How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?
Stylistic techniques
How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?
Stylistic techniques
How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?
Answer TWO (2) of the following prompts in your initial post of a maximum of 250 words.
Make sure to incorporate quotes from the text (CITE THEM), and if needed, a secondary source into your posts to support your opinions.
Use the MLA format (Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, at least TWO (2) indented paragraphs, developed with 5-7 concise, concrete, complete, and grammatically sound sentences.)
1. Aylmer’s assistant, Aminadab, laughs twice at the end of the story. The first time he laughs, he seems to be laughing with triumph that Georgiana’s birthmark is fading. But after Georgiana dies, he laughs again. Why is he laughing that second time?
2. Aylmer creates a plant that quickly grows, blooms into a flower, and then dies in the hands of Georgiana. What does this plant and its quick demise symbolize? Find three examples throughout the story that foreshadow Georgiana’s death. Cite them. Explain them.
3. Other than being a vain jerk who wants a “perfect” wife, why is Aylmer trying to rid Georgiana of the birthmark? If he succeeds, what will it mean to him? Again, Hawthorne tells you right in his story. Find it. Cite it. Explain it.
4. Analyze the following excerpt of what the birthmark symbolizes: “It was the fatal flaw of humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain.” So what does this mean in simpler language? Find another excerpt or phrase in the story that suggests what the birthmark symbolizes. Cite it and explain it in your own words.
5. Analyze the last few lines of the story:
Thus ever does the gross fatality of earth exult in its invariable triumph over the immortal essence which, in this dim sphere of half development, demands the completeness of a higher state. Yet, had Aylmer reached a profounder wisdom, he need not thus have flung away the happiness which would have woven his mortal life of the selfsame texture with the celestial. The momentary circumstance was too strong for him; he failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of time, and, living once for all in eternity, to find the perfect future in the present.
What is the narrator saying in simpler language? What theme or commentary is the narrator making about Aylmer or about humankind in general?
Why Victorian literature depicts the miserable situation of women that belong to the upper class as they have to remain in the four walls of the house?
The topic for this paper is the Indian boarding schools in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries. Begin by doing a little research to get an idea what the schools were, what they were intended to do, and what they actually did. There are numerous Wikipedia articles and other websites that will give you a good overview. (See below for details about acceptable sources.)
Develop a specific question about the Indian boarding schools. This question will be the title of your paper, and the answer to the question will be your thesis. For example, if our topic were controversies over interpreting the US Constitution, my question might be, What are the major philosophical differences in the ways the legal scholars interpret the language of the Second Amendment?
It is almost always best to develop a question that begins with who, what, why, where, when, or how, rather than with is or does.
Your question goes at the top of your paper, as the title.
The first paragraph is where you provide the context your reader needs to understand your thesis.
The last sentence of the introduction is your thesis: an explicit, arguable answer to your question.
Each supporting paragraph begins with a topic sentence that clearly develops something in the thesis.
There is no specific number of quotations required, but a successful paper would be unlikely to have a paragraph (after the introduction) without at least one quotation.
The Works Cited section should follow MLA formatting and should include at least four sources.
These are essay options for your To the Lighthouse essay. These essays should be 4-5 pages, include an interesting and informative title, be formatted MLA style, and submitted electronically.
· Write an essay in which you identify and explore the painterly images associated with Mrs. Ramsay. Use them to elaborate the relationship between Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe as well as Mrs. Ramsay and Mr. Ramsay.
· What is the symbolic significance of the lighthouse? Discuss it in relation to the novel’s trajectory as well as individual characters’ relationships to it.
· Compare the first and last sentence of the novel. Make a claim about the critical significance of these lines and how they help to elaborate the underlying relational structures of the novel.
· Consider gender in the text and make a claim about Woolf’s view of femininity and masculinity in the text. In what ways are women shaped by expectations of them? But what about the men?
· Consider the stream of consciousness mode of storytelling that prevails throughout the novel and the claim by many critics that for Woolf’s fiction the action is on the inside. What truths about human psychology and relationality might this technique reveal?
· Write an essay about modernism and how this text hews to the characteristics of modernism. For this topic you will likely need to find outside scholarly sources that enable you to define modernism.
An important component of this course is learning how to write evaluations and interpretations of literary works. Whether you are writing about short stories, poems, or plays, you must offer an opinion (an argument) about the literary work and you must back up that opinion with vidence (facts from the literary text).
Each essay should be approximately 1,000 words in length, double-‐spaced, and typed with standard font size and margins. The essay will be evaluated based in part upon your use of a good thesis sentence, the support of the thesis through textual evidence, and your ability to offer thoughtful analysis rather than plot summary. As always, your paper should be written in standard academic English, be substantially free of grammatical and mechanical errors, and
should conform to the standards set out below.
1. The paper should not have a separate cover pager. Write your name and date of the assignment in the upper left corner. Center the title of the essay, without underlining or using quotation marks.
2. Your first paragraph will engage the reader’s interest as it narrows to a thesis. If, for example, you write on the topic of initiation, you might begin the essay by stating something about the popularity of initiation stories, what initiation means, and then narrow to the point (thesis) of your essay. (Ex.: “In this short story, initiation serves to ”).
3. The thesis should clearly state the topic of the essay and the point you will develop. Do not make announcements, such as “This paper will be about . . .” Instead, boldly state your point, such as, “Through the use of the speaker’s home as a symbolic prison, Frost indicates that the lost child is not the only one who has been buried.” Or “Browning uses dramatic monologue to reveal the Duke as a murderer” or even “Jig has beaten the American in the end of Hemingway’s story and will keep her child.” These are statements which offer an interpretation of one part of the poem or story, an interpretation which will need evidence from the poem or story to support it.
4. Each paragraph will develop a single point that develops your thesis. Make references to the text, but do not simply re-‐tell the story/poem/play. Remember, your reader has also read the story/poem/play. If you quote from the literary work, be judicious and make sure that the quote develops the support you are developing for your thesis. At times a paraphrase may also be effective. If you are incorporating lines of poetry into your paper, write the poetry as a
standard sentence with a (/) used at the end of a line or stanza to let the reader understand the structure of the poem. At the end of the quotation, use the line number as indicated in your text. For example, “He had enough of life/to know that he wanted no more” (1-‐2) indicates the line break of the poem and which lines are quoted. Please refer to the sample essays in your text for further clarification on how to incorporate references from literary works in your own essay.
5. Always write in the present tense unless there is a clear reason to use past tense. Literature is a living text.
6. Do not refer to any writer by his or her first name. Unless you and William Shakespeare are close, personal friends, refer to him as Shakespeare.
7. The conclusion will restate the idea of the essay and may make some general comments or conclusions., If, for example, you were writing a paper about the image of death in two poems, you would remind the reader about the comparison or contrast your found in this image in the two poems, and then you might write something about the value of understanding imagery in order to gain insight into a poem’s meaning.
8. If you are using sources, you must properly document the sources both within the paper as parenthetical citations as well as provide the necessary information about the sources on an accurately formatted works cited page. Use MLA format.
9. Unless they appear in something you are quoting, do not use “I, me, my, mine” or “we, our, us, let’s,” as these are meant to be formal, academic essays. Instead, use only third person, for example: “one, they, them, the critic, the reader,” and so on.
10. All essays must be submitted online in the appropriate assignment folder.
Below are some suggested themes for the fiction essay. Alternatively, you may develop your own topic, though you may use only texts we have read in this course. If you do so, make sure that you have the topic approved by your professor before you begin to write.
1. In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use,” two sisters have a different notion of what heritage means. Who has it “right”? Do they both have an argument? Explain and support your answer with specific references to the text.
2. While many see Abner Snopes as a villain in William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning,” others see him as waging class warfare on a system that marginalizes him. At one point, Sarty says “maybe” his father “couldn’t help but be” what he is. Is that the case? Why does Abner keep setting fires?
3. Ernest Hemingway employed what he called “the iceberg theory” when he wrote “Hills Like White Elephants.” What is the iceberg theory and how is it employed here? (Think about setting in particular).
Critical Analysis essay. Compare and contrast the painter and Edward in 2BRO2B. How are the two men affected by the seemingly “perfect “ society people have created?
Final Draft Worksheet
Instructions: Copy and paste the following text into a document or create a document that contains the same information.
Using your narrative story first draft, complete the following steps to revise your writing.
1. Read your story and identify the voice you are using. In one or two sentences, describe how you want your voice to sound.
2. Based on your description, identify two ways you can improve your writing to make this voice clearer in your story.
Word Choice
3. Paste one paragraph that you feel could use a more interesting word choice below. Revise it with more vivid wording. Pay particular attention to places where you might switch to more active verbs, use precise language, including strong details, employ figurative language, or add dialogue.
4. Outline your story in the following way:
And then…
5. Identify places in your story organization where the series of events could be clearer.
6. Paste the transitions you have used to move between ideas in your story.
7. Identify any places in your story where you are not using clear transitions. Write new transitions for those parts and paste them here.
Grammar, Structure, Punctuation, Spelling
8. Identify any errors in your writing mechanics and correct them here.
Wilensky and Teitelbaum Chapter Assignment
Chapter 1 and 2 Healthcare Policy and Law
W and T Chapter 3
Willensky and Teitelbaum Chapter 4: Overview of the U.S. Healthcare System
W and T Chapter 5 Health Institutions and Systems
This is about called Ceremony By Leslie Silko. You need to create a paragraph for each song (5 songs) to talk about Tayo the protagonist.
Featuring a title for the album, the title and author of the novel and your name
– Create a playlist (separate document with a proper heading)
– 5 songs picked for the story and characters, etc.
– Each song must be accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you chose the song and why it fits Tayo (or whatever character/part of the story you choose)
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