Find sources that support your position as well as alternative perspectives, Evaluate those sources, determine their credibility, create a balanced list of references,

Annotated Bibliography

Find, describe, and evaluate five college-level, credible sources.
These sources will support the Problem/ Solution paper.
Arrange sources in APA format with each refernce entry followed by a descriptive and evaluative paragraph.
Find sources that support your position as well as alternative perspectives,

Evaluate those sources, determine their credibility, create a balanced list of references,

And provide a solid base upon which to write the research paper.

Required Sources: Five (minimum you may use more)

Four sources must be found through Germanna’s databases; list those specific database names.
Two of the four must be peer-reviewed articles
Two of the four must be dated as recent as 2020 – 2021
One personal interview with an expert (no relatives, friends, or anonymous interviews)

Format this assignment as APA References pages with one paragraph following each source.
The entire paper is double-spaced, reference entries use hanging indents, and entries are alphabetized by
authors’ last names.
Include a cover page, but no abstract is needed.

What exactly belongs in each paragraph?

Each paragraph completes ALL of the following tasks:

Summarizes the article in 1 – 2 sentences only do not use any part of the abstract.

 –Identifies the type of source (news, peer-reviewed, opinion magazine, trade pubication, etc.)

Comments on the credentials and affiliations of the author(s) — does this build or detract from credibility?

Comments on the date of the research — does this build or detract from credibility?

Explains how this source develops the topic of your choice

Considering all of the above, determine the degree of credibility of source (high, moderate, not-so-

Which is one is more effective, traditional classes or online classes? Why? Which is more effective, a technical college or a university? Why? Which is more effective, a public school or a private school? Why?

Persuasive research essay

The goal of a persuasive essay is to sway your readers’ opinions on a debatable issue. The strongest tools you possess as a writer are ethos, pathos, and logos. We will learn how to effectively use these tools to form an argument.

Write a 3-5 page essay that directly responds to one of the prompts below. All essays are expected to follow the conventions of MLA format, including using Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins, and citing any outside sources you might reference. You will need to cite at least one relevant peer reviewed/scholarly source and one credible website to support your argument.See grading information below for additional considerations when writing this essay. This is not a personal narrative, so it should not contain any first person usage (I, me, my.) Formal essays should never contain second person usage (you, your.) All late essays will lose a letter grade for every day they are late. Essays will not be accepted over three days past the due date.

Option 1: Which is one is more effective, traditional classes or online classes? Why?
Option 2: Which is more effective, a technical college or a university? Why?
Option 3: Which is more effective, a public school or a private school? Why?

Do second language users understand more in a lingua franca situation than that of speaking to a native? If so, why? Is standardised English the way forward for second language teaching?


Do second language users understand more in a lingua franca situation than that of speaking to a native? If so, why?

Is standardised English the way forward for second language teaching?

Has the global standard of media English implicated the authenticity of Standard English teaching?

How do songs like Yankee Doodle operate as community building artefacts?

Yankee Doodle

How do songs like Yankee Doodle operate as community building artefacts?

Discuss the notion of vision, dream, sleep, allegories and dark romanticism as manifested in Young Goodman Browne.

Young Goodman Browne

Discuss the notion of vision, dream, sleep, allegories and dark romanticism as manifested in Young Goodman Browne.

Explain how the notion of Self and individual as posited by American poets and authors has led to post truth narcissism and self-obsession.

The notion of Self and individual

The notion of Self and individual as posited by American poets and authors has led to post truth narcissism and self-obsession.

The notion of Self and individual as posited by American poets and authors has led to post truth narcissism and self-obsession. Discuss with reference to Post truth phenomena such as social media and digital performances of the individual.

Write the evolution of rap styles of rappers from back then to now.

The evolution of rap styles

Write the evolution of rap styles of rappers from back then to now. Write 9th grade material

Discuss whether you feel James Holmes was mentally ill and experiencing a psychotic episode when he committed the fatal 2012 shooting in the Colorado movie theater, or simply a competent, cold-blooded murderer who was fully aware of his actions. 

The James Holmes Conspiracy Essay Response

Go to and type in the title and the documentary should pop up.


The James Holmes Conspiracy has been named by those who do not believe the story being told by the government and media.

James Eagan Holmes is the suspected perpetrator of a mass shooting that occurred on July 20, 2012, at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. He had no known criminal record prior to the shooting.

Several witness testimonies, news reports, theories and ideas behind the motives of the crime materialized as a result of this tragic event.

In a 2- page essay response, discuss whether you feel James Holmes was mentally ill and experiencing a psychotic episode when he committed the fatal 2012 shooting in the Colorado movie theater, or simply a competent, cold-blooded murderer who was fully aware of his actions.  Take a position on this issue.  Cite scenes and dialogue from the documentary to support your position.


Does its meaning change over time and/or across cultures? How? Explain how the socially constructed category you are treating impacts and shapes how people experience, behave in, and interpret reality.

Age Candee. “Age Divisions Are Socially Constructed.” From a Sociological Perspective.

Your first body paragraph should explain what types of scientific or historical underpinnings have been used to bolster your topic as “real” rather than socially constructed. This is also where you explain how you know this concept is a social construct (Does its meaning change over time and/or across cultures? How?) For race, these scientific and historical underpinnings are things like the idea that race is based on important genetic differences. It’s not, but the idea has been used to add credibility to making distinctions and categorizations (like slavery) based on race. We can also tell that race is a social construct because what people think about race has changed over time and is different from culture to culture. Very similar phenomenon have happened for ideas like “gender” and “nation.” This is where you talk about that. This is also where your extra source will come in handy. Your second body paragraph should explain some of the basic characteristics that make up your topic (for race, this would be things like skin color, nose shape, eye shape, hair color and texture, dialect, etc) and why these things are a result of social construction rather than the previously mentioned scientific or historical underpinnings. In this paragraph, you will basically offer a definition of your topic in terms of social construction. You will also explain who this social construct benefits and who it harms within its society (for race, the social construct tends to benefit White people and those with lighter skin tones. It tends to disadvantage everyone else) and why. You will explain how the socially constructed category you are treating impacts and shapes how people experience, behave in, and interpret reality.

How, in what ways, has what you valued (data collected) survived (stayed the same) in this trope over 100 years? How has what you valued in this trope changed over 100 years? Why do you think this has changed in that way?

Assignment: Data Collection forming hypotheses

What is data collection and how do students demonstrate this with fairy tales?

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.

After you have actively read the whole chapter of your choice including the introduction of the chapter from our TEXTBOOK and ALL tales within that chapter, you must decide on your variables of interest or VALUE. Show me your collection of this data.

1. You can submit graphs, Cornell notes, charts, spread sheets, column notes, etc., what ever format you wish, as long as it is generated on a computer and can be sent easily and opened by me easily.

Identify the Chapter number and title
Identify specific titles and authors’ names as well as page numbers of your data (minimum of 5 tales)
Track your data by noting variables/value (mark the text where you find evidence of this value whether its character description, behavior, dialogue or plot/conflict/action description and development)
Use direct quotations and citation end notes with page numbers like this (Gozenbach 148) (12-15 quotes is average)
Identify how the marked text reflects the VALUE(s) of your focus
Identify the lens(es) you have applied
Note constants and changes among all tales you’ve collected data from (5 minimum) to your valued area throughout 100 years of this trope
How, in what ways, has what you valued (data collected) survived (stayed the same) in this trope over 100 years?
How has what you valued in this trope changed over 100 years?
Why do you think this has changed in that way?
What in modern day do you see reflected, or what do you connect in modern times, presented from YOUR data? When you read your data, what does it make you think of that is relevant, important, interesting, or controversial today with our current knowledge? Align your quoted data (each quote) with HOW you see it as modern day connections. Try out various lenses here!

2. Suggest three possible arguments you make about this chapter based on the value(s), lenses, and evidence you have tracked.

This assignment has to be completed by reading chapter 4 “Hansel and Gretel” fro the book “THe Golden Age of Folk and Fairy Tales from the grimm brothers”