Which ideas will you use and which ideas will you leave out? Think about how you will invite the reader into your essay. Will it open up the topic of your essay and introduce the point of your statement? What points will you make in the body? How will you support your points?

Essay #2 (Research Paper) Outline

Look over your topic brainstorm (see previous assignment). Think about how the ideas fit together. Which ideas will you use and which ideas will you leave out? Think about how you will invite the reader into your essay. Will it open up the topic of your essay and introduce the point of your statement? What points will you make in the body? How will you support your points?

Fill out the outline template below. Write your points in complete sentences. Be sure to include the sources you will use to back up your ideas. Be as specific as possible. Submit your outline as PDF file or doc file. (Here is a template: )

Essay #2 Outline

How will you invite the reader into your essay?

Thesis statement:

First topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

4. Second topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

5. Third topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

6. Fourth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

7. Fifth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

7. Sixth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

8.Seventh topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

9. Eighth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

10. Ninth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

11. Eleventh topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

12. Twelfth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

13. Thirteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

14. Fourteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

15. Fifteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

16. Conclusion:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___


When did black people in America became citizens of this country? Is slavery entirely illegal in the United States? When did black Americans get the right to vote?

The right of citizens of the United States to vote

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

After reading this week’s materials under Resources in Modules, please answer each of the following questions.

1. Why is it not true to say that Frederick Douglass, before the Civil War, was an African American? (The answer has to do with citizenship.)

2. In what country would we be right now if the Confederate States of America, instead of the United States, had won the Civil War?

3. When did black people in America became citizens of this country?

4. Is slavery entirely illegal in the United States?

5. When did black Americans get the right to vote?

6. When did American women get the right to vote?

7. Why do you think politicians in many states right now are trying to restrict voting rights?

8. Americans who are newly adult belong to the most diverse and open-minded generation in America’s history. How do you think they’ll affect the future in terms of people’s rights?

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

The Final Film Analysis paper

Movie is Back to the future

In your paper,

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.

Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film.

This can include elements of mise-en-scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).

Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

The Final Film Analysis paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages (1500 to 1800 words) in length

Choose ONE of the following topics and think about how each author addresses this theme. Make some notes on what you remember and think about this theme.

Thematic connection between two Texts

For this paper, you will analyze a thematic connection between two texts from the class. These may come from any weeks. You will argue how a specific theme or issue about women’s literature is portrayed in the two texts. This means you should find two texts who share a particular theme. This essay does not require outside research.

Choose ONE of the following topics and think about how each author addresses this theme. Make some notes on what you remember and think about this theme. Go back to the texts and look for relevant parts/quotes. Then, consider how you interpret these moments, what you feel the text “says,” and how the author’s approaches are distinctive. Your focus should be on analysis (looking at parts, breaking a text or theme into smaller aspects, looking at how things work together) and interpretation (making conclusions on how and why things are the way they are, assigning meaning, supporting claims).

Before drafting, the process should start with the specific (moments in the texts, images, ideas about character, quotations) and move toward an overall point of view (the larger connection and interpretation). Then, in your actual essay, you can start with the overall point (argument) and support it with the specific (evidence). Focus on what relates to your main point, the “thesis”—this is your unique connection between the texts. Your thesis should make a specific point about the theme in the two texts.

What are the secondary sources that agree or disagree with you? How are you going to integrate and connect them to your analysis of the primary source? How will these secondary sources expand on your interpretation and analysis of the primary source?

Talk about Ali(2001)

In 4-5 double spaced pages:

By now, you have submitted your Primary Source Analysis Paper, conducted research, and have composed your The Annotated Bibliography.

For The Secondary Source Integration Paper, you want to revisit and review the feedback you received on the Primary Source Analysis Paper and review the sources you included in your Annotated Bibliography. The Secondary Source Integration Paper builds on the Primary Source Analysis Paper, so it should be an extension of the first paper you wrote this semester. It should demonstrate a meaningful, thoughtful analysis of your primary and secondary sources by putting them into conversation with each other and helping your reader see how the secondary sources enrich our understanding of your interpretation of the primary source.

Develop your primary source analysis paper by choosing two secondary sources and putting them into conversation with each other and with your own ideas and analysis of the primary source artifact. Consider the following questions:

What are the secondary sources that agree or disagree with you? How are you going to integrate and connect them to your analysis of the primary source?

How does each source’s main argument relate to, support, complicate, or differ from the claims you want to support in your paper?

How will these secondary sources expand on your interpretation and analysis of the primary source?

How are you going to maintain your own analytical claims? By integrating your secondary sources, how will your research questions evolve since now you are going to integrate your secondary sources into the analysis of the primary source?

Thoroughly integrate your secondary sources so that they respond to specific details in your primary source, which will eventually enrich your analysis of the primary source.

Include a thesis statement that has a compelling analytical claim which accounts for your interpretation of the primary source and the selected secondary sources.

Assert and maintain your own critical voice rather than letting the secondary evidence speak for you and focus on your own analytical claims.

Include a work cited page that follows MLA style. To access the MLA page format template, MLA in-text citations, and MLA formatting quotations, check the module: EN 1110: Course Resources.

Are you writing for a general audience (subscribers to the Orlando Sentinel, for example), or are you writing for a narrower, better-informed readership (poetry readers, iPhone owners, Taylor Swift fans who have attended at least three live concerts?)


Imagine you’ve been contacted by the editor of a print publication or website. This editor needs a review to run in the next edition, and has heard that you’re a smart, entertaining, and ethical reviewer.


Your task in this writing project is to write the review. In doing so, you get to decide the key details. What exactly are you reviewing, for instance? That’s your choice. You might select a music album, film, novel, restaurant, video game, television show, technological gadget, or anything else you think readers will be interested in. Wait—what readers? Well, you choose those, too. The audience for the review is up to you. Are you writing for a general audience (subscribers to the Orlando Sentinel, for example), or are you writing for a narrower, better-informed readership (poetry readers, iPhone owners, Taylor Swift fans who have attended at least three live concerts?). You decide—and write your review in a way that reflects this decision.


Each of the activities in this unit will help you learn about reviews and take steps toward producing your own. Here are the activities, in the order in which you should complete them:

Activity 2.1: Discussion: First Thoughts on My Review (due by Monday, Sep. 13)
Activity 2.2: Quiz: Different Kinds of Reviews (due by Thursday, Sep. 16)
Activity 2.3: Discussion: Subgenre Analysis (due by Monday, Sep. 20)
Activity 2.4: Discussion: First Two Pages (due by Thursday, Sep. 23)
The concepts, skills, and examples provided in these activities should shape your approach to the assignment.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word policy proposal related to the sale, trade, or donation of human organs using five to seven academic resources.

Sale, trade, or donation of human organs.

Write a 1,500-1,750-word policy proposal related to the sale, trade, or donation of human organs using five to seven academic resources. The policy proposal should be suitable for publication as an editorial in a college or city newspaper or in a publication associated with a particular group, such as a church newsletter or employee bulletin. The voice and style of your argument should be aimed at readers of your chosen publication. Remember to not use first-person pronouns (I, me, us, we, our, my, mine) or second-person pronouns (you, your, yours).

The editorial should have the following features:

Identify the problem related to the sale, trade, or donation of human organs.

Persuade the audience that you have selected that this is a problem that needs solving; give it presence.

Propose action offering specific details to show how the actions will help alleviate the problem.

Justify your solution; the reasons why your audience should accept your proposal and act on it.

What has caused the growth of the illegal sale of human organs in some countries, a concept unthinkable 100 years ago? What has caused the growth of selling human organs on the black market?

Topic 5 DQ 1

Summarize the causal cause and effect chain used by the writer in the article from The New York Times. Was the argument persuasive? Why or why not?

What has caused the growth of the illegal sale of human organs in some countries, a concept unthinkable 100 years ago?

What has caused the growth of selling human organs on the black market?

How does child trafficking affects sibling bonding? How child trafficking affects the physical and psychological conditions of young children.

Final Research Paper

The Researched Argument an analytic research paper involving deeper inquiry into fairy tales, folklore, and myth connecting to the modern world through themes of survival, identity, and/or tradition. How many and what types of sources are needed? 7-9 sources used in the body paragraphs of the paper and listed on the annotated bibliography 1. Foundation sources ( 3 required ) original fairy tales, folk tales, myths, legends from our textbook 2. Experts in the field of tales who use literary criticism lenses to make commentary on tales (1 required) Folk tale experts like Zipes, Tatar, Warner, Bettelheim, Campbell, etc. (Zipes' writes the intro of our text as well as the intro to each chapter in our text. Other authors mentioned have books located on our 102 Library Resource Page.) 3. Modern Day Research ( 3 required) popular sources from books, magazines, newspapers, electronic sources academic, scholarly journals/books (3 of this type is required) from library databases How long does this paper have to be? The minimum is a 10 page properly formatted paper submitted. 9-11 double-spaced pages, size 12 TNR font, NOT counting images, heading, header, title, or annotated bibliography. That's 10 pages of content when you consider these other elements. All papers will be MUCH longer when you include and submit the heading on the first page and the matching Annotated Bibliography. Do NOT submit a Works Cited page. I want the MATCHING Annotated Bibliography, meaning that all of the sources revealed as textual evidence in body paragraphs are listed and annotated on the AB. What is the purpose of this paper? Through literary and research analysis, argue how a particular element from any folk narrative genre reveals itself in modern society. Examples of connections former students have made from tale to folk expert to modern day research to present their arguments: The character Bluebeard reveals extreme behaviors possibly due to psychological complications and patterns of obsessive compulsive disorder. Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources Both the Grimms' versions of tales and Trump show how they are influenced by religion through attempts to regulate women’s sexual and reproductive rights by promoting fear of outsiders and weaving religious messages into the language they use. Tale: Various Grimm authored tales from throughout the text Expert: Gender, Feminist, Moral, New Historicism from Campbell, Zipes, and Warner Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources In the trope, Facing Fear, the main character suffers through abuse within his household due to his repeated actions and strange behaviors consistent with children today diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Tale: Facing Fear trope, various tales from chapter Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Asperger's from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources The archetypes in the Sleeping Beauty trope represent an aspect of the collective unconscious within the feminist movement, and more importantly, these archetypes explore the power women hold in society and how this power can affect social change. Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter Tale Expert: Gender, Feminist, and Psychological criticism from Warner, Bettelheim, and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of female power systems and psychology from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources In Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's version of Cinderella, the stepsisters sacrifice body parts in an attempt secure their status in society pointedly revealing the fine line between feminist power and Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD) plaguing the minds of females today. Tale: Cinderella trope, various tales from chapter Tale Expert: Feminist and Psychological criticism from Zipes, Warner, Tatar, Bettelheim, and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis BDD from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources Additional instructions : The Essay should have connections with "Hansel and Gretel" and the topic of the essay should be about child trafficking and how child trafficking connects with the story of Hansel and Grete. There should be connections like how child trafficking effects sibling bonding, and how in the tale Hansel and Gretel used their sibling bond to overcome dangers.. Use the book “The golden age of folk and fairy tale by jack zipes” information about annotated bibliography:

The ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY MUST INCLUDE: A citation to the article, chapter, or other work in black ink Qualifications of the author or authors Explain the methods the authors used to conduct findings/write the article A summary of the argument and/or findings Evaluation of the work, for example the logic of the arguments or value of the evidence. This is YOUR evaluation!!! How this work supports your own research Here is a sample of one source, color-coded with the above required elements: (See if you can guess which fairy tale trope this is written for:) Battle, Ken. “Child Poverty: The Evolution and Impact of Child Benefits.” A Question of Commitment: Children's Rights in Canada. Eds. Katherine Covell and R. Brian Howe. 2007. pp. 21-44. Academic Search Premier, ebscohost.com/login.aspx?=aph&AN=113075451&site=ehost-live. Accessed 8 Nov. 2015. Ken Battle draws on a close study of government documents, as well as his own research as an extensively-published policy analyst, to explain Canadian child benefit programs. He outlines some fundamental assumptions supporting the belief that all society members should contribute to the upbringing of children. His comparison of child poverty rates in a number of countries is a useful wake-up to anyone assuming Canadian society is doing a good job of protecting children. Battle pays particular attention to the National Child Benefit (NCB), arguing that it did not deserve to be criticized by politicians and journalists. He outlines the NCB’s development, costs, and benefits, and laments that the Conservative government scaled it back in favor of the inferior Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB). However, he relies too heavily on his own work; he is the sole or primary author of almost half the sources in his bibliography. He could make this work stronger by drawing from others' perspectives and analyses. However, Battle does offer a valuable source for this essay, because the chapter provides a concise overview of government-funded assistance currently available to parents. This offers context for analyzing the scope and financial reality of child poverty in Canada. Note that this would be one of 7-9 sources you will list in your annotated bibliography. Note format of HANGING indentation and specific language used to denote required elements. 3 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be scholarly, peer reviewed sources for your modern day aspect. 3 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be fairy tales from our textbook (Cited and alphabetized only, no annotation required). 1 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be an expert fairy tale literary critic. You should also color code your annotated bibliography in order to demonstrate your understanding of the format and expectations. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in automatic failure for the assignment. The source description should be color-coded for example: 1) Qualifications of the author in green, 2)Explain the methods the authors used to conduct findings/write the article in a different color, 3)A summary of the argument and/or findings in a different color, 4)Evaluation of the work, for example the logic of the arguments or value of the evidence. This is YOUR evaluation!!! in a different color and 5)How this work supports your own research in a different color I have added file which has the annotated bibliography. Just kindly make the above changes to the annotated bibliography page by color coding the source along with adding more information. I am also uploading a essay sample that was done.

Very important details: 1) How child trafficking affects sibling bonding. 2) How child trafficking affects the physical and psychological conditions of a young children.

What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?

Influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers.

1. Select from one of the following topics provided on your potential topic list, or you may propose a topic of your own.
2. Create a thesis statement that is persuasive, arguable, and well-defined.
3. Create two to four research questions that will allow you to prove the thesis statement provided.
4. Perform a Literature Review in which you explore the various current and past perspectives on the topic selected related to your thesis.
5. Complete an Annotated Bibliography in which you locate six sources, evaluate the quality of each source, and then reflect on how each source will inform your completion of the final research paper.
6. Construct a four to six page research paper where you use textual evidence to support your persuasive thesis statement driven by the research questions you created.