Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students’ Reading and Mathematics Achievement.

Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students

Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students’ Reading and Mathematics Achievement.

Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.

Sped quiz questions

  1. Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk.
  2. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.
  3. Define and give examples of each of the three types of intervention—preventive, remedial, and compensatory.
  4. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Evaluation and eligibility determination:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Program Planning:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.


  1. IDEA mandates that children with disabilities be educated with children without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. Why do you think this mandate is necessary?
  2. Why is parent participation so critical to the IEP process?
  3. List the required components of an individualized education program.

List and discuss them  Be specific:

Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening.

Responding to different scenarios


Answer each of the four questions below: Word count for each question is indicated below. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List. (Each scenario should have a minimum of 3 references. make sure to number each scenario being answered).

1. In a classroom with 20 students, you have 3 students with significant focus and impulsivity challenges, one who is diagnosed with high functioning Autism, and another who has just this year arrived in Australia with limited English skills. You have an educational assistant in the classroom for 3 hours of each day. Describe at least 3 classroom supports/strategies which you would utilize in order to inclusively support all 20 of the students. You will choose the level of the classroom (primary, upper primary or secondary) and a particular subject area to address such as maths or literacy. Be specific, and make sure your strategies are supported by research (how can you develop some strategies so that all the kids can move ahead together significantly. find a way to incorporate teachers aid) (800 words; 16 marks)

2. During this semester, we discussed Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction. Discuss the similarities and the differences in the two concepts. Provide at least 2 examples of each, including when each method would be appropriate (400 words; 8 marks)

3. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) have similar tiered structures, but used for different types of student support. Describe the structure and purpose of each system, including the theoretical framework of the two systems (compare and contrast. link discussion to theoritical frameworks e.g behavioural, humanistic, bioecological, sociocultural etc)(400 words; 8 marks)

4. Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening. Justify your answer. (400 words; 8 marks) Marking Criteria – see rubric for details

Share about a person or moment that has been your ‘lollipop’ in early childhood and family practices. How did this moment put you on this path? How can you continue to develop your leadership skills to help support families?

Discussion 1

Watch Drew Dudley’s (Links to an external site.) video on Leadership with Lollipops and read the DEC Position Paper on Leadership (there is also a section in the DEC Recommended Practices, surprise!).

In this Discussion Forum:

1. Share about a person or moment that has been your ‘lollipop’ in early childhood and family practices. How did this moment put you on this path?
2. How can you continue to develop your leadership skills to help support families? List at least 1 clear, specific activity
3. Tell your lollipop person that that moment was important. I encourage you to give them a real or virtual lollipop and share this TED Talk.lollipop

What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with disabilities? What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with disabilities?

Experiences with Disabilities

Address the following questions related to experiences with people with disabilities: Be specific in your responses.

1. What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with disabilities? 5 pts

2. What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with disabilities? 5 pts

3. In the past, what preconceived notions guided your thoughts about people with disabilities? Today, how have your perceptions changed? 5 pts

4. What changed your perceptions? 5 pts

5. How will you use these changed perceptions to increase opportunities for people with disabilities? 5 pts

How do parents influence learning? Why is it important for educators to collaborate with parents? How does collaborating with families benefit students? Why is it important to keep an open communication with families?

Why  collaborating with families is important

Address the following questions on why collaborating with families is so important for student success. Be specific in your responses.

1. How do parents influence learning? 5 pts

2. Why is it important for educators to collaborate with parents? 5 pts

3. How does collaborating with families benefit students? 5 pts

4. What are the effects of families involvement? 5 pts

5. Why is it important to keep an open communication with families? 5 pts

What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with the above disabilities? What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with those disabilities?

Experiences with people with a Learning Disability or Emotional or Behavioral Disorders or on the Autism Spectrum

1. What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with the above disabilities? 5 pts

2. What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with those disabilities? 5 pts

3. In the past, what preconceived notions guided your thoughts about people with those three types of disabilities? Discuss how have your perceptions changed? 5 pts

4. What changed your perceptions? 5 pts

5. How will you use these changed perceptions to increase opportunities for people with disabilities and educate others? 5 pts

Compare the Movement to Educate Children who have Disabilities and Unique Learning Needs with the Civil Rights Movement

Discussion Question

Compare the Movement to Educate Children who have Disabilities and Unique Learning Needs with the Civil Rights Movement. Be specific:

In your discussion include:

How are the two movements alike….
How are the two movements different ….
Identify and include a description of the landmark Supreme Court Civil Rights Case that impacted public school services. How does this case fit into your discussion?
Did it help or hurt the movement to Educate Children who have Disabilities? In what way. Provide an example.

What modifications could you make to the strategies and learning activities for future lessons, to better facilitate student learning? What modifications could you make to the data collection method in the future to better understand student growth?

Student data analysis

1. Administer and score an assessment to the entire class that will cover 3-5 different skills sets with 5 – 10 questions. This
can be an in class assignment, exit ticket, or more formal quiz/assessment.

2. Record the data by skill in the Data by Skill table and then again by student in the Data by Student table.

3. Answer the following questions using your completed Data by Skill table:
a. Look at trends by standard, question, or objective. Which would you prioritize for reteaching or extension and why?
b. Considering what is in the misconceptions column, identify one to three foundational skills that students need in order to move forward in their learning.

4. Answer the following question using your completed Data by Student table:
a. Noting which students who are close to the mastery cut off, identify the major trends in which skills they are missing
to achieve mastery.

5. In the Reteaching table, group your students by who is ready for enrichment and who requires intervention. Describe the specific strategies/learning activities you plan to use with your students based on remediation or advancement of that

6. Answer the following questions using the Reteaching table.
a. What modifications could you make to the strategies and learning activities for future lessons, to better facilitate
student learning?
b. What modifications could you make to the data collection method in the future to better understand student growth?

What is this project? Identify a high income country, a middle income country, and a low income country. Examine what risk and protective factors look like in different countries.

Digital Storytelling Proposal & References

What is this project?
Identify a high income country, a middle income country, and a low income country .
Multiple groups may do U.S., but must choose different cities/states.
Create 3 case studies (children you make up based on facts about the country).
Examine what risk and protective factors look like in different countries .
Final goal: Create a 10-12 minute video “telling the stories” of the 3 hypothetical children (created by you!).