What were your expectations and fears about going to college online this semester? What about next semester? What would you like to see change for CSI being online next semester? What are you going to try and do to be better for next semester?

Course Reflection

What were your expectations and fears about going to college online this semester? What about next semester?
What would you like to see change for CSI being online next semester? What are you going to try and do to be better for next semester?
Are you excited about any particular course for next semester? Is there one you are scared about? Why?
How much research have you done before this class? How did you feel about doing research at the beginning of the semester? How do you feel about writing your next 8-10 page research? (p.s, you will have more research in your future)
What was something you found interesting from the first half of our semester when we went over fake news? Is there anything you found interesting or that you will carry with you moving forward?
Thinking about your first paper, what were your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me one thing you found interesting from the second half of our semester about The Internet and digital connections. I know we are surrounded by news about this all the time, but hopefully from readings, videos, and discussions, you gained some deeper insight.
What did you learn about the research process that you think will be important for doing more research? What were your biggest shortcomings that you believe you need to work on next semester? What was your biggest success?
How do you think the world can benefit from reading your research paper? With all your work and the facts you gathered, how can the world be better off with your work?
Of all the articles you read this semester, including in your own research, which stood out? Why? What about it? Was there one you truly did not like?
If you could read/watch one thing over break, what do you think it would be?

Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you?

Duke University Personal question

Share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you? (200 word limit) *


Describe how society or dictionary defines the word. Explain you definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support.


This informative essay is on family but it’s a first draft. Describe how society or dictionary defines the word. Then explain you definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support. Use red color text for the thesis and green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

In what ways does William Shakespeare utilize language in his play “Othello” to demonstrate the effects of sexism on the identities of female characters?

William Shakespeare play “Othello”

In what ways does William Shakespeare utilize language in his play “Othello” to demonstrate the effects of sexism on the identities of female characters?

What are the long-term consequences for children who don’t have stable housing? Is it the government’s job to fix the problem?

A Child’s Home: An American Pandemic

Answer these questions: What are the long-term consequences for children who don’t have stable housing? Is it the government’s job to fix the problem?

Write an 8 page minimum argument in which you support your position with research from a variety of sources. You will submit a Works Cited page for your research paper. If you write at least 8 pages, note that your Works Cited page will not count as the 8th page. The Works Cited page will count as your 9th page. Your essay should consist of at least 8 pages of writing and you must cite from at least 6 sources (such as books, journal articles, interviews, etc.). You must have a counterargument, this should be one page minimum and have a source.

Research Paper Topics

Compose an argument on an issue of Poverty, Minimum Wage, Evictions, Affordable housing, Rent Control, Welfare that you will take a stand/position on; you will offer reasons and evidence as support.

How does the play’s historical frame shape our understanding/interpretation of the play? Or how does the play force us to rethink our understanding of history?

Topdog/underdog a play by Suzan-Lori Parks

Address one of the following topic (or a topic of your choosing with my approval) in a carefully crafted MLA formatted research-style essay of approximately 1,500 words.

How does the play’s historical frame shape our understanding/interpretation of the play? Or how does the play force us to rethink our understanding of history?

The play features only two characters, though there are a number of external forces that exert pressure on the action of the play. Those forces represent different areas of life. Consider the way that one external force (or external forces in general) shapes the meaning of the play, or help to frame an exploration of politics, race, toxic masculinity, drama, etc.

Think about the play in the context of the history of minstrelsy. What is the play saying through its engagement with the “performance of race?” What does the play suggest by inverting the traditional dynamics of mintrelsy?

Keep in mind is that you will need to use at least 2 sources for the essay (Your works cited should have three entries: the play and two additional sources). You do not, however, need to hunt to find sources. They have been provided for you.

You will have to skim the sources to identify those that are most relevant to your discussion, then closely read those sources you select to help you support your arguments. Also remember that the purpose of a research paper is to use your research to support your idea, not to use your paper to support the ideas espoused by the authors of your sources. For instance, you should not try to prove to me that an author’s essay is a valid interpretation of the text; rather, you should use the idea that she develops to argue for the validity of your interpretation of the text, even when that means disagreeing with one of your sources. You are welcome to use more than two sources, but you must use at least one of the database sources (Labeled “JSTOR”).

How has/will this technology affect human relationships? Is it helping bring people together or is it pushing people apart? Is there a way in which this technology lessens the “quality” of interactions we have with one another?

Technology Effect on human relationships

How has/will this technology affect human relationships? Is it helping bring people together or is it pushing people apart? Is there a way in which this technology lessens the “quality” of interactions we have with one another?

2) Evidence drawn from at least 5 sources to support your thesis. You must include in your sources at least: 2 readings from this class (“What the internet is doing to our brains” by Nicholas Carr; “The Upside of Technology? It’s Personal” by Nick Bilton; “The End of Solitude” by William Deresiewicz) AND three other articles from your own library research (3 academic journal articles from the ELAC databases)

3). Include an opposing viewpoint and counterargument in your essay. You select where to include the opposing argument.

Select a single experience that has stayed with you in some influential way. Your audience can know no more than you tell them. Give them your sense of the experience; give them details. Explain why you are different because you

Influence Formal outline

• To measure your ability to observe time limits
• To develop poise in a public presentation
• To deliver a speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery
• To practice effective speech organization (introduction, body, and conclusion) using connectives (transitions)
• To practice strategies for using oral language effectively

Assignment Requirements:
1. Detailed, Formal Outline (see sample outline for guidance)
2. Presentation Video Submission
3. Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes
4. Visual Aid: A visual aid is NOT required for this assignment, but always allowed if you decide to have one.
5. Audience Requirement: All presentations have an audience requirement. This requirement is detailed in the Syllabus. Presentations that do not meet audience requirement will incur a deduction or a 0 until a submission is made with the
required audience.

Assignment for Influences Speech
In this speech you will focus on three influences that have been important in making you the person you are, or influences that have contributed to your self-awareness and self-knowledge.

1. Select a person you admire who has had an influence on your life. Maybe this person is a friend, a relative, or even someone from the world of celebrity. To admire is to respect, to regard with approval. We admire people generally
for their character, the personal qualities we see in their behavior, and their skills and abilities.

2. Select a place that has helped shape you in some way you can recognize. Make your choice of place as specific as possible: for instance, not a town but a block in a neighborhood, not a home but a room or back porch, not a ranch but
a watering tank or tree — then you can let the specificity of the place enlarge into an emblem of all that it represents and stands for. Like individuals, places also influence our values, behaviors, and beliefs, our view of ourselves and of
life. The place you choose must be real, not imagined. The number of visits isn’t important; what matters is that the place has left its mark on you, and you can tell us how and why.

3. Select a single experience that has stayed with you in some influential way. Your audience can know no more than you tell them. Give them your sense of the experience; give them details. Explain why you are different because you

What were some the possible conclusions on the issue? Which choice was the most attractive or stood out? In compared to the other possible conclusions, why is your option better than the others ? What makes you finally confident in your conclusion? Did you de-emphasize, bolster, trade off, or collapse the other options?


Assignment: Research a problem and propose a solution, assessing the credibility of sources and accurately documenting all sources.

Write a minimum 1,600 word MLA-style paper (using quotes, a Works Cited page, and in text citation) addressing multiple sides of the issue. Include a one-sentence underlined thesis statement that is your conclusion after careful analysis of the issue. You will be graded for content,organization of ideas, understanding of critical thinking components (see list below), writing style (grammar and word choice), and proper use of MLA style (see links for examples).

Read, analyze, identify, and evaluate the argument using components from our class and textbook, and come to a final conclusion on the issue.

Use your sources (articles, statistics, quotes, authorities, and so forth) to support your position.

Include the following categories: (these can serve as your SUBTOPICS if you wish):

A) Chapter 7: Identify arguments (at least two for each side of the argument) FOR AND AGAINST your position on the issue and evaluate at least ONE of your arguments based on the FOUR TESTS.

B) Chapter 7 (pages 148-153) and Chapter 8: (167-170) : Identify logical fallacies (at least two) OF THE SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT YOU OPPOSE and identify which kind of logical fallacy they are.

C) Chapter 4: Identify vagueness and ambiguity of claims on either side of the argument (at least two total)

D) Consider/address the ethics and how ethics relates to the controversy (Chapter 16)

E) Finally, identify how you have used the FOUR PHASES (226-228) of decision making to make your final decision. This is a brief summary of the Four Phases, though the book goes into much greater details:

1) What were some the possible conclusions on the issue?
2) Which choice was the most attractive or stood out?
3) In compared to the other possible conclusions, why is your option better than the others ?
4) What makes you finally confident in your conclusion? Did you de-emphasize, bolster, trade off, or collapse the other options?

1C Research Paper Rubric
1C Research Paper Rubric
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Vocabulary, Sentence Structure and so forth 20%

Evaluate a generalization,, Identify vagueness and ambiguity of claims, Evaluate the Credibility of Claims and Sources, Identify Fallacies, and Consider Ethics 40%

The paper is well organized and easy to read 5%

Citations in the text and the Works Cited page are MLA style 15%

Credible sources are used throughout the paper (at least 5 quotes/paraphrase/summary). Sources are identified for ideas, facts, statistics, and so forth 20%

Total Points: 100.0

How did Dee relate to her family before she left home? What role did she assume for herself? Does this change after she leaves home? How do you feel about Dee? Do you sympathize with her desire to “improve” herself and her family? Where do you think she goes wrong?

Short Stories Readings & Questions Week 9

Ellison A Party at the Square Discussion Questions

What is the meaning of this quote? How does it apply to society today? “Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat.”
What is the theme, setting, and plot in “A Party Down at the Square” by Ralph Ellison?
What is the conflict, moment of crisis, and peripety in Ralph Ellison’s “A Party Down at the Square”?

Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Discussion Questions

1.) Discuss the mother (the narrator) in this story. What kind of person is she? How does she seem to feel about Dee? About Maggie?

2.) Do the narrator’s language and grammatical usage match the picture she paints of herself?

3.) What elements prepare the reader for Dee before she arrives on the scene?

4.) How did Dee relate to her family before she left home? What role did she assume for herself? Does this change after she leaves home?

5.) How do you feel about Dee? Do you sympathize with her desire to “improve” herself and her family? Where do you think she goes wrong?

6.) Discuss the relationship between Maggie and Dee.

7.) What is suggested by Dee’s prolonged picture-taking with her Polaroid? Her kissing her mother on the forehead?

8.) Why has Dee assumed African dress, hairstyle, and name? How would you characterize the attitudes of her and her new husband/boyfriend toward their race? Positive or negative? Honest or simply “politically correct”?

9.) Discuss Dee’s mother’s and sister’s reactions to her new persona, “Wangero.” Do you sympathize with them?

10.) How would you describe the way that Dee reacts to the food and objects in her mother’s house?

11.) Why does Mrs. Johnson decide to stand up to Dee and not allow her to take the quilts at the end of the story?

12.) Why do you think Maggie is so content at the end?

13.) Could this story just as well have been about a white mother and her daughters? Aside from the African or Muslim names, does anything distinguish Dee’s relations with her mother and Maggie as especially black? If not, is that a strength of the story, or a weakness?