers are increasingly using this exceptional connectivity to explore this country’s historic cities and often unspoilt and beautiful countryside. Poland is a large country with a varied landscape dotted with lakes, medieval castles, red-bricked fortresses and ancient wooden churches. Krakow remains the jewel in the crown, but other cities, which are well worth a visit, are the capital Warsaw, Lodz, Lublin, Poznan and Wroclaw”.

Source: ABTA 2019

Taking this into account the report must include the following:

  • An explanation of the destination including its location, development and appeal as a tourist destination (LO3) 
  • An explanation of the type of tourist attraction, the range of visitor types and their motivations to visit this attraction (LO3)
  • A description of the current economic value of the destination to the country and worldwide (LO4)
  • An explanation of the social and cultural features of the destination and a summary of the economic, social and cultural impacts of the destination/ attraction (LO5)

You will need to provide a reference list for your report

You may wish to attach a fact sheet to your report giving key data on the destination. Make sure you cite your sources and refer to key points within your report.




Banding Knowledge and Understanding


Analysis, Interpretation and Application of Theory


Quality of Research


Academic Writing


90-100% Exceptional knowledge base exploring and analyzing the discipline and its theory with extraordinary originality and autonomy. Makes exceptional use of a range of relevant techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Demonstrates an exceptional theoretical understanding, where relevant, with appropriately selected theoretical knowledge integrated into the overall assignment tasks and all learning outcomes. Exceptional exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with flawless synthesis and evaluation leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Exceptional answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is clearly expressed with flair and originality. No language errors present and academic writing style was adhered to throughout.
80-89% Outstanding knowledge base exploring and analyzing the discipline and its theory with clear originality and autonomy. Makes outstanding use of a range of relevant techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows a well-developed ability to compare alternative theories and apply them within the context of the assignment task and all learning outcomes, where relevant. Outstanding exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with a high degree of analysis and application, leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Outstanding answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is clearly expressed with originality. No language errors present and academic writing style was adhered to.
70-79% Excellent knowledge base that supports analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with considerable originality. Makes excellent use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows a systematic and accurate understanding of key theories, which are consistently and appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task and all learning outcomes, where relevant. Excellent exploration of wider academic sources with evidence of independent learning which may exceed the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted, integrated and analyzed, with an attempt made at synthesis leading to interesting ideas. Excellent answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is entirely relevant and focused. Minimal language errors which have no impact on clarity of expression. Academic writing style was adhered to.
60-69% Very good knowledge base that supports analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with some originality displayed. Makes very good use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows an accurate understanding of key theories, where relevant, which are appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task and the module learning outcomes. Very good evidence of wider academic reading which indicates an approach to independent learning. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with some attempt at analysis. Very good answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is largely relevant and focused. Some language errors may be present but do not impact on the clarity of expression. Academic writing style was inconsistently adhered to.
50-59% Good knowledge base that supports some analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline.


Makes good use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Sound descriptive knowledge of key theories, where relevant, with some appropriate application.




Good evidence of academic reading, with some attempt at moving beyond the recommended texts. Interpretation of sources has been largely accurate, but there may be some instances of misunderstanding. Limited evidence of integration and analysis. Good answer with some attempt at coherent and logical presentation. The answer contains some irrelevant material and lacks focus at points. Some language errors are present which impacts on clarity at times. Academic writing style is not adhered to at all times.
40-49% Satisfactory knowledge base demonstrating comprehension and formulation of basic knowledge with some omissions at the level of theoretical understanding.

Limited ability to discuss theory and solve problems within the discipline.

Makes satisfactory but limited use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes.

Selection of theory, where relevant, is satisfactory but application and/or understanding is limited.

Satisfactory evidence of academic reading, with no obvious attempt to move beyond the recommended texts. Interpretation of sources may be inaccurate and poorly integrated. Analysis is unlikely to have been attempted. Satisfactory answer, however, issues with coherence and logical presentation are likely to be present. The answer contains irrelevant material and lacks focus. Language errors are frequent which impacts on clarity and academic writing style is not present.

(Marginal Fail)

Outcomes not or only partially met. Restricted knowledge base demonstrated.  Limited understanding of discipline. Difficulty with linking theory and problem solving within the discipline. Attempts at analysis, where relevant, and interpretation are ineffective and/or uninformed by the discipline. Knowledge of theory, where relevant, is inaccurate and/or incomplete. Choice of theory inappropriate. Application and/or understanding demonstrated is very limited. Limited evidence of reading at an academic level. Sources used may be inappropriate and interpreted poorly. No evidence of integration, analysis or interpretation. Poor academic practice may have resulted in sections of plagiarized material. Answer is attempted but limited. Poor coherence and illogical presentation. The answer contains irrelevant material and lacks focus throughout. Language errors are consistent and impact on the clarity of expression. Academic writing style is not present.
0 – 34% Little or no evidence of knowledge base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline. Significant difficulty with theory and problem solving within the discipline. Absence of relevant theoretical content and/or use of theory, where relevant. Lacks any analysis and interpretation. Inadequate evidence of reading at an academic level with poor application of sources and ideas. Answer is likely to include inappropriate references which are misunderstood and not integrated. Possibility of plagiarism OR no evidence of academic research. Answer may not be research based. Serious and fundamental flaws leading to an unclear answer. Very weak academic skills and writing ability. Poorly structured with multiple language errors.


What are some of the cognitive challenges that students face when learning information literacy skills? What are some ways you can address them in your practice?

511 Week 07 Overview – Instructional Design: Essential Questions and Planning for Learning.
Week 07 Assignment 01: Cognitive Recall Assignment: Cognitive Science

Value: 100 points
Grading Category: Cognitive Recall Assignments, 25%
Assignment Context
Actively recalling information is one of the best ways to make learning stick because it helps us take information from our working memory and embed it in our long-term memory. For this reason, we’ll reflect on each of the major learning theories we read about in Learner-Centered Pedagogy the week after we read and discuss them.
For this assignment, you should write a one-to-two page response in a Word document addressing the following questions:
1. What are some of the cognitive challenges that students face when learning information literacy skills? What are some ways you can address them in your practice?
2. How can an understanding of the cognitive science of learning improve librarians instructional design practices in and out of the classroom? What’s one takeaway for your own teaching?
3. What are some evidence-based practical strategies librarians can take from the cognitive science of learning to better organize their instruction to help make information literacy learning stick? Choose one to discuss more in depth.

Describe your professional career, including populations served, roles held and settings in which you practiced.

We cannot interview every applicant, therefore the quality of this statement is a crucial to your portfolio as it offers insight into your professional goals and expectations and provides the Admissions Committee a first-hand example of your writing skills, your ability to present ideas in a clear, logical and coherent manner, and your personal perspective on your professional contributions, strengths as a student, current skills and abilities, and prior experiences. Please take your time developing it and proofread carefully!

PART 1: Professional Goals and Background Essay (3 pages maximum, double-spaced, 12 font, APA format):

Describe your professional career, including populations served, roles held and settings in which you practiced.
State your short and long-term professional goals.
BSN–DNP only: Explain why you have chosen a specific advanced practice area/population foci for the DNP.
Discuss relevant areas of your background and how each prepared you for doctoral study, such as prior coursework, earned degrees, continuing education, practice history, and professional activities. It is important to include information on:
Scholarship activities (Publications, Presentations)
Research experience (specify)
Service activities (local community, global and/or professional)
Honors and awards
Language fluency other than English
Leadership activities
Military service
Describe how obtaining the DNP degree from this School of Nursing will help you attain your goals.
Identify clinical and academic strengths and areas of improvement that may impact your doctoral studies.
Address any aspect of the program’s admission criteria for which you do not meet minimum requirements and provide an explanation for your situation (e.g., an explanation is needed if GPA < minimum).
Share any other information you feel is pertinent to your application that you wish the Admissions Committee to know (e.g. overcoming personal and/or professional adversity, etc.).
PART 2: Scholarly Interest (4 pages, double-spaced, references must be in APA format):
Identify an important practice-based problem that you would like to examine during your DNP studies. Provide a clear and comprehensive evidence-based review of the literature supporting why this problem requires further exploration. Include details about prior work on the topic (if any), the importance of the problem in healthcare delivery, and how you would study this problem during the DNP program. You must provide sufficient references from scholarly sources to support your argument.

MSN to DNP applicants are to identify a member of the School of Nursing faculty who would be a good match for their scholarly interests. You may find a list of doctoral faculty with their research interests here.