Define Consciousness. Why focus on skilled behavior and quest? Define Expertise. How are these intertwined?

Expertise indicates consciousness in humans and other animals.

I. Expertise can be an indicator of consciousness
Define Consciousness
1.Phenomenal Consciousness
2 Access Consciousness
3. Why focus on skilled behavior and quest?
Define Expertise
How are these intertwined?

II. Expertise requires deliberate practice.
The Acquisition of skilled performance and expertise.
Deliberate Practice
Deliberate practice and the formation of retrieval structures
Deliberate practice and Consciousness

III. Deliberate practice requires consciousness
Limits of the unconscious mind
Durable and explicit information maintenance
Novel combinations of operations
Intentional Behaviors
Deliberate practice and the limitations of unconscious processing.
Expertise and implicit learning

IV. Conclusion – Evidence of expertise exists in both non humans and the fossil record of hominin evolution.
Do animals practice &quest
Is deliberate practice uniquely human&quest
Skill Development in hominin evolution
Finish up Essay by restating thesis and other info.

Write a multiple-paragraph movement that defines the problem in some detail. Overview the concern shown by those with the means to effect change who have been acting on the problem.

Shortage of water in Arizona

i. Overview the problem in an introductory movement of one to two paragraphs of 6-8 sentences each. Explain why the issue matters. State your thesis at the end of your introductory movement, which means it would come at the end of the first or second paragraph. The thesis should include a mention of a problem in need of a solution. For instance, “The Ventura County water shortage can be mitigated by recycling sewage through a plant designed for this express purpose.”

II. Then, write a multiple-paragraph movement that defines the problem in some detail. Overview the concern shown by those with the means to effect change who have been acting on the problem.

III. In your next movement, propose your solution in equally clear detail. Your problem and solution movements should be of equal length.

IV. Analyze elements of the implementation process and its outcomes. This means examining details that most people might not consider, much less notice, to include possible short- or long-term possibilities.

V. Each body paragraph should be from 4-8 sentences, and most body paragraphs should include the following structure:
i. An opening topic sentence that supports your thesis.
ii. At least one sentence just after the topic sentence that supports the topic sentence with logic and evidence.
iii. Include a quote or paraphrase from one of your sources in the third or fourth sentence of at least five body paragraphs.

The paper should include both direct quotes and paraphrases, and cite at least seven different sources, all of which should be credible (don’t use Wikipedia,, Sparknotes, Cliffnotes, BrainyQuote, etc.).

v. A sculpted closing sentence of your own (not an outside source) that completes the thought of the paragraph.

VI. Finish with a closing paragraph of 4-8 sentences that offers a tonally appropriate call to action. A call to action is a statement claiming that a particular action ought to be done

Write a research paper that explains the process Samuel Johnson used to write A Dictionary of the English Language.

The creation of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary

Write a research paper that explains the process Samuel Johnson used to write A Dictionary of the English Language. Use Modern Language Association guidelines to format your paper.

Write an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using mainly the text of the work(s) as evidence.

Argumentative essay

Write an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using mainly the text of the work(s) as evidence.
Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado”; Oates, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”; Jackson, “The Lottery”; Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”


Poe, “Annabel Lee”; Browne, “Black Girl Magic”; Keats, “When I have fears that I may cease to be”; Housman, “To an Athlete Dying Young”; Heaney, “Mid-Term Break”; Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night”; Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for Death”; Donne, “Death, be not proud”; Hopkins, “Spring and Fall: To a Young Child” (supplemental)

Essay should be broad enough to be able to expand on later on in a research paper

Write a research report that discusses the past, present, and future implications of our online identities. Examine the effects of social media on identity whether it’s personal, social, or cultural and discuss whether it is possible to create and maintain an authentic identity on the internet. Research the given topic so that you become an expert on it. Incorporate statistics and data.

Online Identity

Write a research report that discusses the past, present, and future implications of our online identities. Examine the effects of social media on identity whether it’s personal, social, or cultural and discuss whether it is possible to create and maintain an authentic identity on the internet. Research the given topic so that you become an expert on it. Incorporate statistics and data.
Keep an MLA-style Works Cited List that will be turned in with your final product.
Develop a research report that uses clear headings, a visual aid, and a formal structure to communicate a response to the question.

Your project should include:

A visual aid in the form of a chart or graph
MLA formatting – includes in-text citation and a Works Cited List
12 size font (Times New Roman, Ariel)
Formal tone and mature vocabulary

The report is formatted with a clear introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A relevant visual aid in the form of a chart or graph is used to support your conclusion and is referenced and incorporated into the discussion. Demonstrate thorough research with at least 2-3 sources of your own that are identified in a Works Cited list.

Midsummer night dream-write everything about Midsummer night dream. Not required Very high level of English,

Midsummer night dream

5 four-line stanza, AABB can write everything about Midsummer night dream. Not required Very high level of English,

Provide concrete examples that support your topic sentence / consider analogies, i.e. similar practices or events that support your analysis. For example, an historical event that mirrors the action/ideal in the story or article.

Ten Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future

Article: “Ten Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future” by Annalee Newitz and Emily Stamm

Examine utopian ideals in urban design / Respond to 1-3 cities (one city per body paragraph, or 3 different aspects of one “failed” city. Consider the problems that these cities aim to solve in order to achieve a ‘utopian ideal.’ What unintended consequences might result (or did result)? Personal experiences and observations, current urban design ideas (give credit) and your own ideals can be factored into your responses.


This is a 5-paragraph response essay. A response essay presents a writer’s response to a source — a story, article, lecture, film, etc. The goal is to cite meaningful ideas and/or arguments from that source and provide your own original argument in response.


* Hook — start with a sentence that attracts interest in the topic

* Introduce the topic: utopian ideals

* Narrow the topic — the gist of the failed city — or — the gist of “Harrison Bergeron”

* Thesis Statement: Your argument in response — this should be a memorable, arguable statement that can be divided into sub-arguments for each body paragraph.

(2, 3, 4) BODY ONE / TWO / THREE: Each paragraph cites a statement from the original source.

* Topic Sentence: Write an arguable statement in response to an aspect of the city or story.

* Quote or Summarize a salient part of the story / aspect of the failed city.

* Explain / interpret the quote in support of your argument. Signal your interpretation with: In other words / What this means is that /

* Provide concrete examples that support your topic sentence / consider analogies, i.e. similar practices or events that support your analysis. For example, an historical event that mirrors the action/ideal in the story or article.

* Concluding Sentence: Affirm that the topic sentence has been ‘proven,’ then transition to the next paragraph.


* Affirm the thesis statement

* End profoundly with a meaningful observation


* Name, course, semester, instructor — single-spaced in the upper left corner

* Page numbers bottom right

* Center an original title over the body of the essay, or to start: Response to “Title of Story or Article”

* Double-space / size 11 or 12 type

* Indent the first sentence of each new paragraph five spaces. Do not put four spaces between paragraphs.

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving a current Cultural Sexuality debate.

Cultural Sexuality

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving a current Cultural Sexuality debate. Use your two course textbooks 1984 and Thinking for Yourself as well as at least four outside sources from your own research and focus on how the sources present the issue and if the sources are seeking to objectively inform the public of the issue or if they are seeking to persuade the public to think or act a certain way about this issue. Below is a list of example topics, but you are not limited to one of these topics.

Example Topics:
Sexuality in Advertising

Sexuality in Entertainment

LGBTQ Issues

Sex Education





Monogamy vs Polygamy

Statutory Rape (legal age?)

Use relevant quotes from 1984 looking at the similarities and differences between our culture and society and the culture and society of the novel.

Also refer back to Chapters 10, 11, & 12 in Thinking for Yourself and discuss how well the sources incorporate Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning and Fallacies in Reasoning surrounding the issue.

Describe most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study, your future goals and how you plane to give back to the community.


Question : Tell us about your community service, leadership roles, school involvement, that you have taken part in. Describe most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your field of study, your future goals and how you plane to give back to the community.

What person POV are the stories told from? Reliable and objective or not? Neutral? What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.? How limited are the narrator’s perceptions? What limits the narrator’s perceptions?

English 1302, Paper 4: Research Paper and Analysis of Elements of Fiction

For the final paper you will write about Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street. You will use the primary sources (the novel) as well as literary criticism (through the ACC Library website) and author interviews (YouTube) to write your paper.

You must have at least FOUR external sources, TWO of which must be college-level reference sources located in the ACC Library databases.

Write your paper as per the guidelines suggested below.

View or listen to a filmed interview with the author and read the print interview of her in The Missouri Review, as she discusses the artistic, geographic, and thematic contexts of her novel and her craft. These interviews may be found in the Week 13 folder on our Blackboard course page, if you are in the 16-week session, or the Week Nine folder If you are in the 12-week session. You must use the print interview and at least one of the taped interviews to help support the academic argument(s) you make in your paper.
Write an introduction (mention the author and novel; give a brief summary, no more than 3-4 sentences). End the introductory paragraph with a thesis statement that indicates your interpretation of the theme of the novel. This is your central idea statement. Your central idea statement will be your interpretation of the story’s main theme. Your thesis statement may consist of several sentences.
Review the literary criticism you found through ACC’s library databases. Use the information from these articles and the following three elements of fiction, POINT OF VIEW, SETTING, AND SYMBOLISM, to analyze the novel. Describe the effects that these elements of fiction produce and how they shape or support the novel’s themes. You may and should use the literary criticism to support your analysis of the three elements of fiction.
Conclude by either discussing the themes of the novel to include an overall assessment of the novel supported by the literary criticism articles and/or the interviews.
Always support your insights and assertions with examples from the text of the stories, the literary criticism articles, and the author interviews.
Cite all primary and secondary material you use in your paper in a Works Cited section that immediately follows the end of the paper (no need to start it on a new page). This Works Cited page will cite your stories (primary texts), literary criticism, and author interviews. When you quote from, paraphrase, or summarize the story, article, or interview, use MLA in-text citations.



What person POV are the stories told from? Reliable and objective or not? Neutral? What does the POV reveal about the characters, their motives, emotions, personality traits, etc.? How limited are the narrator’s perceptions? What limits the narrator’s perceptions? Why does the narrator choose certain language, report the details that she/he does, reveal the characters in the manner that she/he does, offer or not offer interpretive comments, and/or tell the story in a certain order? Does the narrative voice create irony (dramatic, situational, verbal)?

Why did the author choose this particular setting for the story? How is physical setting described? Does the description shed light on any other elements (character, conflict, etc.)? Could the setting be symbolic of something else? How does setting influence plot or characters? Does the setting establish a mood or atmosphere? Setting includes time period, history, geographical location, milieu, the entire cultural environment in which the story is set. Setting has physical, social, and figurative aspects.

What dominant symbols do you notice in the story? What do they mean in the overall context of the plot, characterization, conflict, pov, or any of the other elements? Choose at least ONE significant symbol from each story and analyze what it signifies.