Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and James Buchanan similarities and differences
Abe vs James
Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and James Buchanan similarities and differences
Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and James Buchanan similarities and differences
What are the requirements for the paper?
The Research Essay should contain:
A clear organizational structure, with introductory and concluding paragraphs and body paragraphs that develop the argument
A clear thesis statement
A title for the paper is recommended
A minimum of 5 typed, proofread pages (approximately 1200 words)
A minimum of ONE primary source
A minimum of THREE reputable, critical secondary sources, excluding Wikipedia, CliffsNotes, Shmoop or any similar “free essay” type website
A Works Cited page, formatted in MLA style, that lists all works consulted and cited including the primary source(s)
MLA-style parenthetical citations
9. What is the role of women in three stories we have read? How are women portrayed?
Use these stories from Ann Charters book an introduction to short fiction.
use the stories below: The yellow paper, The lady with the Pet Dog (joyce Oates), Girl ( Jamaica Kincaid).
Consider social capital. Discuss how an individual who has negative social capital may be more prone to extremism. How did COVID add to the issue of negative social capital? Examples will make your argument stronger.
Must pass a turnitin plagiarism test. Use the novel of The Animal Farm and compare it in terms of the Soviet Communist Party
Teachers prompt:
Goals: The purpose of the research paper is to develop research techniques using scholarly print and electronic sources, to practice analysis and synthesis of large amounts of data, to practice writing skills, to practice techniques of literary criticism, and to develop expertise on one or two literary texts.
Topic: For your tem paper, you may analyze any aspects (theme, character, plot, setting, literary techniques, imagery, historical context, etc) of a work that we are reading this semester. You should discuss your topic with your instructor once you finalize it. Suggestion: Think of a research question for this assignment. For example: Why did Virginia in Second-hand man insists on the purity of love? What are the qualities of an effective mentor/teacher (Think of Butterflies or The Lesson)? Why do women sometimes participate in the oppression of other women (Think of No Name Woman etc.)? Why is John a good husband in The Yellow Wallpaper?
Form: The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and 5 pages in length. Use Times New Roman font in 12 point type.
The paper should use parenthetic documentation and present an alphabetical list of Works Cited as outlined in Hacker’s A Pocket Style Manual.
Content: The paper should be primarily your original analysis of the literary work, presenting a clear thesis, a coherent argument, and appropriate textual evidence. To demonstrate your ability to find and use scholarly books and journals, you should also include at least 2 sources*. Normally your sources should be relatively recent, no older than you are, unless there is a valid reason for using a specific older source. At least 3 ofthem should be articles in scholarly journals. The most efficient ways to find these sources are to use the online MLA Bibliography and to consult the bibliography and
notes in a good scholarly source that was published in the last year or two. You may use one or two Internet sources, so long as they are scholarly. If you have trouble finding appropriate, both the reference librarian and I will be glad to help you.
Approximately 326 million people in the U.S. (The U.S. population has increased), and 6% percent of them have a narcissistic personality disorder, which equals 19,560,000 people. If people narcissistically abuse just five people during their lives, that amounts to an additional 97.8 million people Bonchey (, 2017). A narcissist is self-absorbed, someone who feels entitled to exploit other people’s emotions, someone who lacks empathy. They lack compassion for others and generally feel superior. Living under the shadows of a narcissist can leave long-term scars on the victims. It can affect you in many ways: It can affect you emotionally, physically and how can we stop narcissistic abuse?
Topic Statement: Narcissistic Abuse
I. How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally? Individuals who suffer from Narcissism or sociopathy tend to talk to their victims using gaslighting.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience
II. How can this type of abuse affect you physically? Constant judgment, belittlement, and blame. Narcissistic abuse is a form of trauma. Your body starts feeling digestive problems from feeling on the edge and pain in your body from that stress.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience
III. What can be done to stop narcissist abuse? One of the primary keys would be to recognize the symptoms of Narcissism.
A. Specific quotation from X source
B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience
IV. Conclusion: How to raise awareness for the next generations to be informed about it.
Which two laws rule biology?
What is the most important issue(descriptive or prescriptive) Wilson addresses?
Explain with reference to the Feynman text.
In the early 1930s, the poet Langston Hughes wrote a poem called “Tired,” in which he said:
I am so tired of waiting,
Aren’t you,
For the world to become good
And beautiful and kind?
Let us take a knife
And cut the world in two –
And see what worms are eating
At the rind.
Last month, Bloomberg News reported that just three men in the U.S. – Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett – have more money than the 165 million Americans who make up the bottom 50% of the population.
They also reported that 40 million Americans need food stamps to eat, and that 25% of homeless people actually have regular jobs.
It is a fact that Cuba has a significantly longer life expectancy than the U.S.
More than half of all Americans do not have even $400 available for emergencies.
Write an essay where you connect Langston Hughes’ poem “Tired” to the economic facts listed below his poem.
Connect these two texts (the poem and the economic data) by using your personal ideas, observations and experiences.
There is no page length requirement. Write as much as you need to.
Compare and/or contrast the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Mathilde in “The Necklace,” paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization, and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride. Your essay must be between 750-1000 words and adhere to MLA formatting. It needs to quote directly from your chosen text(s) for support, but it should not use any secondary research. Keep in mind that the comparison/contrast essay should not just summarize the story or stories, nor should it just state how two things are alike and/or different: the essay should move beyond that and also present an original opinion or argument based on those similarities/differences, as you see them.
Choose one of the following topics, and write a well-organized essay of approximately 500 words. Do NOT do any research. Do NOT look at anything on the Internet. This essay must contain only your original ideas and words. After choosing a topic, go back to the text, and study through it carefully. Find pertinent quotations from the play, and explain how those quotations prove your points. Finally, remember to take the necessary time to plan what you want to write so that you present two to four main points in a logical and orderly fashion, and after you finish, please proofread carefully several times so that you don’t leave grammatical, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. Good luck with your drama papers!
How is the imagery of light and darkness used throughout Oedipus the King? How is it related to Oedipus’ blindness?
What roles do the chorus and choragus assume? Compare their functions in the beginning, middle, and end of the play.
“Oedipus is completely fated. He simply has no free choice.” Agree or disagree with this statement.
4. A Midsummer Night’s Dream ends with the words “Robin shall restore amends” (5.1.421). Explain why you think the plot does or does not end as it should, with the balance restored per your textbook’s notes for Chapter 21.
5. Now that you have read MND and seen both Michael Hoffman’s 1999 film adaptation and Tom Gustafson’s Were the World Mine, which movie do you think more faithfully presents Shakespeare’s play? Citing the play and the film(s), discuss.
A dynamic character undergoes a significant change in personality or outlook while a static character stays the same. Choose one of the characters from “Fences” and explain why that character is either dynamic or static. Remember to give specific evidence from the text.
Paper Overview For the report, you will choose two similar things to compare. You will research them using the internet and LSSC databases and also conduct original research. Finally, you will write an analysis which contains the research and a judgment of which item is superior. • Length: reaches at least 1000 words. • Page Format: APA. • Information: includes an introduction, 3-6 data sections, and a conclusion. • Sources: 3 of the sources from your Annotated Bibliography and 1 visual (more may be used) • Analysis: compares two equivalent items using 3-6 logical criteria, draws reasonable conclusions using research, and contains a final judgment. • Fluency: written clearly and vetted for grammar errors. Divided into logical paragraphs. • Language: avoids first and second person pronouns and is free of slang, clichés, and contractions • Citation: uses correct APA in-text citations and a references page. • Proofreading: submitted to Grammarly, and the final draft reaches at least a 90 grammar score and an unoriginal content ratio of 10% or less. Your grammar and plagiarism scores should be included with the assignment.
Steps for Creating the Report
1) Choose two things to compare. Choose items with which you are already familiar. How do you decide what to choose? Consider the following categories. • T VShows: Cop shows, late-night shows, family sitcoms, work-place comedies, cooking shows, game shows, or any other shows that have enough in common to justify the comparison.
• Movies: Action movies, office comedies, romantic comedies, horror movies, thrillers, slasher films, documentaries, Hallmark Christmas movies, or any other movies that have enough in common to justify the comparison. • Music: Two songs by the same artist, two songs from the same album, two songs that were nominated against each other in the same Grammy’s category, two songs about the same subject/topic, two theme songs from movies, two TV show theme songs, or any other songs that have enough in common to justify the comparison. Two works of art created in the same style, two works of art with similar subjects, two works of art with similar themes, or any other works of art that have enough in common to justify the comparison.
Whatever you choose, make sure the two items are equivalent: Don’t compare a television show and a painting. Compare two television shows OR two paintings.
2) Choose comparison criteria. Successful evaluations use criteria that are logical for the things being compared. When deciding on criteria, consider the aspects of your items which are most important to you. In this report, evaluate your items according to 3-6 criteria.
3) Research online. For this report, you will need to include 3 of the sources required by your Annotated Bibliography assignment. More sources can be used. Sources should give information about the items you are comparing.
4) Conduct personal research. If you are comparing songs, listen to them. If you are comparing films, watch them. If you are comparing short stories, read them. Take notes: You will use these notes for the data sections of your report.
5) Find visual elements. Visuals can take the form of photographs, illustrations, charts, graphs, and infographics: any format which helps illustrate the data is allowed. The final draft of the report should contain at least one visual. More may be used.
6) Design the report. Successful reports make use of the following elements. a. A standard style and size font: APA format requires Times New Roman 12 pt. b. APA page format: Make sure the essay meets standard format requirements. Since this is a technical report, you should also divide the essay into subsections with clear headings. c. Legible spacing: Double-space your entire report. Use bolded subheads to indicate the separate sections. Use bullet points and/or numbered lists within sections, if necessary, to make them more readable. d. Clear sentences and paragraphs: Vary sentence length and keep paragraphs clear and concise. Use Grammarly to edit the report. Double-check citations to be sure they meet APA format requirements. e. Third person point of view: Avoid words like I, me, my, you, we our, and us. f. Sufficiently formal language: Avoid slang, clichés, and contractions.
7) Draft the report. Although individual types of reports vary, report format always emphasizes clarity and conciseness. The report should be divided into labeled sections which include all necessary data while eliminating irrelevant data. It must end with an analysis and judgment.
The report should contain the following standard sections.
a. Introduction: In the Introduction, describe the things being compared and discuss why comparing them is worthwhile. List the criteria being used to compare the items and discuss why they are logical for the chosen items. b. Data Sections: Devote one data section to each criterion. Within each data section, evaluate the items according to that criterion. Use research to support the conclusions. Cite sources using APA in-text citations. If a data section includes a visual, make sure it is relevant. End each data section with a judgment of which item ‘won’ this criterion. c. Conclusion: Begin the conclusion by briefly summarizing the data sections. Then, make a judgment of which Item Is superior based upon your research. It’s not necessary to disparage either item, but you must declare one item superior. Reports which don’t contain a final judgment will lose points, as that is the Purpose of the report. d. References: Place an APA-style references page at the end of the report. Include all internet and database sources as well as the visual(s).
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