How Do Our Food Choices Affect Society? How Do Food Policies Affect Us?


Research Theme: How Do Our Food Choices Affect Society? How Do Food Policies Affect Us?

Clearly developed thesis statement that takes a position in response to the class’s closed research theme question
An introductory paragraph that presents the thesis statement, frames the thesis within the context of a “conversation” related to the class’s closed research theme, and attempts to engage readers, making a case for the importance of the issue or problem being addressed
Arguments in support of the thesis that include evidence from closed research theme readings, background readings, and/or independent library research, and effective reasoning that explains how the evidence proves the argument, clarifies ideas and perspectives, and/or elaborates on what the writer means

Summarize and Analyze those data’s. when you summarize add what you thought is a new idea to you .and if you know these data were available? how did you feel about the findings


Summarize and Analyze those data’s. when you summarize add what you thought is a new idea to you .and if you know these data were available? how did you feel about the findings And what you feel about what those data’s say say about the status of health in the United States?

Which of the specific strategies that Mary-Frances Winters offers us in Inclusive Conversations will be the most natural with who you are and how you interact with others?

Forum 8

Key Leadership Take-Aways
The author of Diversity of Work’s chapter 6 communicates the following on p. 179:

• What knowledge/strategies from the materials within the Serving in Leadership Roles topic area can you apply to meet any of the challenges noted in the above quote?
• Although Placida Gallegos (author of Chapter 6: The Work of Inclusive Leadership) indicates we need to “go far beyond merely developing soft skills of caring and compassion” what are the “soft skills” you found important for a leader to master to foster an inclusive workplace culture?

Use any material offered this week.
What Developmental Ideas Situations Would You Consider Adding to Your DEI Leadership
Development Plan? (Considerations for Portfolio 4)
After teams submit course projects next week each student will turn their attention to developing a DEI
leadership development plan. This week’s material will serve as one key source to use when identifying areas for development or leveraging in the workplace.
• What leadership related concepts found in the chapters associated with the book Inclusive Leadership: Transforming Diverse Lives, Workplaces, and Societies (excerpts from Chapters 1, 11 and 13) has intrigued you to engage in the further investigation – or – inspired you to consider adding it to a group of strategies you could further develop?
• Why do you believe this way of thinking, feeling, behaving is an important leadership perspective or skill for you?

Applying Basic Concepts in Everyday Life
Sometimes critical concepts can be reduced to their core. That is what both of the Robbins stories do for us. We see two strikingly important foundation concepts emerge. Bizeer Gummies is always a favorite inclusion-related reading in this course. I Know Everything Already also offers an important message (beyond the fact that there are multiple ways to spell pom-poms.)
• How do the “morals” of these stories create the foundation for interpersonal inclusion work?
• How can you integrate the message from these stories into your leadership toolkit:
use the recommendations from the stories to help to create a more inclusive workplace and/or help others in the workplace to create a more inclusive workplace culture?
Inclusive Workplace

Forum 8: Discussion – Interpersonal Inclusion Leadership Concepts (rev.f2021)
Inclusive Conversations: Considering Your Strengths and Potential Challenges
Which of the specific strategies that Mary-Frances Winters offers us in Inclusive Conversations will be the most natural with who you are and how you interact with others?
What could serve as the most important learning opportunities?

Which of these “annoyances” have you struggled with the most in our ENC 1143 class this semester? Why do you believe you have struggled with this particular convention? What will you do to try to avoid this struggle in your future classes and drafts?

Four Questions

Question 1:
What does Kyle D. Stedman mean when he writes, “the conventions of writing have a fundamentally rhetorical nature” (244)?

(Provide an in-text citation for any paraphrases or direct quotes used as evidence.)

Question 2:
In his article, Stedman identifies six “annoyances” when it comes to using outside information in one’s writing.
Which of these “annoyances” have you struggled with the most in our ENC 1143 class this semester?
Why do you believe you have struggled with this particular convention?
What will you do to try to avoid this struggle in your future classes and drafts?
(Provide an in-text citation for any paraphrases or direct quotes used as evidence.)

Question 3:
In the spirit of transparency, this question is borrowed from the Discussion section of Stedman’s text,
“Because so many of these guidelines depend on the writer’s purpose, publication space, and audience, it can be difficult to know when to follow them strictly and when to bend them. What are some specific writing situations where a writer is justified to bend the standards of how to incorporate sources?” (255)
(Provide an in-text citation for any paraphrases or direct quotes used as evidence.)

Question 4:
This semester, we’ve read: (see attached files)
“Simplicity,” “Clutter,” & “Style” by William Zinsser
“Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle D. Stedman
Of these texts,
1) Select one which you enjoyed the most and explain why it resonated with you.
2) Select one which you enjoyed the least and explain why it was not as engaging for you.

With Lego and other materials available to you, design an appropriately scaled art piece that is a physical articulation of your AI, Trauma, and City project/paper, engage 3 participants rhetorically and aesthetically and capture their emotional responses through observations and interviews

Shortage of Nurses as a city trauma

With Lego and other materials available to you, design an appropriately scaled art piece that is a physical articulation of your AI, Trauma, and City project/paper, engage 3 participants rhetorically and aesthetically and capture their emotional responses through observations and interviews. You will need to cite theorists from previous units as well as cite 3-5 scholarly sources via your own research.

Brassier; Malabou; Rickert; Zizek

Markus Gabriel and McKenzie Wark


Analyze and assess ideas, issues, and explicit and implicit information in texts (e.g., assess information from a research report to write an executive summary; explain how separate incidents, characters, or elements in a novel work together to communicate the main theme);


Highschool English – Short story

LI1.01 – analyse and assess ideas, issues, and explicit and implicit information in texts (e.g., assess information from a research report to write an executive summary; explain how separate incidents, characters, or elements in a novel work together to communicate the main theme);
LI1.02 – select and use specific and significant evidence from texts to support judgements and arguments (e.g., support an argument, using convincing examples from texts and research materials; support an interpretation of a character with specific reference to the dialogue in a play);
WR1.02 – organize and analyse the information, ideas, and sources to suit specific forms and purposes for writing (e.g., categorize information from a variety of sources to clarify divergent positions on an issue; use suggestions from peer discussion in assessing alternative opinions or ideas for an independent study project);
WR3.01 – use report structure, essay structure, and organizational patterns such as induction, deduction, and process-analysis to present information and ideas in reports and essays (e.g., use a general-to-specific pattern to organize the headings and content of a report on how a law is passed; use a process-analysis pattern to describe the stages of the writing process);
WR3.02 – select and use appropriate organizational patterns to structure expressive writing and multimedia presentations (e.g., use chronological order to describe the events leading to the crisis in a script; use a comparison-and-contrast pattern to organize and present information and ideas in an independent study project).
LG1.01 – apply a variety of strategies to extend vocabulary while reading, with an emphasis on discerning nuances and judging the precision of words (e.g., read articles in a news magazine and describe how the context might help them decipher the meaning of new or unfamiliar words; use a thesaurus to find synonyms for a word and systematically substitute to assess the effect of different word choices);
LG1.02 – analyse the origins and roots of words used in different areas of science, business, and technology (e.g., computer studies, hospitality services, communication technology, financial services, health care);
LG1.05 – recognize, describe, and use correctly, in oral and written language, the language structures of standard Canadian English and its conventions of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation, as prescribed for this course (e.g., consult recognized style guides for information about language conventions).


While reading, circle three significant images you will write about. Your post should discuss one of these images and state what it means.


While reading, circle three significant images you will write about. Your post should discuss one of these images and state what it means.

While reading notice the role of poetic narrator and their voice. Who is the poetic narrator and what is their point of view (1sr, 2nd or 3rd person)? What are the issues of voice?

The forum post might comment upon why the narrator in Plath’s poem “Daddy” says “every woman adores a fascist”–do you agree? What kind of a gender statement is this?

Also. what is the meaning of the word “Admonition” and why is it the title of Plath’s poem about a bird?

What is the difference between the “Bluebird” by Bukowski and Wanda Coleman’s “Bluesbird”?

What does image of a bird represent?

Why is it so prevalent in poetry and prose?

Where does the image of “bird” come up in “Sonny’s Blues” and why?

Discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field.

4-2 Human Service Timelines

4-2 Final Project Milestone Discussion Two: Human Services Timeline Wiki

For your final project, you are required to discuss similarities and differences between the history of the agency you chose and the history of the human services field. For this assignment, consider what you have learned in Chapter 2 of your text. Review the historical timeline website provided for you in the resources for this module. These timelines provide you with an example of what our class timeline will look like when it is completed.
Then, access the Human Services Timeline Wiki below and add an entry that notes the founding year for the organization you chose for the final project, including a few sentences explaining who established it, why is was established, and the mission of the organization. Be sure to include your name with each posting. Your first entry should follow this format:

Demonstrate systematic understanding of the theories and principles which inform syllabus design. Relate the principles of syllabus design to the evaluation and critical analysis of current and recent methods.

Syllabus design.

1 Demonstrate systematic understanding of the theories and principles which inform syllabus design.

2 Relate the principles of syllabus design to the evaluation and critical analysis of current and recent methods.

Is she a tough, resourceful person who nhas not only survived but also built a good life for herself with independence and even a certain amount of power despite difficult odds?

Love and Empowerment in Memoirs of a Geisha

In Memoirs of a Geisha, is Sayuri the victim of a cruel and repressive system that is disempowering where a woman can only survive by submitting to men, Or is she a tough, resourceful person who nhas not only survived but also built a good life for herself with independence and even a certain amount of power despite difficult odds?