Compare/contrast Piaget and Erikson. How do these relate to DAP and the whole child approaches?

ECE-301 Module 10

1. Watch the videos below.
2. Answer the following questions  in the discussion forum by clicking on the icon below.
2.1 Compare/contrast Piaget and Erikson.
2.2 How do these relate to DAP and the whole child approaches?


What cultural barriers in communication to critical thinkers face? What are several effective communication skills that critical thinkers can practice? What is an issue, problem, or decision that you will apply critical thinking to in your future?

Critical Thinking Symposium

WIT 4: Your WIT for Lesson Four is to write a 2-3 page speech. Imagine that you will be speaking to college students at a Critical Thinking Symposium (in a fun city of your choice). You have been asked to speak to the college students on the challenges and pitfalls of good, clear, critical thinking. Part of your speech will contain a story about the value of good critical thinking in your life.

You may consider the following elements for an effective speech:

1. definition-what is critical thinking?

2. why is critical thinking important (to self, society)?

3. what cultural barriers in communication to critical thinkers face?

4. what are several effective communication skills that critical thinkers can practice?

5. an example of critical thinking lacking in your own life?

6. an example of critical thinking being a positive moment in your own life?

7. what is an issue, problem, or decision that you will apply critical thinking to in your future?

8. closure-what is the most important thing that you want to say about critical thinking?

Be sure to cite the text as you draw upon it to inform your work.

What is the impact of peer mentoring, with the use of coaching techniques on students’ academic performances and positive wellbeing?

Impact of peer mentoring

What is the impact of peer mentoring, with the use of coaching techniques on students’ academic performances and positive well being?

The following needs to be included:

Introduction – Context and background to planned study area and a critical review. Why relevant and how it will contribute to current research. Potential strengths and weaknesses

Aims – Main aim, what to find out, justify by linking to current gaps in the research area

Research questions – Two or three research questions and underpin the working title

Research position / Paradigm –

Research approach & method – Explain approach, literature to support, justify, why is it appropriate. What other approaches could be considered and why not use them

Data collection analysis – How to show analysis of findings, set out intentions, what data is intended to be collected and what to do with it

Ethical consideration – Ethical approach, any issues

Limitations and research role – Critically reflect on proposal and the role as a researcher. Strengths and weaknesses identified, would it be replicated elsewhere, is it unique, time constraints, is it realistic

Conclusion – How to bring the piece together



Discuss an example of when you lead a change initiative at your campus that resulted in resistance to change or conflict. What strategies did you use to overcome resistance or conflict?

EDD 643 Mod 4- Discussion: Strategies to Overcome Resistance or Conflict

Discuss an example of when you lead a change initiative at your campus that resulted in resistance to change or conflict. What strategies did you use to overcome resistance or conflict?

What pros and cons do you agree with when it comes to technology in the classroom and why? What challenges do you have or do you anticipate having when using technology in the classroom? How can you can solve these issues?

 Discussion – Critical Response 2

Questions to answer in this discussion:
Share 2 assessment tools that you explored this week and provide specific examples of how you would use them in your classroom. State what setting you teach in first: elementary, secondary or adult ed
What pros and cons do you agree with when it comes to technology in the classroom and why?
What challenges do you have or do you anticipate having when using technology in the classroom? How can you can solve these issues?


What questions about the field has the review sparked? How will you further your research as a result of the review? Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?

Doctoral Persistence in pursuing graduate business programs

Read the attached document on the topic of doctoral persistence of students in business programs. Write an 8 page Literature Review on the topic. Your Literature Review will be a comprehensive thematic review of the attached literature related to the topic and use the following format as a guide:

1. Introduction:

Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern.

2. Body:

2a. Current Situation: Information necessary to understand the topic or focus of the literature review.

2b. History: The chronological progression of the field, the literature, or an idea that is necessary to understand the literature review, if the body of the literature review is not already a chronology.

2c. Methods and/or Standards: The criteria you used to select the sources in your literature review or the way in which you present your information. For instance, you might explain that your review includes only peer-reviewed articles and journals.

2d. Questions for Further Research: What questions about the field has the review sparked? How will you further your research as a result of the review?”

3. Conclusions/Recommendations:

Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?”

Describe in one to two pages your specific interests in pursuing a graduate degree and precisely why you are applying to the Department of Educational Studies and to the program or concentration you have selected.

Statement of Intent/Purpose

MA in Educational Studies, University of British Columbia

Statement of intent. You need to describe in one to two pages your specific interests in pursuing a graduate degree and precisely why you are applying to the Department of Educational Studies and to the program or concentration you have selected. This statement should highlight the following:
-your background and experience
-description of your research topic or area of enquiry
-the association of the proposed research with research undertaken in EDST
-name(s) of faculty member(s) with whom the applicant has contact and/or may be suitable as research supervisor

How can schools ensure that the cost of attending school affairs or events is not prohibitive for some of their students? Should school administrators intervene in the plans being made by the more affluent or advantaged students? What could they do to control the situation?

Case Study 1

Read the Case: Critical Incidence in Teaching; Impact of Socioeconomic Status on School Events, p.61 (10 edition) then answer all the three questions that follow the case. Below is the case.

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on School Events

The middle school in a rural community of 9,000 residents has four school-sponsored dances each year. At the Valentine’s day dance, a coat-and-tie affair, six eight-grade boys showed up in the rented tuxedos. They had planned this together, and their parents , who were among the more affluent in the community, thought it would be “cute” and paid for the rentals. The final dance of the year is scheduled for May, and it too is a coat-and-tie dance. This time, rumors are circulating around the school that “everyone” is renting a tux and that the girls are getting new formal dresses. The parents of the six boys are, according to the grapevine, renting a limousine for their sons and their dates. These behaviors and dress standards are far in excess of anything previously observed at the middle school.

Several students, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds, have said they will boycott the dance. They cannot afford the expensive attire, and they claim that ones behind the dress-up movement have said that only the nerds or geeks would show up in anything less than a tux or a formal gown.

Now answer the following questions:

1. How can schools ensure that the cost of attending school affairs or events is not prohibitive for some of their students?

2. Should school administrators intervene in the plans being made by the more affluent or advantaged students? What could they do to control the situation?

3. Why could the actions of these advantaged or affluent students be disruptive to the school climate or events

Content of paper reflects the information in the case; ideas are based on a detailed analysis of course material and/or personal experience

Content of paper reflects the information in the case; ideas are based on a detailed analysis of course material and/or personal experience,

Reading Evidence of reading chapter 2 for information to support answers

Show Evidence of reading chapter 2 for information to support answers,

Information on cost of school attendance included in paper

School administrators intervention in plans of more advantaged students included

Specific intervention by school administrators indicated in paper

Disruptive impact of the actions of the advantaged students discussed in paper

How effective is drug prevention programs with youth age 12 to 18 years old in comparision to students who do not participate in drug prevention programs.

Drug prevention programs.

How effective is drug prevention programs with youth age 12 to 18 years old in comparision to students who do not participate in drug prevention programs.

According to the NCII tools for elementary reading Academic Intervention, is  Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (Fien et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016)  a good intervention to start with? Why or why not?

Multiple Choice Questions

In Tab 1 in Excel:
1. Create a graph using Celeste’s data
2. Use benchmarks found below to create a long-term goal
3. You should have a goal line starting at her baseline
4. You should have a vertical line indicating Intervention 1 with a description of the intervention
5. You should have her 8 weeks of WCPM and %WCPM data graphed with a trend line for WCPM only
Write down the answers to the following questions:

What was Celeste’s baseline?


Is Celeste at-risk in reading?


Write your goal for Celeste. It should match your goal line in the graph and be written exactly as “By (date), Celeste will read at least (a number) of words correctly per minute on 3 consecutive trials as measured by 4th grade DORF.


According to the NCII tools for elementary reading Academic Intervention, is  Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (Fien et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016)  a good intervention to start with? Why or why not?

Look at Celeste’s weekly data in response to your intervention, should you keep or change the intervention? Why or why not?