Write an (three page paper) essay about Lord of the Flies connecting events in the story such as the boys splitting up to how North Korea and South Korea have split as a country in history.

Lord of the Flies Text to World

Write an (three page paper) essay about Lord of the Flies connecting events in the story such as the boys splitting up to how North Korea and South Korea have split as a country in history.

Briefly discuss the setting, the main character(s) and the main events or problems. Discuss what you like or dislike about the story. Give reasons to support your opinion.

“I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai.

Write a book review for the book “I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban” by Malala Yousafzai.

– Introduction: Start your summary by introducing basic facts about the literary work: e.g. the title, the author and the genre.

– Summary: Briefly discuss the setting, the main character(s) and the main events or problems.

– Personal reflection: Discuss what you like or dislike about the story. Give reasons to support your opinion. Consider the following:
What is the author’s purpose for writing the story? Is the author successful in achieving this purpose? How well are the characters developed? How well is the plot structured? Is the action suspenseful enough? Are the events too predictable? What is the theme, or the central idea, of the story? Does the story have a ‘coda’, or a lesson? What is it? Does the story have a ‘twist’, or an unexpected ending?

What are some of the consequences for globalization in a company. Be sure to use 4-5 extra sources.

Research Essay

Select a symbol of globalization and write a research paper about it. You may use Nike, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, or any other company that has a global reach. What are some of the consequences for globalization in a company. Be sure to use 4-5 extra sources. Include bibliography.

Write a study of the character you have chosen, including what you have learned from the “Prologue,” from the comments, and from your own insights into the character.


Obtain a copy of the Canterbury Tales in a modern translation or access it using the Internet.

Write a character analysis of one the characters from Canterbury Tales.

Consider the monk, the friar, the franklin, and the parson.
Select one of these four characters which you would like to study and read Chaucer’s description of him in the “Prologue.”

Remember that Chaucer may sound objective in his description but may actually be subtly negative or satirical toward that character.

Record your impressions of the personality of your chosen character from the “Prologue” description. Physical appearance and dress are not directly character traits, but they may give you clues as to personality as well.

Read the prologue and any afterward (it’s context in The Canterbury Tales) to the tale told by the character you have chosen to gain more insight and see any comments made about the character by the other pilgrims. You do not need to read the tale itself.

Write a study of the character you have chosen, including what you have learned from the “Prologue,” from the comments, and from your own insights into the character.

Use direct evidence from the text to support your observations. Do not just quote lines, but explain what the lines illustrate about character. Remember to document your quotes according to MLA format.

Describe specific examples of the reading and writing processes used to compose the analysis essay. Evaluate reading and writing choices in order to determine potential challenges as well as changes in knowledge and skills. Evaluate the efficacy of analysis essays in order to develop awareness of personal ability in relation to academic standards.


This assignment is designed to encourage students to blend skills from the prior assignments, the summary and response. To complete this assignment successfully, students need to be able to accurately describe their source material (which involves summary skills) and be able to explain how the component parts of the source influenced their response to it. Ideally, they will also be able to see that examining the source from a different perspective will yield different responses.

Assignment Prompt:

You will be writing an in-depth analysis paper. An analysis paper asks you to do more than either a summary or a response. For this paper, additional meaning should be added to the conversation. This is different from your response paper. In that paper, you wrote about your reaction to what you had read. An analysis paper, works to break down a text or argument into its component parts, and then to discuss or describe those parts using a particular perspective, theory, method, or lens. You have two options as ways to complete this paper.

Option 1: For this paper, you may analyze an image of your choosing. You may find movie posters or book covers to very fruitful sources. As a visual analysis, you will discuss the formal elements of the image, but you will do that in order to support a thesis you are stating about the image. You can also include genre analysis and rhetorical analysis. This is not a comparison / contrast paper, but if a second image will help you to prove your thesis, you may include it.

Option 2: For this paper, you will analyze a commercial of your choosing. The commercial should be one that you find interesting, whether or not you like whatever it is advertising. As with the visual analysis option, you can incorporate genre, visual, and rhetorical analysis into this paper.

The standard formatting rules in the syllabus apply to this paper.

After successfully completing this project, students should be able to:


Explain college-level material using summary and paraphrasing strategies.
Analyze college-level material to identify evidence that supports broader claims.


Take critical notes on objects of analysis
Compose multiple drafts of an analysis essay
Revise, proofread, and edit analytic essay


Describe specific examples of the reading and writing processes used to compose the analysis essay.
Evaluate reading and writing choices in order to determine potential challenges as well as changes in knowledge and skills.
Evaluate the efficacy of analysis essays in order to develop awareness of personal ability in relation to academic standards

Use Technology

Compose, revise, and provide feedback on drafts using Microsoft Word
Use Canvas to submit assignments and access course materials
Incorporate common software platforms and technological tools into reading and writing processes (e.g. annotate texts, review and comment on drafts, revise drafts, collaborative writing, etc.)

Analyze one of the essays from chapter 13 of our text. Discuss an essay that you feel is worthy of further discussion. What do you have to say on the topic? Create a thesis that is a debatable point (Argument) and make your case using examples from the text.

Paper 5

For this assignment analyze one of the essays from chapter 13 of our text. Discuss an essay that you feel is worthy of further discussion. What do you have to say on the topic? Create a thesis that is a debatable point (Argument) and make your case using examples from the text. Perhaps you want to discuss college athletics or literacy or deportation? That is up to you. Use elements from the essays as evidence for your discussion. Your paper should include quotes from the text as support for your thesis.


Should we continue to celebrate Columbus Day as a national holiday in the United States or should we abandon it, or replace it with a more appropriate holiday?

Columbus Day: Should We Keep Doing This?

This is an extra credit paper, it is not required, and not doing it will not harm your grade. Writing this paper can only help your grade. A poor grade will not hurt your grade at all.

For generations, children in the United States have been taught that: “In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue…” and discovered America. We were taught that his voyage of discovery lead to the creation of our nation and that we should celebrate him with his own national holiday.

Today we know that this is not historically accurate. There are many problems with the recorded and accepted history of Columbus’ impact on history and the people who inhabited the islands he visited before he showed up.

The national holiday has an important history that has little to do with the authentic history of the man named Columbous, and more to do with Italian heritage, and a history of discrimination in our country.

Because we know more now, many states and cities have already abandoned Columbus Day in favor of an Indigenous Peoples’ Day or an Italian Heritage Day.

This essay asks you to do some research and take a stand on this simple question.
Should we continue to celebrate Columbus Day as a national holiday in the United States or should we abandon it, or replace it with a more appropriate holiday?

You must find a credible (as in solid, reliable academic sources, not Wikipedia) to back up your claim. Then you must make a cogent argument that explains your position. You may not argue both sides of the issue; i.e. “I both agree and disagree”.
Whatever your position may be, it must be clear.

Your argument should go beyond your desire to have a day off of school or work. Consider the merits of celebrating this man. You may argue for a replacement holiday, or to keep the holiday in tact as is, or to eliminate Columbus day altogether.

Your essay should:
Revolve around a clear thesis that makes a single arguable claim that takes a stand about the importance of celebrating Columbus Day as a national Holiday.
Explain and connect quotations from your research
Explain, and connect this concrete evidence to support your thesis

Nuts and Bolts:
2-3 pages 1” margins, 12 pt. readable font, double spaced
Proofread for sentence and word level clarity and adherence to MLA conventions
Follow MLA conventions for in-text citations and Works Cited

Why do students need to complete the task individually first, and not in groups? How do students compare their answers: What do we call this micro-stage? What is the interaction pattern? What do students focus on? What does the teacher focus on when monitoring?

Skills Assignment for the Cambridge CELTA


Design one reading comprehension task that you could use with the group of students described on page 1 to help them practice one reading subskill.

Type the task into the template. IT IS EXCLUDED FROM THE WORD COUNT.
Make sure the layout of the task is clear and learner-friendly. It should be classroom-ready.
Do not copy the text itself from Appendix 1 unless it is indispensable for the task design (e.g. you re-organise the text for the task)
Add the answer key, with your justification and the text fragments that justify the answers, under the task for students.

Your READING COMPREHENSION TASK should meet all these criteria:
It is based on the authentic text in Appendix 1.
It can be used with the group of students described on page 1.
It can be completed in up to 15 minutes.
It is either a skimming task or a scanning task (choose only one subskill).
It has no more than 4 prompts (statements, questions, titles, etc.).
It represents one of these task formats:
It can only be completed after students have read the text.
The prompts cover the content of all the text.
It has clear instructions on the handout/slide.
Its design is reader-friendly.
It is written in fully accurate English, which has been graded for B2+ students.
The prompts follow the sequence of information in the text.
It does not lift the exact same wording as used in the text.
It has appropriately challenging distractors (if distractors are needed).
It has an answer key attached.
It has justification for all the answers, added to the answer key (your justification with the fragments of the text that justify the answer).

Provide a brief overview by answering these questions:

What is the task type? (e.g. a multiple-choice task, etc.)
Which stage of the reading lesson is it?
What is the aim of this stage?
Which reading subskill does it develop, skimming or scanning?
What is the definition of this subskill? Include references to your background reading:
Emma Tudor: Developing Reading Skills (ETP, Issue 115 – March 2018, pp. 41-42)
Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.

What lesson stages precede this activity during the reading lesson? What are their aims?
What lesson stages happen after this activity during the reading lesson? What are their aims?
What does the teacher do to set up the task effectively: What is important when giving instructions for this particular task?
Why do students need to complete the task individually first, and not in groups?
How do students compare their answers: What do we call this micro-stage? What is the interaction pattern? What do students focus on? What does the teacher focus on when monitoring?
What does the teacher elicit in open-class feedback? How does the teacher make this stage student-centred?


Design one speaking task that you could use with the same group of students in the same lesson to help them practice their oral fluency and communicative competence in reference to the topic of the text they have just read.

Prepare the prompts for students. THEY ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE WORD COUNT.
Paste them into the template.
Make sure the layout is clear and learner-friendly.
If you use visuals, provide the URLs to the respective images in Bibliography.

Your SPEAKING TASK should meet all these criteria:
It is linked to the topic of the authentic text in Appendix 1.
It can be used with the group of students described on page 1.
It is an extension of the reading part of the lesson (as described in Section One).
It can be completed in 15-25 minutes.
It is an oral fluency practice task that also develops communicative competence (choose both subskills).
It follows the sequence of microstages outlined in the input session on the setup of a pyramid discussion.
It does not activate/practise any Target Language.
It is an immersive speaking task.
It is a pyramid discussion.
It has prompts on the handout/slide.
It has no more than 4-5 prompts (questions, topics, ideas, characters, photos, etc.).
Its design is reader-friendly.
The prompts are written in fully accurate English, which has been graded for B2+ students.
The context is relatable and relevant to students.
The communicative focus is introduced at the start and referred to in feedback on ideas.
The instructions include a model/demo.
The task gives enough time for peer interaction in smaller groups.
The task is rounded off with feedback on ideas.
The final feedback on language is balanced, positive and student-centred.

Provide a brief overview by answering these questions:

What is a pyramid discussion? Define it briefly.
Does the task develop accuracy or fluency in speaking? Give the definitions of both.
Include references to your background reading:
Chia Suan Chong (31 January 2019). Going beyond Accuracy vs Fluency [blog post] English Teaching Professional | Available at www.etprofessional.com Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.
How does the task help students to practice communicative competence?
Include references to your background reading:
Chia Suan Chong (31 January 2019). Going beyond Accuracy vs Fluency [blog post] English Teaching Professional | Available at www.etprofessional.com Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.
Why is it an immersive speaking activity? What is the communicative focus?
Include references to your background reading:
Adams, R. (2018). Enhancing student interaction in the language classroom: Part of
the Cambridge Papers in ELT series. [pdf] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Available at cambridge.org/betterlearning Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.

How does the teacher prepare students for speaking in groups:
how does the teacher engage sts in the context?
how does the teacher scaffold the instructions? what is included? what is the communicative focus?
why do students need thinking time, based on prompts?
why is the model or demo important before students start talking in groups? Give 2 ideas.
Include references to your background reading:
Adams, R. (2018). Enhancing student interaction in the language classroom: Part of
the Cambridge Papers in ELT series. [pdf] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Available at cambridge.org/betterlearning Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.
How does the teacher monitor students’ work in groups? Why is it important?
What kind of feedback does the teacher give after speaking:
what comes first, feedback on ideas or feedback on language? Why?
how can the teacher provide positive feedback on speaking? Give 2 ideas.
Include references to your background reading:
Kerr, P. (2017). Giving feedback on speaking. Part of the Cambridge
Papers in ELT series. [pdf] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Available at cambridge.org/betterlearning Use the CITATION GUIDE in Appendix 2.

Excluded from the total word count.

List the background reading sources you referred to in the body of the text (quotes/references).
List the URL links to the images used (as needed).
Use the format described in the CITATION GUIDE (Appendix 2).

Evaluate the significance of cultural (or, if you prefer, psychological) constructions of gendered relations and gendered identity in Macbeth.

Macbeth text- Shakespeare

Evaluate the significance of cultural (or, if you prefer, psychological) constructions of gendered relations and gendered identity in Macbeth.

macbeth text- Shakespeare

(for source number 2- will have to translate from Italian to english)


Recognize the characteristic of the Minimum Viable Product of the business model canvas developed in the report/prensentation and describe how you pretend to validate it through the early adopters.


Recognize the characteristic of the Minimum Viable Product of the business model canvas developed in the report/prensentation (additional materials) and describe how you pretend to validate it through the early adopters.