What can be done to increase public adoption? What can be done to increase adoption for older kids? What can be done to increase adoption for special needs children?

Problem/solution research paper

Write about a problem/solution research paper on either of the three following topics;

What can be done to increase public adoption?

What can be done to increase adoption for older kids?

What can be done to increase adoption for special needs children?

Explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your thesis, and you should use evidence from the work to prove your point.



The purpose of this essay is to get students to critically think about some work of art (e.g. a television program, a film, an album, a novel, a poem, a sculpture, etcetera) instead of merely summarizing or describing it. Frequently, the most effective arguments are those told in narrative, through art, or in music. This assignment asks students to choose a work of art and explore its argument.

Your thesis should identify the work’s argument—instead of just a summarizing that work.

“The character of Hamlet is consumed by his need to exact revenge” is just a summary and a bad thesis.

“William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet argues that revenge is a fundamentally corruptive pursuit” is an example of an analysis and a good thesis. The first example is bad because it’s just what happens in the play. The second example is good because it articulates the implied argument of the work as a whole.

Your main points should explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your thesis, and you should use evidence from the work to prove your point.

Here’s an example of an analysis essay:

Discuss the history of an occupation and the related racism, brutality, and theft. Analyze, the arguments for and against reparations and what those reparations would look like.

Are reparations necessary or possible?

For your research, keep in mind our driving question for the course, “Are reparations necessary or possible?” Throughout this course, our focus is on a domestic level looking at injustices committed against people in the United States. At the same time we should look at injustices on a global level. There is an ongoing debate on whether England should repay India form of reparations. Belgium occupied the National Republic of Congo and committed genocide, killing about ten million Congolese. There are several countries in Africa that are asking for their art and stolen antiquities during European colonization. If you want, you can expand your definition of colonizer beyond a government to some injustices that were created or had the help of corporations. For instance, you can look Shell oil extraction in the Ogoni region of Nigeria or Chevron in the Yasuni rainforests of Equador. In both cases, the Indigenous people have been severely affected.

In your research paper you need to discuss the history of an occupation and the related racism, brutality, and theft. You need to to analyze, the arguments for and against reparations and what those reparations would look like. Your research paper needs to be a minimum of eights pages, not including your works cited page. You need a minimum of six outside source, with at least two of them from primary sources.

How was mental health of individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic

The subtopic for both paragraphs will be how mental health of individuals was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There should be two paragraphs, about 175 to 200 words each paragraph. Each paragraph should be a synthesis of several research studies. There should be 8 empirical research articles. You should easily be able to compare and contrast four empirical research articles in each synthesis paragraph. Make sure that your review of the literature is well connected. Ideas should flow well within and between paragraphs.

Do research about the pop culture artifact (Black Widow film). Find out what the artists, critics, and the general public think about it. Evaluate what makes this artifact empowering, socially relevant, enlightening, or explain what makes it ignorant, simplistic, exploitative, or just plain racist or sexist.

Black Widow film

Do research about the pop culture artifact (Black Widow film). Find out what the artists, critics, and the general public think about it.
Evaluate what makes this artifact empowering, socially relevant, enlightening, or explain what makes it ignorant, simplistic, exploitative, or just plain racist or sexist. This is where you will find your thesis, your argument about the artifact you choose to study.

More Details:
Your essay must be 4-6 pages in length.
It should be thesis-driven, well organized, and in MLA format.
It should include a Works Cited page.
It should use (quote or paraphrase) at least 4 sources. (one mandatory one linked)

Write a well-organized and well-developed summary and response paper based on the article. Your essay should contain a summary of the article, as well as a clear thesis statement which expresses your opinion of one of the author’s points.

How To Make It Through Life Transitions

1. Read the following article by Susan Kraus Whitmore.

Write a well-organized and well-developed summary and response paper based on the article. Your essay should contain a summary of the article, as well as a clear thesis statement which expresses your opinion of one of the author’s points.

Your response should support your thesis. You must make direct reference to the article in the response section of your essay.

Plagiarism is defined as copying more than 3 words in a row from another source without quotations or giving credit to the author. Plagiarized essays will receive a “0” score.


You’re happy with your life, so change is the last thing you want. However, life doesn’t always comply with our wishes, and now you’re faced with a major transition.
One of the toughest transitions you might ever have to make, for instance, involves moving to a new apartment or city. You also find that there are times when you have to adapt to family, friends, and employers. For instance, your adult child wants to get married, your best friend’s mother dies, you abruptly lose your job, or your boss gives you a completely new set of responsibilities. Dealing with these changes can be tough, but there are tips, based on research of stressful events, which can get you through even the toughest of them.
It’s essential to view stress not as a threat, but as a challenge. Stress is what you consider it to be, as many researchers like to say. An event that you’re afraid of can be turned into an occasion to help you rise above and succeed. It’s also helpful to appreciate the benefits of change. Changes in routine can stimulate your nervous system and allow you to grow new brain pathways.
Remembering the times you’ve successfully navigated other transitions in the past is another vital step. As you face a new challenge, use that knowledge to give you strength. Yes, your stolen iPhone was a traumatic experience and expensive to deal with, but you dealt with it. That same strength can be called upon again when needed.
Researchers point out that social support is one of the most significant keys to successfully managing change. Even an online community of people going through similar experiences can give you an emotional boost, as well as some practical tips. There are many examples of tragedy survivors interviewed on the news who maintain their faith and optimism. Watching or reading about them can give you the reassurance that it’s possible to adapt to even the most stressful events.
Maintaining focus on the positive aspects of the new situation should also be a top priority. It’s possible you’re moving to a new city and you’d rather not, but now that you have to move, what can you think of that’s beneficial? You can get rid of things you don’t need, and you might be in a new community where you can make new friends. Hopeful signs in every transition are there, and you’re bound to feel better if you look for them instead of wallowing in self-pity.
And of course, we all need to acknowledge that change is inherent to life. Without change, our life paths would be horribly boring. You may not be seeking change, but when it seeks you, take heart in the fact that no one’s life ever stands completely still. People enter your world and leave it; material possessions come and go, and careers always involve new situations. No one ever gets through life without undergoing some type of change, so when it happens, the right thing to do is capitulate instead of fight.

Discuss the message about life that each text shares with the reader. Analyze how each -text deals with common topics. Discuss how another character influences the main character in each text.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Your essay should

– Utilize MLA format • 1-inch margins

o Times New Roman, 12 pt fon

o Double-spaced

o Student name, instructor name, course name, and date on on the top left-hand side of the first page

o An original title

o Student last name and page number in upper right corner Include an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion Contain 600-900 words Maintain consistent academic style and tone Avoid personal pronouns such as i, me, you, etc .

Possible Topics for Discussion in the Body of your Essay

• Discuss the message about life that each text shares with the reader

• Analyze how each -text deals with common topics (EL the treatment of death in Fahrenheit 451 compared to death in the recent text)

• Discuss how another character influences the main character in each text

• Consider how the main characters deal with the events in the text Do they make different choices?

• Examine whether the texts have similar character types or patterns that have been repeated in many works of literature (ex. the wise person, the outcast, good vs. evil etc.)

How are the seasons changing while Tayo searches for the cattle? How does this help or hinder his search? What is “Texas roping” and how does Tayo feel about it? What does Tayo mean when he says “love had outdistanced death” (204)?

English Work


1. Tayo falls off of his horse while running away from the white ranchers. When he opens his eyes, what is he aware of? Give details from the paragraph on p.187
a. What is the choice he seems to be making in the paragraph on p. 187

2. How are the white ranchers also under the influence of ck’o’yo magic (the witchery, destroyer magic)? Think about the “the lie” on p. 189-190

3. How are the seasons changing while Tayo searches for the cattle? How does this help or hinder his search?

4. What is “Texas roping” and how does Tayo feel about it? What does Tayo mean when he says “love had outdistanced death” (204)?

5. Where is Tayo living?

6. Who does he see on a regular basis? What is her name?

7. What rumors has Emo been spreading? What kind of risk does this pose for Tayo?

8. On p. 216, she says that “They are trying to decide who you are.” How is “who we are” defined? By others? By ourselves? By our actions?

Write a research paper that makes an ARGUMENT / NOT STRAIGHT INFORMATION for something that has to do with Education.

Argumentative essay on Education

Write a research paper that makes an ARGUMENT / NOT STRAIGHT INFORMATION for something that has to do with Education. Examples: bullying, classroom management, discovery and group learning versus lecture, the issues with standardized testing, charter schools versus public schools, catholic schools versus charter and public schools, special education, reading theory for 1st graders, literature in the curriculum, sports, art and music as subjects that are disappearing, Philadelphia’s situation, urban versus rural and suburban schools, lateness and absence, No Child Left Behind.

Other necessary links:

Library Database:

Describe and discuss Dracula as a repository of English cultural anxiety about otherness, which is represented in the novel variously as deformity, monstrosity, criminality, and racial, ethnic, and gender and sexual difference.

Dracula as an Expression of Cultural Anxiety

In a well-constructed and typo-free essay (1000 words max), describe and discuss Dracula as a repository of English cultural anxiety about otherness, which is represented in the novel variously as deformity, monstrosity, criminality, and racial, ethnic, and gender and sexual difference. The best essays will draw upon the text of the novel as well as the contextualizing materials found in the Appendices in the Broadview edition. Your essay must be entirely your own work: no references to or use of outside works (except the Appendices) will be permitted.

Quotes from Book are needed.