Does the internet and social media “give a voice to the voiceless” (Ronson) as it originally promised or has it morphed into something else?
Hillary clinton note paper
Essay 3 Fall 2021 Hillary Clinton’s “Internet Rights and Wrongs: Choices and Challenges in a Networked World,” Jeffrey Rosen’s “The End of Forgetting,” and Jon Ronson’s “When Online Shaming Spirals out of Control” all describe the various ways in which culture has been transformed by technology. With this context in mind, please answer the following questions in a thesis-driven essay (3-4 pages following standard MLA format). Your essay must refer to at least two of the course readings listed above in addition to one supplemental text. Several of our course texts have examined instances where people’s careers were destroyed when their offensive speech like Justine Sacco’s tweet about Africa—or arguably inappropriate actions—like Stacy Snider’s “drunken pirate” went viral. Furthermore, Jon Ronson makes the argument that the internet is “making us lose our capacity for empathy and for distinguishing between serious and unserious transgressions.” Write an essay in which you respond to Ronson’s central claims. Does the internet and social media “give a voice to the voiceless” (Ronson)—as it originally promised—or has it morphed into something else? Whether you agree with Ronson or not, be sure to consider how we can, in the words of Hillary Clinton, “protect[ing] free expression while fostering tolerance and civility” (575). How are these issues of “free expression and tolerance and civility” ultimately important?